Example #1
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "/deBoer/table1.dat"
    ALL = np.loadtxt(gpr.fil)
    RAh = ALL[:, 0]
    RAm = ALL[:, 1]
    RAs = ALL[:, 2]
    DEd = ALL[:, 3]
    DEm = ALL[:, 4]
    DEs = ALL[:, 5]
    # that's all we read in for now. Crude assumptions: each star belongs to Fornax, and has mass 1Msun

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf
    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys)  # [pc]
    com_x, com_y = com_shrinkcircle_2D(x0, y0)  # [pc], [km/s]
    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2 + y0**2)  # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0)  # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf  # [pc] overall
    pop = 0
    pmr = (R0 < (gp.maxR * Rscale)
           )  # read max extension for data (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
    x = 1. * x0[pmr]
    y = 1. * y0[pmr]
    R = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)  # [pc]
    Rscalei = np.median(R)  # [pc]
    gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei)  # [pc]
    gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x / Rscalei, y / Rscalei,
                         np.zeros(len(x)), Rscalei)  # [pc]
Example #2
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"/deBoer/table1.dat"
    ALL = np.loadtxt(gpr.fil)
    RAh = ALL[:,0]
    RAm = ALL[:,1]
    RAs = ALL[:,2]
    DEd = ALL[:,3]
    DEm = ALL[:,4]
    DEs = ALL[:,5]
    # that's all we read in for now. Crude assumptions: each star belongs to Fornax, and has mass 1Msun

    # only use stars which are members of the dwarf
    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco

    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    x0 = np.copy(xs)
    y0 = np.copy(ys) # [pc]
    com_x, com_y = com_shrinkcircle_2D(x0, y0) # [pc], [km/s]
    # from now on, work with 2D data only; z0 was only used to get center in (x,y) better
    # x0 -= com_x; y0 -= com_y # [pc]
    # vz0 -= com_vz #[km/s]
    R0 = np.sqrt(x0**2+y0**2) # [pc]
    Rhalf = np.median(R0) # [pc]
    Rscale = Rhalf # [pc] overall
    pop = 0
    pmr = (R0<(gp.maxR*Rscale)) # read max extension for data (rprior*Rscale) from gi_params
    R = np.sqrt(x*x+y*y)            # [pc]
    Rscalei = np.median(R)          # [pc]
    gf.write_Xscale(gp.files.get_scale_file(pop), Rscalei) # [pc]
    gf.write_data_output(gp.files.get_com_file(pop), x/Rscalei, y/Rscalei, np.zeros(len(x)), Rscalei) # [pc]
Example #3
def read(Rdiff, gp):
    if Rdiff != 'median' and Rdiff != 'min1s' and Rdiff != 'max1s':
            'run grd_metalsplit.py to get the split by metallicity done before reading it in for GravImage'

    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0, 22, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case == 5:
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, VHel, e_VHel, Teff, e_Teff, logg, e_logg, Fe, e_Fe, N = np.loadtxt(
            gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        sel = (N > 0)
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, Vmag, VI, VHel, e_VHel, SigFe, e_SigFe, Mg, Mg_err, PM = np.genfromtxt(
            usecols=tuple(range(2, 17)),
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
        sel = (Mg > -1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split)  # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i] * gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs - com_x
        ys = ys - com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)

    popass = np.loadtxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_' + Rdiff)

    sel1 = (popass == 1)
    sel2 = (popass == 2)
    # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
    R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
    R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)
    R0 = np.hstack([R1, R2])

    for pop in np.arange(2) + 1:
        if pop == 1:
            Rhalf = R1[len(R1) / 2]
            co = 'blue'
            Rhalf = R2[len(R2) / 2]
            co = 'red'

