Example #1
    def get_additional_states(self):
        :return: non-perception observation, such as goal location
        additional_states = self.global_to_local(self.target_pos)[:2]
        if self.goal_format == 'polar':
            additional_states = np.array(
                cartesian_to_polar(additional_states[0], additional_states[1]))

        # linear velocity along the x-axis
        linear_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(
            self.robots[0].get_linear_velocity(), *self.robots[0].get_rpy())[0]
        # angular velocity along the z-axis
        angular_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(
        additional_states = np.append(additional_states,
                                      [linear_velocity, angular_velocity])

        if self.config['task'] == 'reaching':
            end_effector_pos_local = self.global_to_local(
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states,

        assert additional_states.shape[0] == self.additional_states_dim, \
            'additional states dimension mismatch {} v.s. {}'.format(additional_states.shape[0], self.additional_states_dim)
        return additional_states
Example #2
 def global_to_local(self, pos):
     Convert a 3D point in global frame to agent's local frame
     :param pos: a 3D point in global frame
     :return: the same 3D point in agent's local frame
     return rotate_vector_3d(pos - self.robots[0].get_position(), *self.robots[0].get_rpy())
Example #3
    def get_additional_states(self):
        :return: non-perception observation, such as goal location
        additional_states = []
        additional_states = self.global_to_local(self.target_pos)[:2]
        if self.goal_format == 'polar':
            additional_states = np.array(cartesian_to_polar(additional_states[0], additional_states[1]))

        if self.config['task'] == 'reaching':
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states, self.target_pos[2:])

        #additional_states = []
        # linear velocity along the x-axis
        linear_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(self.robots[0].get_linear_velocity(),
        # angular velocity along the z-axis
        angular_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(self.robots[0].get_angular_velocity(),

        additional_states = np.append(additional_states, [linear_velocity, angular_velocity])

        if self.config['task'] == 'reaching':
            # End-effector
            end_effector_pos_local = self.global_to_local(self.robots[0].get_end_effector_position())
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states, end_effector_pos_local)

            # Height
            #additional_states = np.append(additional_states, self.target_pos[2:])

            # L2 distance between end-effector and goal
            #additional_states = np.append(additional_states, self.get_l2_potential())

            # Joint positions and velocities 
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states, np.sin(self.robots[0].joint_position[2:]))
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states, np.cos(self.robots[0].joint_position[2:]))
            additional_states = np.append(additional_states, self.robots[0].joint_velocity[2:])
            #additional_states = np.append(additional_states, self.robots[0].joint_torque)

        assert additional_states.shape[0] == self.additional_states_dim, \
            'additional states dimension mismatch {} v.s. {}'.format(additional_states.shape[0], self.additional_states_dim)

        return additional_states
Example #4
    def get_additional_states(self):
        relative_position = self.target_pos - self.robots[0].get_position()
        # rotate relative position back to body point of view
        additional_states = rotate_vector_3d(relative_position,

        if self.config['task'] == 'reaching':
            end_effector_pos = self.robots[0].get_end_effector_position(
            ) - self.robots[0].get_position()
            end_effector_pos = rotate_vector_3d(end_effector_pos,
            additional_states = np.concatenate(
                (additional_states, end_effector_pos))
        assert len(
        ) == self.additional_states_dim, 'additional states dimension mismatch'

        return additional_states
Example #5
    def calc_state(self):
        j = np.array([
            j.get_joint_relative_state() for j in self.ordered_joints
        self.joint_position = j[0::3]
        self.joint_velocity = j[1::3]
        self.joint_torque = j[2::3]
        self.joint_at_limit = np.count_nonzero(
            np.abs(self.joint_position) > 0.99)

        pos = self.get_position()
        rpy = self.get_rpy()

        # rotate linear and angular velocities to local frame
        lin_vel = rotate_vector_3d(self.get_linear_velocity(), *rpy)
        ang_vel = rotate_vector_3d(self.get_angular_velocity(), *rpy)

        state = np.concatenate([pos, rpy, lin_vel, ang_vel, j])
        return state
Example #6
    def get_task_obs(self, env):
        Get task-specific observation, including goal position, current velocities, etc.

