Example #1
    def _assert_object_writing(self, db):
        """General tests to verify object writing, compatible to ObjectDBW
        :note: requires write access to the database"""
        # start in 'dry-run' mode, using a simple sha1 writer
        ostreams = (ZippedStoreShaWriter, None)
        for ostreamcls in ostreams:
            for data in self.all_data:
                dry_run = ostreamcls is not None
                ostream = None
                if ostreamcls is not None:
                    ostream = ostreamcls()
                    assert isinstance(ostream, Sha1Writer)
                # END create ostream

                prev_ostream = db.set_ostream(ostream)
                assert type(
                    prev_ostream) in ostreams or prev_ostream in ostreams

                istream = IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))

                # store returns same istream instance, with new sha set
                my_istream = db.store(istream)
                sha = istream.binsha
                assert my_istream is istream
                assert db.has_object(sha) != dry_run
                assert len(sha) == 20

                # verify data - the slow way, we want to run code
                if not dry_run:
                    info = db.info(sha)
                    assert str_blob_type == info.type
                    assert info.size == len(data)

                    ostream = db.stream(sha)
                    assert ostream.read() == data
                    assert ostream.type == str_blob_type
                    assert ostream.size == len(data)
                    self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.info, sha)
                    self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.stream, sha)

                    # DIRECT STREAM COPY
                    # our data hase been written in object format to the StringIO
                    # we pasesd as output stream. No physical database representation
                    # was created.
                    # Test direct stream copy of object streams, the result must be
                    # identical to what we fed in
                    istream.stream = ostream
                    assert istream.binsha is not None
                    prev_sha = istream.binsha

                    assert istream.binsha == prev_sha
                    new_ostream = db.ostream()

                    # note: only works as long our store write uses the same compression
                    # level, which is zip_best
                    assert ostream.getvalue() == new_ostream.getvalue()
Example #2
 def _assert_object_writing(self, db):
     """General tests to verify object writing, compatible to ObjectDBW
     :note: requires write access to the database"""
     # start in 'dry-run' mode, using a simple sha1 writer
     ostreams = (ZippedStoreShaWriter, None)
     for ostreamcls in ostreams:
         for data in self.all_data:
             dry_run = ostreamcls is not None
             ostream = None
             if ostreamcls is not None:
                 ostream = ostreamcls()
                 assert isinstance(ostream, Sha1Writer)
             # END create ostream
             prev_ostream = db.set_ostream(ostream)
             assert type(prev_ostream) in ostreams or prev_ostream in ostreams 
             istream = IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))
             # store returns same istream instance, with new sha set
             my_istream = db.store(istream)
             sha = istream.binsha
             assert my_istream is istream
             assert db.has_object(sha) != dry_run
             assert len(sha) == 20   
             # verify data - the slow way, we want to run code
             if not dry_run:
                 info = db.info(sha)
                 assert str_blob_type == info.type
                 assert info.size == len(data)
                 ostream = db.stream(sha)
                 assert ostream.read() == data
                 assert ostream.type == str_blob_type
                 assert ostream.size == len(data)
                 self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.info, sha)
                 self.failUnlessRaises(BadObject, db.stream, sha)
                 # DIRECT STREAM COPY
                 # our data hase been written in object format to the StringIO
                 # we pasesd as output stream. No physical database representation
                 # was created.
                 # Test direct stream copy of object streams, the result must be 
                 # identical to what we fed in
                 istream.stream = ostream
                 assert istream.binsha is not None
                 prev_sha = istream.binsha
                 assert istream.binsha == prev_sha
                 new_ostream = db.ostream()
                 # note: only works as long our store write uses the same compression
                 # level, which is zip_best
                 assert ostream.getvalue() == new_ostream.getvalue()
Example #3
 def mktree(self, odb, entries):
     """create a tree from the given tree entries and safe it to the database"""
     sio = StringIO()
     tree_to_stream(entries, sio.write)
     istream = odb.store(IStream(str_tree_type, len(sio.getvalue()), sio))
     return istream.binsha
Example #4
    def _assert_object_writing_simple(self, db):
        # write a bunch of objects and query their streams and info
        null_objs = db.size()
        ni = 250
        for i in xrange(ni):
            data = pack(">L", i)
            istream = IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))
            new_istream = db.store(istream)
            assert new_istream is istream
            assert db.has_object(istream.binsha)

            info = db.info(istream.binsha)
            assert isinstance(info, OInfo)
            assert info.type == istream.type and info.size == istream.size

            stream = db.stream(istream.binsha)
            assert isinstance(stream, OStream)
            assert stream.binsha == info.binsha and stream.type == info.type
            assert stream.read() == data
        # END for each item