    Rmin = min(R0)  # [pc]
    Rmax = max(R0)  # [pc]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R0, Rmin, Rmax, gp)  # [pc]
    gp.xipol = Rbin  # [pc]
    minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp)  # [pc^2]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x))
    Rsi = gh.add_errors(R0, gpr.Rerr)  # [pc], gpr.Rerr was in
    tpb = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    Sig_phot = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for i in range(gp.nipol):
        ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi >= Binmin[i],
                                          Rsi < Binmax[i])).flatten()  # [1]
        tpb[i] = float(len(ind1))  # [1]
        Sig_phot[i] = float(
            len(ind1)) * totmass_tracers / Vol[i]  # [Munit/pc^2]
    #loglog(gp.xipol, Sig_phot, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    # deproject to get 3D nu profiles
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)  # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)  # [pc]
    gp.xepol = np.hstack(
        [minr / 8., minr / 4., minr / 2., Rbin, 2 * maxr, 4 * maxr,
         8 * maxr])  #[pc]
    gp.xfine = introduce_points_in_between(gp.xepol, gp)
    #Sigdatnu, Sigerrnu = gh.complete_nu(Rbin, Sig_phot, Sig_phot/10., gp.xfine)
    #dummyx,nudatnu,nuerrnu,Mrnu = gip.Sig_NORM_rho(gp.xfine,Sigdatnu,Sigerrnu,gp)
    #nudat = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nudatnu, gp.xipol)
    #nuerr = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nuerrnu, gp.xipol)
    #loglog(gp.xipol, nudat, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    #plum = 100*gh.plummer(gp.xipol, Rhalf, len(R0))
    #loglog(gp.xipol, plum, color=co, linestyle='--')
    #ylim([min(plum), max(plum)])

Example #4
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir + "data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0, 22, 3, 3, 6, 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 5, 6, 5, 6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case == 5:
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, VHel, e_VHel, Teff, e_Teff, logg, e_logg, Fe, e_Fe, N = np.loadtxt(
            gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        RAh, RAm, RAs, DEd, DEm, DEs, Vmag, VI, VHel, e_VHel, SigFe, e_SigFe, Mg, Mg_err, PM = np.genfromtxt(
            usecols=tuple(range(2, 17)),
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
    if gp.case == 5:
        sel = (N > 0)
        sel = (Mg > -1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split)  # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # easiest way for visualization: use histogram to show data
    #hist(split, np.sqrt(len(split))/2, normed=True)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i] * gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    #plot(x, Mgdf, 'g', lw=2)
    # only then we want to compare to Gaussians

    n_dims = 1 + gp.pops * 2
    #Nsample = 10*n_dims
        n_dims,  # nest_ndims
        n_dims + 1,  # nest_totPar
        n_dims,  # separate modes on nest_nCdims
        # the rho parameters only (gp.nrho in this case)
        [gp.pops, gp.nipol, gp.nrho],
        True,  # nest_IS = INS enabled
        True,  #nest_mmodal =            # separate modes
        True,  # nest_ceff = use const sampling efficiency
        Nsample,  # nest_nlive =
        0.0,  # nest_tol = 0 to keep working infinitely
        0.8,  # nest_ef =
        10000,  # nest_updInt = output after this many iterations
        1.,  # null_log_evidence separate modes if
        #logevidence > this param.
        Nsample,  # maxClst =
        -1.e30,  # nest_Ztol = mode tolerance in the
        #case where no special value exists: highly negative
        gp.files.outdir,  # outputfiles_basename =
        -1,  # seed =
        True,  # nest_fb =
        False,  # nest_resume =
        0,  # context =
        True,  # nest_outfile =
        -999999,  # nest_logZero = points with log L < log_zero will be
        1000,  # nest_maxIter =
        False,  # initMPI =  use MPI
        None)  #dump_callback =

