Example #1
def save_graph(place, filename):
    print("Creating rook graph")
    rook = Graph.from_file(filename,
                           columns=[col.key for col in place.columns])

    print("Creating queen graph")
    queen = Graph.from_file(filename,
                            columns=[col.key for col in place.columns])
def load_graph_from_shp(file_path, write_path, id_key, adjacency):
    global graph
    print("Loading graph...")
    start = time.perf_counter()
    graph = Graph.from_file(file_path, adjacency=adjacency)
    end = time.perf_counter()
    print("Took " + str((end - start)) + " seconds to create the graph.")
    print("This state has " + str(len(graph.nodes)) + " blocks")

    # write matrix
    adj_mat = np.zeros((len(graph.nodes), len(graph.nodes)))
    if id_key not in graph.nodes[0].keys():
        print(id_key, "not found in node attributes.")
        print("Attributes: ", graph.nodes[0].keys())
    ids = [graph.nodes[i][id_key] for i in range(len(graph.nodes))]
    for e in graph.edges:
        adj_mat[e[0], e[1]] = 1
        adj_mat[e[1], e[0]] = 1
    print("Writing adjacency matrix and IDs to file...")
    with open(write_path, 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump({"order": ids, "adj": adj_mat.tolist()}, outfile)
    print("Done! JSON written to " + write_path)
Example #3
            total += 1

    return total

## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 
## creating an initial partition
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 
print("Reading in Data/Graph")

dat_path = "/Users/hopecj/projects/gerryspam/MO/dat/final_prec/prec_labeled.shp"
dat = gpd.read_file(dat_path)

graph = Graph.from_file(dat_path)

mo_updaters = {"population" : Tally(POP_COL, alias="population"),
               "cut_edges": cut_edges,
               "county_splits": county_splits("county_splits", "COUNTYFP"),
               "num_vra_districts": num_vra_districts,
               "polsby_popper": polsby_popper}

elections = [Election("USSEN16", {"Dem": "G16USSDKAN", "Rep": "G16USSRBLU"}),
             Election("PRES16", {"Dem": "G16PREDCLI", "Rep": "G16PRERTRU"})]
election_updaters = {election.name: election for election in elections}


## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## 
## Initial partition
def generate_graph(path):
    return Graph.from_file(path)
Example #5
import pickle
from gerrychain import Graph

# graph = Graph.from_file("data/GA_blockgroups_2018/GA_blockgroups_all_pops.shp")
# with open("graphs/GA_blockgroup_graph.p", "wb") as fout:
# 	pickle.dump(graph, fout)

graph = Graph.from_file("data/GA_precincts_all_pops/GA_precincts_2016.shp")
with open("graphs/GA_precincts_2016_graph.p", "wb") as fout:
    pickle.dump(graph, fout)

# graph = Graph.from_file("data/GA_precincts_all_pops/GA_precincts_2018.shp")
# with open("graphs/GA_precincts_2018_graph.p", "wb") as fout:
#     pickle.dump(graph, fout)
Example #6
    "population": updaters.Tally("POPULATION", alias="population"),
    "cut_edges": cut_edges,

election_updaters = {election.name: election for election in elections}


# Construct Dual Graphs

# Tightest Alaska
print("Building Tight Graph")

G_tight = Graph.from_file("./AK_precincts_ns/AK_precincts_ns/AK_precincts_ns.shp")
G_tight.join(df, columns=["nAMIN"])

idict = {}

for index, row in df.iterrows():

    idict[int(row["ID"])] = index

# Connect Islands
to_add = [
    (426, 444),
    (437, 438),
    (437, 442),
    (411, 420),
    (411, 414),
BK = gpd.read_file(shp_path + 'VA_precincts.shp')
BK['pct'] = BK['G16RPRS'].astype(float).div(
    np.sum(BK[['G16DPRS', 'G16RPRS']].astype(float), axis=1))
BK.plot(column='pct', cmap='seismic', alpha=0.8)
plt.savefig("VA_PR16_gen_election.png", bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600)

shp_path1 = 'directory for precincts of Virginia/VA_precincts/'
va_precincts = gpd.read_file(shp_path1 + 'VA_precincts.shp')
#va_precincts['G16DPRS'] = va_precincts['G16DPRS'].astype(float)
#va_precincts['G16RPRS'] = va_precincts['G16RPRS'].astype(float)
#centroids = va_precincts.centroid
#va_precincts["C_X"] = centroids.x
#va_precincts["C_Y"] = centroids.y
#pos = {index:(row['C_X'],row['C_Y']) for index,row in va_precincts.iterrows()}
graph = Graph.from_file(shp_path1 + 'VA_precincts.shp')
#change strings to floats
graph.to_json(shp_path1 + 'VA_precincts.json')
for node in graph.nodes():
    graph.nodes[node]['G16DPRS'] = float(graph.nodes[node]['G16DPRS'])
    graph.nodes[node]['G16RPRS'] = float(graph.nodes[node]['G16RPRS'])
    graph.nodes[node]['G18DSEN'] = float(graph.nodes[node]['G18DSEN'])
    graph.nodes[node]['G18RSEN'] = float(graph.nodes[node]['G18RSEN'])

