Example #1
def ensureTokenScopes(token, scope):
    Call this to validate a token scope for endpoints that require tokens
    other than a user authentication token. Raises an AccessException if the
    required scopes are not allowed by the given token.

    :param token: The token object used in the request.
    :type token: dict
    :param scope: The required scope or set of scopes.
    :type scope: `str or list of str`
    tokenModel = Token()
    if tokenModel.hasScope(token, TokenScope.USER_AUTH):

    if not tokenModel.hasScope(token, scope):
        if isinstance(scope, six.string_types):
            scope = (scope,)
        raise AccessException(
            'Invalid token scope.\n'
            'Required: %s.\n'
            'Allowed: %s' % (
                ' '.join(scope),
                '' if token is None else ' '.join(tokenModel.getAllowedScopes(token))))
Example #2
def _authorizeInitUpload(event):
    Called when initializing an upload, prior to the default handler. Checks if
    the user is passing an authorized upload token, and if so, sets the current
    request-thread user to be whoever created the token.
    token = getCurrentToken()
    params = event.info['params']
    tokenModel = Token()
    parentType = params.get('parentType')
    parentId = params.get('parentId', '')
    requiredScopes = {TOKEN_SCOPE_AUTHORIZED_UPLOAD, 'authorized_upload_folder_%s' % parentId}

    if parentType == 'folder' and tokenModel.hasScope(token=token, scope=requiredScopes):
        user = User().load(token['userId'], force=True)
Example #3
def _storeUploadId(event):
    Called after an upload is first initialized successfully. Sets the authorized upload ID
    in the token, ensuring it can be used for only this upload.
    returnVal = event.info['returnVal']
    token = getCurrentToken()
    tokenModel = Token()
    isAuthorizedUpload = tokenModel.hasScope(token, TOKEN_SCOPE_AUTHORIZED_UPLOAD)

    if isAuthorizedUpload and returnVal.get('_modelType', 'upload') == 'upload':
        params = event.info['params']
        token['authorizedUploadId'] = returnVal['_id']
        token['authorizedUploadDescription'] = params.get('authorizedUploadDescription', '')
        token['authorizedUploadEmail'] = params.get('authorizedUploadEmail')