Example #1
    def __init__(self, rect, imgPATH, id):
        self.__original_image = Image(imgPATH, size=(rect.width, rect.height)).image.convert_alpha()

        self.bullets = []
        self.distance_vector = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.safe_bullet_distance = 0
        self.bullet_speed = 10

        self.look_vector_bullet = pygame.Vector2(-7, 0)
        self.angle_speed = 3
        self.angle = 90

        self.victory_points = 0
        self.is_alive = True
        self.death_gif = Gif(config.PATH_TO_EFFECTS + "\\smoke\\frames\\", [70, 70], 0.02)
        self.id = id

        self.current_speed = 10
        self.position = pygame.Vector2()
        self.look_vector = pygame.Vector2()
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.__original_image)
        self.image_rect = self.image.get_rect()
Example #2
    def setup_players(self):
            Player('Pacman', 290, 440, Gif('res/pacman.gif', (32, 32))))

        for hero in self.hero_sprites:
            hero.move_area = hero.move_area

        player = Player('Blinky', 287, 199, Gif('res/blinky.gif', (32, 32)))
        player.ai = GhostAI.Blinky
        player.move_area = 4

        player = Player('Clyde', 319, 259, Gif('res/clyde.gif', (32, 32)))
        player.ai = GhostAI.Clyde
        player.move_area = 5.5

        player = Player('Inky', 255, 259, Gif('res/inky.gif', (32, 32)))
        player.ai = GhostAI.Inky
        player.move_area = 4.5

        player = Player('Pinky', 287, 259, Gif('res/pinky.gif', (32, 32)))
        player.ai = GhostAI.Pinky
        player.hangOn = 0
        player.move_area = 5.5

        return self.hero_sprites, self.ghost_sprites
Example #3
 def test_inject_then_extract(self):
     for fname in self.fnames[:2]:
         mygif = Gif()
         b = os.urandom(mygif.available_bytes() - 4)
         gif_inject(mygif, b)
         data = gif_extract(mygif)
         self.assertEqual(b, data)
Example #4
def decode_route():
    file = request.files['file']
    encoded = Gif(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(file.read())))

    res = decode(encoded)

    return {"message": res}
Example #5
def copy_global_ct(inputgif):
    This function creates a copy of the global colour table
    :param inputgif: the input gif object
    :return: new table which is a deep copy of the global color table
    global_table = inputgif.global_color_table
    new_table = Gif.ColorTable(global_table._io)
    for i in global_table.entries:
        newcolor = Gif.ColorTableEntry(None)
        newcolor.red = i.red
        newcolor.green = i.green
        newcolor.blue = i.blue

    return new_table
Example #6
def encode_route():
    file = request.files['file']
    gif = Gif(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(file.read())))
    message = request.form["message"]

    gif = encode(count_available_storage(gif), message, gif)
    res = gif_to_bytearray(gif)

    return send_file(io.BytesIO(bytes(res)), mimetype='image/gif')
Example #7
    def test_encode1(self):
        # test the encoded/compressed indexes that it is the same as earlier
        new_subblocks = encode(self.indexes)
        for i in new_subblocks:
            self.assertIsInstance(i, Gif.Subblock)
        for i in self.gif.blocks:
            if i.block_type == Gif.BlockType.local_image_descriptor:
                i.body.image_data.subblocks.entries = new_subblocks

        gif2 = Gif.from_file("./test_src/sample_1.gif")

        self.assertEqual(gif_to_bytearray(self.gif), gif_to_bytearray(gif2))
Example #8
 def setUp(self):
     # set up with small gif file and known index values
     self.gif = Gif.from_file("./test_src/sample_1.gif")
     self.indexes = [
         '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1',
         '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2',
         '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2', '2',
         '2', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2',
         '2', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '0', '0',
         '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1',
         '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '2',
         '2', '2', '2', '2', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1'
Example #9
def checkGCT(inputgif):
    This function checks if the GIF has GCT and if it is of size 256
    Called in count_available_storage
    :param inputgif: GIF object
    :return: GIF object
    flag = inputgif.logical_screen_descriptor.flags
    if (flag & 128) != 0:  # if there is GCT
        global_table = inputgif.global_color_table
        if len(global_table.entries) == 256:  # if size of GCT is 256
            return inputgif

