def createHtmlObj(mainWidget,widget=None): try: a= WebView() a.connect('navigation-requested', _on_navigation_requested,a) return a except: return gtkhtml2.View()
def create_webview(self): self.web_view = WebView() self.web_view.connect("navigation-requested", self.on_navigation_requested) ##self.uri = 'file://' + get_bundle_path() + '/web/index.html'; self.web_view.load_uri(self.uri) return self.web_view
def create_browser(debug=False, cache_model=None, process_model=None): """Creates a WebView instance, properly configured. Arguments: debug -- boolean to indicate if it should output debug and add context menu and inspector. """ gi.require_version('WebKit', '3.0') from gi.repository.WebKit import WebView, WebSettings, set_cache_model if debug: WebKitMethods.print_version() if cache_model is not None: # set_cache_model(cache_model) # Setting for WebKit via git settings = WebSettings() settings.set_property('enable-accelerated-compositing', True) settings.set_property('enable-file-access-from-file-uris', True) settings.set_property('enable-default-context-menu', not debug) webview = WebView() webview.set_settings(settings) return webview
def __init__(self, handle): print "running activity init", handle activity.Activity.__init__(self, handle) print "activity running" self.set_title('Teach Teacher') toolbarbox = ToolbarBox() self.set_toolbar_box(toolbarbox) toolbar = Gtk.Toolbar() button = ActivityToolbarButton(self) toolbarbox.toolbar.insert(button, -1) self.goBack = ToolButton('go-left') self.goBack.set_tooltip("Go Back") self.goBack.connect('clicked', self.back_clicked) toolbar.insert(self.goBack, -1) self.home = ToolButton('go-home') self.home.set_tooltip("Home") self.home.connect('clicked', self.home_clicked) toolbar.insert(self.home, -1) self.xois = ToolButton('computer-xo') self.xois.set_tooltip("T's XO") self.xois.connect('clicked', self.xois_clicked) # toolbar.insert(self.xois, -1) # = ToolButton('go-next')"T's Guide")'clicked', self.guide_clicked) # toolbar.insert(, -1) # toolbarbox.toolbar.insert(ToolbarButton(page=toolbar, icon_name='toolbar-edit'), -1) separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) toolbarbox.toolbar.insert(separator, -1) stop_button = StopButton(self) toolbarbox.toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() self.set_canvas(scroll) self.webview = WebView() self.webview.load_uri('') scroll.add(self.webview) toolbar.show_all() toolbarbox.show_all() toolbarbox.toolbar.show_all() self.show_all() print "AT END OF THE CLASS"
def draw(self): # from promogest.dao.StoricoDocumento import StoricoDocumento # docs = StoricoDocumento().select( # print "Documento padre", docs # docs = StoricoDocumento().select( # print "documenti figli", docs self.web_view = WebView() self.placeholder_scrolledwindow.add(self.web_view) self.clear()
def __init__(self, handle, parent=None, **kwargs): gvr_gtk_glade.window_main.__init__(self) self._parent = parent self._parent.set_canvas(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger("gvr.gvr_gtk.WindowXO") # Get and set the sugar toolbar toolbarbox = ToolbarBox() self._parent.set_toolbar_box(toolbarbox) toolbarbox.show_all() toolbar = toolbarbox.toolbar separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) toolbar.insert(separator, -1) stop_button = StopButton(self._parent) toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) toolbar.show_all() # remove seperator and 'quit' menu items as we have the sugar toolbox self.imagemenuitem49.destroy() # Embed webview as the lessons display self.WV = WebView() file = os.path.join(utils.get_rootdir(), 'docs', 'lessons', utils.get_locale()[:2], 'html', 'index.html') self.logger.debug("Looking for the lessons in %s" % file) if not os.path.exists(file): self.logger.debug("%s not found, loading default English lessons" % file) file = os.path.join(utils.get_rootdir(), 'docs', 'lessons', 'en', 'html', 'index.html')'file:///%s' % file) scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(self.WV) vbox = Gtk.VBox(False, 4) vbox.pack_start(Widgets.WebToolbar(self.WV), False, False, 2) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 2) vbox.show_all() self.eventboxlessons.add(vbox) self.show_all()