#Create dataframe of the data on each node.
g_df = pd.DataFrame([graph.nodes[node] for node in graph.nodes()])
cd_verts = []
#Set list of colors.
colors = [
    'tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple',
    'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan', 'darkblue',
Example #8
    locality_splits_dict, num_parts, coincident_boundaries, vtds_per_district,
    shannon_entropy, power_entropy, invert_dict, num_split_localities,
    pieces_allowed, pennsylvania_fouls, vtds_to_localities,
    dictionary_to_score, symmetric_entropy, num_pieces)

outdir = "./pa_score_outputs/"
    # Create target Directory
    print("Directory ", outdir, " created ")
except FileExistsError:
    print("Directory ", outdir, " already exists")

#load the dual graph
graph = Graph.from_file("./notebooks/PA_VTD/PA_VTD.shp")
gdf = gpd.read_file("./notebooks/PA_VTD/PA_VTD.shp")

#elections and updaters
pop_col = "TOT_POP"
election_names = [
election_columns = [
    ["PRES12D", "PRES12R"],
    ["T16PRESD", "T16PRESR"],
    ["W101216D", "W101216R"],
updaters1 = {
Example #9
    num_plans (int): number of desired diverse plans to be returned
    # Gets distribution of plans from chain, and sort in descending order according
    # to the determined election statistic
    distribution = getDistribution(chain, electionName, electionStatistic,
                                   party, constraintFunction)
    distribution.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0])
    # The gerrymandered plans for the given party from the distribution
    gerryPlans = [
        planPair[1] for planPair in distribution[:int(len(distribution) * 100)]
    return diversePlans(gerryPlans, num_plans)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    graph = Graph.from_file("./Data/Wisconsin/WI_ltsb_corrected_final.shp")

    islands = graph.islands
    components = list(connected_components(graph))
    df = gpd.read_file("./Data/Wisconsin/WI_ltsb_corrected_final.shp")
    df.to_crs({"init": "epsg:26986"}, inplace=True)

    biggest_component_size = max(len(c) for c in components)
    problem_components = [
        c for c in components if len(c) != biggest_component_size
    problem_nodes = [
        node for component in problem_components for node in component
    problem_geoids = [graph.nodes[node]["GEOID10"] for node in problem_nodes]
state_abbr = "MS"
housen = "HOU"
state_fip = "28"
num_districts = 4

newdir = "./Outputs/"+state_abbr+housen+"_BG/"
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(newdir + "init.txt"), exist_ok=True)
with open(newdir + "init.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("Created Folder")

tract_graph = Graph.from_file("./BG"+state_fip+".shp",reproject=False)
print("built graph")

graph_path = "./"+state_abbr+"_BG.json"
plot_path = "./BG"+state_fip+".shp"

df = gpd.read_file(plot_path)

unique_label = "GEOID10"
pop_col = "TOTPOP"

Example #11
jsonFileSuffix = "PA_VTD.json"

#### Import Data

#### The Graph.from_file() classmethod creates a Graph of the precincts in our
#### shapefile. By default, this method copies all of the data columns from the
#### shapefile’s attribute table to the graph object as node attributes.
#### The contents of this particular shapefile’s attribute table are summarized
#### in the mggg-states/PA-shapefiles GitHub repo.

#### Depending on the size of the state, the process of generating an adjacency
#### graph can take a bit of time. To avoid having to repeat this process in
#### the future, we call graph.to_json() to save the graph in the NetworkX
#### json_graph format under the name "PA_VTD.json.

graph = Graph.from_file(pennDataPathPrefix + shpFileSuffix)

graph.to_json(pennDataPathPrefix + jsonFileSuffix)

## Simple Example

#### In order to run a Markov chain, we need an adjacency Graph of our VTD
#### geometries and Partition of our adjacency graph into districts.
#### This Partition will be the initial state of our Markov chain.

#### We configure an Election object representing the 2012 Senate
#### election, using the USS12D and USS12R vote total columns from our
#### shapefile. The first argument is a name for the election ("SEN12"), and
#### the second argument is a dictionary matching political parties to their
#### vote total columns in our shapefile. This will let us compute hypothetical
#### election results for each districting plan in the ensemble.
from gerrychain import Graph, Partition, Election
from gerrychain.updaters import Tally, cut_edges
import networkx as nx
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

##2016 Census Tract- TigerLine File for Georgia, follow link to download
geo = gpd.read_file("https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/TIGER2010/BG/2010/tl_2010_13_bg10/tl_2010_13_bg10.shp")

graph = Graph.from_file("""YOUR FILE PATH""/tl_2010_13_bg10/tl_2010_13_bg10.shp") #if graph is successfully generated, we should be able to run chain

nx.is_connected(graph) # if returns true, graph is connected
import geopandas as gpd
import pickle
from gerrychain import Graph, Partition

graph = Graph.from_file("data/OR_blocks/OR_blocks.shp")

with open("data/OR_blocks/OR_block_graph.p", "wb") as f_out:
    pickle.dump(graph, f_out)
for x in sys.argv:
    file.write("{} \n".format(x))