        else:  # if size not 256
            old_table = global_table.entries
            new_table = Gif.ColorTable(
                global_table._io)  # create new empty table
            for i in range(256):
                if i < len(old_table):  # append the old table RGB values
                    newcolor = Gif.ColorTableEntry(None)
                    newcolor.red = old_table[i].red
                    newcolor.green = old_table[i].green
                    newcolor.blue = old_table[i].blue

                else:  # create empty RGB values for new entries
                    newcolor = Gif.ColorTableEntry(None)
                    newcolor.red = 0
                    newcolor.green = 0
                    newcolor.blue = 0
            inputgif.global_color_table = new_table

        inputgif.logical_screen_descriptor.flags = 247  # change the flag value to indicate correct size of gct
    # else no gct just return inputgif
    return inputgif
Example #10
    def test_encode2(self):
        # test that changing the indexes and compressing it will still work
        self.indexes[0] = '2'
        self.indexes[6] = '1'
        new_subblocks = encode(self.indexes)
        for i in self.gif.blocks:
            if i.block_type == Gif.BlockType.local_image_descriptor:
                i.body.image_data.subblocks.entries = new_subblocks

        write_to_file(self.gif, "./test_src/res_2.gif")
        gif2 = Gif.from_file("./test_src/res_2.gif")

        for i in gif2.blocks:
            if i.block_type == Gif.BlockType.local_image_descriptor:
                resulting_index = decode(i.body.image_data)
                self.assertEqual(resulting_index, self.indexes)
Example #11
async def g(ctx, x, r = None):
    x = x.upper()
    embed = discord.Embed(title = x, color = discord.Colour.teal())
    x= x.lower()

    y = ctx.author.mention
    c = Gif(y, x)
    # file = discord.File(y+'.gif')
    # b = 'attachment://'+y+'.gif'
    # embed.set_image(url = b)
    if r == None:
        embed.add_field(name = "\u200b", value = y+" "+x, inline=True)
        embed.add_field(name = "\u200b", value = y+" "+x+" "+r, inline = True)

    embed.set_image(url = c)
    await ctx.send(embed = embed)
Example #12
    def __init__(self, name: str, x, y, img: Gif):
        self.name = name
        self.gif = img
        # Copy, not reference
        self.image = img.get_frame()

        # setting position
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        self.rect.left = x
        self.rect.top = y

        # setup some attributes

        # Input Ahead
        self.move_buffer = util.Vector2.zero()
        # Current movement
        self.move_dir = util.Vector2.zero()
        # MoveSpeed
        self.move_area = 6
        # Wall Detect Speed
        self.move_dArea = 30
        # GhostAI
        self.AIProgram = None
Example #13
        elif code == stop:
        if code < next_code:
            index_list = code_table[code]
            for c in index_list:
            if prevCode != clear:
                code_table.append(code_table[prevCode] + (index_list[0], ))
                next_code += 1
            index_list = code_table[prevCode]
            for c in index_list:
            code_table.append(index_list + (index_list[0], ))
            next_code += 1
        prevCode = code
    return index_stream

if __name__ == "__main__":

    fname = '../gifs/sample_2_animation.gif'

    mygif = Gif()

    print('available bytes in first frame = {}'.format(
    print('total available bytes = {}'.format(mygif.available_bytes()))
Example #14
File: test.py Project: dlutor/gif
from gif import Gif