def create_browser(debug=False, cache_model=None, process_model=None): """Creates a WebView instance, properly configured. Arguments: debug -- boolean to indicate if it should output debug and add context menu and inspector. """ gi.require_version('WebKit2', '4.0') from gi.repository.WebKit2 import WebView, Settings if debug: WebKit2Methods.print_version() settings = Settings() settings.set_allow_file_access_from_file_urls(True) if debug: settings.set_enable_developer_extras(True) settings.set_enable_write_console_messages_to_stdout(True) webview = WebView() if cache_model is not None: # context = webview.get_context() context.set_cache_model(cache_model) if process_model is not None: # context = webview.get_context() context.set_process_model(process_model) if not debug: # def menu_contextual(webview, context_menu, event, hit_test_result): context_menu.remove_all() webview.connect('context-menu', menu_contextual) webview.set_settings(settings) return webview
class XOCom: # Constructor gives full XPCom access by default # This should be improved for future apps that may not need/want full access cometPort = 8889 ajaxPort = 8890 handler = None return_value = None def __init__(self, control_sending_text, uri=None): self.cond = Condition() #h = hash(Instance.instanceId) self.__class__.cometPort = 10 self.__class__.ajaxPort = 11 self.cometLogic = ServerLogic(self) #self.ajaxServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.ajaxPort, self.cometLogic) #self.ajaxServer.start() #self.cometServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.cometPort, self.cometLogic) #self.cometServer.start() if uri: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = 'file://' + get_bundle_path( ) + '/web/index.html?ajax=' + str( self.__class__.ajaxPort) + '&comet=' + str( self.__class__.cometPort) self.control_sending_text = control_sending_text self.give_full_xpcom_access() self.set_observer() ##self.send_to_browser_localize(['initlocalize']) ## to initialize the localized strings in socialcalc # Give the browser permission to use XPCom interfaces # This is necessary for XPCom communication to work # Note: Not all of these preferences may be required - requires further # investigation def give_full_xpcom_access(self): pass '''pref_class = components.classes[";1"] prefs = pref_class.getService(components.interfaces.nsIPrefService) prefs.getBranch('signed.applets.').setBoolPref('codebase_principal_support', True); prefs.getBranch('capability.principal.').setCharPref( 'socialcalc.granted', 'UniversalXPConnect') prefs.getBranch('capability.principal.').setCharPref( '', self.uri)''' # Wrapper method to create a new webview embedded browser component # Uses hulahop's WebView. Assumes that you'll want to serve # web/index.html relative to your activity directory. def create_webview(self): self.web_view = WebView() self.web_view.connect("navigation-requested", self.on_navigation_requested) ##self.uri = 'file://' + get_bundle_path() + '/web/index.html'; self.web_view.load_uri(self.uri) return self.web_view def on_navigation_requested(self, view, frame, req, data=None): uri = req.get_uri() try: scheme, data = uri.split(':#', 1) except: return False if scheme == 'xo-message2': if handler is not None: data = json.loads(data) self.handler(data, 'xo-message2', data[1]) return True elif scheme == 'return-value': self.return_value = json.loads(data) return True else: return False def set_observer(self): #try: print 'enter: set_observer' self.handler = self.control_sending_text print 'exit: set_observer' #except: #print 'error is there, remove try and except thing' # Use XPCom to execute a javascript callback registered with XO.js # The command will execute a javascript method registered with the same name, # and return any value received from the javascript def send_to_browser(self, command, parameter=''): if ((command == "read") and (parameter != '')): self.web_view.execute_script( "'" + parameter.replace( '\\n', 