        :param env: environment instance
        :return: task-specific observation
        task_obs = self.global_to_local(env, self.target_pos)[:2]
        if self.goal_format == 'polar':
            task_obs = np.array(cartesian_to_polar(task_obs[0], task_obs[1]))

        # linear velocity along the x-axis
        linear_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(env.robots[0].get_linear_velocity(),
        # angular velocity along the z-axis
        angular_velocity = rotate_vector_3d(
            env.robots[0].get_angular_velocity(), *env.robots[0].get_rpy())[2]
        task_obs = np.append(task_obs, [linear_velocity, angular_velocity])

        return task_obs
Example #7
    def calc_state(self):
        j = np.array(
            [j.get_joint_relative_state() for j in self.ordered_joints],
        self.joint_speeds = j[1::3]
        self.joint_torque = j[2::3]
        self.joints_at_limit = np.count_nonzero(np.abs(j[0::3]) > 0.99)

        z = self.robot_body.get_position()[2]
        r, p, yaw = self.robot_body.get_rpy()

        # rotate speed back to body point of view
        vx, vy, vz = rotate_vector_3d(self.robot_body.velocity(), r, p, yaw)
        more = np.array([z, vx, vy, vz, r, p, yaw], dtype=np.float32)

        return np.clip(np.concatenate([more] + [j]), -5, +5)
def save_scaled_urdf(filename, avg_size_mass, obj_class):
    model_path = os.path.dirname(filename)
    meta_json = os.path.join(model_path, 'misc/metadata.json')

    if os.path.isfile(meta_json):
        with open(meta_json, 'r') as f:
            meta_data = json.load(f)
            bbox_size = np.array(meta_data['bbox_size'])
            base_link_offset = np.array(meta_data['base_link_offset'])
        bbox_json = os.path.join(model_path, 'misc/bbox.json')
        with open(bbox_json, 'r') as bbox_file:
            bbox_data = json.load(bbox_file)
            bbox_max = np.array(bbox_data['max'])
            bbox_min = np.array(bbox_data['min'])
            bbox_size = bbox_max - bbox_min
            base_link_offset = (bbox_min + bbox_max) / 2.0

    bounding_box = np.array(avg_size_mass['size'])
    scale = bounding_box / bbox_size
    # scale = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

    object_tree = ET.parse(filename)
    # We need to scale 1) the meshes, 2) the position of meshes, 3) the position of joints, 4) the orientation axis of joints
    # The problem is that those quantities are given wrt. its parent link frame, and this can be rotated wrt. the frame the scale was given in
    # Solution: parse the kin tree joint by joint, extract the rotation, rotate the scale, apply rotated scale to 1, 2, 3, 4 in the child link frame

    # First, define the scale in each link reference frame
    # and apply it to the joint values
    scales_in_lf = {}
    scales_in_lf["base_link"] = scale
    all_processed = False
    while not all_processed:
        all_processed = True
        for joint in object_tree.iter("joint"):
            parent_link_name = joint.find("parent").attrib["link"]
            child_link_name = joint.find("child").attrib["link"]
            if parent_link_name in scales_in_lf and child_link_name not in scales_in_lf:
                scale_in_parent_lf = scales_in_lf[parent_link_name]
                # The location of the joint frame is scaled using the scale in the parent frame
                for origin in joint.iter("origin"):
                    current_origin_xyz = np.array([
                        float(val) for val in origin.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")
                    new_origin_xyz = np.multiply(current_origin_xyz,
                    new_origin_xyz = np.array(
                        [round_up(val, 4) for val in new_origin_xyz])
                    origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_origin_xyz))

                # scale the prismatic joint
                if joint.attrib['type'] == 'prismatic':
                    limits = joint.findall('limit')
                    assert len(limits) == 1
                    limit = limits[0]
                    axes = joint.findall('axis')
                    assert len(axes) == 1
                    axis = axes[0]
                    axis_np = np.array(
                        [float(elem) for elem in axis.attrib['xyz'].split()])
                    major_axis = np.argmax(np.abs(axis_np))
                    # assume the prismatic joint is roughly axis-aligned
                    limit.attrib['upper'] = str(
                        float(limit.attrib['upper']) *
                    limit.attrib['lower'] = str(
                        float(limit.attrib['lower']) *

                # Get the rotation of the joint frame and apply it to the scale
                if "rpy" in joint.keys():
                    joint_frame_rot = np.array(
                        [float(val) for val in joint.attrib['rpy'].split(" ")])
                    # Rotate the scale
                    scale_in_child_lf = rotate_vector_3d(scale_in_parent_lf,
                    scale_in_child_lf = np.absolute(scale_in_child_lf)
                    scale_in_child_lf = scale_in_parent_lf

