def main():
    start_time = time()
    # Handle Arguments
    in_arg = get_input_args_predict()
    # Load checkpoint and rebuild network
    model = model_utils.load_checkpoint(in_arg.input, in_arg.gpu)
    # Process image
    image = data_image_utils.process_image(in_arg.image_path)
    # Label mapping
    cat_to_name = data_image_utils.get_label_mapping(in_arg.category_names)
    # Predict
    probs, classes = model_utils.predict(Variable(image).unsqueeze(0), model, in_arg.top_k)
    model_utils.print_prediction(classes, probs, model.class_to_idx, cat_to_name)
    tot_time = time()- start_time
    print("\n** Total Elapsed Runtime:",
          +str(int((tot_time%3600)%60)) )
Example #2
def main():

    # command line arguments
    c_img_path = None
    c_chk_path = None
    c_top_k = None
    c_mapping_path = None
    c_use_gpu = False

    # Get command line arguments
    in_args = get_input_args_predict()

    c_img_path = in_args.img_path
    c_chk_path = in_args.checkpoint
    c_top_k = in_args.top_k
    c_mapping_path = in_args.category_names
    c_use_gpu = in_args.gpu

    print("Running with the following arguments: ")
    print("Image Path: {}\nCheckpoint: {}\nTop K: {}\nMapping: {}\nGPU: {}".
          format(c_img_path, c_chk_path, c_top_k, c_mapping_path, c_use_gpu))

    # load the checkpoint
    model = checkpoint_manager.load_checkpoint(c_chk_path)

    # set the device (gpu or cpu)
    device = torch.device(
        "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() and c_use_gpu else "cpu")

    # call the predict function and get the topK (c_top_k) classes and probabilities
    probs, classes = predict(c_img_path, model, device, c_top_k)

    # check to see if we want to map the classes to the category names (one of the command
    # line arguments)
    if c_mapping_path is not None:
        cat_to_name = hlp.open_label_mapping_file(c_mapping_path)
        classes = map_cat_to_real_names(classes, cat_to_name)

    # print the results
    print_results(probs, classes)
def main():

    # data_dir = 'flowers'
    # train_dir = data_dir + '/train'
    # valid_dir = data_dir + '/valid'
    # test_dir = data_dir + '/test'

    # load arguments
    in_arg = get_input_args_predict()

    # load the model and optimizer we already used
    model = load_checkpoint(in_arg.checkpoint)

    # print(model)

    # initialize device as CPU
    device = torch.device("cpu")
    # set up cuda or cpu since we will need some gpu time
    if in_arg.gpu:
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            device = torch.device("cuda:0")
            device = torch.device("cpu")
            print("GPU selected, but there is no GPU available.")
    print("Model running on: ", device)

    image_path = in_arg.input

    topk = in_arg.top_k

    probs, classes = predict(image_path, model, topk, device)

    print("Probabilities: ", probs)
    print("Classes: ", classes)

    if (in_arg.category_names != None):  # we have a file path
        category_path = in_arg.category_names
        flowers = category_mapper(probs, classes, category_path)
Example #4
def main():

    # Get the arguments passed to the python script
    in_arg = get_input_args_predict()

    # Load check point from pass
    model = load_checkpoint(in_arg.checkpoint)

    # Send model to gpu
    model_gpu, device = hw_control(model, in_arg.gpu)

    # Perform the prediction
    probs, classes = predict(in_arg.path, model, in_arg.top_k, in_arg.gpu)

    with open('cat_to_name.json', 'r') as f:
        cat_to_name = json.load(f)

    Class_names = [cat_to_name[str(class_name)] for class_name in classes]

    print("Most probable cat.:\t", Class_names)
    print("Probalbilities \t", probs)

    return probs, classes
Example #5
#PROGRAMMER:   Joshua Cayanan
# DATE CREATED: June 29, 2020                     
# PURPOSE: Feed an image into classifier neural network and return prediction with associated probability

#   Example call:
#    python --image 07573.jpg --model checkpoint --mapping cat_to_name.json

#Import functions created for this program
from get_input_args import get_input_args_predict
from prediction_model import predict

#Funnel command line arguments into program
in_arg = get_input_args_predict()

#Assign input arguments to variables
test_image = in_arg.test_image
checkpoint = in_arg.checkpoint
top_k = in_arg.top_k
category_names = in_arg.category_names
gpu = in_arg.gpu
if gpu:
    gpu = 'cuda'
    gpu = 'cpu'

#Call the prediction model function
flower_names, probs = predict(test_image, checkpoint, top_k, category_names, gpu)

import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms, models
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import json
import get_input_args as args
from torch import nn
from collections import OrderedDict
#import train

#Load predict command line args
arg = args.get_input_args_predict()
image_path = arg.image_path
checkpoint = arg.checkpoint  #Name checkpoint file, e.g. checkpoint.pth
topk = arg.topk
cat_to_name = arg.cat_to_name
gpu = arg.gpu
arch = arg.arch

#Gives a dictionary, mapping the integer encoded categories to the actual names of the flowers. Used in predict()
with open(cat_to_name, 'r') as f:
    cat_to_name = json.load(f)

def build_network(input_size,
Example #7
def main():
    # read initial inputs
    in_args = get_input_args_predict()

    # train neural network