'DECNEWLINE').replace('\n', 'NEWLINE').replace( "\\", "B_SLASH").replace("'", "\\'") + "');") return self.web_view.execute_script("['" + parameter + "'], 'xo-message', '" + command + "');") self.handler = self.control_sending_text # check if the browser returned anything while self.return_value == None: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if self.return_value != '': value = self.return_value self.return_value = None return value return None def send_to_browser_shared(self, command): if command[0] == 'execute': self.web_view.execute_script('XO.observe(' + str(command[1:3]) + ', "xo-message", "execute");') def send_to_browser_localize(self, command): print 'sending to javascript part to localize\n' localstr = "XO.lang=[" for i, j in localized_strings.iteritems(): localstr = localstr + "'" + i.replace( "'", "\\'") + "','" + j.replace("'", "\\'") + "'," localstr = localstr + "'xv'];XO.observe();" self.web_view.execute_script(localstr) return
def createHtmlObj(mainWidget,widget=None): a= WebView() a.connect('navigation-requested', _on_navigation_requested,a) return a
class WindowXO(gvr_gtk_glade.window_main): def __init__(self, handle, parent=None, **kwargs): gvr_gtk_glade.window_main.__init__(self) self._parent = parent self._parent.set_canvas(self) self.logger = logging.getLogger("gvr.gvr_gtk.WindowXO") # Get and set the sugar toolbar toolbarbox = ToolbarBox() self._parent.set_toolbar_box(toolbarbox) toolbarbox.show_all() toolbar = toolbarbox.toolbar separator = Gtk.SeparatorToolItem() separator.props.draw = False separator.set_expand(True) toolbar.insert(separator, -1) stop_button = StopButton(self._parent) toolbar.insert(stop_button, -1) toolbar.show_all() # remove seperator and 'quit' menu items as we have the sugar toolbox self.imagemenuitem49.destroy() # Embed webview as the lessons display self.WV = WebView() file = os.path.join(utils.get_rootdir(), 'docs', 'lessons', utils.get_locale()[:2], 'html', 'index.html') self.logger.debug("Looking for the lessons in %s" % file) if not os.path.exists(file): self.logger.debug("%s not found, loading default English lessons" % file) file = os.path.join(utils.get_rootdir(), 'docs', 'lessons', 'en', 'html', 'index.html')'file:///%s' % file) scroll = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scroll.add(self.WV) vbox = Gtk.VBox(False, 4) vbox.pack_start(Widgets.WebToolbar(self.WV), False, False, 2) vbox.pack_start(scroll, True, True, 2) vbox.show_all() self.eventboxlessons.add(vbox) self.show_all() def new(self): self.connect_signals() self.statusbar = Widgets.StatusBar(self.statusbar7) self._setup_canvas() # these calls will add the editors to the GUI self.new_world_editor() self.new_program_editor() self._set_sensitive_button('all',True) self.timerinterval = 150 def connect_signals(self): self.menuitem48.connect("activate", self.on_open_worldbuilder1_activate) self.imagemenuitem49.connect("activate", self.on_quit1_activate) self.imagemenuitem50.connect("activate", self.on_set_speed1_activate) ##self.imagemenuitem51.connect("activate", self.on_set_language1_activate) self.imagemenuitem52.connect("activate", self.on_gvr_lessons1_activate) self.imagemenuitem54.connect("activate", self.on_gvr_worldbuilder1_activate) self.imagemenuitem55.connect("activate", self.on_about1_activate) self.button_reload.connect("clicked", self.on_button_reload) self.button_step.connect("clicked", self.on_button_step) self.button_execute.connect("clicked", self.on_button_execute) self.button_abort.connect("clicked", self.on_button_abort) self.statusbar7.connect("text-pushed", self.on_statusbar1_text_pushed) self.statusbar7.connect("text-popped", self.on_statusbar1_text_popped) def new_world_editor(self): self.world_editor = WorldTextEditorWin(parent=self) def new_program_editor(self): self.program_editor = CodeTextEditorWin(parent=self) def _setup_canvas(self): # setup the canvas self._canvas = Widgets.Canvas() self.align = Gtk.Alignment() self.viewport = Gtk.Viewport() self.scrolledwindow8.add(self.viewport) self.viewport.add(self._canvas) self.scrolledwindow8.show_all() self._set_sensitive_button('all',False) self.WB_ACTIVATED = False def _set_sensitive_button(self,button,value): """used to 'grey out' buttons. When the @button is 'all', all the buttons are handled. We also clear the statusbar if the buttons are disabled.""" if button == 'all': for b in (self.button_abort, self.button_execute, self.button_reload, self.button_step): b.set_sensitive(value) else: but = {'abort': self.button_abort, 'reload': self.button_reload, 'execute': self.button_execute, 'step': self.button_step}[button] but.set_sensitive(value) if button == 'all' or button in ('reload', 'step') and value == False: self.statusbar.clear() def _worldeditor_observer_callback(self): self.world_editor = None def _programeditor_observer_callback(self): self.program_editor = None ## These are the callbacks mandatory for the controller def start(self,args): """This will start the GUI.""" self.logger.debug("start called with args: %s,%s" % args) # there are only args when gvr is started by (non-XO systems) if args[0] and args[1]: wfile, pfile = args[0], args[1] self.world_editor.on_new1_activate(file=wfile) self.program_editor.on_new1_activate(file=pfile) def get_timer(self): """The controller will call this and expect to get a timer object. The timer must provide the following methods: start, stop, set_func and set_interval see the timer docstrings for more info""" return Widgets.Timer() def get_timer_interval(self): return self.timerinterval def stop(self,*args): """Stops the gui, when running in non-XO""" Gtk.main_quit() def set_controller(self,contr): self.logger.debug("controller set in %s" % self) self.controller = contr def worldwin_gettext(self): if self.world_editor: wcode = self.world_editor.get_all_text() if wcode: return wcode self.show_warning(_("You don't have a world file loaded.")) def codewin_gettext(self): if self.program_editor: wcode = self.program_editor.get_all_text() if wcode: return wcode self.show_warning(_("You don't have a program file loaded.")) def highlight_line_code_editor(self,line): """ Controller calls this with the current line of code that's been executed after the execute button is pressed.""" try: self.program_editor.editor.set_highlight(line) except Exception,info: print info
class StoricoDocumentoPage(GladeWidget): """ Widget di configurazione del codice installazione e dei parametri di configurazione """ def __init__(self, mainnn): GladeWidget.__init__(self, root='storico_vbox', path='') self.ana = mainnn self.dao_temp = None self.draw() def draw(self): # from promogest.dao.StoricoDocumento import StoricoDocumento # docs = StoricoDocumento().select( # print "Documento padre", docs # docs = StoricoDocumento().select( # print "documenti figli", docs self.web_view = WebView() self.placeholder_scrolledwindow.add(self.web_view) self.clear() def on_mostra_storico_button_clicked(self, widget): if my_page_data = { 'file': 'storico_documenti.html', 'padre': get_padre(, 'figli': get_figli(, 'dao': self.ana.dao } html = renderTemplate(pageData=my_page_data) self.web_view.load_html_string(html, "file:///"+sys.path[0]+os.sep) else: messageWarning("E' necessario salvare il documento prima di mostrarne lo storico.") def on_aggiungi_figlio_button_clicked(self, widget): def returnDao(anagWindow): if anag.dao: self.dao_temp = anag.dao # agganciare il documento selezionato al documento padre add_relazione(, else: self.dao_temp = None from promogest.ui.anagDocumenti.AnagraficaDocumentiFilter import RicercaDocumenti anag = RicercaDocumenti() anagWindow = anag.getTopLevel() returnWindow = self.getTopLevel().get_toplevel() anagWindow.set_transient_for(returnWindow) anagWindow.show_all() anagWindow.connect("hide",returnDao) def on_aggiungi_padre_button_clicked(self, widget): def returnDao(anagWindow): if anag.dao: self.dao_temp = anag.dao add_relazione(, else: self.dao_temp = None from promogest.ui.anagDocumenti.AnagraficaDocumentiFilter import RicercaDocumenti anag = RicercaDocumenti() anagWindow = anag.getTopLevel() returnWindow = self.getTopLevel().get_toplevel() anagWindow.set_transient_for(returnWindow) anagWindow.show_all() anagWindow.connect("hide",returnDao) def clear(self): html = "<html><body></body></html>" self.web_view.load_html_string(html, "file:///"+sys.path[0]+os.sep)