    import os
        'cd ' + gp.files.outdir +
        '; grep -n6 Maximum stats.dat|tail -5|cut -d " " -f8 > metalmaxL.dat;')
    os.system("cd " + gp.files.outdir +
              "; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E-\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    os.system("cd " + gp.files.outdir +
              "; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)+\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E+\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    cubeML = np.loadtxt(gp.files.outdir + 'metalmaxL.dat')
    cubeMLphys = cubeML  #myprior(cubeML, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    #myloglike(cubeMLphys, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    pML, mu1ML, sig1ML, mu2ML, sig2ML = cubeMLphys
    #g1 = pML*gh.gauss(x, mu1ML, sig1ML)
    #g2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(x, mu2ML, sig2ML)
    #gtot = g1+g2
    #plot(x, pML*g1, 'white')
    #plot(x, (1-pML)*g2, 'white')
    #plot(x, gtot, 'r')

    sig = abs(RAh[0]) / RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh / sig
    xs = 15 * (RAh * 3600 + RAm * 60 + RAs) * sig  # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0]) / DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd / sig
    ys = (DEd * 3600 + DEm * 60 + DEs) * sig  # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2. * np.pi / (360. * 60. * 60)  # [pc]
    kpc = 1000  # [pc]
    DL = {
        1: lambda x: x * (138),  #+/- 8 for Fornax
        2: lambda x: x * (101),  #+/- 5 for Carina
        3: lambda x: x * (79),  #+/- 4 for Sculptor
        4: lambda x: x * (86),  #+/- 4 for Sextans
        5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec * DL)  # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs - com_x
        ys = ys - com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)
    # instantiate different samplings, store half-light radii (2D)
    coll_R1half = []
    coll_R2half = []
    coll_popass = []

    print('drawing 1000 assignments of stars to best fitting Gaussians')
    import numpy.random as npr
    #import gi_project as gip
    for kl in range(1000):
        # get a sample assignment:
        popass = []
        for i in range(sum(sel)):
            # random assignment, wrong
            #if npr.rand() <= 0.5:
            #    popass.append(1)
            #    popass.append(2)

            spl = split[i]
            ppop1 = pML * gh.gauss(spl, mu1ML, sig1ML)
            ppop2 = (1 - pML) * gh.gauss(spl, mu2ML, sig2ML)
            if npr.rand() <= ppop1 / (ppop1 + ppop2):

        popass = np.array(popass)
        sel1 = (popass == 1)
        sel2 = (popass == 2)
        # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
        R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
        R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)

        for pop in np.arange(2) + 1:
            if pop == 1:
                R0 = R1  # [pc]
                Rhalf = R1[len(R1) / 2]
                co = 'blue'
                R0 = R2  # [pc]
                Rhalf = R2[len(R2) / 2]
                co = 'red'
    coll_R1half = np.array(coll_R1half)
    coll_R2half = np.array(coll_R2half)
    coll_Rdiffhalf = np.abs(coll_R1half - coll_R2half)

    # select 3 assignments: one for median, one for median-1sigma, one for median+1sigma
    med_Rdiff = np.median(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    stdif = np.std(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    min1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff - stdif
    max1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff + stdif

    #hist(coll_Rdiffhalf, np.sqrt(len(coll_Rdiffhalf))/2)
    #xlabel(r'$\Delta R/pc$')
    #axvline(med_Rdiff, color='r')
    #axvline(min1s_Rdiff, color='g')
    #axvline(max1s_Rdiff, color='g')

    kmed = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - med_Rdiff))
    kmin1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - min1s_Rdiff))
    kmax1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf - max1s_Rdiff))

    print('saving median, lower 68%, upper 68% stellar assignments')
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_median', coll_popass[kmed])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_min1s', coll_popass[kmin1s])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir + 'data/popass_max1s', coll_popass[kmax1s])
Example #5
def read(Rdiff, gp):
    if Rdiff != 'median' and Rdiff != 'min1s' and Rdiff != 'max1s':
        print('run grd_metalsplit.py to get the split by metallicity done before reading it in for GravImage')

