def status(): answer = {} app_name = request.args.get('app_name') answer['service_name'] = 'coverage-service' answer['version'] = get_env.get_version() print('status() : app_name=' + app_name.__str__() + ', version=' + answer['version']) response = jsonify(answer) return response
def status(): answer = {} app_name = request.args.get('app_name') uuid = request.args.get('uuid') answer['status'] = 'OK' answer['uuid'] = uuid.__str__() answer['service_name'] = 'light-service' answer['version'] = get_env.get_version() print('status() : uuid=' + uuid + ', app_name=' + app_name.__str__() + ', version=' + answer['version']) response = jsonify(answer) return response
def main(): version = get_env.get_version() poll_secs = get_env.get_poll_secs() beepy.beep(sound=2) # run a sound when this daemon starts up time.sleep(2) print('watchdogd started, version=' + version) while True: aercus_connected = check_aercus_serial_connected() if not aercus_connected: # make some noise beepy.beep(sound=1) time.sleep(0.5) beepy.beep(sound=1) time.sleep(0.5) beepy.beep(sound=1) time.sleep(poll_secs) # typically 60 seconds
def process_in_msg(client, display_topic, mqtt_dict): msg = {} global LastForecast site_height_m = 50 alert_str = '*' version = get_env.get_version() vane_height_m = get_env_app.get_vane_height_m() wind_speed_multiplier = wind_calibration.calc_vane_height_to_10m_multiplier( vane_height_m) # The fundamental metrics pressure_absolute = mqtt_dict['pressure'] temp_c = mqtt_dict['temp'] humidity = mqtt_dict['humidity'] cumulus_forecast = mqtt_dict['zambretti_forecast'] wdir = mqtt_dict['wdir'] winddeg = mqtt_dict['winddeg'] wind_knots = float(mqtt_dict['wspeed']) # averaged over 10 mins gust_knots = float(mqtt_dict['wgust']) # averaged over 10 mins rrate = mqtt_dict['rrate'] presstrendval = mqtt_dict['presstrendval'] # beaufort = mqtt_dict['beaufort'] # dew_point_cumulus = mqtt_dict['dew'] wind_knots_corrected = round(wind_speed_multiplier * wind_knots, 1) wind_speed_corrected_kph = metfuncs.knots_to_kph(wind_knots_corrected) beaufort_corrected = 'F' + metfuncs.kph_to_beaufort( wind_speed_corrected_kph).__str__() gust_knots_corrected = round(wind_speed_multiplier * gust_knots, 1) gust_corrected_kph = metfuncs.knots_to_kph(gust_knots_corrected) gust_corrected = 'F' + metfuncs.kph_to_beaufort( gust_corrected_kph).__str__() moon_status, light_percent = moon_phase.get_moon_phase_now() dew_point_c = temp_derived_values.get_dew_point(temp_c, humidity) print('dew_point_c=' + dew_point_c.__str__()) # print('dew_point_cumulus=' + dew_point_cumulus.__str__()) # see if dew_point_c >= 12: is_lightning_possible_str = 'LTNG?' else: is_lightning_possible_str = 'NO_LTNG' wet_bulb_c = temp_derived_values.get_wet_bulb(temp_c, pressure_absolute, dew_point_c) fog_possible = simple_fog.fog_algo_yocto(temp_c, dew_point_c, wet_bulb_c, humidity, permitted_range=0.1) if fog_possible: fog_str = 'FOG?' else: fog_str = 'NO_FOG' cloud_base_ft = cloud_base.calc_cloud_base_ft(temp_c, dew_point_c) print('cloud_base_ft=' + cloud_base_ft.__str__()) sunrise = '07:02' sunset = '21:29' # Testing variables # temp_c = -1 # rrate = 3.3 # beaufort = 'F6' # Burt says to record pressure adjusted to MSL (Mean Sea Level) pressure_msl = round( pressure_absolute + mean_sea_level_pressure.msl_k_factor(site_height_m, temp_c), 1) if presstrendval > 0: presstrend_str = '+' else: presstrend_str = '' if beaufort_corrected == 'F0': wind_str = 'F0' else: wind_str = beaufort_corrected + '>' + gust_corrected.lstrip( 'F') + ' ' + wdir.