                # print("Adding: ", joint.find("child").attrib["link"])

                    "child").attrib["link"]] = scale_in_child_lf

                # The axis of the joint is defined in the joint frame, we scale it after applying the rotation
                for axis in joint.iter("axis"):
                    current_axis_xyz = np.array(
                        [float(val) for val in axis.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")])
                    new_axis_xyz = np.multiply(current_axis_xyz,
                    new_axis_xyz /= np.linalg.norm(new_axis_xyz)
                    new_axis_xyz = np.array(
                        [round_up(val, 4) for val in new_axis_xyz])
                    axis.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_axis_xyz))

                # Iterate again the for loop since we added new elements to the dictionary
                all_processed = False

    all_links = object_tree.findall('link')
    all_links_trimesh = []
    total_volume = 0.0
    for link in all_links:
        meshes = link.findall('collision/geometry/mesh')
        if len(meshes) == 0:
        assert len(meshes) == 1, (filename, link.attrib['name'])
        collision_mesh_path = os.path.join(model_path,
        trimesh_obj = trimesh.load(file_obj=collision_mesh_path)
        volume = trimesh_obj.volume
        if link.attrib['name'] == 'base_link':
            if obj_class in ['lamp']:
                volume *= 10.0
        total_volume += volume

    # Scale the mass based on bounding box size
    # TODO: how to scale moment of inertia?
    total_mass = avg_size_mass['density'] * \
        bounding_box[0] * bounding_box[1] * bounding_box[2]
    print('total_mass', total_mass)

    density = total_mass / total_volume
    print('avg density', density)
    for trimesh_obj in all_links_trimesh:
        if trimesh_obj is not None:
            trimesh_obj.density = density

    assert len(all_links) == len(all_links_trimesh)

    # Now iterate over all links and scale the meshes and positions
    for link, link_trimesh in zip(all_links, all_links_trimesh):
        inertials = link.findall('inertial')
        if len(inertials) == 0:
            inertial = ET.SubElement(link, 'inertial')
            assert len(inertials) == 1
            inertial = inertials[0]

        masses = inertial.findall('mass')
        if len(masses) == 0:
            mass = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'mass')
            assert len(masses) == 1
            mass = masses[0]

        inertias = inertial.findall('inertia')
        if len(inertias) == 0:
            inertia = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'inertia')
            assert len(inertias) == 1
            inertia = inertias[0]

        origins = inertial.findall('origin')
        if len(origins) == 0:
            origin = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'origin')
            assert len(origins) == 1
            origin = origins[0]

        if link_trimesh is not None:
            if link.attrib['name'] == 'base_link':
                if obj_class in ['lamp']:
                    link_trimesh.density *= 10.0

            if link_trimesh.is_watertight:
                center = link_trimesh.center_mass
                center = link_trimesh.centroid

            # The inertial frame origin will be scaled down below.
            # Here, it has the value BEFORE scaling
            origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, center))
            origin.attrib['rpy'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

            mass.attrib['value'] = str(round_up(link_trimesh.mass, 4))
            moment_of_inertia = link_trimesh.moment_inertia
            inertia.attrib['ixx'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][0])
            inertia.attrib['ixy'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][1])
            inertia.attrib['ixz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][2])
            inertia.attrib['iyy'] = str(moment_of_inertia[1][1])
            inertia.attrib['iyz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[1][2])
            inertia.attrib['izz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[2][2])
            # empty link that does not have any mesh
            origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
            origin.attrib['rpy'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
            mass.attrib['value'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['ixx'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['ixy'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['ixz'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['iyy'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['iyz'] = str(0.0)
            inertia.attrib['izz'] = str(0.0)

        scale_in_lf = scales_in_lf[link.attrib["name"]]
        # Apply the scale to all mesh elements within the link (original scale and origin)
        for mesh in link.iter("mesh"):
            if "scale" in mesh.attrib:
                mesh_scale = np.array(
                    [float(val) for val in mesh.attrib["scale"].split(" ")])
                new_scale = np.multiply(mesh_scale, scale_in_lf)
                new_scale = np.array([round_up(val, 4) for val in new_scale])
                mesh.attrib['scale'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_scale))
                new_scale = np.array([round_up(val, 4) for val in scale_in_lf])
                mesh.set('scale', ' '.join(map(str, new_scale)))
        for origin in link.iter("origin"):
            origin_xyz = np.array(
                [float(val) for val in origin.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")])
            new_origin_xyz = np.multiply(origin_xyz, scale_in_lf)
            new_origin_xyz = np.array(
                [round_up(val, 4) for val in new_origin_xyz])
            origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_origin_xyz))

    new_filename = filename[:-5] + '_avg_size'
    urdfs_no_floating = save_urdfs_without_floating_joints(
        object_tree, new_filename, False)

