def test_build_user_matches_list(self):
     """ using gb3champ, build list of matches for each player"""
     tournament = get_tournament_data('sab-gb3champ')
     player_matches = defaultdict(list)
     player_matches = \
             night.build_user_matches_list(tournament, player_matches)
     # test that the match # of the top 3 lines up to the
     # standings on
     first = player_matches[31900057]
     second = player_matches[31900058]
     third = player_matches[31900059]
     self.assertEquals(len(first), 5)
     self.assertEquals(len(second), 6)
     self.assertEquals(len(third), 7)
     # test that all matches for player have their id
     # in wins or losses, first place has all wins in
     # this particular instance
     for match in first:
         self.assertEquals(match['winner_id'], 31900057)
     for match in second:
         match_checker = match['winner_id'] == 31900058 or \
                 match['loser_id'] == 31900058
     for match in third:
         match_checker = match['winner_id'] == 31900059 or \
         match['loser_id'] == 31900059
 def test_update_registered_users(self):
     """Tests to see that if a user is registered, his fb id
     can be found"""
     client = pymongo.MongoClient()
     user_collection = client['test']['users']
     users = [x for x in user_collection.find()]
     updated = night.update_all_tournament_matches(get_tournament_data
     for user in users:
         night.update_registered_user_matches(updated, user)
     self.assertTrue(client['test']['users'].find({'facebook_id': 1}))
 def test_update_winner_loser(self):
     """Tests to see that winner and loser id are
     updated correctly"""
     updated = night.update_all_tournament_matches(get_tournament_data
     matches = updated['matches']
     for count in xrange(len(matches)):
         winner_success = isinstance(
                 matches[count]['match']['winner_id'], (str, unicode))
         loser_success = isinstance(
                 matches[count]['match']['loser_id'], (str, unicode))
 def test_update_player_trueskill(self):
     """ Pull data from 'sab-gb3champ' bracket, with 25 participants
     for each match of the tournament, pick the winner and loser
     update winner/loser rating with winner/loser trueskill rating
     update the dictionary with the new ratings."""
     tournament = get_tournament_data('sab-gb3champ')
     ratings_map = {}
     ratings_map = night.update_player_trueskill(tournament, ratings_map)
     # Check that the number of players equals len(rating_map)
     self.assertEquals(len(tournament['players']), len(ratings_map))
     # Check first, last values to ensure accuracy for 1 tournament
     highest = ratings_map.get(31900057)
     lowest = ratings_map.get(31900062)
     self.assertEquals(highest, max(ratings_map.values()))
     self.assertEquals(lowest, min(ratings_map.values()))