__str__() # ALERTS if temp_c < 0: alert_str += 'FREEZE+' if int(gust_corrected.replace('F', '')) >= 5: alert_str += 'WIND+' if rrate > 0: alert_str += 'RAIN+' alert_str = alert_str.rstrip('+') alert_str += '*' # if no alerts, then display local time if alert_str == '**': alert_str = 'No Alerts' tendency, pressure_forecast = ptendency.get_tendency(presstrendval) print('pressure_forecast=' + pressure_forecast) print('tendency=' + tendency) # Choose the mode (most common) of the last n values of the pressure_forecast Forecasts.add(pressure_forecast) print('Forecasts=' + Forecasts.get_values().__str__()) most_common_forecast = Forecasts.get_most_common() print('most_common_forecast=' + most_common_forecast) print('LastForecast=' + LastForecast) if most_common_forecast != LastForecast: forecast_changed_str = '*' else: forecast_changed_str = '' # forecast in UPPER CASE implies it is STABLE all_same = Forecasts.all_same_value() if all_same: most_common_forecast_display = most_common_forecast.upper() else: most_common_forecast_display = most_common_forecast.lower() line_pressure = pressure_msl.__str__() + \ ' ' + presstrend_str + presstrendval.__str__() + ' ' + forecast_changed_str + most_common_forecast_display line_moon = light_percent.__str__() + '%' + ' ' + moon_status line_metrics1 = temp_c.__str__() + 'C' +\ ' ' + dew_point_c.__str__() + 'C' +\ ' ' + humidity.__str__() + '%' line_metrics2 = 'Twb=' + wet_bulb_c.__str__() + 'C' line_metrics3 = 'Cbase=' + cloud_base_ft.__str__() + ' ft' line_metrics4 = 'r=' + sunrise + ' ' + 's=' + sunset line_metrics5 = fog_str + \ ' ' + is_lightning_possible_str line_metrics6 = rrate.__str__() + \ ' ' + wind_str line_fcast = cumulus_forecast line_alert = alert_str line_time = time.ctime() # TODO - strip the seconds and leading space display_text = [ line_pressure, line_metrics1, line_metrics2, line_metrics3, line_metrics4, line_metrics5, line_metrics6, line_moon, line_alert, line_fcast, line_time ] log_display_to_file(pressure_msl, presstrend_str, presstrendval, cumulus_forecast, pressure_forecast, temp_c, dew_point_c, humidity, rrate, beaufort_corrected, wdir, winddeg, gust_corrected, is_lightning_possible_str, fog_str, line_pressure, line_metrics1, line_metrics2, line_metrics3, line_metrics4, line_metrics5, line_metrics6, line_moon, alert_str) msg['msg_type'] = 'DISPLAY_DATA' msg['publisher'] = get_env.get_mqtt_name() msg['version'] = version msg['display_text'] = display_text msg['beep'] = 0 jsonString = json.dumps(msg) print(jsonString) client.publish(display_topic, jsonString) LastForecast = most_common_forecast
# microservice import os import time import random from flask import Flask, jsonify, g import definitions import get_env app = Flask(__name__) version = get_env.get_version() # fixme : this does not give info about the actual exception @app.errorhandler(500) def error_handling(error): answer = {} answer['error'] = str(error) print('light_service() : error : ' + error.__str__()) response = jsonify(answer, 500) return response # an endpoint that can be polled with little overhead # @app.route('/status') # def status(): # answer = {} # app_name = request.args.get('app_name') # uuid = request.args.get('uuid')
def main(): england_endpoint = ( ';areaName=england&structure={"date":"date", "areaName":"areaName", "areaCode":"areaCode", "newCasesByPublishDate":"newCasesByPublishDate", "cumCasesByPublishDate":"cumCasesByPublishDate", "newDeathsByDeathDate":"newDeathsByDeathDate", "cumDeathsByDeathDate":"cumDeathsByDeathDate"}' ) version = get_env.get_version() verbose = get_env.get_verbose() stage = get_env.get_stage() poll_secs = get_env_app.get_poll_secs() telegraf_endpoint_host = get_env.get_telegraf_endpoint( ) # can be read from ENV print('cv19d started, version=' + version) print('stage=' + get_env.get_stage()) if stage == 'DEV': verbose = True print('verbose=' + verbose.