Example #1
def search(database, search_params=None, limit=0, order_by='last_updated desc'):
    Searches for one or more resources in the database using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        order_by: The ordering to use.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Set up our base query
    query = database.session.query(Resource)

    # Store if we have location searching, which we'll use in our sorting
    has_location = False

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        if 'visible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.visible == search_params['visible'])

        # "search" parameter - text search against name/description/categories
        if 'search' in search_params and not search_params['search'].isspace():
            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(or_(Resource.name.like(search_like_str), 

        # Category filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'categories' in search_params and len(search_params['categories']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(Resource.categories.any(

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if 'dist' in search_params and \
            search_params['dist'] > 0 and \
            'lat' in search_params and \
            'long' in search_params:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(search_params['lat'],
                search_params['long'], dist_km)

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(Resource.latitude >= minLat, Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(Resource.longitude >= minLong, Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

            # Indicate we have location searching
            has_location = True

    # Apply ordering. If we have location searching sort by distance.
    # We determine this by summing up the absolute value of the
    # differences between the resource and search latitudes/longitudes.
    # The absolute value prevents differences with opposing signs
    # from cancelling each other out.
    # Otherwise, sort by whatever's provided.
    if has_location:
        query = query.order_by(
            func.abs(Resource.latitude - search_params['lat']) +
            func.abs(Resource.longitude - search_params['long']))
    elif order_by is not None and not order_by.isspace():
        query = query.order_by(order_by)

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query.all()
Example #2
def search(database,
           order_by='last_updated desc'):
    Searches for one or more resources in the database using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        order_by: The ordering to use.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Set up our
    query = database.session.query(Resource)

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        if 'visible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.visible == search_params['visible'])

        # "search" parameter - text search against name/description/categories
        if 'search' in search_params and not search_params['search'].isspace():
            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(

        # Category filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'categories' in search_params and len(
                search_params['categories']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if 'dist' in search_params and \
            search_params['dist'] > 0 and \
            'lat' in search_params and \
            'long' in search_params:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(
                search_params['lat'], search_params['long'], dist_km)

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(Resource.latitude >= minLat,
                                 Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(Resource.longitude >= minLong,
                                 Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

    # Apply ordering
    if order_by is not None and not order_by.isspace():
        query = query.order_by(order_by)

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query.all()
Example #3
def search(database, search_params=None, limit=0, order_by='last_updated desc'):
    Searches for one or more resources in the database using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        order_by: The ordering to use.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Set up our base query
    query = database.session.query(Resource)

    # Store if we have location searching, which we'll use in our sorting
    has_location = False

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        if 'visible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.visible == search_params['visible'])

        # "search" parameter - text search against name/description/categories
        if 'search' in search_params and not search_params['search'].isspace():
            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(or_(Resource.name.like(search_like_str), 

        # Category filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'categories' in search_params and len(search_params['categories']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(Resource.categories.any(

        # Population filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'populations' in search_params and len(search_params['populations']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(Resource.populations.any(

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if 'dist' in search_params and \
            search_params['dist'] > 0 and \
            'lat' in search_params and \
            'long' in search_params:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(search_params['lat'],
                search_params['long'], dist_km)

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(Resource.latitude >= minLat, Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(Resource.longitude >= minLong, Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

            # Indicate we have location searching
            has_location = True

    # Apply ordering. If we have location searching sort by distance.
    # We determine this by summing up the absolute value of the
    # differences between the resource and search latitudes/longitudes.
    # The absolute value prevents differences with opposing signs
    # from cancelling each other out.
    # Otherwise, sort by whatever's provided.
    if has_location:
        query = query.order_by(
            func.abs(Resource.latitude - search_params['lat']) +
            func.abs(Resource.longitude - search_params['long']))
    elif order_by is not None and not order_by.isspace():
        query = query.order_by(order_by)

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query.all()
Example #4
def search(search_params=None, limit=0, page_size=0, page_number=0):
    Searches for one or more resources in the database
    using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        page_size: The size of each page when using paged queries.
        page_number: The 1-indexed page number when using paged queries.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.
        If the page_size is specified, will wrap the results in a
        Pagination object.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Determine we have location searching, which we'll use in our sorting/
    # filtering as appropriate
    has_location = False

    if 'dist' in search_params \
            and search_params['dist'] > 0 \
            and 'lat' in search_params \
            and'long' in search_params:
        has_location = True

    # Set up our base query
    query = Resource.query. \

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        # "visible" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'visible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.visible == search_params['visible'])

        # "is_approved" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'is_approved' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.is_approved == search_params['is_approved'])

        # "icath" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'icath' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.is_icath == search_params['icath'])

        # "wpath" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'wpath' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.is_wpath == search_params['wpath'])

        # "wheelchair_accessible" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'wheelchair_accessible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.is_accessible ==

        # "sliding_scale" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'sliding_scale' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.has_sliding_scale == search_params['sliding_scale'])

        # "search" parameter - text search against
        # name/description/keywords fields
        if 'search' in search_params and \
                not search_params['search'].isspace():

            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(

        # Category filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'categories' in search_params and \
                len(search_params['categories']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(

        # Population filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'populations' in search_params and \
                len(search_params['populations']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if has_location:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(
                search_params['lat'], search_params['long'], dist_km)

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(Resource.latitude >= minLat,
                                 Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(Resource.longitude >= minLong,
                                 Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

