class Inkplate: INKPLATE_1BIT = 0 INKPLATE_2BIT = 1 BLACK = 1 WHITE = 0 _width = D_COLS _height = D_ROWS rotation = 0 displayMode = 0 textSize = 1 def __init__(self, mode): self.displayMode = mode try: os.mount( sdcard.SDCard( machine.SPI( 1, baudrate=80000000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=0, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13), miso=Pin(12), ), machine.Pin(15), ), "/sd", ) except: pass def begin(self): _Inkplate.init(I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21))) self.ipg = InkplateGS2() self.ipm = InkplateMono() self.ipp = InkplatePartial(self.ipm) self.GFX = GFX( D_COLS, D_ROWS, self.writePixel, self.writeFastHLine, self.writeFastVLine, self.writeFillRect, None, None, ) def clearDisplay(self): self.ipg.clear() self.ipm.clear() def display(self): if self.displayMode == 0: self.ipm.display() elif self.displayMode == 1: self.ipg.display() def partialUpdate(self): if self.displayMode == 1: return self.ipp.display() def clean(self): self.einkOn() _Inkplate.clean(0, 1) _Inkplate.clean(1, 12) _Inkplate.clean(2, 1) _Inkplate.clean(0, 11) _Inkplate.clean(2, 1) _Inkplate.clean(1, 12) _Inkplate.clean(2, 1) _Inkplate.clean(0, 11) self.einkOff() def einkOn(self): _Inkplate.power_on() def einkOff(self): _Inkplate.power_off() def width(self): return self._width def height(self): return self._height # Arduino compatibility functions def setRotation(self, x): self.rotation = x % 4 if self.rotation == 0 or self.rotation == 2: self._width = D_COLS self._height = D_ROWS elif self.rotation == 1 or self.rotation == 3: self._width = D_ROWS self._height = D_COLS def getRotation(self): return self.rotation def drawPixel(self, x, y, c): self.startWrite() self.writePixel(x, y, c) self.endWrite() def startWrite(self): pass def writePixel(self, x, y, c): if x > self.width() - 1 or y > self.height() - 1 or x < 0 or y < 0: return if self.rotation == 1: x, y = y, x x = self.height() - x - 1 elif self.rotation == 2: x = self.width() - x - 1 y = self.height() - y - 1 elif self.rotation == 3: x, y = y, x y = self.width() - y - 1 (self.ipm.pixel if self.displayMode == self.INKPLATE_1BIT else self.ipg.pixel)(x, y, c) def writeFillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): for j in range(w): for i in range(h): self.writePixel(x + j, y + i, c) def writeFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c): for i in range(h): self.writePixel(x, y + i, c) def writeFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c): for i in range(w): self.writePixel(x + i, y, c) def writeLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c): self.GFX.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, c) def endWrite(self): pass def drawFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFastVLine(x, y, h, c) self.endWrite() def drawFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFastHLine(x, y, w, c) self.endWrite() def fillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFillRect(x, y, w, h, c) self.endWrite() def fillScreen(self, c): self.fillRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height()) def drawLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c): self.startWrite() self.writeLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c) self.endWrite() def drawRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): self.GFX.rect(x, y, w, h, c) def drawCircle(self, x, y, r, c):, y, r, c) def fillCircle(self, x, y, r, c): self.GFX.fill_circle(x, y, r, c) def drawTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c): self.GFX.triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) def fillTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c): self.GFX.fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) def drawRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c): self.GFX.round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c) def fillRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c): self.GFX.fill_round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c) def setDisplayMode(self, mode): self.displayMode = mode def selectDisplayMode(self, mode): self.displayMode = mode def getDisplayMode(self): return self.displayMode def setTextSize(self, s): self.textSize = s def setFont(self, f): self.GFX.font = f def printText(self, x, y, s): self.GFX._very_slow_text(x, y, s, self.textSize, 1) def drawBitmap(self, x, y, data, w, h): byteWidth = (w + 7) // 8 byte = 0 self.startWrite() for j in range(h): for i in range(w): if i & 7: byte <<= 1 else: byte = data[j * byteWidth + i // 8] if byte & 0x80: self.writePixel(x + i, y + j, 1) self.endWrite() def drawImageFile(self, x, y, path, invert=False): with open(path, "rb") as f: header14 = if header14[0] != 0x42 or header14[1] != 0x4D: return 0 header40 = w = int((header40[7] << 24) + (header40[6] << 16) + (header40[5] << 8) + header40[4]) h = int((header40[11] << 24) + (header40[10] << 16) + (header40[9] << 8) + header40[8]) dataStart = int((header14[11] << 8) + header14[10]) depth = int((header40[15] << 8) + header40[14]) totalColors = int((header40[33] << 8) + header40[32]) rowSize = 4 * ((depth * w + 31) // 32) if totalColors == 0: totalColors = 1 << depth palette = None if depth <= 8: palette = [0 for i in range(totalColors)] p = * 4) for i in range(totalColors): palette[i] = (54 * p[i * 4] + 183 * p[i * 4 + 1] + 19 * p[i * 4 + 2]) >> 14 # print(palette) for j in range(h): # print(100 * j // h, "% complete") buffer = for i in range(w): val = 0 if depth == 1: px = int(invert ^ (palette[0] < palette[1]) ^ bool(buffer[i >> 3] & (1 << (7 - i & 7)))) val = palette[px] elif depth == 4: px = (buffer[i >> 1] & (0x0F if i & 1 == 1 else 0xF0)) >> (0 if i & 1 else 4) val = palette[px] if invert: val = 3 - val elif depth == 8: px = buffer[i] val = palette[px] if invert: val = 3 - val elif depth == 16: px = (buffer[(i << 1) | 1] << 8) | buffer[(i << 1)] r = (px & 0x7C00) >> 7 g = (px & 0x3E0) >> 2 b = (px & 0x1F) << 3 val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14 if invert: val = 3 - val elif depth == 24: r = buffer[i * 3] g = buffer[i * 3 + 1] b = buffer[i * 3 + 2] val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14 if invert: val = 3 - val elif depth == 32: r = buffer[i * 4] g = buffer[i * 4 + 1] b = buffer[i * 4 + 2] val = (54 * r + 183 * g + 19 * b) >> 14 if invert: val = 3 - val if self.getDisplayMode() == self.INKPLATE_1BIT: val >>= 1 self.drawPixel(x + i, y + h - j, val)
class Inkplate: BLACK = const(0b00000000) WHITE = const(0b00000001) GREEN = const(0b00000010) BLUE = const(0b00000011) RED = const(0b00000100) YELLOW = const(0b00000101) ORANGE = const(0b00000110) _width = D_COLS _height = D_ROWS rotation = 0 textSize = 1 _panelState = False _framebuf = bytearray([0x11] * (D_COLS * D_ROWS // 2)) @classmethod def __init__(self): try: os.mount( SDCard(slot=3, miso=Pin(12), mosi=Pin(13), sck=Pin(14), cs=Pin(15)), "/sd") except: print("Sd card could not be read") @classmethod def begin(self): self.wire = I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21)) self._mcp23017 = MCP23017(self.wire) self.TOUCH1 =, Pin.IN) self.TOUCH2 =, Pin.IN) self.TOUCH3 =, Pin.IN) self.spi = SPI(2) self.spi.init(baudrate=2000000, firstbit=SPI.MSB, polarity=0, phase=0) self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN = Pin(EPAPER_BUSY_PIN, Pin.IN) self.EPAPER_RST_PIN = Pin(EPAPER_RST_PIN, Pin.OUT) self.EPAPER_DC_PIN = Pin(EPAPER_DC_PIN, Pin.OUT) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN = Pin(EPAPER_CS_PIN, Pin.OUT) self.framebuf = bytearray(D_ROWS * D_COLS // 2) self.GFX = GFX( D_COLS, D_ROWS, self.writePixel, self.writeFastHLine, self.writeFastVLine, self.writeFillRect, None, None, ) self.resetPanel() _timeout = time.ticks_ms() while not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value() and (time.ticks_ms() - _timeout) < 10000: pass if not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): return False self.sendCommand(PANEL_SET_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\xef\x08") self.sendCommand(POWER_SET_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x37\x00\x23\x23") self.sendCommand(POWER_OFF_SEQ_SET_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x00") self.sendCommand(BOOSTER_SOFTSTART_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\xc7\xc7\x1d") self.sendCommand(PLL_CONTROL_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x3c") self.sendCommand(TEMP_SENSOR_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x00") self.sendCommand(VCOM_DATA_INTERVAL_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x37") self.sendCommand(b"\x60") self.sendData(b"\x20") self.sendCommand(RESOLUTION_SET_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\x02\x58\x01\xc0") self.sendCommand(b"\xE3") self.sendData(b"\xaa") time.sleep_ms(100) self.sendCommand(b"\x50") self.sendData(b"\x37") self.setMCPForLowPower() self._panelState = True return True @classmethod def setMCPForLowPower(self):, mode=mPin.IN), mode=mPin.IN), mode=mPin.IN), value=0, mode=mPin.OUT) for x in range(8):, value=0, mode=mPin.OUT), value=0, mode=mPin.OUT), value=0, mode=mPin.OUT), value=0, mode=mPin.OUT), value=0, mode=mPin.OUT) @classmethod def getPanelDeepSleepState(self): return self._panelState @classmethod def setPanelDeepSleepState(self, state): _panelState = False if state == 0 else True if _panelState: self.begin() else: time.sleep_ms(10) self.sendCommand(DEEP_SLEEP_REGISTER) self.sendData(b"\xA5") time.sleep_ms(100) EPAPER_RST_PIN.value(0) EPAPER_DC_PIN.value(0) EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(0) @classmethod def resetPanel(self): self.EPAPER_RST_PIN.value(0) time.sleep_ms(1) self.EPAPER_RST_PIN.value(1) time.sleep_ms(1) @classmethod def sendCommand(self, command): self.EPAPER_DC_PIN.value(0) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(0) self.spi.write(command) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(1) @classmethod def sendData(self, data): self.EPAPER_DC_PIN.value(1) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(0) self.spi.write(data) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(1) @classmethod def clearDisplay(self): self._framebuf = bytearray([0x11] * (D_COLS * D_ROWS // 2)) @classmethod def display(self): if not self._panelState: return