class XOCom: # Constructor gives full XPCom access by default # This should be improved for future apps that may not need/want full access cometPort = 8889 ajaxPort = 8890 handler = None return_value = None def __init__(self, control_sending_text,uri=None): self.cond = Condition() #h = hash(Instance.instanceId) self.__class__.cometPort = 10 self.__class__.ajaxPort = 11 self.cometLogic = ServerLogic(self) #self.ajaxServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.ajaxPort, self.cometLogic) #self.ajaxServer.start() #self.cometServer = ServerThread(self.__class__.cometPort, self.cometLogic) #self.cometServer.start() if uri: self.uri = uri else: self.uri = 'file://' + get_bundle_path() + '/web/index.html?ajax='+str(self.__class__.ajaxPort)+'&comet='+str(self.__class__.cometPort); self.control_sending_text=control_sending_text self.give_full_xpcom_access() self.set_observer() ##self.send_to_browser_localize(['initlocalize']) ## to initialize the localized strings in socialcalc # Give the browser permission to use XPCom interfaces # This is necessary for XPCom communication to work # Note: Not all of these preferences may be required - requires further # investigation def give_full_xpcom_access(self): pass '''pref_class = components.classes[";1"] prefs = pref_class.getService(components.interfaces.nsIPrefService) prefs.getBranch('signed.applets.').setBoolPref('codebase_principal_support', True); prefs.getBranch('capability.principal.').setCharPref( 'socialcalc.granted', 'UniversalXPConnect') prefs.getBranch('capability.principal.').setCharPref( '', self.uri)''' # Wrapper method to create a new webview embedded browser component # Uses hulahop's WebView. Assumes that you'll want to serve # web/index.html relative to your activity directory. def create_webview(self): self.web_view = WebView() self.web_view.connect("navigation-requested", self.on_navigation_requested) ##self.uri = 'file://' + get_bundle_path() + '/web/index.html'; self.web_view.load_uri(self.uri) return self.web_view def on_navigation_requested(self, view, frame, req, data=None): uri = req.get_uri() try: scheme, data = uri.split(':#', 1) except: return False if scheme == 'xo-message2': if handler is not None: data = json.loads(data) self.handler(data, 'xo-message2', data[1]) return True elif scheme == 'return-value': self.return_value = json.loads(data) return True else: return False def set_observer(self): #try: print 'enter: set_observer' self.handler = self.control_sending_text; print 'exit: set_observer' #except: #print 'error is there, remove try and except thing' # Use XPCom to execute a javascript callback registered with XO.js # The command will execute a javascript method registered with the same name, # and return any value received from the javascript def send_to_browser(self, command, parameter=''): if((command == "read") and (parameter != '')): self.web_view.execute_script("'"+parameter.replace('\\n','DECNEWLINE').replace('\n','NEWLINE').replace("\\","B_SLASH").replace("'","\\'")+"');") return self.web_view.execute_script("['"+parameter+"'], 'xo-message', '"+command+"');"); self.handler = self.control_sending_text; # check if the browser returned anything while self.return_value == None: while Gtk.events_pending(): Gtk.main_iteration() if self.return_value != '': value = self.return_value self.return_value = None return value return None def send_to_browser_shared(self,command): if command[0]=='execute': self.web_view.execute_script('XO.observe(' + str(command[1:3]) + ', "xo-message", "execute");'); def send_to_browser_localize(self,command): print 'sending to javascript part to localize\n' localstr = "XO.lang=[" for i,j in localized_strings.iteritems(): localstr = localstr+"'"+i.replace("'","\\'")+"','"+j.replace("'","\\'")+"'," localstr = localstr+"'xv'];XO.observe();" self.web_view.execute_script(localstr) return