Example #1
def runginga(sys_argv):
    """Run this from command line.

    This does the following:

    * Set up custom STScI plugins.
    * Enforce Qt toolkit.
    * Pass command line arguments directly into Ginga.

    .. warning::

        If the same plugin that is loaded here is also loaded
        via ``~/.ginga/ginga_config.py`` or command line,
        you will see duplicates!

    gpfx = 'ginga.qtw.plugins'  # To load custom Qt plugins in Ginga namespace

    # Remove some Ginga default plugins.
    # Use this if we have custom plugins that replaces them.
    # Note: Unable to get this to work from within ginga_config.py
    # Example:
    #     glb_plg_to_remove = ['WBrowser', 'RC', 'SAMP', 'IRAF']
    glb_plg_to_remove = []
    lcl_plg_to_remove = []
    _remove_plugins(glb_plg_to_remove, gmain.global_plugins)
    _remove_plugins(lcl_plg_to_remove, gmain.local_plugins)

    # Add custom plugins.
    # If we use this, we do not have to use ginga_config.py
    global_plgs = []
    local_plgs = [
        Bunch(module='DQInspect', tab='DQInspect', ws='dialogs', pfx=gpfx)
    gmain.global_plugins += global_plgs
    gmain.local_plugins += local_plgs

    # Enforce Qt (--toolkit or -t)
    new_argv = ['--toolkit=qt' if 'toolkit' in s else s for s in sys_argv]
    if '-t' in new_argv:
        new_argv[new_argv.index('-t') + 1] = 'qt'

    # Start Ginga
Example #2
def run_stginga(sys_argv):
    """Run this from command line.

    This does the following:

    * Set up custom STScI plugins.
    * Enforce Qt toolkit.
    * Pass command line arguments directly into Ginga.

    .. warning::

        If the same plugin that is loaded here is also loaded
        via ``~/.ginga/ginga_config.py`` or command line,
        you will see duplicates!

    from .plugin_info import _get_stginga_plugins

    # Remove some Ginga default plugins.
    # Use this if we have custom plugins that replaces them.
    # Note: Unable to get this to work from within ginga_config.py
    # Example:
    #     glb_plg_to_remove = ['WBrowser', 'RC', 'SAMP', 'IRAF']
    glb_plg_to_remove = []
    lcl_plg_to_remove = []
    _remove_plugins(glb_plg_to_remove, gmain.global_plugins)
    _remove_plugins(lcl_plg_to_remove, gmain.local_plugins)

    # Add custom plugins.
    # If we use this, we do not have to use ginga_config.py
    stglobal_plugins, stlocal_plugins = _get_stginga_plugins()
    gmain.global_plugins += stglobal_plugins
    gmain.local_plugins += stlocal_plugins

    # Enforce Qt (--toolkit or -t)
    new_argv = ['--toolkit=qt' if 'toolkit' in s else s for s in sys_argv]
    if '-t' in new_argv:
        new_argv[new_argv.index('-t') + 1] = 'qt'

    # Start Ginga
Example #3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# ginga -- astronomical image viewer and toolkit
    ginga --help
    ginga [options] [fitsfile] ...
import sys
from ginga import main, trcalc
except ImportError:

if __name__ == "__main__":