g = Gif('gif.gif')
img = g.extend(g.imgs[0], (20, 40, 60, 80), 0)
img = g.tap(img, 'Hello!', local=(10, 20), size=30)
imgs = g.mextend(g.imgs, (20, 10, 20))
g.save_gif(imgs, 'image/3.gif')
imgs = g.mtap(imgs, '谢谢老哥', local=(10, 5), size=19)
g.save_gif(imgs, 'image/4.gif')
Example #15
 def test_write_to_file(self):
     # test that writing to file does not change the gif
     write_to_file(self.gif, "./test_src/res_1.gif")
     res_gif = Gif.from_file("./test_src/res_1.gif")
     self.assertEqual(gif_to_bytearray(self.gif), gif_to_bytearray(res_gif))
                    res += bytearray(c.red.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
                    res += bytearray(c.green.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
                    res += bytearray(c.blue.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
            res += bytearray(
                i.body.image_data.lzw_min_code_size.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
            for j in i.body.image_data.subblocks.entries:
                res += bytearray(j.num_bytes.to_bytes(1, 'little'))
                res += bytearray(j.bytes)
    with open(filename, 'wb+') as f:


if __name__ == "__main__":
    data1 = Gif.from_file("../../../Downloads/safe_image.gif")
    data2 = Gif.from_file(
    # print(data1.hdr.magic)
    # print(data1.hdr.version)

    # color_table1 = data1.global_color_table.entries
    # color_table2 = data2.global_color_table.entries

    # for i in range(1, len(color_table1)):
    #     color1 = color_table1[i]
    #     color2 = color_table2[i]
    #     print(i, "\t", color1.red, color1.green, color1.blue, "\t", color2.red, color2.green, color2.blue)

    # print(data2.logical_screen_descriptor.has_color_table)
Example #17
Usage: gif-audio-add.py <input.gif> <input.wav>

Creates new file named `<input>.a.gif` which has the recommended
file extension for Audio GIFs.
        raise SystemExit

    output_file_path = os.path.splitext(original_gif_file_path)[0] + ".a.gif"

    print "Output filepath:", output_file_path

    if os.path.exists(output_file_path):
        print "Output file path exists, not overwriting. Stopping."
        raise SystemExit

    data = Gif.from_file(original_gif_file_path)

    calculated_offset = 0

    #print data.hdr.magic, # 3 bytes
    #print data.hdr.version # 3 bytes

    calculated_offset += (3 + 3)

    # logical screen descriptor # 7 bytes

    calculated_offset += 7

    if data.logical_screen_descriptor.has_color_table:

        global_color_table_byte_size = len(data._raw_global_color_table)
Example #18
def encode(index_stream):
    LZW Decompression for Kaitai GIF image data
    @author: Bill Ivan Kooslarto - 28694120
    @param image_data: a Kaitai Gif.ImageData object
    @return: array of indexes
    # initialise LZW table
    max_index = max([int(i, base=10) for i in index_stream])
    min_code = math.ceil(math.log(max_index, 2))
    if min_code == 1:
        min_code = 2
    lzw_table_size = (2 ** min_code) + 2
    lzw_table = [[str(i)] for i in range(lzw_table_size)]
    lzw_table[-1] = [EOI]
    lzw_table[-2] = [CC]

    bits_to_decode = min_code + 1
    code_stream = bin(lzw_table.index([CC]))[2:]
    index_buffer = [index_stream[0][:]]

    # LZW compress the index array to code stream
    for i in range(1, len(index_stream)):
        K = [index_stream[i][:]]
            lzw_table.index(index_buffer + K)
            index_buffer += K
            if i == len(index_stream) - 1:
                code_stream = bin(lzw_table.index(index_buffer))[2:].zfill(bits_to_decode) + code_stream
        except ValueError:
            lzw_table.append(index_buffer + K)
            code_stream = bin(lzw_table.index(index_buffer))[2:].zfill(bits_to_decode) + code_stream
            index_buffer = K
            if len(lzw_table) > 2 ** bits_to_decode:
                bits_to_decode += 1

