def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='check if CROWN verifies given alpha', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('crown_path') parser.add_argument('model', help='.npy model generated by') parser.add_argument('inputs', help='input files generated by', nargs='+') args = parser.parse_args() sys.path.append(args.crown_path) from get_bounds_ours import compute_worst_bound, get_weights_list import save_nlayer_weights as nl model = nl.NLayerModel(None, args.model, activation='relu') for inp_name in args.inputs: with open(inp_name, 'rb') as fin: rec = pickle.load(fin) orig_inp = rec['input'] orig_inp = np.transpose(orig_inp, (1, 2, 0)) pred = np.squeeze(model.model.predict(orig_inp[None]), 0) assert np.argmax(pred) == rec['label'] weights, biases = get_weights_list(model) def get_bound(inp): gap_gx, g_x0, max_grad_norm = compute_worst_bound(weights, biases, rec['label'], rec['label'], inp, pred, None, eps=rec['eps'], untargeted=True) return gap_gx b0 = get_bound(orig_inp) b1 = get_bound(orig_inp * rec['alpha']) print('file={} label={} gap0={} gap1={}'.format( inp_name, rec['label'], b0, b1))
raise (RuntimeError("unknown model: " + args.model)) print("Evaluating", modelfile) sys.stdout.flush() random.seed(1215) np.random.seed(1215) tf.set_random_seed(1215) # the weights and bias are saved in lists: weights and bias # weights[i-1] gives the ith layer of weight and so on if args.cnnmodel: weights = model.weights biases = model.biases else: weights, biases = get_weights_list(model) inputs, targets, true_labels, true_ids, img_info = generate_data( data, samples=args.numimage, targeted=targeted, random_and_least_likely=True, target_type=target_type, predictor=model.model.predict, start=args.startimage) # get the logit layer predictions preds = model.model.predict(inputs) Nsamp = 0 r_sum = 0.0 r_gx_sum = 0.0
def Lin_Lip_verify_modded(network, network_name, images, labels, norm="2", warmup="True", method="ours", targettype="untargeted", lipsbnd='disable', LP=False, LPFULL=False, eps=0.2, lipsteps=30, steps=15): """ :param network: "PLNN network object" :param images: "images to verify in format [N, 1, n1, n2] (for MNIST n1=n2=28)" :param labels: "labels of images. list of ints" :param norm: {"i", "1", "2"} :param warmup: {True, False} warm up before the first iteration :param method: {"ours", "spectral", "naive"} "ours": our proposed bound, "spectral": spectral norm bounds, "naive": naive bound' :param targettype: {"untargeted", "top2"} "tops2: 2nd highest prediction label" :param lipsbnd: {"disable", "fast", "naive", "both"} compute Lipschitz bound, after using some method to compute neuron lower/upper bounds :param LP: {True, False} use LP to get bounds for final output :param LPFULL: {True, False} use FULL LP to get bounds for output :param eps: "initial guess for epsilon for verification" :param lipsteps: "number of steps to use in lipschitz bound' :param steps: "how many steps to binary search" :return: """ #TODO: eps? tf.reset_default_graph() gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.33, allow_growth=True) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options)) with tf.Session() as sess: sys.stdout.flush() random.seed(1215) np.random.seed(1215) tf.set_random_seed(1215) ################################################################################## # # # Network Model + Results Loading # # # ################################################################################## # ===================== # Convert Network # ===================== layer_sizes = network.layer_sizes num_classes = layer_sizes[-1] params = layer_sizes[1:-1] restore = [None] for fc in network.fcs: weight = as_numpy(fc.weight).T bias = as_numpy(fc.bias) restore.append([weight, bias]) restore.append(None) model = NLayerModel_comparison(params, num_classes=num_classes, restore=restore) # FL_network = NLayerModel_comparison(params, session=sess) numlayer = len(params) + 1 # restore = 'models/mnist_2layer_relu_20_best' # params = [nhidden] * (numlayer - 1) # model = NLayerModel(params, restore=modelfile) # ======================================= # Convert Image Shapes + Create targets # ======================================= images_lin_lip = as_numpy(images.reshape(-1, 28, 28, 1)) true_labels = [] top2_targets = [] preds = [] for image, label in zip(images, labels): label_array = np.zeros([num_classes]) label_array[label] = 1 true_labels.append(label_array) pred = model.predict(tf.constant( as_numpy(image))) array = pred.eval()[0] preds.append(array) target_index = np.argsort(pred.eval()[0])[-2] top2_target = np.zeros([num_classes]) top2_target[target_index] = 1 top2_targets.append(top2_target) true_labels = np.asarray(true_labels) true_ids = [num for num in