self.sendCommand(b"\x61") self.sendData(b"\x02\x58\x01\xc0") self.sendCommand(b"\x10") self.EPAPER_DC_PIN.value(1) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(0) self.spi.write(self._framebuf) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(1) self.sendCommand(POWER_OFF_REGISTER) while not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass self.sendCommand(DISPLAY_REF_REGISTER) while not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass self.sendCommand(POWER_OFF_REGISTER) while self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass time.sleep_ms(200) @classmethod def clean(self): if not self._panelState: return self.sendCommand(b"\x61") self.sendData(b"\x02\x58\x01\xc0") self.sendCommand(b"\x10") self.EPAPER_DC_PIN.value(1) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(0) self.spi.write(bytearray(0x11 for x in range(D_COLS * D_ROWS // 2))) self.EPAPER_CS_PIN.value(1) self.sendCommand(POWER_OFF_REGISTER) while not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass self.sendCommand(DISPLAY_REF_REGISTER) while not self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass self.sendCommand(POWER_OFF_REGISTER) while self.EPAPER_BUSY_PIN.value(): pass time.sleep_ms(200) @classmethod def width(self): return self._width @classmethod def height(self): return self._height # Arduino compatibility functions @classmethod def setRotation(self, x): self.rotation = x % 4 if self.rotation == 0 or self.rotation == 2: self._width = D_COLS self._height = D_ROWS elif self.rotation == 1 or self.rotation == 3: self._width = D_ROWS self._height = D_COLS @classmethod def getRotation(self): return self.rotation @classmethod def drawPixel(self, x, y, c): self.startWrite() self.writePixel(x, y, c) self.endWrite() @classmethod def startWrite(self): pass @classmethod def writePixel(self, x, y, c): if x > self.width() - 1 or y > self.height() - 1 or x < 0 or y < 0: return if self.rotation == 1: x, y = y, x x = self.height() - x - 1 elif self.rotation == 0: x = self.width() - x - 1 y = self.height() - y - 1 elif self.rotation == 3: x, y = y, x y = self.width() - y - 1 _x = x // 2 _x_sub = x % 2 temp = self._framebuf[D_COLS * y // 2 + _x] self._framebuf[D_COLS * y // 2 + _x] = (pixelMaskGLUT[_x_sub] & temp) |\ (c if _x_sub else c << 4) @classmethod def writeFillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): for j in range(w): for i in range(h): self.writePixel(x + j, y + i, c) @classmethod def writeFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c): for i in range(h): self.writePixel(x, y + i, c) @classmethod def writeFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c): for i in range(w): self.writePixel(x + i, y, c) @classmethod def writeLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c): self.GFX.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, c) @classmethod def endWrite(self): pass @classmethod def drawFastVLine(self, x, y, h, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFastVLine(x, y, h, c) self.endWrite() @classmethod def drawFastHLine(self, x, y, w, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFastHLine(x, y, w, c) self.endWrite() @classmethod def fillRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): self.startWrite() self.writeFillRect(x, y, w, h, c) self.endWrite() @classmethod def fillScreen(self, c): self.fillRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), c) @classmethod def drawLine(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, c): self.startWrite() self.writeLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c) self.endWrite() @classmethod def drawRect(self, x, y, w, h, c): self.GFX.rect(x, y, w, h, c) @classmethod def drawCircle(self, x, y, r, c):, y, r, c) @classmethod def fillCircle(self, x, y, r, c): self.GFX.fill_circle(x, y, r, c) @classmethod def drawTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c): self.GFX.triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) @classmethod def fillTriangle(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c): self.GFX.fill_triangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) @classmethod def drawRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c): self.GFX.round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c) @classmethod def fillRoundRect(self, x, y, q, h, r, c): self.GFX.fill_round_rect(x, y, q, h, r, c) @classmethod def setDisplayMode(self, mode): self.displayMode = mode @classmethod def selectDisplayMode(self, mode): self.displayMode = mode @classmethod def getDisplayMode(self): return self.displayMode @classmethod def setTextSize(self, s): self.textSize = s @classmethod def setFont(self, f): self.GFX.font = f @classmethod def printText(self, x, y, s, c=BLACK): self.GFX._very_slow_text(x, y, s, self.textSize, c) @classmethod def readBattery(self): self.VBAT_EN.value(0) # Probably don't need to delay since Micropython is slow, but we do it anyway time.sleep_ms(1) value = self.VBAT_EN.value(1) result = (value / 4095.0) * 1.1 * 3.548133892 * 2 return result @classmethod def drawBitmap(self, x, y, data, w, h, c=BLACK): byteWidth = (w + 7) // 8 byte = 0 self.startWrite() for j in range(h): for i in range(w): if i & 7: byte <<= 1 else: byte = data[j * byteWidth + i // 8] if byte & 0x80: self.writePixel(x + i, y + j, c) self.endWrite()