    # add end of information code
    code_stream = bin(lzw_table.index([EOI]))[2:] + code_stream

    # split the code stream into subblocks
    code_len = len(code_stream)
    i = code_len
    bytes_list = []
    while i >= 0:
        if i < 8:
            byte_string = ("0"*(8-i)) + code_stream[:i]
            byte_string = code_stream[i-8:i]
        bytes_list = [int(byte_string, 2).to_bytes(len(byte_string)//8, byteorder='little')] + bytes_list
        i -= 8

    max_subblock_len = 255
    new_entries = []
    temp_byte = bytearray()
    byte_count = 0
    for i in range(len(bytes_list)):
        temp_byte = bytes_list[i] + temp_byte
        byte_count += 1
        if byte_count == max_subblock_len or i == len(bytes_list) - 1:
            new_subblock = Gif.Subblock(None)
            new_subblock.num_bytes = byte_count
            new_subblock.bytes = temp_byte
            byte_count = 0

    new_subblock = Gif.Subblock(None)
    new_subblock.num_bytes = 0
    new_subblock.bytes = b''

    return new_entries
Example #19
import unittest
from preprocess import *
from gif import Gif
# Author : Jia Qin Choong
# Usage : Testing functions in preprocess.py

path = "./test_src/levi.gif"
inputgif = Gif.from_file(path)

class Test_Preprocess(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_capacity(self):
        # check to see if the count returned a value > 0
        self.assertGreater(count_available_storage(inputgif), 0,
                           "Failed to check capacity")

    def test_get_lct_index(self):
        # check to see  if the number of frames are obtained properly
        indexlist = get_lct_index(inputgif)
        blocks = inputgif.blocks
        count = 0
        for i in range(len(blocks)):
            if str(blocks[i].block_type) == "BlockType.local_image_descriptor":
                count += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(indexlist), count, "Failed to get lct index list")

    def test_setlocalCT(self):
        # check if all the local color table flag has been set to 135
        indexlist = set_local_color_table(inputgif)
        count = 0
        blocks = inputgif.blocks  # the frames are stored in blocks
Example #20
class Player(Entity):
    def __init__(self, rect, imgPATH, id):
        self.__original_image = Image(imgPATH, size=(rect.width, rect.height)).image.convert_alpha()

        self.bullets = []
        self.distance_vector = pygame.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.safe_bullet_distance = 0
        self.bullet_speed = 10

        self.look_vector_bullet = pygame.Vector2(-7, 0)
        self.angle_speed = 3
        self.angle = 90

        self.victory_points = 0
        self.is_alive = True
        self.death_gif = Gif(config.PATH_TO_EFFECTS + "\\smoke\\frames\\", [70, 70], 0.02)
        self.id = id

        self.current_speed = 10
        self.position = pygame.Vector2()
        self.look_vector = pygame.Vector2()
        self.rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)

        self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.__original_image)
        self.image_rect = self.image.get_rect()

    image_rect = None
    __original_image = None
    image = None

    bullets = []
    distance_vector = None
    safe_bullet_distance = 0
    bullet_speed = 10

    look_vector_bullet = None
    angle_speed = 3
    angle = 90

    victory_points = 0
    is_alive = True
    death_gif = None
    id = 0

    mask = None

    def reset(self):
        self.victory_points = 0
        if self.death_gif:

    def spawn(self):
        self.image = self.__original_image.copy()
        self.angle = 0
        self.look_vector = pygame.Vector2(-self.current_speed, 0)
        self.look_vector_bullet = pygame.Vector2(-self.bullet_speed, 0)
        self.is_alive = True
        if self.death_gif:

    def set_image(self, img_path):
        self.__original_image = Image(img_path, size=(self.__original_image.get_rect().width, self.__original_image.get_rect().height)).image.convert_alpha()
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.__original_image, self.angle)

    def set_position(self, x, y):
        self.set_rect(self.image.get_rect(center=(x, y)))