__str__()) print('telegraf_endpoint_host=' + telegraf_endpoint_host) print('poll_secs=' + poll_secs.__str__()) while True: try: print('waiting to sync main loop...') sync_start_time.wait_until_minute_flip(30) # every 30 minutes start_secs = time.time() data = get_data(england_endpoint) if data is None: time.sleep(180) continue # go to start of loop yesterdays_data = data['data'][1] # pprint(yesterdays_data) if yesterdays_data['newDeathsByDeathDate'] == None: newDeathsByDeathDate = 0 else: newDeathsByDeathDate = yesterdays_data['newDeathsByDeathDate'] if yesterdays_data['newCasesByPublishDate'] == None: newCasesByPublishDate = 0 else: newCasesByPublishDate = yesterdays_data[ 'newCasesByPublishDate'] metrics = { 'metric_name': 'covid19', 'newDeaths': newDeathsByDeathDate, 'newCases': newCasesByPublishDate } print(time.ctime()) pprint(metrics) send_metrics_to_telegraf.send_metrics(telegraf_endpoint_host, metrics, verbose) stop_secs = time.time() mins_between_updates = 30 sleep_secs = (mins_between_updates * 60) - (stop_secs - start_secs) - 10 time.sleep(sleep_secs) except Exception as e: print('Error : ' + e.__str__()) traceback.print_exc() time.sleep(60) continue
def main(): version = get_env.get_version() verbose = get_env.get_verbose() stage = get_env.get_stage() telegraf_endpoint_host = get_env_app.get_telegraf_endpoint( ) # can be read from ENV poll_secs = get_env_app.get_poll_secs() max_rate = -9999999 # GBP min_rate = 999999 max_rate_usd = -9999999 min_rate_usd = 999999 last_rate_usd = None if stage == 'PRD': bcnd_config_filename = '/data/btc/bcnd.yml' else: bcnd_config_filename = '../data/btc/bcnd.yml' print('bcnd started, version=' + version) print('verbose=' + verbose.__str__()) print('stage=' + stage.__str__()) print('bcnd_config_filename=' + bcnd_config_filename) print('telegraf_endpoint_host=' + telegraf_endpoint_host) print('poll_secs=' + poll_secs.__str__()) metric_name = 'bcnd_metrics' while True: try: status, bcn_info = get_bcn_price() if status != 200: print('error calling API, sleeping...') time.sleep(60) continue # go to start of loop bcnd_vars = get_bcnd_config(bcnd_config_filename) btc = float(bcnd_vars['num_btc']) gbp_invested = float(bcnd_vars['gbp_invested']) high_alarm = int(bcnd_vars['high_alarm']) low_alarm = int(bcnd_vars['low_alarm']) return_percent_line = int(bcnd_vars['return_percent_line']) btc_in_gbp = float(btc) * bcn_info[ 'GBP'] # what are my BTC worth in GBP if bcn_info['GBP'] < min_rate: min_rate = bcn_info['GBP'] min_rate_time = time.ctime() if bcn_info['GBP'] > max_rate: max_rate = bcn_info['GBP'] max_rate_time = time.ctime() if bcn_info['USD'] < min_rate_usd: min_rate_usd = bcn_info['USD'] min_rate_usd_time = time.ctime() if bcn_info['USD'] > max_rate_usd: max_rate_usd = bcn_info['USD'] max_rate_usd_time = time.ctime() if last_rate_usd == None: last_rate_usd = bcn_info['USD'] btc_usd_change = round(bcn_info['USD'] - last_rate_usd, 2) return_percent = round(100 * btc_in_gbp / gbp_invested, 2) print(time.ctime() + \ ' (updated at ' + bcn_info['updateduk'] + ')' + \ ' : BTC rate (GBP) = ' + bcn_info['GBP'].__str__() + \ ', BTC = ' + btc.__str__() + \ ', BTC invested = £' + round(gbp_invested, 2).__str__() + \ ' : => GBP value = £' + round(btc_in_gbp, 2).