    # If the object is broken down to multiple URDF files, we only want to
    # visulize the main URDF (e.g. visusalize the bed and ignore the pillows)
    # The main URDF is the one with the highest mass.
    max_mass = 0.0
    main_urdf_file = None
    for key in urdfs_no_floating:
        object_tree = ET.parse(urdfs_no_floating[key][0])
        cur_mass = 0.0
        for mass in object_tree.iter('mass'):
            cur_mass += float(mass.attrib['value'])
        if cur_mass > max_mass:
            max_mass = cur_mass
            main_urdf_file = urdfs_no_floating[key][0]

    assert main_urdf_file is not None

    # Finally, we need to know where is the base_link origin wrt. the bounding box center. That allows us to place the model
    # correctly since the joint transformations given in the scene urdf are for the bounding box center
    # Coordinates of the bounding box center in the base_link frame
    # We scale the location. We will subtract this to the joint location
    scaled_bbxc_in_blf = -scale * base_link_offset

    return main_urdf_file, scaled_bbxc_in_blf
    def scale_object(self):
        Scale the object according to the given bounding box
        # We need to scale 1) the meshes, 2) the position of meshes, 3) the position of joints, 4) the orientation
        # axis of joints. The problem is that those quantities are given wrt. its parent link frame, and this can be
        # rotated wrt. the frame the scale was given in Solution: parse the kin tree joint by joint, extract the
        # rotation, rotate the scale, apply rotated scale to 1, 2, 3, 4 in the child link frame

        # First, define the scale in each link reference frame
        # and apply it to the joint values
        scales_in_lf = {"base_link": self.scale}
        all_processed = False
        while not all_processed:
            all_processed = True
            for joint in self.object_tree.iter("joint"):
                parent_link_name = joint.find("parent").attrib["link"]
                child_link_name = joint.find("child").attrib["link"]
                if parent_link_name in scales_in_lf and child_link_name not in scales_in_lf:
                    scale_in_parent_lf = scales_in_lf[parent_link_name]
                    # The location of the joint frame is scaled using the scale in the parent frame
                    for origin in joint.iter("origin"):
                        current_origin_xyz = np.array(
                            [float(val) for val in origin.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")])
                        new_origin_xyz = np.multiply(
                            current_origin_xyz, scale_in_parent_lf)
                        new_origin_xyz = np.array(
                            [round_up(val, 10) for val in new_origin_xyz])
                        origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(
                            map(str, new_origin_xyz))

                    # scale the prismatic joint
                    if joint.attrib['type'] == 'prismatic':
                        limits = joint.findall('limit')
                        assert len(limits) == 1
                        limit = limits[0]
                        axes = joint.findall('axis')
                        assert len(axes) == 1
                        axis = axes[0]
                        axis_np = np.array([
                            float(elem) for elem in axis.attrib['xyz'].split()])
                        major_axis = np.argmax(np.abs(axis_np))
                        # assume the prismatic joint is roughly axis-aligned
                        limit.attrib['upper'] = str(
                            float(limit.attrib['upper']) *
                        limit.attrib['lower'] = str(
                            float(limit.attrib['lower']) *

                    # Get the rotation of the joint frame and apply it to the scale
                    if "rpy" in joint.keys():
                        joint_frame_rot = np.array(
                            [float(val) for val in joint.attrib['rpy'].split(" ")])
                        # Rotate the scale
                        scale_in_child_lf = rotate_vector_3d(
                            scale_in_parent_lf, *joint_frame_rot, cck=True)
                        scale_in_child_lf = np.absolute(scale_in_child_lf)
                        scale_in_child_lf = scale_in_parent_lf

                    # print("Adding: ", joint.find("child").attrib["link"])

                    scales_in_lf[joint.find("child").attrib["link"]] = \

                    # The axis of the joint is defined in the joint frame, we scale it after applying the rotation
                    for axis in joint.iter("axis"):
                        current_axis_xyz = np.array(
                            [float(val) for val in axis.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")])
                        new_axis_xyz = np.multiply(
                            current_axis_xyz, scale_in_child_lf)
                        new_axis_xyz /= np.linalg.norm(new_axis_xyz)
                        new_axis_xyz = np.array(
                            [round_up(val, 10) for val in new_axis_xyz])
                        axis.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_axis_xyz))