    # Apply ordering. Distance is handled near the end so that
    # we can assume that it's either not specified or explicitly
    # specified as distance at that point.
    order_by = search_params.get('order_by')

    if order_by == 'name':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.name)
    elif order_by == 'modified':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.last_updated.desc())
    elif order_by == 'created':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.date_created.desc())
    elif order_by == 'rating':
        query = query.order_by(ResourceReviewScore.rating_avg.desc(),
    elif has_location:
        # We determine this by summing up the absolute value of the
        # differences between the resource and search latitudes/longitudes.
        # The absolute value prevents differences with opposing signs
        # from cancelling each other out.
        query = query.order_by(
            func.abs(Resource.latitude - search_params['lat']) +
            func.abs(Resource.longitude - search_params['long']))
        # Fall back to last-modified descending
        query = query.order_by(Resource.last_updated.desc())

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    if page_size > 0:
        return query.paginate(page_number, per_page=page_size)
        return query.all()
def search(database, search_params=None, limit=0, order_by='last_updated desc'):
    Searches for one or more resources in the database using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        order_by: The ordering to use.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Set up our
    query = database.session.query(Resource)

    # TODO: Add in category/tag stuff once that's all properly sorted

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        if 'visible' in search_params:
            # TODO: update once spelling is fixed
            query = query.filter(Resource.visable == search_params['visible'])

        # "search" parameter - text search against name/description
        if 'search' in search_params and not search_params['search'].isspace():
            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(or_(Resource.name.like(search_like_str), Resource.description.like(search_like_str)))

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if 'dist' in search_params and \
            search_params['dist'] > 0 and \
            'lat' in search_params and \
            'long' in search_params:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(search_params['lat'],
                search_params['long'], dist_km)

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(Resource.latitude >= minLat, Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(Resource.longitude >= minLong, Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

    # Apply ordering
    if order_by is not None and not order_by.isspace():
        query = query.order_by(order_by)

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query.all()
def search(
    Searches for one or more resources in the database
    using the specified parameters.

        database: The current database context.
        search_params: The dictionary of searching parameters to use.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return.
        page_size: The size of each page when using paged queries.
        page_number: The 1-indexed page number when using paged queries.

        A list of all resources matching the specified filtering criteria.
        If the page_size is specified, will wrap the results in a
        Pagination object.

    # Make sure we have at least some searching parameters, or failing that,
    # at least some sort of limit
    if (search_params is None or len(search_params) == 0) and limit <= 0:
        return None

    # Determine we have location searching, which we'll use in our sorting/
    # filtering as appropriate
    has_location = False

    if 'dist' in search_params \
            and search_params['dist'] > 0 \
            and 'lat' in search_params \
            and'long' in search_params:
        has_location = True

    # Set up our base query
    query = Resource.query. \

    # Make sure we have some searching parameters!
    if search_params is not None and len(search_params) > 0:

        # "id" parameter - search against specific resource ID
        if 'id' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.id == search_params['id'])

        # "visible" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'visible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.visible == search_params['visible'])

        # "is_approved" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'is_approved' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.is_approved == search_params['is_approved'])

        # "icath" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'icath' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.is_icath == search_params['icath'])

        # "wpath" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'wpath' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.is_wpath == search_params['wpath'])

        # "wheelchair_accessible" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'wheelchair_accessible' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.is_accessible ==

        # "sliding_scale" parameter - treat as a flag
        if 'sliding_scale' in search_params:
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.has_sliding_scale ==

        # "search" parameter - text search against
        # name/description/keywords fields
        if 'search' in search_params and \
                not search_params['search'].isspace():

            search_like_str = '%' + search_params['search'] + '%'
            query = query.filter(or_(

        # Category filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'categories' in search_params and \
                len(search_params['categories']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(Resource.categories.any(

        # Population filtering - ensure at least one has been provided
        if 'populations' in search_params and \
                len(search_params['populations']) > 0:
            query = query.filter(Resource.populations.any(

        # Location parameters ("lat", "long", "dist") - proximity filtering
        if has_location:

            # Convert our overall distance value to kilometers
            dist_km = geoutils.miles2km(search_params['dist'])

            # Calculate our bounding box
            minLat, minLong, maxLat, maxLong = geoutils.boundingBox(

            # Now apply filtering against that bounding box
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.latitude >= minLat, Resource.latitude <= maxLat)
            query = query.filter(
                Resource.longitude >= minLong, Resource.longitude <= maxLong)

    # Apply ordering. Distance is handled near the end so that
    # we can assume that it's either not specified or explicitly
    # specified as distance at that point.
    order_by = search_params.get('order_by')

    if order_by == 'name':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.name)
    elif order_by == 'modified':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.last_updated.desc())
    elif order_by == 'created':
        query = query.order_by(Resource.date_created.desc())
    elif order_by == 'rating':
        query = query.order_by(
    elif has_location:
        # We determine this by summing up the absolute value of the
        # differences between the resource and search latitudes/longitudes.
        # The absolute value prevents differences with opposing signs
        # from cancelling each other out.
        query = query.order_by(
            func.abs(Resource.latitude - search_params['lat']) +
            func.abs(Resource.longitude - search_params['long']))
        # Fall back to last-modified descending
        query = query.order_by(Resource.last_updated.desc())

    # Apply limiting
    if limit > 0:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    if page_size > 0:
        return query.paginate(page_number, per_page=page_size)
        return query.all()