range(0, np.shape(images)[0] + 1)] inputs = images_lin_lip if targettype == "untargeted": targets = true_labels targeted = False elif targettype == "top2": targets = np.asarray(top2_targets) targeted = True else: raise NotImplementedError # ===================================== sys.stdout.flush() random.seed(1215) np.random.seed(1215) tf.set_random_seed(1215) # the weights and bias are saved in lists: weights and bias # weights[i-1] gives the ith layer of weight and so on weights, biases = get_weights_list(model) preds = model.model.predict(inputs) Nsamp = 0 r_sum = 0.0 r_gx_sum = 0.0 # warmup if warmup: print("warming up...") sys.stdout.flush() if method == "spectral": robustness_gx = spectral_bound(weights, biases, 0, 1, inputs[0], preds[0], numlayer, norm, not targeted) else: compute_worst_bound(weights, biases, 0, 1, inputs[0], preds[0], numlayer, norm, 0.01, method, lipsbnd, LP, LPFULL, not targeted) print("starting robustness verification on {} images!".format(len(inputs))) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() total_time_start = time.time() min_dists = [] times = [] for i in range(len(inputs)): Nsamp += 1 p = norm # p = "1", "2", or "i" predict_label = np.argmax(true_labels[i]) target_label = np.argmax(targets[i]) start = time.time() # Spectral bound: no binary search needed if method == "spectral": robustness_gx = spectral_bound(weights, biases, predict_label, target_label, inputs[i], preds[i], numlayer, p, not targeted) # compute worst case bound # no need to pass in sess, model and data # just need to pass in the weights, true label, norm, x0, prediction of x0, number of layer and eps elif lipsbnd != "disable": # You can always use the "multi" version of Lipschitz bound to improve results (about 30%). robustness_gx = compute_worst_bound_multi(weights, biases, predict_label, target_label, inputs[i], preds[i], numlayer, p, eps, lipsteps, method, lipsbnd, not targeted) eps = eps # if initial eps is too small, then increase it if robustness_gx == eps: while robustness_gx == eps: eps = eps * 2 print("==============================") print("increase eps to {}".format(eps)) print("==============================") robustness_gx = compute_worst_bound_multi(weights, biases, predict_label, target_label, inputs[i], preds[i], numlayer, p, eps, lipsteps, method, lipsbnd, not targeted) # if initial eps is too large, then decrease it elif robustness_gx <= eps / 5: while robustness_gx <= eps / 5: eps = eps / 5 print("==============================") print("increase eps to {}".format(eps)) print("==============================") robustness_gx = compute_worst_bound_multi(weights, biases, predict_label, target_label, inputs[i], preds[i], numlayer, p, eps, lipsteps, method, lipsbnd, not targeted) else: gap_gx = 100 eps = eps eps_LB = -1 eps_UB = 1 counter = 0 is_pos = True is_neg = True # perform binary search eps_gx_UB = np.inf eps_gx_LB = 0.0 is_pos = True is_neg = True # eps = eps_gx_LB*2 eps = eps while eps_gx_UB - eps_gx_LB > 0.00001: gap_gx, _, _ = compute_worst_bound(weights, biases, predict_label, target_label, inputs[i], preds[i], numlayer, p, eps, method, "disable", LP, LPFULL, not targeted) print("[L2][binary search] step = {}, eps = {:.5f}, gap_gx = {:.2f}".format(counter, eps, gap_gx)) if gap_gx > 0: if gap_gx < 0.01: eps_gx_LB = eps break if is_pos: # so far always > 0, haven't found eps_UB eps_gx_LB = eps eps *= 10 else: eps_gx_LB = eps eps = (eps_gx_LB + eps_gx_UB) / 2 is_neg = False else: if is_neg: # so far always < 0, haven't found eps_LB eps_gx_UB = eps eps /= 2 else: eps_gx_UB = eps eps = (eps_gx_LB + eps_gx_UB) / 2 is_pos = False counter += 1 if counter >= steps: break robustness_gx = eps_gx_LB r_gx_sum += robustness_gx print( "[L1] seq = {}, id = {}, true_class = {}, target_class = {} robustness_gx = {:.5f}, avg_robustness_gx = {:.5f}," " time = {:.4f}, total_time = {:.4f}".format(i, true_ids[i], predict_label, target_label, robustness_gx, r_gx_sum / Nsamp, time.time() - start, time.time() - total_time_start)) times.append(time.time() - start) min_dists.append(robustness_gx) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() # ===================== # Save Output # ===================== output_dictionary = {'min_dists': min_dists, 'times': times} cwd = os.getcwd() import os.path as path norm_text = get_lp_text(norm) filename = cwd + "/Results/Lip_Lin_out_" + str(network_name[0:-4]) + '_' + norm_text + ".pkl" f = open(filename, 'wb') pickle.dump(output_dictionary, f) f.close() print('Saved Results @:') print(filename) print("[L0] avg robustness_gx = {:.5f}, numimage = {}, total_time = {:.4f}".format(r_gx_sum / Nsamp, Nsamp, time.time() - total_time_start)) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() sess.close() return min_dists, times