    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0,22,3,3,6,4,3,5,6,6,7,5,6,5,6,5,6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case==5:
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,VHel,e_VHel,Teff,e_Teff,logg,e_logg,Fe,e_Fe,N=np.loadtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        sel = (N>0)
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,Vmag,VI,VHel,e_VHel,SigFe,e_SigFe, Mg,Mg_err,PM = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=29, unpack=True, usecols=tuple(range(2,17)), delimiter=delim, filling_values=-1)
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
        sel = (Mg>-1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split) # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i]*gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs-com_x
        ys = ys-com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)

    popass = np.loadtxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_'+Rdiff)

    sel1 = (popass==1)
    sel2 = (popass==2)
    # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
    R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
    R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)
    R0 = np.hstack([R1, R2])

    for pop in np.arange(2)+1:
        if pop == 1:
            Rhalf = R1[len(R1)/2]
            co = 'blue'
            Rhalf = R2[len(R2)/2]
            co = 'red'

    Rmin = min(R0) # [pc]
    Rmax = max(R0) # [pc]
    Binmin, Binmax, Rbin = gh.determine_radius(R0, Rmin, Rmax, gp) # [pc]
    gp.xipol = Rbin # [pc]
    minr = min(Rbin)# [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)# [pc]
    Vol = gh.volume_circular_ring(Binmin, Binmax, gp) # [pc^2]
    totmass_tracers = float(len(x))
    Rsi   = gh.add_errors(R0, gpr.Rerr)   # [pc], gpr.Rerr was in
    tpb = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    Sig_phot = np.zeros(gp.nipol)
    for i in range(gp.nipol):
        ind1 = np.argwhere(np.logical_and(Rsi >= Binmin[i], Rsi <  Binmax[i])).flatten() # [1]
        tpb[i] = float(len(ind1)) # [1]
        Sig_phot[i] = float(len(ind1))*totmass_tracers/Vol[i] # [Munit/pc^2]
    #loglog(gp.xipol, Sig_phot, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    # deproject to get 3D nu profiles
    gp.xipol = Rbin
    minr = min(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    maxr = max(Rbin)                           # [pc]
    gp.xepol =np.hstack([minr/8.,minr/4.,minr/2.,Rbin,2*maxr,4*maxr,8*maxr])#[pc]
    gp.xfine = introduce_points_in_between(gp.xepol, gp)
    #Sigdatnu, Sigerrnu = gh.complete_nu(Rbin, Sig_phot, Sig_phot/10., gp.xfine)
    #dummyx,nudatnu,nuerrnu,Mrnu = gip.Sig_NORM_rho(gp.xfine,Sigdatnu,Sigerrnu,gp)
    #nudat = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nudatnu, gp.xipol)
    #nuerr = gh.linipollog(gp.xfine, nuerrnu, gp.xipol)
    #loglog(gp.xipol, nudat, co)
    #axvline(Rhalf, color=co)
    #xlim([min(gp.xipol), max(gp.xipol)])
    #plum = 100*gh.plummer(gp.xipol, Rhalf, len(R0))
    #loglog(gp.xipol, plum, color=co, linestyle='--')
    #ylim([min(plum), max(plum)])

Example #6
def run(gp):
    import gr_params
    gpr = gr_params.grParams(gp)