        assert db.size() == null_objs + ni
        shas = list(db.sha_iter())
        assert len(shas) == db.size()
        assert len(shas[0]) == 20
Example #5
 def test_commit_serialization(self):
     assert_commit_serialization(self.rwrepo, self.head_sha_2k, True)
     rwrepo = self.rwrepo
     make_object = rwrepo.store
     # direct serialization - deserialization can be tested afterwards
     # serialization is probably limited on IO
     hc = rwrepo.commit(self.head_sha_2k)
     commits = list()
     nc = 5000
     st = time()
     for i in xrange(nc):
         cm = Commit(    rwrepo, Commit.NULL_BIN_SHA, hc.tree, 
                         hc.author, hc.authored_date, hc.author_tz_offset, 
                         hc.committer, hc.committed_date, hc.committer_tz_offset, 
                         str(i), parents=hc.parents, encoding=hc.encoding)
         stream = StringIO()
         slen = stream.tell()
         cm.binsha = make_object(IStream(Commit.type, slen, stream)).binsha
     # END commit creation
     elapsed = time() - st
     print >> sys.stderr, "Serialized %i commits to loose objects in %f s ( %f commits / s )" % (nc, elapsed, nc / elapsed)
Example #6
def write_tree_from_cache(entries, odb, sl, si=0):
    """Create a tree from the given sorted list of entries and put the respective
    trees into the given object database
    :param entries: **sorted** list of IndexEntries
    :param odb: object database to store the trees in
    :param si: start index at which we should start creating subtrees
    :param sl: slice indicating the range we should process on the entries list
    :return: tuple(binsha, list(tree_entry, ...)) a tuple of a sha and a list of 
        tree entries being a tuple of hexsha, mode, name"""
    tree_items = list()
    tree_items_append = tree_items.append
    ci = sl.start
    end = sl.stop
    while ci < end:
        entry = entries[ci]
        if entry.stage != 0:
            raise UnmergedEntriesError(entry)
        # END abort on unmerged
        ci += 1
        rbound = entry.path.find('/', si)
        if rbound == -1:
            # its not a tree
            tree_items_append((entry.binsha, entry.mode, entry.path[si:]))
            # find common base range
            base = entry.path[si:rbound]
            xi = ci
            while xi < end:
                oentry = entries[xi]
                orbound = oentry.path.find('/', si)
                if orbound == -1 or oentry.path[si:orbound] != base:
                # END abort on base mismatch
                xi += 1
            # END find common base

            # enter recursion
            # ci - 1 as we want to count our current item as well
            sha, tree_entry_list = write_tree_from_cache(
                entries, odb, slice(ci - 1, xi), rbound + 1)
            tree_items_append((sha, S_IFDIR, base))

            # skip ahead
            ci = xi
        # END handle bounds
    # END for each entry

    # finally create the tree
    sio = StringIO()
    tree_to_stream(tree_items, sio.write)

    istream = odb.store(IStream(str_tree_type, len(sio.getvalue()), sio))
    return (istream.binsha, tree_items)
Example #7
def assert_commit_serialization(rwrepo,
    """traverse all commits in the history of commit identified by commit_id and check 
    if the serialization works.
    :param print_performance_info: if True, we will show how fast we are"""
    ns = 0  # num serializations
    nds = 0  # num deserializations

    st = time.time()
    for cm in rwrepo.commit(commit_id).traverse():
        nds += 1

        # assert that we deserialize commits correctly, hence we get the same
        # sha on serialization
        stream = StringIO()
        ns += 1
        streamlen = stream.tell()

        istream = rwrepo.odb.store(IStream(Commit.type, streamlen, stream))
        assert istream.hexsha == cm.hexsha

        nc = Commit(rwrepo, Commit.NULL_BIN_SHA, cm.tree, cm.author,
                    cm.authored_date, cm.author_tz_offset, cm.committer,
                    cm.committed_date, cm.committer_tz_offset, cm.message,
                    cm.parents, cm.encoding)

        assert nc.parents == cm.parents
        stream = StringIO()
        ns += 1
        streamlen = stream.tell()

        # reuse istream
        istream.size = streamlen
        istream.stream = stream
        istream.binsha = None
        nc.binsha = rwrepo.odb.store(istream).binsha

        # if it worked, we have exactly the same contents !
        assert nc.hexsha == cm.hexsha
    # END check commits
    elapsed = time.time() - st

    if print_performance_info:
        print >> sys.stderr, "Serialized %i and deserialized %i commits in %f s ( (%f, %f) commits / s" % (
            ns, nds, elapsed, ns / elapsed, nds / elapsed)
Example #8
		def store_path(filepath):
			"""Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry"""
			st = os.lstat(filepath)		# handles non-symlinks as well
			stream = None
			if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
				stream = StringIO(os.readlink(filepath))
				stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
			# END handle stream
			fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
			istream = self.repo.odb.store(IStream(Blob.type, st.st_size, stream))
			fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
			return BaseIndexEntry((stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode), 
									istream.binsha, 0, to_native_path_linux(filepath)))
Example #9
 def test_base(self):
     ldb = PureLooseObjectODB(fixture_path("../../../.git/objects"))
     for sha1 in ldb.sha_iter():
         oinfo = ldb.info(sha1)
         ostream = ldb.stream(sha1)
         assert oinfo[:3] == ostream[:3]
         assert len(ostream.read()) == ostream.size
         assert ldb.has_object(oinfo.binsha)
     # END for each sha in database
     # assure we close all files
     except UnboundLocalError:
     # END ignore exception if there are no loose objects
     data = "my data"
     istream = IStream("blob", len(data), StringIO(data))
     # the object does not yet have a sha
     assert istream.binsha is None
     # now the sha is set
     assert len(istream.binsha) == 20
     assert ldb.has_object(istream.binsha)
     # async operation
     # Create a reader from an iterator
     reader = IteratorReader(ldb.sha_iter())
     # get reader for object streams
     info_reader = ldb.stream_async(reader)
     # read one
     info = info_reader.read(1)[0]
     # read all the rest until depletion
     ostreams = info_reader.read()
     # set the pool to use two threads
     # synchronize the mode of operation
Example #10
 def _store_path(self, filepath, fprogress):
     """Store file at filepath in the database and return the base index entry
     Needs the git_working_dir decorator active ! This must be assured in the calling code"""
     st = os.lstat(filepath)  # handles non-symlinks as well
     stream = None
     if S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
         stream = StringIO(os.readlink(filepath))
         stream = open(filepath, 'rb')
     # END handle stream
     fprogress(filepath, False, filepath)
     istream = self.repo.odb.store(IStream(Blob.type, st.st_size, stream))
     fprogress(filepath, True, filepath)
     return BaseIndexEntry(
         (stat_mode_to_index_mode(st.st_mode), istream.binsha, 0,
Example #11
    def stream_copy(self, sha_iter, odb):
        """Copy the streams as identified by sha's yielded by sha_iter into the given odb
        The streams will be copied directly
        :note: the object will only be written if it did not exist in the target db
        :return: amount of streams actually copied into odb. If smaller than the amount
            of input shas, one or more objects did already exist in odb"""
        count = 0
        for sha in sha_iter:
            if odb.has_object(sha):
            # END check object existance

            ostream = self.stream(sha)
            # compressed data including header
            sio = StringIO(ostream.stream.data())
            istream = IStream(ostream.type, ostream.size, sio, sha)

            count += 1
        # END for each sha
        return count
Example #12
    def test_streams(self):
        # test info
        sha = NULL_BIN_SHA
        s = 20
        blob_id = 3

        info = OInfo(sha, str_blob_type, s)
        assert info.binsha == sha
        assert info.type == str_blob_type
        assert info.type_id == blob_id
        assert info.size == s

        # test pack info
        # provides type_id
        pinfo = OPackInfo(0, blob_id, s)
        assert pinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert pinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert pinfo.pack_offset == 0

        dpinfo = ODeltaPackInfo(0, blob_id, s, sha)
        assert dpinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert dpinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert dpinfo.delta_info == sha
        assert dpinfo.pack_offset == 0

        # test ostream
        stream = DummyStream()
        ostream = OStream(*(info + (stream, )))
        assert ostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 15
        assert stream.bytes == 20

        # test packstream
        postream = OPackStream(*(pinfo + (stream, )))
        assert postream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 10

        # test deltapackstream
        dpostream = ODeltaPackStream(*(dpinfo + (stream, )))
        dpostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 5

        # derive with own args
        DeriveTest(sha, str_blob_type, s, stream, 'mine', myarg=3)._assert()

        # test istream
        istream = IStream(str_blob_type, s, stream)
        assert istream.binsha == None
        istream.binsha = sha
        assert istream.binsha == sha

        assert len(istream.binsha) == 20
        assert len(istream.hexsha) == 40

        assert istream.size == s
        istream.size = s * 2
        istream.size == s * 2
        assert istream.type == str_blob_type
        istream.type = "something"
        assert istream.type == "something"
        assert istream.stream is stream
        istream.stream = None
        assert istream.stream is None

        assert istream.error is None
        istream.error = Exception()
        assert isinstance(istream.error, Exception)
Example #13
 def istream_generator(offset=0, ni=ni):
     for data_src in xrange(ni):
         data = str(data_src + offset)
         yield IStream(str_blob_type, len(data), StringIO(data))
Example #14
	def create_from_tree(cls, repo, tree, message, parent_commits=None, head=False):
		"""Commit the given tree, creating a commit object.
		:param repo: Repo object the commit should be part of 
		:param tree: Tree object or hex or bin sha 
			the tree of the new commit
		:param message: Commit message. It may be an empty string if no message is provided.
			It will be converted to a string in any case.
		:param parent_commits:
			Optional Commit objects to use as parents for the new commit.
			If empty list, the commit will have no parents at all and become 
			a root commit.
			If None , the current head commit will be the parent of the 
			new commit object
		:param head:
			If True, the HEAD will be advanced to the new commit automatically.
			Else the HEAD will remain pointing on the previous commit. This could 
			lead to undesired results when diffing files.
		:return: Commit object representing the new commit
			Additional information about the committer and Author are taken from the
			environment or from the git configuration, see git-commit-tree for 
			more information"""
		parents = parent_commits
		if parent_commits is None:
				parent_commits = [ repo.head.commit ]
			except ValueError:
				# empty repositories have no head commit
				parent_commits = list()
			# END handle parent commits
		# END if parent commits are unset
		# retrieve all additional information, create a commit object, and 
		# serialize it
		# Generally: 
		# * Environment variables override configuration values
		# * Sensible defaults are set according to the git documentation
		cr = repo.config_reader()
		env = os.environ
		committer = Actor.committer(cr)
		author = Actor.author(cr)
		unix_time = int(time())
		offset = altzone
		author_date_str = env.get(cls.env_author_date, '')
		if author_date_str:
			author_time, author_offset = parse_date(author_date_str)
			author_time, author_offset = unix_time, offset
		# END set author time
		committer_date_str = env.get(cls.env_committer_date, '')
		if committer_date_str: 
			committer_time, committer_offset = parse_date(committer_date_str)
			committer_time, committer_offset = unix_time, offset
		# END set committer time
		# assume utf8 encoding
		enc_section, enc_option = cls.conf_encoding.split('.')
		conf_encoding = cr.get_value(enc_section, enc_option, cls.default_encoding)
		# if the tree is no object, make sure we create one - otherwise
		# the created commit object is invalid
		if isinstance(tree, str):
			tree = repo.tree(tree)
		# END tree conversion
		new_commit = cls(repo, cls.NULL_BIN_SHA, tree, 
						author, author_time, author_offset, 
						committer, committer_time, committer_offset,
						message, parent_commits, conf_encoding)
		stream = StringIO()
		streamlen = stream.tell()
		istream = repo.odb.store(IStream(cls.type, streamlen, stream))
		new_commit.binsha = istream.binsha
		if head:
			# need late import here, importing git at the very beginning throws
			# as well ... 
			import git.refs
				repo.head.set_commit(new_commit, logmsg="commit: %s" % message)
			except ValueError:
				# head is not yet set to the ref our HEAD points to
				# Happens on first commit
				import git.refs
				master = git.refs.Head.create(repo, repo.head.ref, new_commit, logmsg="commit (initial): %s" % message)
				repo.head.set_reference(master, logmsg='commit: Switching to %s' % master)
			# END handle empty repositories
		# END advance head handling 
		return new_commit
Example #15
    def test_streams(self):
        # test info
        sha = NULL_BIN_SHA
        s = 20
        blob_id = 3

        info = OInfo(sha, str_blob_type, s)
        assert info.binsha == sha
        assert info.type == str_blob_type
        assert info.type_id == blob_id
        assert info.size == s

        # test pack info
        # provides type_id
        pinfo = OPackInfo(0, blob_id, s)
        assert pinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert pinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert pinfo.pack_offset == 0

        dpinfo = ODeltaPackInfo(0, blob_id, s, sha)
        assert dpinfo.type == str_blob_type
        assert dpinfo.type_id == blob_id
        assert dpinfo.delta_info == sha
        assert dpinfo.pack_offset == 0

        # test ostream
        stream = DummyStream()
        ostream = OStream(*(info + (stream, )))
        assert ostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 15
        assert stream.bytes == 20

        # test packstream
        postream = OPackStream(*(pinfo + (stream, )))
        assert postream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 10

        # test deltapackstream
        dpostream = ODeltaPackStream(*(dpinfo + (stream, )))
        dpostream.stream is stream
        assert stream.bytes == 5

        # derive with own args
        DeriveTest(sha, str_blob_type, s, stream, 'mine', myarg=3)._assert()

        # test istream
        istream = IStream(str_blob_type, s, stream)
        assert istream.binsha == None
        istream.binsha = sha
        assert istream.binsha == sha

        assert len(istream.binsha) == 20
        assert len(istream.hexsha) == 40

        assert istream.size == s
        istream.size = s * 2
        istream.size == s * 2
        assert istream.type == str_blob_type
        istream.type = "something"
        assert istream.type == "something"
        assert istream.stream is stream
        istream.stream = None
        assert istream.stream is None

        assert istream.error is None
        istream.error = Exception()
        assert isinstance(istream.error, Exception)