def test_creatability():
    """ChamplainLabels should exist"""
    lat = random_coord(90)
    lon = random_coord(180)

    label = Label(Photograph('demo/IMG_2411.JPG'))
    label.set_location(lat, lon)
    assert isinstance(label, Champlain.Label)
    assert label.get_name() == 'demo/IMG_2411.JPG'
    assert label.get_text() == 'IMG_2411.JPG'

    assert label.get_latitude() == lat
    assert label.get_longitude() == lon
Example #2
def test_demo_data():
    """Load the demo data and ensure that we're reading it in properly"""
    assert not points
    assert not TrackFile.instances
    assert not TrackFile.range
    # No buttons should be sensitive yet because nothing's loaded.
    buttons = {}
    for button in ('jump', 'save', 'revert', 'close'):
        buttons[button] = Widgets[button + '_button']
        assert not buttons[button].get_sensitive()

    # Load only the photos first.
    with ignored(OSError):
        assert False  # Because it should have raised the exception

    # Nothing is yet selected or modified, so buttons still insensitive.
    for button in buttons.values():
        assert not button.get_sensitive()

    # Something loaded in the liststore?
    assert len(Widgets.loaded_photos) == 6
    assert Widgets.loaded_photos.get_iter_first()

    assert Photograph.instances
    for photo in Photograph.instances:
        assert not photo in modified
        assert not photo in selected

        # Pristine demo data shouldn't have any tags.
        assert not photo.altitude
        assert not photo.latitude
        assert not photo.longitude
        assert not photo.positioned

        # Add some crap
        photo.latitude = 10.0
        photo.altitude = 650
        photo.longitude = 45.0
        assert photo.positioned

        # should discard all the crap we added above.
        # This is in response to a bug where I was using pyexiv2 wrongly
        # and it would load data from disk without discarding old data.
        assert not photo.geoname
        assert not photo.altitude
        assert not photo.latitude
        assert not photo.longitude
        assert not photo.positioned
        assert photo.filename == Label(photo).get_name()
        assert Label(photo).photo.filename == Label(photo).get_name()

    # Load the GPX
    with ignored(OSError):
        assert False  # Because it should have raised the exception

    # Check that the GPX is loaded
    assert len(points) == 374
    assert len(TrackFile.instances) == 1
    assert TrackFile.range[0] == 1287259751
    assert TrackFile.range[1] == 1287260756

    for photo in Photograph.instances:


    # The save button should be sensitive because loading GPX modifies
    # photos, but nothing is selected so the others are insensitive.
    assert buttons['save'].get_sensitive()
    for button in ('jump', 'revert', 'close'):
        assert not buttons[button].get_sensitive()

    assert Photograph.instances
    for photo in Photograph.instances:
        assert photo in modified

        assert photo.latitude
        assert photo.longitude
        assert photo.positioned
        assert Label(photo).get_property('visible')

    # Unload the GPX data.
    assert not points
    assert not TrackFile.instances
    assert not TrackFile.range

    # Save all photos
    assert not modified
    for button in ('save', 'revert'):
        assert not buttons[button].get_sensitive()

    assert len(selected) == 6
    for button in ('save', 'revert'):
        assert not buttons[button].get_sensitive()
    for button in ('jump', 'close'):
        assert buttons[button].get_sensitive()

    # Close all the photos.
    files = [photo.filename for photo in selected]
    for button in ('save', 'revert', 'close'):
        assert not buttons[button].get_sensitive()
    assert not Photograph.instances
    assert not modified
    assert not selected

    # Re-read the photos back from disk to make sure that the saving
    # was successful.
    assert len(files) == 6
    for filename in files:
        photo = Photograph(filename)
        print(photo.latitude, photo.longitude, photo.altitude)
        assert photo not in modified
        assert photo.positioned
        assert photo.latitude
        assert photo.longitude
        assert photo.altitude > 600
        assert photo.geoname == 'Edmonton, Alberta, Canada'
    assert not modified
    assert len(Photograph.instances) == 6