__str__() ) # Construct the metric bundle metrics = { 'metric_name': metric_name, 'btc': btc, 'btc_worth_gbp': btc_in_gbp, 'bitcoin_gbp': bcn_info['GBP'], 'bitcoin_usd': bcn_info['USD'], 'bitcoin_eur': bcn_info['EUR'], 'btc_min_rate': min_rate, 'btc_max_rate': max_rate, 'btc_min_rate_usd': min_rate_usd, 'btc_max_rate_usd': max_rate_usd, 'btc_usd_change': btc_usd_change, 'btc_invested': gbp_invested, 'return_percent': return_percent, 'return_percent_line': return_percent_line, 'high_alarm': high_alarm, 'low_alarm': low_alarm, } pprint(metrics) send_metrics_to_telegraf.send_metrics(telegraf_endpoint_host, metrics, verbose) last_rate_usd = bcn_info['USD'] time.sleep(poll_secs) except Exception as e: print('main() : Error : ' + e.__str__()) print('sleeping...') # beep.warning(num_beeps=2, sound=3) time.sleep(180) # wait 3 mins continue
def main(): version = get_env.get_version() verbose = get_env.get_verbose() stage = get_env.get_stage() telegraf_endpoint_host = get_env_app.get_telegraf_endpoint() # can be read from ENV poll_secs = get_env_app.get_poll_secs() probe_name = get_env_app.get_probe_name() print('netmond started, version=' + version) print('verbose=' + verbose.__str__()) print('stage=' + stage.__str__()) print('telegraf_endpoint_host=' + telegraf_endpoint_host) print('poll_secs=' + poll_secs.__str__()) print('probe_name=' + probe_name.__str__()) destinations = host.Destinations(probe_name) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('blackhole', '', False)) destinations.add_host(host.Host('kube', '', True)) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('mr-dell', '', True)) destinations.add_host(host.Host('j1900', '', True)) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('dsl_router', '', False)) destinations.add_host(host.Host('google_dns', '', False)) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('netgear', '', False)) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('pi', '', True)) # add iperf to startup script # destinations.add_host(host.Host('web_server', '', False)) # destinations.add_host(host.Host('registry', '', False)) if stage == 'DEV': sudo = True else: sudo = False while True: print('-------------------------') start_time = time.time() print(start_time) print('start = ' + time.ctime()) try: for host_to_test in destinations.hosts: if host_to_test.iperf_capable: jitter_measurements = iperf.measure_jitter_endpoint(host_to_test.hostname) throughput_measurements = iperf.measure_throughput_endpoint(host_to_test.hostname) ping_measurements = ping.ping_endpoint(host_to_test.hostname, sudo) # Construct the metric bundle metric_name = 'netmon_' + probe_name + '_to_' + metrics = { 'metric_name': metric_name, 'packet_loss': ping_measurements['packet_loss'], 'rtt_min': ping_measurements['rtt_min'], 'rtt_avg': ping_measurements['rtt_avg'], 'rtt_max': ping_measurements['rtt_max'] } # if destination is iperf-capable then add throughput metric if host_to_test.iperf_capable: metrics['throughput_mbps'] = throughput_measurements['throughput_mbps'] metrics['jitter'] = jitter_measurements['jitter'] pprint(metrics) send_metrics_to_telegraf.send_metrics(telegraf_endpoint_host, metrics, verbose) time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print('main() : Error : ' + e.__str__()) print('sleeping...') time.sleep(60) # wait 1 mins continue stop_time = time.time() print('stop = ' + time.ctime()) time_used = stop_time - start_time print('time_used=' + time_used.__str__()) time_to_wait_secs = poll_secs - time_used print('time_to_wait_secs = ' + time_to_wait_secs.__str__()) print('waiting...') time.sleep(time_to_wait_secs)