#State and district level parameters -- change these for a new state
num_districts = int(sys.argv[4])
election_names = [sys.argv[5]]
election_columns = [
    [sys.argv[6], sys.argv[7]],
pop_tol = 0.02
pop_col = sys.argv[8]
pre_file_shape = sys.argv[9]

if pre_file_shape.endswith(".shp"):
    graph = Graph.from_file(pre_file_shape)
    graph = Graph.from_json(pre_file_shape)

#Set up and start the chain
print("Shapefile loaded, graph created and islands fixed...")
print("Connected components: {}, graph size: {}".format(nx.number_connected_components(graph), len(graph)))
print("Sample node from graph:\n", graph.nodes[np.random.choice(graph.nodes)])
total_population = sum([graph.nodes[n][pop_col] for n in graph.nodes()])
print("Shapefiles loaded and ready to run ReCom...")
for x in graph.nodes: #fix NaN
    for index, e in enumerate(election_names):
        for k in election_columns[index]:
            if isinstance(graph.nodes[x][k], str):
                graph.nodes[x][k] = float(graph.nodes[x][k].replace(',',''))
    count_splits = 0
    for name, data in dictionary.items():
        if data[0].value != 0:
            count_splits = count_splits + 1
    return count_splits

def subset_list(percentage_list, lower_threshold, upper_threshold):
    percentage_intermediate = percentage_list[
        percentage_list >= lower_threshold]
    return len(
        percentage_intermediate[percentage_intermediate < upper_threshold])

# ---- Load in graph ------\
graph = Graph.from_file(path_to_shapefile)
#graph = Graph.from_json(path_to_shapefile)
#graph = gpd.read_file(path_to_shapefile)

# ---- Updaters & Elections -----

updaters = {
    "population": updaters.Tally(pop_col, alias="population"),
    "cut_edges": cut_edges,
    "BVAP": updaters.Tally(BVAP_col, alias="BVAP"),
    "HVAP": updaters.Tally(HVAP_col, alias="HVAP"),
    "AVAP": updaters.Tally(AVAP_col, alias="AVAP"),
    "NVAP": updaters.Tally(Native_col, alias="NVAP"),
    "PVAP": updaters.Tally(Pacific_col, alias="PVAP"),
    "VAP": updaters.Tally(VAP_col, alias="VAP"),
    "county_splits": county_splits("county_splits", county_assignment_col)
INTERVAL = int(sys.argv[2]) #sampling interval
outputfolder = sys.argv[3] #outputfolder
num_districts = int(sys.argv[4])
city = sys.argv[5]
os.makedirs(outputfolder, exist_ok=True)
print("Arguments: ", sys.argv[1:])

State and district level parameters
pop_tol = 0.02
pop_col = "TOTPOP"

if city == "Chicago":
    print("Loading Chicago...")
    graph = Graph.from_file("Chicago_Precincts/Chicago_Precincts.shp")
elif city == "Phillyblocks":
    print("Loading Philly blocks...")
    graph = Graph.from_file("Philly_blocks/Philly_blocks_with_dems.shp")
    print("Loading Philly..")
    graph = Graph.from_file("Philly_Divisions/Philly_divisions_with_demos.shp")

total_population = sum([graph.nodes[n][pop_col] for n in graph.nodes()])

print("Shapefiles loaded and ready to run ReCom...")

Run the chain
for k in [num_districts]:
Example #17

plt.hist(test_05["eg"], bins=50)

# load actual gerrychain results
sen_05 = np.load(
sen_01 = np.load(
sen_05.keys()  # shows "columns" available
print(sen_05["mean_median_ussen16"])  # results from chain

# open enacted map
graph = Graph.from_file(
elections = [
    Election("USSEN16", {
        "Dem": "G16USSDKAN",
        "Rep": "G16USSRBLU"
    Election("PRES16", {
        "Dem": "G16PREDCLI",
        "Rep": "G16PRERTRU"

mo_updaters = {
    "population": Tally("POP10", alias="population"),
    "cut_edges": cut_edges
Example #18

#make new directory
outdir = "./nc_score_outputs/"
    print("Directory " , outdir ,  " created ") 
except FileExistsError:
    print("Directory " , outdir ,  " already exists")

#load the dual graph
graph = Graph.from_file("./notebooks/NC_VTD/NC_VTD.shp", ignore_errors=True)
gdf = gpd.read_file("./notebooks/NC_VTD/NC_VTD.shp")

pop_col = "TOTPOP"
ccol = "County"

updaters1 = {
    "population": updaters.Tally("TOTPOP", alias="population"),
    "cut_edges": cut_edges,

#real partitions
judge_plan = Partition(graph, "judge", updaters1)
old_plan = Partition(graph, "oldplan", updaters1)
new_plan = Partition(graph, "newplan", updaters1)