    def set_rect(self, rect):
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=(rect.x, rect.y))
        self.position = pygame.Vector2(rect.x, rect.y)
        self.distance_vector = pygame.math.Vector2(0, -(self.rect.height + self.safe_bullet_distance) // 2)

    def set_save_distance(self, distance):
        self.safe_bullet_distance = distance
        self.distance_vector = pygame.math.Vector2(0, -(self.rect.height + self.safe_bullet_distance) // 2)

    def get_barrel_end(self):
        return self.rect.center + self.distance_vector.rotate(-self.angle)

    def set_speed(self, speed, bullet_speed):
        self.current_speed = speed
        self.bullet_speed = bullet_speed
        self.look_vector = pygame.Vector2(-self.current_speed, 0)
        self.look_vector_bullet = pygame.Vector2(-self.bullet_speed, 0)

    def add_bullet(self):
        if len(self.bullets) < config.max_ball_count and self.is_alive:
            self.bullets.append(Bullet(pygame.Rect(self.get_barrel_end().x + config.ball_radius // 2,
                                                   self.get_barrel_end().y, config.ball_radius, config.ball_radius),
                                       self.look_vector_bullet, self.id))

    def kill(self):
        self.is_alive = False

    def check_for_leave_of_screen(self):
        width, height = config.window_size

        # height - y
        if self.rect.top < 0 or self.rect.bottom < 0 and self.look_vector.y < 0:
            self.rect.top = 0
            self.position = pygame.Vector2(self.rect.center)
        elif self.rect.bottom > height or self.rect.top > height and self.look_vector.y > 0:
            self.rect.bottom = height
            self.position = pygame.Vector2(self.rect.center)
        # width - x
        if self.rect.left < 0 or self.rect.right < 0 and self.look_vector.x < 0:
            self.rect.left = 0
            self.position = pygame.Vector2(self.rect.center)
        elif self.rect.right > width or self.rect.left > width and self.look_vector.x > 0:
            self.rect.right = width
            self.position = pygame.Vector2(self.rect.center)

    def wall_collision_angle_handler(self, value):
        angle = self.angle + value * 2
        look_vector = pygame.Vector2(*self.look_vector)
        image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.__original_image, angle)

        temp_rect = self.rect
        temp_rect = image.get_rect(center=temp_rect.center)

        for wall in lvlManager.levels[lvlManager.current_level_index].walls:
            offset = (int(temp_rect.topleft[0] - wall.rect.x), int(temp_rect.topleft[1] - wall.rect.y))
            result = wall.mask.overlap(self.mask, offset)
            if result:
                return result
        return False

    def wall_collision_handler(self, value):
        self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)

        topleft = self.rect.topleft + value
        for wall in lvlManager.levels[lvlManager.current_level_index].walls:
            offset = (int(topleft[0] - wall.rect.x), int(topleft[1] - wall.rect.y))
            result = wall.mask.overlap(self.mask, offset)
            if result:
                return True
        return False

    def set_angle(self, value):
        self.angle += value
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.__original_image, self.angle)
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=self.rect.center)

    def move_forward(self):
        if self.is_alive and not self.wall_collision_handler(self.look_vector):
            self.position += self.look_vector
            self.rect.center = self.position

    def move_back(self):
        if self.is_alive and not self.wall_collision_handler(-self.look_vector):
            self.position -= self.look_vector
            self.rect.center = self.position

    def move_left(self):
        if self.is_alive and not self.wall_collision_angle_handler(self.angle_speed):

    def move_right(self):
        if self.is_alive and not self.wall_collision_angle_handler(-self.angle_speed):
Example #21
def calculate_route():
    file = request.files['file']
    data = Gif(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(file.read())))
    capacity = count_available_storage(data)
    return {"capacity": capacity}
Example #22
 def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
     self.bot = bot
     # For voice messages:
     self.botTalk = BotTalk()
     # For gif messages: