Example #1
def get_result(response: requests.Response) -> dict:
        obj = response.json()
        raise UserError('RDA error: ' + response.text)
        if obj['status'] == 'error':
            raise UserError('RDA error: ' + ' '.join(obj['messages']))
    except KeyError:
        raise UserError('RDA error: ' + response.text)
    return obj['result']
Example #2
 def load(path: str):
     project_json_path = os.path.join(path, PROJECT_FILENAME)
     if not os.path.exists(project_json_path):
         raise UserError(f'{project_json_path} not found')
     with open(project_json_path) as fp:
         data = json.load(fp, object_hook=ProjectJSONDecoder)
     assert data['version'] > 0
     if data['version'] < PROJECT_JSON_VERSION:
     elif data['version'] > PROJECT_JSON_VERSION:
         raise UserError('Plugin too old to read project file of version {}'.format(data['version']))
     return Project(data, path)
Example #3
def find_mpiexec() -> str:
    plat = platform.system()

    paths = []

    if plat == 'Windows':
        help_option = []
        if 'MSMPI_BIN' in os.environ:
            paths.append(os.path.join(os.environ['MSMPI_BIN'], 'mpiexec.exe'))
    elif plat in ['Darwin', 'Linux']:
        help_option = ['-h']
        # Sometimes /usr/local/bin is not in PATH.
        raise UnsupportedError(f'Platform "{plat}" is not supported')

    mpiexec_path = None
    for path in paths:
            subprocess.check_output([path] + help_option,
        except FileNotFoundError:
            mpiexec_path = path

    if mpiexec_path is None:
        raise UserError('MPI not found')

    return mpiexec_path
def convert_wps_nml_to_project(nml: dict, existing_project: Project) -> Project:
    data = existing_project.data.copy()
        data['domains'] = convert_nml_to_project_domains(nml)
    except KeyError as e:
        raise UserError(f'Invalid namelist, section/variable {e} not found')
    project = Project(data, existing_project.path)
    return project
Example #5
def read_namelist(path: Union[str, StringIO],
                  schema_name: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
    if isinstance(path, str) and not os.path.exists(path):
        raise UserError(f'Namelist file {path} does not exist')
        nml = f90nml.read(path)
        # f90nml does not raise useful exceptions, so we can't include details here
        raise UserError(f'Namelist file {path} could not be parsed')

    # If a schema is specified, use it to fix single-element lists which are parsed as
    # primitive value since there is nothing to distinguish them from each other in the namelist format.
    if schema_name:
        schema = get_namelist_schema(schema_name)
        for group_name, group in nml.items():
            schema_group = schema[group_name]
            for var_name, var_val in group.items():
                schema_var = schema_group[var_name]
                schema_type = SCHEMA_VAR_TYPES[schema_var['type']]
                if schema_type is list and not isinstance(var_val, list):
                    group[var_name] = [var_val]
    return nml
Example #6
def rda_submit_request(request_data: dict, auth: tuple) -> str:
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
    # Note that requests_retry_session() is not used here since any error may be due
    # to invalid input and the user should be alerted immediately.
    response = requests.post(f'{API_BASE_URL}/request',
    result = get_result(response)
        request_id = result['request_id']
        raise UserError('RDA error: ' + json.dumps(result))
    return request_id
Example #7
def rda_submit_request(request_data: dict, auth: tuple) -> str:
    headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
    # Note that requests_retry_session() is not used here since any error may be due
    # to invalid input and the user should be alerted immediately.
    response = requests.post('https://rda.ucar.edu/apps/request',
        response_fmt = [x.split(':') for x in response.text.splitlines()]
        request_id = [
            x[1].strip() for x in response_fmt if x[0].strip() == 'Index'
        raise UserError('RDA error: ' + response.text.strip())
    return request_id
Example #8
def read_wps_binary_index_file(folder: str) -> WPSBinaryIndexMetadata:
    index_path = os.path.join(folder, 'index')
    if not os.path.exists(index_path):
        raise UserError(f'{index_path} is missing, this is not a valid WPS Binary dataset')
    with open(index_path) as f:
        index = '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in f.readlines())
    parser = ConfigParser()
    parser.read_string('[root]\n' + index)
    meta = parser['root']

    def clean_str(s: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
        if s is None:
            return s.strip('"')

    m = WPSBinaryIndexMetadata()

    # encoding
    m.little_endian = meta.get('endian') == 'little'
    m.signed = meta.get('signed') == 'yes'
    m.top_bottom = meta.get('row_order') == 'top_bottom'
    m.word_size = int(meta['wordsize'])
    m.scale_factor = float(meta.get('scale_factor', '1'))
    m.missing_value = float(meta['missing_value']) if 'missing_value' in meta else None

    # tile dimensions
    m.tile_x = int(meta['tile_x'])
    m.tile_y = int(meta['tile_y'])
    if 'tile_z_start' in meta:
        m.tile_z_start = int(meta['tile_z_start'])
        m.tile_z_end = int(meta['tile_z_end'])
        m.tile_z_start = 1
        m.tile_z_end = int(meta['tile_z'])
    m.tile_bdr = int(meta.get('tile_bdr', '0'))

    # projection / geographic coordinate system
    m.proj_id = meta['projection']
    m.stdlon = float(meta['stdlon']) if 'stdlon' in meta else None
    m.truelat1 = float(meta['truelat1']) if 'truelat1' in meta else None
    m.truelat2 = float(meta['truelat2']) if 'truelat2' in meta else None

    # grid georeferencing
    m.dx = float(meta['dx'])
    m.dy = float(meta['dy'])
    m.known_lonlat = LonLat(lon=float(meta['known_lon']), lat=float(meta['known_lat']))
    known_x_idx = float(meta.get('known_x', '1'))
    known_y_idx = float(meta.get('known_y', '1'))
    m.known_idx = Coordinate2D(known_x_idx, known_y_idx)

    # categories
    m.categorical = meta['type'] == 'categorical'
    m.category_min = int(meta['category_min']) if 'category_min' in meta else None
    m.category_max = int(meta['category_max']) if 'category_max' in meta else None

    # landuse categories
    m.landuse_scheme = clean_str(meta.get('mminlu'))
    for field in LANDUSE_FIELDS:
        setattr(m, field, int(meta[field]) if field in meta else None)

    # other
    m.filename_digits = int(meta.get('filename_digits', '5'))
    m.units = clean_str(meta.get('units'))
    m.description = clean_str(meta.get('description'))


    return m
Example #9
def convert_wps_binary_to_vrt_dataset(
        folder: str,
        use_vsi: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str, str, Callable[[], None]]:
    """Converts a WPS Binary format dataset into a mosaic VRT dataset referencing per-tile VRT datasets."""

    m = read_wps_binary_index_file(folder)

    if m.proj_id == 'regular_ll' and m.stdlon is not None:
        raise UnsupportedError('Rotated pole system is not supported')

    # scan folder for available tiles
    tile_filename_re = re.compile('^({d})-({d})\.({d})-({d})$'.format(
        d='\d{' + str(m.filename_digits) + '}'))
    tiles = []
    for filename in os.listdir(folder):
        match = tile_filename_re.match(filename)
        if match:
                'filename': filename,
                'path': os.path.join(folder, filename),
                'start_x': int(match.group(1)),
                'end_x': int(match.group(2)),
                'start_y': int(match.group(3)),
                'end_y': int(match.group(4))
    if not tiles:
        raise UserError(f'No tiles found in {folder}')

    # determine raster dimensions
    xsize = max(tile['end_x'] for tile in tiles)  # type: int
    ysize = max(tile['end_y'] for tile in tiles)  # type: int
    zsize = m.tile_z_end - m.tile_z_start + 1

    # convert to GDAL metadata
    dtype_mapping = {
        (1, False): gdal.GDT_Byte,  # GDAL only supports unsigned byte
        (2, False): gdal.GDT_UInt16,
        (2, True): gdal.GDT_Int16,
        (3, False): gdal.GDT_UInt32,
        (3, True): gdal.GDT_Int32
        dtype = dtype_mapping[(m.word_size, m.signed)]
    except KeyError:
        raise UnsupportedError(
            'word_size={} signed={} is not supported'.format(
                m.word_size, m.signed))

    if m.proj_id == 'regular_ll':
        crs = CRS.create_lonlat()
    elif m.proj_id == 'lambert':
        # The map distortion of a Lambert Conformal projection is fully
        # defined by the two true latitudes.
        # However, the longitude of origin is important for WRF as well,
        # since we only deal with upright rectangles (the domains) on the map.
        # For that reason, WRF allows the user to define the "standard longitude"
        # which is the longitude of origin.
        # The latitude of origin on the other hand does not have any significance
        # here and cannot be specified by the user. The geo transform for a given
        # grid is computed based on any arbitrary latitude of origin (see below).
        # In QGIS, the only difference are the displayed projected y coordinates,
        # but the actual grid georeferencing is unaffected.
        # This is possible as WRF's georeferencing metadata is based on geographical
        # reference coordinates for a grid cell, not projected coordinates.
        arbitrary_latitude_origin = (m.truelat1 + m.truelat2) / 2
        origin = LonLat(lon=m.stdlon, lat=arbitrary_latitude_origin)
        crs = CRS.create_lambert(m.truelat1, m.truelat2, origin)
    elif m.proj_id == 'mercator':
        # The map distortion of a Mercator projection is fully
        # defined by the true latitude.
        # The longitude of origin does not have any significance and
        # any arbitrary value is handled when computing the geo transform
        # for a given grid (see below). See also the comment above for Lambert.
        arbitrary_longitude_origin = 0
        crs = CRS.create_mercator(m.truelat1, arbitrary_longitude_origin)
    elif m.proj_id == 'albers_nad83':
        # See the comment above for Lambert. The same applies here.
        arbitrary_latitude_origin = (m.truelat1 + m.truelat2) / 2
        origin = LonLat(lon=m.stdlon, lat=arbitrary_latitude_origin)
        crs = CRS.create_albers_nad83(m.truelat1, m.truelat2, origin)
    # FIXME handle polar vs polar_wgs84 differently
    elif m.proj_id == 'polar':
        # See the comment above for Lambert. The same applies here.
        crs = CRS.create_polar(m.truelat1, m.stdlon)
    elif m.proj_id == 'polar_wgs84':
        # See the comment above for Lambert. The same applies here.
        crs = CRS.create_polar(m.truelat1, m.stdlon)
        raise UnsupportedError(f'Projection {m.proj_id} is not supported')

    known_x_idx_gdal = m.known_idx.x - 0.5
    if m.top_bottom:
        known_y_idx_gdal = ysize - m.known_idx.y - 0.5
        dy_gdal = -m.dy
        known_y_idx_gdal = m.known_idx.y - 0.5
        dy_gdal = m.dy

    known_xy = crs.to_xy(m.known_lonlat)
    upper_left_x = known_xy.x - known_x_idx_gdal * m.dx
    upper_left_y = known_xy.y + known_y_idx_gdal * m.dy
    geo_transform = (upper_left_x, m.dx, 0, upper_left_y, 0, dy_gdal)

    # print('known_x_idx_gdal: {}'.format(known_x_idx_gdal))
    # print('known_y_idx_gdal: {}'.format(known_y_idx_gdal))
    # print('known_xy: {}'.format(m.known_xy))
    # print('upper_left_x: {}'.format(upper_left_x))
    # print('upper_left_y: {}'.format(upper_left_y))

    # VRTRawRasterBand metadata
    line_width = m.word_size * (m.tile_x + m.tile_bdr * 2
                                )  # x size incl. border
    tile_size = line_width * (m.tile_y + m.tile_bdr * 2
                              )  # tile size incl. border
    line_offset = line_width
    image_offset = m.tile_bdr * line_width + m.tile_bdr * m.word_size
    pixel_offset = m.word_size
    byte_order = 'LSB' if m.little_endian else 'MSB'

    # create tile VRTs
    if use_vsi:
        out_dir = get_temp_vsi_path(ext='')
        out_dir = get_temp_dir()

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('VRT')  # type: gdal.Driver
    tile_vrt_paths = {}
    for tile in tiles:
        vsi_path = '{}/{}.vrt'.format(out_dir, tile['filename'])
        vrt = driver.Create(vsi_path, m.tile_x, m.tile_y,
                            0)  # type: gdal.Dataset

        for z in range(m.tile_z_start - 1, m.tile_z_end):
            options = [
                'SourceFilename={}'.format(tile['path']), 'relativeToVRT=0',
                'ImageOffset={}'.format(z * tile_size + image_offset),
                'LineOffset={}'.format(line_offset), 'ByteOrder=' + byte_order
            vrt.AddBand(dtype, options)

        tile_vrt_paths[tile['filename']] = vsi_path

    # create mosaic VRT
    mosaic_vrt_path = '{}/mosaic.vrt'.format(out_dir)
    vrt = driver.Create(mosaic_vrt_path, xsize, ysize, zsize,
                        dtype)  # type: gdal.Dataset

    if m.categorical:
        color_table, cat_names = get_gdal_categories(m.categories,

    for band_idx in range(1, zsize + 1):
        band = vrt.GetRasterBand(band_idx)  # type: gdal.Band
        if m.missing_value is not None:


        if m.categorical:

        sources = {}
        for idx, tile in enumerate(tiles):
            tile_vrt_path = tile_vrt_paths[tile['filename']]

            if m.top_bottom:
                end_y = ysize - tile['start_y'] - 1
                start_y = end_y - m.tile_y + 1
                start_y = tile['start_y'] - 1

            sources['source_{}'.format(idx)] = ('''
                    <SourceFilename relativeToVRT="0">{path}</SourceFilename>
                    <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="{tile_x}" ySize="{tile_y}" />
                    <DstRect xOff="{offset_x}" yOff="{offset_y}" xSize="{tile_x}" ySize="{tile_y}" />
                                           offset_x=tile['start_x'] - 1,
        band.SetMetadata(sources, 'vrt_sources')


    vrt_paths = [mosaic_vrt_path] + list(tile_vrt_paths.values())
    if use_vsi:
        dispose = partial(remove_vsis, vrt_paths)
        dispose = partial(remove_dir, out_dir)

    short_name = os.path.basename(folder)
    title = short_name
    if m.units and m.units != 'category':
        title += ' in ' + m.units
    if m.description:
        title += ' (' + m.description + ')'

    # The title is returned as VRT does not support dataset descriptions.
    return mosaic_vrt_path, title, short_name, dispose
Example #10
    def fill_domains(self):
        ''' Updated computed fields in each domain object like cell size. '''
        domains = self.data.get('domains')
        if domains is None:
            raise UserError('Domains are not configured yet')

        innermost_domain = domains[0]
        outermost_domain = domains[-1]
        innermost_domain['padding_left'] = 0
        innermost_domain['padding_right'] = 0
        innermost_domain['padding_bottom'] = 0
        innermost_domain['padding_top'] = 0
        outermost_domain['parent_start'] = [1, 1]

        # compute and adjust domain sizes
        for idx, domain in enumerate(domains):
            if idx == 0:
            child_domain = domains[idx - 1]

            # We need to make sure that the number of columns in the child domain is an integer multiple
            # of the nest's parent domain. As we calculate the inner most domain before calculating the outermost one,
            # we need to amend the value for the number of columns or rows for the inner most domain in the case the
            # dividend obtained by dividing the number of inner domain's columns by the user's inner-to-outer resolution ratio
            # in the case where is not an integer value.

            child_domain_size_padded = (
                child_domain['domain_size'][0] + child_domain['padding_left'] +
                child_domain['domain_size'][1] +
                child_domain['padding_bottom'] + child_domain['padding_top'],
            if (child_domain_size_padded[0] %
                    domain['parent_cell_size_ratio']) != 0:
                new_cols = int(
                    ceil(child_domain_size_padded[0] /
                new_child_domain_padded_x = new_cols * domain[
                new_child_domain_padded_x = child_domain_size_padded[0]

            if (child_domain_size_padded[1] %
                    domain['parent_cell_size_ratio']) != 0:
                new_rows = int(
                    ceil(child_domain_size_padded[1] /
                new_child_domain_padded_y = new_rows * domain[
                new_child_domain_padded_y = child_domain_size_padded[1]

            if idx == 1:
                child_domain['domain_size'] = [
                    new_child_domain_padded_x, new_child_domain_padded_y
                    'padding_right'] += new_child_domain_padded_x - child_domain_size_padded[
                    'padding_top'] += new_child_domain_padded_y - child_domain_size_padded[

            assert new_child_domain_padded_x % domain[
                'parent_cell_size_ratio'] == 0
            assert new_child_domain_padded_y % domain[
                'parent_cell_size_ratio'] == 0

            domain['domain_size'] = [
                new_child_domain_padded_x // domain['parent_cell_size_ratio'],
                new_child_domain_padded_y // domain['parent_cell_size_ratio']

        # compute bounding boxes, cell sizes, center lonlat, parent start
        for idx, domain in enumerate(domains):
            size_x, size_y = domain['domain_size']
            padded_size_x = size_x + domain['padding_left'] + domain[
            padded_size_y = size_y + domain['padding_bottom'] + domain[
            domain['domain_size_padded'] = [padded_size_x, padded_size_y]

            if idx == 0:
                center_lon, center_lat = domain['center_lonlat']
                center_xy = self.projection.to_xy(
                    LonLat(lon=center_lon, lat=center_lat))

                domain['bbox'] = get_bbox_from_grid_spec(
                    center_xy.x, center_xy.y, domain['cell_size'], size_x,
                child_domain = domains[idx - 1]

                domain['cell_size'] = [
                    child_domain['cell_size'][0] *
                    child_domain['cell_size'][1] *

                child_center_x, child_center_y = get_bbox_center(

                domain['bbox'] = get_parent_bbox_from_child_grid_spec(
                    child_cols=child_domain['domain_size'][0] +
                    child_domain['padding_left'] +
                    child_rows=child_domain['domain_size'][1] +
                    child_domain['padding_top'] +

                center_x, center_y = get_bbox_center(domain['bbox'])
                center_lonlat = self.projection.to_lonlat(
                    Coordinate2D(x=center_x, y=center_y))
                domain['center_lonlat'] = [
                    center_lonlat.lon, center_lonlat.lat

            if idx < len(domains) - 1:
                parent_domain = domains[idx + 1]
                domain['parent_start'] = [
                    parent_domain['padding_left'] + 1,
                    parent_domain['padding_bottom'] + 1
def convert_nml_to_project_domains(nml: dict) -> List[dict]:
    max_dom = nml['share']['max_dom']  # type: int

    nml = nml['geogrid']
    map_proj = nml['map_proj']  # type: str
    parent_id = nml['parent_id']  # type: List[int]
    parent_grid_ratio = nml['parent_grid_ratio']  # type: List[int]
    i_parent_start = nml['i_parent_start']  # type: List[int]
    j_parent_start = nml['j_parent_start']  # type: List[int]
    e_we = nml['e_we']  # type: List[int]
    e_sn = nml['e_sn']  # type: List[int]
    dx = [nml['dx']]  # type: List[float]
    dy = [nml['dy']]  # type: List[float]
    ref_lon = nml['ref_lon']  # type: float
    ref_lat = nml['ref_lat']  # type: float
    truelat1 = nml.get('truelat1')  # type: float
    truelat2 = nml.get('truelat2')  # type: float
    stand_lon = nml.get('stand_lon', 0.0)  # type: float

    # Check that there are no domains with 2 nests on the same level
    if parent_id != [1] + list(range(1, max_dom)):
        raise UserError('Due to the way domains are represented in GIS4WRF '
                        'each parent domain can have only one nested domain')

    # Check whether ref_x/ref_y is omitted, so that we can assume ref == center.
    if 'ref_x' in nml or 'ref_y' in nml:
        raise UnsupportedError('ref_x/ref_y is not supported in namelist')

    # Create CRS object from projection metadata.
    # See wps_binary_to_gdal.py for further explanations regarding latitude
    # and longitude of origin.
    if map_proj == 'lat-lon':
        if stand_lon != 0.0:
            raise UnsupportedError(
                'Rotated lat-lon projection is not supported')
        crs = CRS.create_lonlat()
    elif map_proj == 'lambert':
        arbitrary_latitude_origin = (truelat1 + truelat2) / 2
        origin = LonLat(lon=stand_lon, lat=arbitrary_latitude_origin)
        crs = CRS.create_lambert(truelat1, truelat2, origin)
    elif map_proj == 'mercator':
        arbitrary_longitude_origin = 0
        crs = CRS.create_mercator(truelat1, arbitrary_longitude_origin)
    elif map_proj == 'polar':
        crs = CRS.create_polar(truelat1, stand_lon)
        raise UnsupportedError(f'Map projection "{map_proj}" is not supported')

    ref_xy = crs.to_xy(LonLat(lon=ref_lon, lat=ref_lat))
    ref_x = [ref_xy.x]  # type: List[float]
    ref_y = [ref_xy.y]  # type: List[float]
    min_x = []  # type: List[float]
    min_y = []  # type: List[float]
    padding_left = []  # type: List[int]
    padding_bottom = []  # type: List[int]
    padding_right = []  # type: List[int]
    padding_top = []  # type: List[int]

    cols = [i - 1 for i in e_we]
    rows = [i - 1 for i in e_sn]

    for idx in range(max_dom - 1):
        # Calculate horizontal grid spacing for inner domain
        dx.append(dx[idx] / parent_grid_ratio[idx + 1])
        dy.append(dy[idx] / parent_grid_ratio[idx + 1])

        if idx == 0:
            # Calculate min coordinates for outermost domain
            min_x.append(ref_x[idx] - (dx[idx] * (cols[idx] / 2)))
            min_y.append(ref_y[idx] - (dy[idx] * (rows[idx] / 2)))

        # Calculate min coordinates for outer domain
        min_x.append(min_x[idx] + (dx[idx] * (i_parent_start[idx + 1] - 1)))
        min_y.append(min_y[idx] + (dy[idx] * (j_parent_start[idx + 1] - 1)))

        # Calculate center coordinates for inner domain
        ref_x.append(min_x[idx + 1] + (dx[idx + 1] * (cols[idx + 1] / 2)))
        ref_y.append(min_y[idx + 1] + (dy[idx + 1] * (rows[idx + 1] / 2)))

        padding_left.append(i_parent_start[idx + 1] - 1)
        padding_bottom.append(j_parent_start[idx + 1] - 1)

        padding_right.append(cols[idx] - padding_left[idx] -
                             cols[idx + 1] // parent_grid_ratio[idx + 1])
        padding_top.append(rows[idx] - padding_bottom[idx] -
                           rows[idx + 1] // parent_grid_ratio[idx + 1])

    ref_lonlat = crs.to_lonlat(Coordinate2D(x=ref_x[-1], y=ref_y[-1]))

    first_domain = {
        'map_proj': map_proj,
        'cell_size': [dx[-1], dy[-1]],
        'center_lonlat': [ref_lonlat.lon, ref_lonlat.lat],
        'domain_size': [cols[-1], rows[-1]],
        'stand_lon': stand_lon,
    if truelat1 is not None:
        first_domain['truelat1'] = truelat1
    if truelat2 is not None:
        first_domain['truelat2'] = truelat2
    if stand_lon is not None:
        first_domain['stand_lon'] = stand_lon

    domains = [first_domain]
    for i in range(max_dom - 1):

    return domains
Example #12
def convert_to_wps_binary(input_path: str, output_folder: str, is_categorical: bool,
                          units: Optional[str]=None, description: Optional[str]=None,
                          strict_datum: bool=True) -> GeogridBinaryDataset:
    Losslessly convert common geo formats to WPS binary format.
    If the given input file has a CRS or data type unsupported by WRF then an error is raised.

    :param input_path: Path to GDAL-supported raster file.
    :param output_folder: Path to output folder, will be created if not existing
    :param is_categorical: Whether the data is categorical, otherwise continuous
    :param units: units for continuous data
    :param description: single-line dataset description
    :param strict_datum: if True, fail if the input datum is not supported by WRF, otherwise ignore mismatch
    os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True)
    if os.listdir(output_folder):
        raise ValueError('Output folder must be empty')

    # FIXME if there is no nodata value, ask the user if it really has no nodata or ask for the value

    src_ds = gdal.Open(input_path) # type: gdal.Dataset
    xsize, ysize = src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize
    if xsize > MAX_SIZE or ysize > MAX_SIZE:
        raise UserError(f'Dataset has more than {MAX_SIZE} rows or columns: {ysize} x {xsize}, consider downsampling')

    filename_digits = 6 if xsize > 99999 or ysize > 99999 else 5

    if src_ds.GetLayerCount() > 1:
        raise UnsupportedError('Dataset has more than one layer which is unsupported')

    band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # type: gdal.Band
    src_no_data_value = band.GetNoDataValue()
    has_no_data_value = src_no_data_value is not None

    tilesize_x = find_tile_size(xsize, try_hard=not has_no_data_value)
    tilesize_y = find_tile_size(ysize, try_hard=not has_no_data_value)
    is_perfect_tiling = xsize % tilesize_x == 0 and ysize % tilesize_y == 0

    if is_categorical or (tilesize_x == xsize and tilesize_y == ysize):
        tile_bdr = 0
        # TODO write unit test that checks whether halo areas have correct values
        tile_bdr = 3

    if tile_bdr > 0 and not has_no_data_value:
        raise UserError('No-data value required as dataset is continuous and halo is non-zero')

    if not is_perfect_tiling and not has_no_data_value:
        raise UserError('No-data value required as no perfect tile size could be found')

    tilesize_bdr_x = tilesize_x + 2*tile_bdr
    tilesize_bdr_y = tilesize_y + 2*tile_bdr

    tiles_x = list(range(0, xsize, tilesize_x))
    tiles_y = list(range(0, ysize, tilesize_y))
    ysize_pad = tilesize_y * len(tiles_y) # ysize including padding caused by imperfect tiling

    # write 'index' file with metadata
    index_path = os.path.join(output_folder, 'index')
    index_dict, datum_mismatch, inv_scale_factor, dst_dtype, dst_no_data_value = create_index_dict(
        src_ds, tilesize_x, tilesize_y, ysize_pad, tile_bdr, filename_digits,
        is_categorical, units, description, strict_datum)
    write_index_file(index_path, index_dict)

    np_dst_dtype = gdal_array.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(dst_dtype)
    needs_scaling = inv_scale_factor is not None

    # As we have no control over the auxiliarly files that are created as well during conversion
    # we do everything in a temporary folder and move the binary file out after the conversion.
    # This keeps everything clean and tidy.
    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    tmp_bin_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'data.bin')

    driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('ENVI') # type: gdal.Driver#

    dy = src_ds.GetGeoTransform()[5]

        for start_x in tiles_x:
            for start_y in tiles_y:
                end_x = start_x + tilesize_x - 1
                end_y = start_y + tilesize_y - 1
                start_bdr_x = start_x - tile_bdr
                start_bdr_y = start_y - tile_bdr
                end_bdr_x = end_x + tile_bdr
                end_bdr_y = end_y + tile_bdr

                # read source data
                offset_x = max(0, start_bdr_x)
                offset_y = max(0, start_bdr_y)
                if end_bdr_x >= xsize:
                    datasize_x = xsize - offset_x
                    datasize_x = end_bdr_x - offset_x + 1

                if end_bdr_y >= ysize:
                    datasize_y = ysize - offset_y
                    datasize_y = end_bdr_y - offset_y + 1

                src_data = band.ReadAsArray(offset_x, offset_y, datasize_x, datasize_y)
                if dy > 0:
                    src_data = src_data[::-1]

                # scale if necessary (float data only)
                if needs_scaling:
                    # TODO test if scaling with no-data works
                    if has_no_data_value:
                        src_data = ma.masked_equal(src_data, src_no_data_value)
                    src_data *= inv_scale_factor
                    np.round(src_data, out=src_data)
                    if has_no_data_value:
                        src_data = ma.filled(src_data, dst_no_data_value)

                # pad incomplete tile with nodata value
                if datasize_x == tilesize_bdr_x and datasize_y == tilesize_bdr_y:
                    dst_data = src_data
                    assert has_no_data_value
                    dst_data = np.empty((tilesize_bdr_y, tilesize_bdr_x), np_dst_dtype)
                    data_start_x = offset_x - start_bdr_x
                    data_start_y = offset_y - start_bdr_y
                    dst_data[data_start_y:data_start_y+datasize_y,data_start_x:data_start_x+datasize_x] = src_data

                    if start_bdr_x < 0:
                        dst_data[:,:data_start_x] = dst_no_data_value
                    if start_bdr_y < 0:
                        dst_data[:data_start_y,:] = dst_no_data_value
                    if end_bdr_x >= xsize:
                        dst_data[:,data_start_x+datasize_x:] = dst_no_data_value
                    if end_bdr_y >= ysize:
                        dst_data[data_start_y+datasize_y:,:] = dst_no_data_value

                # create tile file
                dst_ds = driver.Create(tmp_bin_path, tilesize_bdr_x, tilesize_bdr_y, 1, dst_dtype) # type: gdal.Dataset
                dst_band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) # type: gdal.Band

                # write to disk
                del dst_ds

                # move to final location with WPS-specific filename convention
                fmt_int = '{:0' + str(filename_digits) + 'd}'
                fmt_filename = '{fmt}-{fmt}.{fmt}-{fmt}'.format(fmt=fmt_int)
                if dy < 0:
                    end_y = ysize_pad - start_y - 1
                    start_y = end_y - tilesize_y + 1
                final_path = os.path.join(output_folder, fmt_filename.format(
                    start_x + 1, end_x + 1, start_y + 1, end_y + 1))
                shutil.move(tmp_bin_path, final_path)

        return GeogridBinaryDataset(index_path, datum_mismatch)
Example #13
def create_index_dict(dataset: gdal.Dataset, tilesize_x: int, tilesize_y: int, ysize_pad: int, tile_bdr: int,
                      filename_digits: int, is_categorical: bool,
                      units: Optional[str]=None, description: Optional[str]=None,
                      strict_datum: bool=True) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], DatumMismatch, Optional[float], int, Optional[float]]:
    Returns a dictionary that can be used for writing a WPS Binary format index file.
    If the given dataset has a CRS or data type unsupported by WRF then an error is raised.
    See also :func:`write_index_file`.
    band = dataset.GetRasterBand(1) # type: gdal.Band
    dtype = band.DataType
    if dtype in DTYPE_INT:
        no_data_value = band.GetNoDataValue() # type: Optional[float]
        scale_factor = band.GetScale()
        inv_scale_factor = None
        if band.GetOffset() != 0:
            raise UnsupportedError('Integer data with offset not supported')
    elif dtype in DTYPE_FLOAT:
        if is_categorical:
            raise UserError('Categorical data must have integer-type data but is float')
        assert band.GetOffset() == 0
        assert band.GetScale() == 1
        # WPS binary doesn't support floating point data.
        # Floating point data must be converted to integers by scaling and rounding.
        inv_scale_factor, min_max = compute_inv_scale_factor(read_blocks(band))
        scale_factor = 1/inv_scale_factor
        min_, max_ = min_max
        min_scaled = round(min_ * inv_scale_factor)
        max_scaled = round(max_ * inv_scale_factor)
        dtype = get_optimal_dtype(min_scaled, max_scaled)
        if band.GetNoDataValue() is None:
            no_data_value = None
            # TODO may fail if value range equals dtype range
            #      adjusting the scaling factor slightly to make room for a no-data value may help
            no_data_value = get_no_data_value(dtype, min_scaled, max_scaled)

        #print('Scale factor: {}'.format(scale_factor))
        #print('Min/max: {}'.format(min_max))
        #print('Min/max scaled: {}'.format((min_scaled, max_scaled)))
        #print('No data: {}'.format(no_data_value))
        assert False, "Unsupported data type: {}".format(gdal.GetDataTypeName(dtype))

    signed = gdal_dtype_is_signed(dtype)
    wordsize = gdal.GetDataTypeSize(dtype) // 8

    wkt = dataset.GetProjection()
    srs = osr.SpatialReference(wkt)

    truelat1 = truelat2 = stand_lon = None

    geotransform = dataset.GetGeoTransform()
    dx = geotransform[1]
    dy = geotransform[5]
    assert dx > 0
    # dy can be negative, see below

    projection = None
    datum_mismatch = None

    if srs.IsGeographic():
        if srs.EPSGTreatsAsLatLong():
            raise UnsupportedError("Unsupported axis order: Lat/Lon, must be Lon/Lat")

        if not CRS.is_wrf_sphere_datum(srs):
            datum_mismatch = DatumMismatch(
                expected='WRF Sphere (6370km)',
                actual='a={}m b={}m'.format(srs.GetSemiMajor(), srs.GetSemiMinor()))
        if datum_mismatch and strict_datum:
            raise UnsupportedError("Unsupported datum, must be based on a sphere with " +
                "radius {}m, but is an ellipsoid with a={}m b={}m".format(
                    WRF_EARTH_RADIUS, srs.GetSemiMajor(), srs.GetSemiMinor()))

        projection = 'regular_ll'

    elif srs.IsProjected():
        proj = srs.GetAttrValue('projection')
        datum = srs.GetAttrValue('datum')

        if proj in ['Albers_Conic_Equal_Area', 'Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP', 'Mercator_2SP']:
            truelat1 = srs.GetNormProjParm('standard_parallel_1')

        if proj == 'Polar_Stereographic':
            truelat1 = srs.GetNormProjParm('latitude_of_origin')

        if proj in ['Albers_Conic_Equal_Area', 'Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP']:
            truelat2 = srs.GetNormProjParm('standard_parallel_2')

        if proj == 'Albers_Conic_Equal_Area':
            stand_lon = srs.GetNormProjParm('longitude_of_center')

        if proj in ['Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP', 'Mercator_2SP', 'Polar_Stereographic']:
            stand_lon = srs.GetNormProjParm('central_meridian')

        if proj == "Albers_Conic_Equal_Area":
            if datum != "North_American_Datum_1983":
                datum_mismatch = DatumMismatch(expected='NAD83', actual=datum)
            projection = 'albers_nad83'

        elif proj == "Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP":
            if not CRS.is_wrf_sphere_datum(srs):
                datum_mismatch = DatumMismatch(expected='WRF Sphere (6370km)', actual=datum)
            projection = 'lambert'

        elif proj == "Mercator_2SP":
            if not CRS.is_wrf_sphere_datum(srs):
                datum_mismatch = DatumMismatch(expected='WRF Sphere (6370km)', actual=datum)
            projection = 'mercator'

        # For polar stereographic we don't allow datum mismatch in non-strict mode
        # as it would be ambiguous which WPS projection ID to choose.
        elif proj == "Polar_Stereographic" and datum == 'WGS_1984':
            projection = 'polar_wgs84'

        elif proj == "Polar_Stereographic" and CRS.is_wrf_sphere_datum(srs):
            projection = 'polar'

        if projection is None or (datum_mismatch and strict_datum):
            raise UnsupportedError("Unsupported projection/datum: {}; {}".format(proj, datum))
        raise UnsupportedError("Unsupported SRS type, must be geographic or projected")

    if units is None and is_categorical:
        units = 'category'

    # gdal always uses system byte order when creating ENVI files
    is_little_endian = sys.byteorder == 'little'

    # WPS does not support the concept of negative dy and requires that
    # the highest y coordinate corresponds to the highest y index.
    # If row_order=top_bottom (which we use), then the highest y index corresponds to
    # the row that is stored first in the file.
    # If row_order=bottom_top, then the highest y index corresponds to
    # the row that is stored last in the file.
    # Index coordinates in WPS do not start from 0 but from 1 where (1,1)
    # corresponds to the center of the cell. GDAL (0,0) corresponds to the corner of the cell.
    # See also http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/FAQ_files/FAQ_wps_intermediate_format.html.