                    # Iterate again the for loop since we added new elements to the dictionary
                    all_processed = False

        all_links = self.object_tree.findall('link')
        # compute dynamics properties
        if self.category not in ["walls", "floors", "ceilings"]:
            all_links_trimesh = []
            total_volume = 0.0
            for link in all_links:
                meshes = link.findall('collision/geometry/mesh')
                if len(meshes) == 0:
                # assume one collision mesh per link
                assert len(meshes) == 1, (self.filename, link.attrib['name'])
                collision_mesh_path = os.path.join(self.model_path,
                trimesh_obj = trimesh.load(
                    file_obj=collision_mesh_path, force='mesh')
                volume = trimesh_obj.volume
                # a hack to artificially increase the density of the lamp base
                if link.attrib['name'] == 'base_link':
                    if self.category in ['lamp']:
                        volume *= 10.0
                total_volume += volume

            # avg L x W x H and Weight is given for this object category
            if self.avg_obj_dims is not None:
                avg_density = self.avg_obj_dims['density']

            # otherwise, use the median density across all existing object categories
                avg_density = 67.0

            # Scale the mass based on bounding box size
            # TODO: how to scale moment of inertia?
            total_mass = avg_density * \
                self.bounding_box[0] * \
                self.bounding_box[1] * self.bounding_box[2]
            # print('total_mass', total_mass)

            density = total_mass / total_volume
            # print('avg density', density)
            for trimesh_obj in all_links_trimesh:
                if trimesh_obj is not None:
                    trimesh_obj.density = density

            assert len(all_links_trimesh) == len(all_links)

        # Now iterate over all links and scale the meshes and positions
        for i, link in enumerate(all_links):
            if self.category not in ["walls", "floors", "ceilings"]:
                link_trimesh = all_links_trimesh[i]
                # assign dynamics properties
                inertials = link.findall('inertial')
                if len(inertials) == 0:
                    inertial = ET.SubElement(link, 'inertial')
                    assert len(inertials) == 1
                    inertial = inertials[0]

                masses = inertial.findall('mass')
                if len(masses) == 0:
                    mass = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'mass')
                    assert len(masses) == 1
                    mass = masses[0]

                inertias = inertial.findall('inertia')
                if len(inertias) == 0:
                    inertia = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'inertia')
                    assert len(inertias) == 1
                    inertia = inertias[0]

                origins = inertial.findall('origin')
                if len(origins) == 0:
                    origin = ET.SubElement(inertial, 'origin')
                    assert len(origins) == 1
                    origin = origins[0]

                if link_trimesh is not None:
                    # a hack to artificially increase the density of the lamp base
                    if link.attrib['name'] == 'base_link':
                        if self.category in ['lamp']:
                            link_trimesh.density *= 10.0

                    if link_trimesh.is_watertight:
                        center = link_trimesh.center_mass
                        center = link_trimesh.centroid

                    # The inertial frame origin will be scaled down below.
                    # Here, it has the value BEFORE scaling
                    origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, center))
                    origin.attrib['rpy'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

                    mass.attrib['value'] = str(round_up(link_trimesh.mass, 10))
                    moment_of_inertia = link_trimesh.moment_inertia
                    inertia.attrib['ixx'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][0])
                    inertia.attrib['ixy'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][1])
                    inertia.attrib['ixz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[0][2])
                    inertia.attrib['iyy'] = str(moment_of_inertia[1][1])
                    inertia.attrib['iyz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[1][2])
                    inertia.attrib['izz'] = str(moment_of_inertia[2][2])
                    # empty link that does not have any mesh
                    origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
                    origin.attrib['rpy'] = ' '.join(map(str, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))
                    mass.attrib['value'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['ixx'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['ixy'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['ixz'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['iyy'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['iyz'] = str(0.0)
                    inertia.attrib['izz'] = str(0.0)

            scale_in_lf = scales_in_lf[link.attrib["name"]]
            # Apply the scale to all mesh elements within the link (original scale and origin)
            for mesh in link.iter("mesh"):
                if "scale" in mesh.attrib:
                    mesh_scale = np.array(
                        [float(val) for val in mesh.attrib["scale"].split(" ")])
                    new_scale = np.multiply(mesh_scale, scale_in_lf)
                    new_scale = np.array([round_up(val, 10)
                                          for val in new_scale])
                    mesh.attrib['scale'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_scale))
                    new_scale = np.array([round_up(val, 10)
                                          for val in scale_in_lf])
                    mesh.set('scale', ' '.join(map(str, new_scale)))
            for origin in link.iter("origin"):
                origin_xyz = np.array(
                    [float(val) for val in origin.attrib["xyz"].split(" ")])
                new_origin_xyz = np.multiply(origin_xyz, scale_in_lf)
                new_origin_xyz = np.array(
                    [round_up(val, 10) for val in new_origin_xyz])
                origin.attrib['xyz'] = ' '.join(map(str, new_origin_xyz))