def handle(msg): global light global REBOOT_CHECK, RESETPASS chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] command = msg['text'] print 'Got command: ' + command + ' from: ' + str(chat_id) if command == '/roll': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, random.randint(1, 6)) elif command == '/time': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str( elif command == '/spitip': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(getip.get())) elif command == '/uptime': uptimemessage = 'The system uptime is: ' + uptime() bot.sendMessage(chat_id, uptimemessage) elif command == '/aziz': light = not (light) if light: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Good boy Aziz') else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Aziz light!!!') elif command == '/bash': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Be patient I'm choosing a random quote!") #422 is the last site of all quotes in quote_tbs = bashquote(random.randint(1, 422), chat_id) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "The quote is:") for quote_sentence in quote_tbs: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, quote_sentence) elif command == '/help' or command == '/?': bot.sendMessage( chat_id, '/help - Lists these commands below (/?) is also accepted\n' + '/torrentstatus - Gives you the status of the torrents\n' + '/bash - Grabs a quote from and send it you\n' + '/time - Report current time\n' + '/spitip - Blurt the current public IP\n' + '/uptime - Give the total uptime\n' + '/aziz - Play with Aziz and feel like exploring an alien cave\n' + '/roll - Roll 1d6') elif command == '/reboot': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Enter the reboot password at any time') REBOOT_CHECK = True elif command == RESETPASS[0] and REBOOT_CHECK: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Rebooting now') os.system('reboot') elif command == '/torrentstatus': bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Hold on I'm checking Deluge...\n") command = shlex.split( 'deluge-console "connect localclient ' + LOCALCLIENTPWD[0] + ' ; info ; exit"') process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, err = process.communicate() bot.sendMessage(chat_id, str(output)) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "These were all the Torrents") else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'I did not understand you')
import socket, getip, time, struct host = getip.get() port = 65432 with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) as s: s.bind((host, port)) print("waiting on", host, "at", port) data, addr = s.recvfrom(1024) # buffer size is 1024 bytes now = time.time() print("Time on Server: ", now) s.sendto(struct.pack('!d', now), addr)
os.system('cls') def host_tcp(sock01): sock01 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) def host_udp(sock02): sock02 = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) mac = os.system('GETMAC /V' "\n") host_name = socket.gethostname() host_local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name) host_public_ip = getip.get() print("\n" "Host Name:", host_name, "\n" "Local IP:", host_local_ip, "\n" "Public IP:", host_public_ip, "\n") remoteServer = input("Enter a remote host to scan: ") remoteServerIP = socket.gethostbyname(remoteServer) #-----PING_CODE----- response = os.system("ping " + remoteServerIP) if response == 0: print(remoteServer, 'is up!') else: print(remoteServer, 'is down!')
def get_connectable_host(self): if == '': return getip.get() else: return
response = client.do_action_with_exception(request) data = json.loads(response) #str to json #Find RecordId where RR equle to RR in init file for i in data['DomainRecords']['Record']: if i['RR'] == info['RR']: RecordId = i['RecordId'] update_request = CommonRequest() update_request.set_accept_format('json') update_request.set_domain('') update_request.set_method('POST') update_request.set_version('2015-01-09') update_request.set_action_name('UpdateDomainRecord') import getip my_ip = getip.get() update_request.add_query_param('RecordId', RecordId) update_request.add_query_param('RR', info['RR']) update_request.add_query_param('Type', info['Type']) update_request.add_query_param('Value', my_ip) update_dns = json.loads(client.do_action(update_request)) if (update_dns['Code'] == 'DomainRecordDuplicate'): print 'Escape Already exist record' else: print 'DomainRecord Update Successfully!'
import getip import gspread import time from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials # Get the public IP address ip = getip.get() # Get the local time localtime = time.asctime(time.localtime(time.time())) # Log in to the spreadsheet scope = [''] credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name( 'credentials.json', scope) gc = gspread.authorize(credentials) wks ="Public IP").sheet1 # Update the spreadsheet wks.update_acell('A2', ip) wks.update_acell('B2', localtime)
import requests import getip import ast import sys url = "" print("=== Welcome to ip_info ===") url = "" if len(sys.argv) != 1: request =,data={'ip':sys.argv[1]}) info = ast.literal_eval(request.text) print("[+]ip : "+str(info['ip'])) print("[+]Your city : "+str(info['city'])) print("[+]Your region : "+str(info['region_name'])) print("[+]Your country : "+str(info['country_name'])) print("[+]Time zone : "+str(info['time_zone'])) print("[+]Your latitude and longitude : "+str(info['lat'])+","+str(info['lng'])) else: request =,data={'ip':getip.get()}) info = ast.literal_eval(request.text) print("[+]Your ip : "+str(info['ip'])) print("[+]Your city : "+str(info['city'])) print("[+]Your region : "+str(info['region_name'])) print("[+]Your country : "+str(info['country_name'])) print("[+]Time zone : "+str(info['time_zone'])) print("[+]Your latitude and longitude : "+str(info['lat'])+","+str(info['lng']))
print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "| __/ _ \/ __/ _` | '_ \ " + Fore.YELLOW + " | __/ | | |") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "| | | __/ (_| (_| | | | |" + Fore.YELLOW + " | | | |_| |") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "\_| \___|\___\__,_|_| |_|" + Fore.YELLOW + " \_| \__, |") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + " " + Fore.YELLOW + " __/ |") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + " " + Fore.YELLOW + " |___/ ") print("") print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "|------ A Tool Made By Landfill ------|") print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "|--------------- Enjoy ---------------|") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "|--- Give Credit For Any Code Used ---|") print(Fore.MAGENTA + Style.BRIGHT + "Creator Is Not Responsible For Anything") print("") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "[1]" + Fore.YELLOW + " Get Your Info") print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "[2]" + Fore.YELLOW + " Geolocate An IP") print("") choice = input("Pecan>> ") if choice == "1": Your_IP = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()) Computer_Name = socket.gethostname() Ex_IP = getip.get() print("") print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "Your IP Is...",Your_IP) print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "On...",Computer_Name) print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "Your External IP Is...",Ex_IP) if choice == "2": enip = input("Enter IP: ") time.sleep(2) print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "Geolocating...",enip)"" + enip)