    half_cell = 0.5

    # WPS index coordinates
    known_x = known_y = 1.0

    # GDAL index coordinates
    x_idx = known_x - half_cell
    if dy < 0:
        y_idx = ysize_pad - known_y + half_cell
        y_idx = known_y - half_cell

    known_lonlat = CRS(srs=srs).to_lonlat(get_crs_coordinates(dataset, x_idx, y_idx))

    metadata = {
        'type': 'categorical' if is_categorical else 'continuous',
        'endian': 'little' if is_little_endian else 'big',
        'signed': 'yes' if signed else 'no',
        'wordsize': wordsize,
        'row_order': 'top_bottom',
        'projection': projection,
        'dx': dx,
        'dy': abs(dy),
        'known_x': known_x,
        'known_y': known_y,
        'known_lat': known_lonlat.lat,
        'known_lon': known_lonlat.lon,
        'tile_x': tilesize_x,
        'tile_y': tilesize_y,
        'tile_z': 1,
        'tile_bdr': tile_bdr

    if filename_digits > 5:
        metadata['filename_digits'] = filename_digits

    if scale_factor != 1:
        metadata['scale_factor'] = scale_factor

    if no_data_value is not None:
        metadata['missing_value'] = float(no_data_value)

    if is_categorical:
        # Note that ComputeRasterMinMax ignores pixels with no-data value.
        band_min, band_max = band.ComputeRasterMinMax()
        assert band_min == int(band_min)
        assert band_max == int(band_max)
        metadata['category_min'] = int(band_min)
        metadata['category_max'] = int(band_max)

    if truelat1 is not None:
        metadata['truelat1'] = truelat1

    if truelat2 is not None:
        metadata['truelat2'] = truelat2

    if stand_lon is not None:
        metadata['stdlon'] = stand_lon

    if units is not None:
        metadata['units'] = units

    if description is not None:
        metadata['description'] = description

    return metadata, datum_mismatch, inv_scale_factor, dtype, no_data_value
def convert_project_to_wrf_namelist(project: Project) -> dict:
    wrf = OrderedDict() # type: dict

        met_spec = project.met_dataset_spec
    except KeyError:
        raise UserError('Meteorological data not selected')

    geogrid_nc = [os.path.join(project.run_wps_folder, 'geo_em.d{:02d}.nc'.format(i))
                  for i in range(1, project.domain_count + 1)]
    if not all(map(os.path.exists, geogrid_nc)):
        raise UserError('Geogrid output files not found, run geogrid first')
    dx = [] # type: List[float]
    dy = [] # type: List[float]
    for path in geogrid_nc:
        ds = nc.Dataset(path)
            num_land_cat = ds.getncattr('NUM_LAND_CAT')
        logger.debug(f'read metadata from {path}: DX={dx[-1]}, DY={dy[-1]}, NUM_LAND_CAT={num_land_cat}')

    metgrid_nc = glob.glob(os.path.join(project.run_wps_folder, 'met_em.d01.*.nc'))
    if not metgrid_nc:
        raise UserError('Metgrid output files not found, run metgrid first')
    ds = nc.Dataset(metgrid_nc[0])
        num_metgrid_levels = ds.dimensions['num_metgrid_levels'].size
        num_metgrid_soil_levels = ds.getncattr('NUM_METGRID_SOIL_LEVELS')
    logger.debug(f'read metadata from {metgrid_nc[0]}: num_metgrid_levels={num_metgrid_levels}, ' +
    domains = project.data['domains']
    num_domains = len(domains)
    assert num_domains > 0

    start, end = met_spec['time_range']
    wrf['time_control'] = OrderedDict(
        start_year = [start.year] * num_domains,
        start_month = [start.month] * num_domains,
        start_day = [start.day] * num_domains,
        start_hour = [start.hour] * num_domains,
        start_minute = [start.minute] * num_domains,
        start_second = [start.second] * num_domains,
        end_year = [end.year] * num_domains,
        end_month = [end.month] * num_domains,
        end_day = [end.day] * num_domains,
        end_hour = [end.hour] * num_domains,
        end_minute = [end.minute] * num_domains,
        end_second = [end.second] * num_domains,
        interval_seconds = met_spec['interval_seconds'],
        history_interval = [60] * num_domains,
        frames_per_outfile = [100] * num_domains,
        input_from_file = [True] * num_domains,
        nocolons = True

    parent_grid_ratio = [1] + [domain['parent_cell_size_ratio'] for domain in domains[:0:-1]]
    wrf['domains'] = OrderedDict(
        max_dom = num_domains,
        grid_id = list(range(1, num_domains + 1)),
        parent_id = [1] + list(range(1, num_domains)),
        parent_grid_ratio = parent_grid_ratio,
        parent_time_step_ratio = parent_grid_ratio,
        i_parent_start = [domain['parent_start'][0] for domain in domains[::-1]],
        j_parent_start = [domain['parent_start'][1] for domain in domains[::-1]],
        # e_we and e_sn represent the number of velocity points (i.e., u-staggered or v-staggered points)
        # which is one more than the number of cells in each dimension.
        e_we = [domain['domain_size'][0] + domain['padding_left'] + domain['padding_right'] + 1 for domain in domains[::-1]],
        e_sn = [domain['domain_size'][1] + domain['padding_bottom'] + domain['padding_top'] + 1 for domain in domains[::-1]],
        e_vert = [30] * num_domains,
        # dx/dy is not the same as in the WPS namelist, instead it is always meters
        # and is written to the geogrid output files (see above).
        dx = dx,
        dy = dy,
        num_metgrid_levels = num_metgrid_levels,
        num_metgrid_soil_levels = num_metgrid_soil_levels

    wrf['physics'] = OrderedDict(
        num_land_cat = num_land_cat

    return wrf