    global Nsample, split, e_split, PM, split_min, split_max
    gpr.fil = gpr.dir+"data/tracers.dat"
    # number of measured tracer stars
    Nsample = bufcount(gpr.fil)
    delim = [0,22,3,3,6,4,3,5,6,6,7,5,6,5,6,5,6]
    #ID = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil,skiprows=29,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1),delimiter=delim)
    if gp.case==5:
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,VHel,e_VHel,Teff,e_Teff,logg,e_logg,Fe,e_Fe,N=np.loadtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=25, unpack=True)
        PM = np.ones(len(RAh))
        split = logg
        e_split = e_logg
        RAh,RAm,RAs,DEd,DEm,DEs,Vmag,VI,VHel,e_VHel,SigFe,e_SigFe, Mg,Mg_err,PM = np.genfromtxt(gpr.fil, skiprows=29, unpack=True, usecols=tuple(range(2,17)), delimiter=delim, filling_values=-1)
        split = Mg
        e_split = Mg_err
    if gp.case == 5:
        sel = (N>0)
        sel = (Mg>-1)  # exclude missing data on Mg
    RAh = RAh[sel]
    RAm = RAm[sel]
    RAs = RAs[sel]
    DEd = DEd[sel]
    DEm = DEm[sel]
    DEs = DEs[sel]
    #Vmag = Vmag[sel]
    #VI  = VI[sel]
    VHel = VHel[sel]
    e_VHel = e_VHel[sel]
    if gp.case < 5:
        Mg = Mg[sel]
        Mg_err = Mg_err[sel]
    elif gp.case == 5:
        Teff = Teff[sel]
        e_Teff = e_Teff[sel]
        logg = logg[sel]
        e_logg = e_logg[sel]
        Fe = Fe[sel]
        e_Fe = e_Fe[sel]
        N = N[sel]
    split = split[sel]
    e_split = e_split[sel]
    PM = PM[sel]

    split_min = min(split) # -3, 3 if according to WalkerPenarrubia2011
    split_max = max(split)

    # easiest way for visualization: use histogram to show data
    #hist(split, np.sqrt(len(split))/2, normed=True)

    # but: it's not as easy as that
    # we have datapoints with errors and probability of membership weighting
    # thus, we need to smear the values out using a Gaussian of width = split_err
    # and add them up afterwards after scaling with probability PM
    x = np.array(np.linspace(split_min, split_max, 100))
    splitdf = np.zeros(100)
    for i in range(len(split)):
        splitdf += PM[i]*gh.gauss(x, split[i], e_split[i])
    splitdf /= sum(PM)

    #plot(x, Mgdf, 'g', lw=2)
    # only then we want to compare to Gaussians

    n_dims = 1+gp.pops*2
    #Nsample = 10*n_dims
    pymultinest.run(myloglike, myprior, n_dims, # nest_ndims
                  n_dims+1, # nest_totPar
                  n_dims, # separate modes on nest_nCdims
                  # the rho parameters only (gp.nrho in this case)
                  [ gp.pops, gp.nipol, gp.nrho],
                  True, # nest_IS = INS enabled
                  True, #nest_mmodal =            # separate modes
                  True, # nest_ceff = use const sampling efficiency
                  Nsample, # nest_nlive =
                  0.0,   # nest_tol = 0 to keep working infinitely
                  0.8, # nest_ef =
                  10000, # nest_updInt = output after this many iterations
                  1., # null_log_evidence separate modes if
                  #logevidence > this param.
                  Nsample, # maxClst =
                  -1.e30,   # nest_Ztol = mode tolerance in the
                  #case where no special value exists: highly negative
                  gp.files.outdir, # outputfiles_basename =
                  -1, # seed =
                  True, # nest_fb =
                  False, # nest_resume =
                  0, # context =
                  True, # nest_outfile =
                  -999999, # nest_logZero = points with log L < log_zero will be
                  1000, # nest_maxIter =
                  False,     # initMPI =  use MPI
                  None) #dump_callback =

    import os
    os.system('cd '+gp.files.outdir+'; grep -n6 Maximum stats.dat|tail -5|cut -d " " -f8 > metalmaxL.dat;')
    os.system("cd "+gp.files.outdir+"; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)-\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E-\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    os.system("cd "+gp.files.outdir+"; sed -i 's/\\([0-9]\\)+\\([0-9]\\)/\\1E+\\2/g' metalmaxL.dat")
    cubeML = np.loadtxt(gp.files.outdir+'metalmaxL.dat')
    cubeMLphys = cubeML #myprior(cubeML, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    #myloglike(cubeMLphys, 1+gp.pops*2, 1+gp.pops*2)
    pML, mu1ML, sig1ML, mu2ML, sig2ML = cubeMLphys
    #g1 = pML*gh.gauss(x, mu1ML, sig1ML)
    #g2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(x, mu2ML, sig2ML)
    #gtot = g1+g2
    #plot(x, pML*g1, 'white')
    #plot(x, (1-pML)*g2, 'white')
    #plot(x, gtot, 'r')

