Example #1

#set the vertical resolution. 0 is many lower trop levels and not many strat. Default 0.5.
compiled_exp.namelist['spectral_dynamics_nml']['surf_res'] = 0.2
#set the radiation scheme
compiled_exp.namelist['idealized_moist_phys_nml']['two_stream_gray'] = False
compiled_exp.namelist['idealized_moist_phys_nml']['do_rrtm_radiation'] = True
#set the convection scheme
compiled_exp.namelist['idealized_moist_phys_nml']['do_bm'] = False
compiled_exp.namelist['idealized_moist_phys_nml']['lwet_convection'] = True #run sbms

compiled_exp.namelist['rrtm_radiation_nml']['dt_rad'] = 4320 #default is 5*900=4500 - divisible by 24 hours could be a problem.

#Step 2 now use the compiled experiment to run new ones for each rh and tau

exp_name = ('mima_2013/debug/np{0}/')

exp = Experiment(exp_name, overwrite_data=False)

#use existing diag table, namelist and paths
exp.execdir = compiled_exp.execdir   #place where compiled executable is
exp.inputfiles = compiled_exp.inputfiles
exp.namelist = compiled_exp.namelist.copy()
exp.runmonth(1, use_restart = False,  overwrite_data=False,num_cores = num_cores, run_idb = run_idb)

Example #2
    'equilibrium_t_option': 'top_down',
    'ml_depth': 10.,
    'spinup_time': 10800,
    'ka': -20.,
    'ks': -5.

baseexp.namelist['constants_nml'] = {'orbital_period': 360}

baseexp.namelist['astronomy_nml'] = {'obliq': 15}

obls = [15]

#s End namelist changes from default values

for obl in obls:
    exp = Experiment('top_down_test_obliquity%d' % obl, overwrite_data=True)

    exp.execdir = baseexp.execdir

    exp.inputfiles = baseexp.inputfiles

    exp.namelist = baseexp.namelist.copy()
    exp.namelist['astronomy_nml']['obliq'] = obl

    exp.runmonth(1, use_restart=False, num_cores=16)
    for i in range(2, 21):  # 81, 161
        exp.runmonth(i, num_cores=16)