    sig = abs(RAh[0])/RAh[0]
    RAh = RAh/sig
    xs = 15*(RAh*3600+RAm*60+RAs)*sig       # [arcsec/15]
    sig = abs(DEd[0])/DEd[0]
    DEd = DEd/sig
    ys = (DEd*3600+DEm*60+DEs)*sig          # [arcsec]
    arcsec = 2.*np.pi/(360.*60.*60) # [pc]
    kpc = 1000 # [pc]
    DL = {1: lambda x: x * (138),#+/- 8 for Fornax
          2: lambda x: x * (101),#+/- 5 for Carina
          3: lambda x: x * (79), #+/- 4 for Sculptor
          4: lambda x: x * (86), #+/- 4 for Sextans
          5: lambda x: x * (80)  #+/- 10 for Draco
    xs *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]
    ys *= (arcsec*DL) # [pc]

    # alternative: get center of photometric measurements by deBoer
    # for Fornax, we have
    if gp.case == 1:
        com_x = 96203.736358393697
        com_y = -83114.080684733024
        xs = xs-com_x
        ys = ys-com_y
        # determine com_x, com_y from shrinking sphere
        import gi_centering as grc
        com_x, com_y = grc.com_shrinkcircle_2D(xs, ys)
    # instantiate different samplings, store half-light radii (2D)
    coll_R1half = []
    coll_R2half = []
    coll_popass = []

    print('drawing 1000 assignments of stars to best fitting Gaussians')
    import numpy.random as npr
    #import gi_project as gip
    for kl in range(1000):
        # get a sample assignment:
        popass = []
        for i in range(sum(sel)):
            # random assignment, wrong
            #if npr.rand() <= 0.5:
            #    popass.append(1)
            #    popass.append(2)

            spl = split[i]
            ppop1 = pML*gh.gauss(spl, mu1ML, sig1ML)
            ppop2 = (1-pML)*gh.gauss(spl, mu2ML, sig2ML)
            if npr.rand() <= ppop1/(ppop1+ppop2):

        popass = np.array(popass)
        sel1 = (popass==1)
        sel2 = (popass==2)
        # radii of all stellar tracers from pop 1 and 2
        R1 = np.sqrt((xs[sel1])**2 + (ys[sel1])**2)
        R2 = np.sqrt((xs[sel2])**2 + (ys[sel2])**2)

        for pop in np.arange(2)+1:
            if pop == 1:
                R0 = R1 # [pc]
                Rhalf = R1[len(R1)/2]
                co = 'blue'
                R0 = R2 # [pc]
                Rhalf = R2[len(R2)/2]
                co = 'red'
    coll_R1half = np.array(coll_R1half)
    coll_R2half = np.array(coll_R2half)
    coll_Rdiffhalf = np.abs(coll_R1half-coll_R2half)

    # select 3 assignments: one for median, one for median-1sigma, one for median+1sigma
    med_Rdiff = np.median(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    stdif = np.std(coll_Rdiffhalf)
    min1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff-stdif
    max1s_Rdiff = med_Rdiff+stdif

    #hist(coll_Rdiffhalf, np.sqrt(len(coll_Rdiffhalf))/2)
    #xlabel(r'$\Delta R/pc$')
    #axvline(med_Rdiff, color='r')
    #axvline(min1s_Rdiff, color='g')
    #axvline(max1s_Rdiff, color='g')

    kmed = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-med_Rdiff))
    kmin1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-min1s_Rdiff))
    kmax1s = np.argmin(abs(coll_Rdiffhalf-max1s_Rdiff))

    print('saving median, lower 68%, upper 68% stellar assignments')
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_median', coll_popass[kmed])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_min1s', coll_popass[kmin1s])
    np.savetxt(gpr.dir+'data/popass_max1s', coll_popass[kmax1s])