Example #1
def get_fetch_info_from_stderr(repo, proc, progress):
	# skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in
	output = IterableList('name')
	# lines which are no progress are fetch info lines
	# this also waits for the command to finish
	# Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information
	fetch_info_lines = list()
	for line in digest_process_messages(proc.stderr, progress):
		if line.startswith('From') or line.startswith('remote: Total'):
		elif line.startswith('warning:'):
			print >> sys.stderr, line
		elif line.startswith('fatal:'):
			raise GitCommandError(("Error when fetching: %s" % line,), 2)
		# END handle special messages
	# END for each line
	# read head information 
	fp = open(join(repo.git_dir, 'FETCH_HEAD'),'r')
	fetch_head_info = fp.readlines()
	assert len(fetch_info_lines) == len(fetch_head_info)
	output.extend(CmdFetchInfo._from_line(repo, err_line, fetch_line) 
					for err_line,fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info))
	return output
Example #2
		def _set_daemon_export(self, value):
			filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
			fileexists = os.path.exists(filename)
			if value and not fileexists:
			elif not value and fileexists:
Example #3
 def _alternates_path(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'git_dir'):
         return join(self.git_dir, 'objects', self.alternates_filepath)
     elif hasattr(self, 'db_path'):
         return self.db_path(self.alternates_filepath)
         raise AssertionError("This mixin requires a parent type with either the git_dir property or db_path method")
Example #4
    def _get_ref_info(cls, repo, ref_path):
        """Return: (sha, target_ref_path) if available, the sha the file at 
        rela_path points to, or None. target_ref_path is the reference we 
        point to, or None"""
        tokens = None
            fp = open(join(repo.git_dir, ref_path), 'r')
            value = fp.read().rstrip()
            tokens = value.split(" ")
        except (OSError, IOError):
            # Probably we are just packed, find our entry in the packed refs file
            # NOTE: We are not a symbolic ref if we are in a packed file, as these
            # are excluded explictly
            for sha, path in cls._iter_packed_refs(repo):
                if path != ref_path: continue
                tokens = (sha, path)
            # END for each packed ref
        # END handle packed refs
        if tokens is None:
            raise ValueError("Reference at %r does not exist" % ref_path)

        # is it a reference ?
        if tokens[0] == 'ref:':
            return (None, tokens[1])

        # its a commit
        if cls.re_hexsha_only.match(tokens[0]):
            return (tokens[0], None)

        raise ValueError("Failed to parse reference information from %r" %
Example #5
 def path(cls, ref):
     :return: string to absolute path at which the reflog of the given ref 
         instance would be found. The path is not guaranteed to point to a valid 
         file though.
     :param ref: SymbolicReference instance"""
     return join(ref.repo.git_dir, "logs", to_native_path(ref.path))
Example #6
def get_fetch_info_from_stderr(repo, proc, progress):
    # skip first line as it is some remote info we are not interested in
    output = IterableList('name')

    # lines which are no progress are fetch info lines
    # this also waits for the command to finish
    # Skip some progress lines that don't provide relevant information
    fetch_info_lines = list()
    for line in digest_process_messages(proc.stderr, progress):
        if line.startswith('From') or line.startswith('remote: Total'):
        elif line.startswith('warning:'):
            print >> sys.stderr, line
        elif line.startswith('fatal:'):
            raise GitCommandError(("Error when fetching: %s" % line,), 2)
        # END handle special messages
    # END for each line

    # read head information
    fp = open(join(repo.git_dir, 'FETCH_HEAD'), 'r')
    fetch_head_info = fp.readlines()

    assert len(fetch_info_lines) == len(fetch_head_info)

    output.extend(CmdFetchInfo._from_line(repo, err_line, fetch_line)
                  for err_line, fetch_line in zip(fetch_info_lines, fetch_head_info))

    return output
Example #7
    def _get_ref_info(cls, repo, ref_path):
        """Return: (sha, target_ref_path) if available, the sha the file at 
        rela_path points to, or None. target_ref_path is the reference we 
        point to, or None"""
        tokens = None
            fp = open(join(repo.git_dir, ref_path), 'r')
            value = fp.read().rstrip()
            tokens = value.split(" ")
        except (OSError, IOError):
            # Probably we are just packed, find our entry in the packed refs file
            # NOTE: We are not a symbolic ref if we are in a packed file, as these
            # are excluded explictly
            for sha, path in cls._iter_packed_refs(repo):
                if path != ref_path:
                tokens = (sha, path)
            # END for each packed ref
        # END handle packed refs
        if tokens is None:
            raise ValueError("Reference at %r does not exist" % ref_path)

        # is it a reference ?
        if tokens[0] == 'ref:':
            return (None, tokens[1])

        # its a commit
        if cls.re_hexsha_only.match(tokens[0]):
            return (tokens[0], None)

        raise ValueError("Failed to parse reference information from %r" % ref_path)
Example #8
 def _set_daemon_export(self, value):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
     fileexists = os.path.exists(filename)
     if value and not fileexists:
     elif not value and fileexists:
Example #9
 def _alternates_path(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'git_dir'):
         return join(self.git_dir, 'objects', self.alternates_filepath)
     elif hasattr(self, 'db_path'):
         return self.db_path(self.alternates_filepath)
         raise AssertionError(
             "This mixin requires a parent type with either the git_dir property or db_path method"
Example #10
    def delete(cls, repo, path):
        """Delete the reference at the given path

        :param repo:
            Repository to delete the reference from

        :param path:
            Short or full path pointing to the reference, i.e. refs/myreference
            or just "myreference", hence 'refs/' is implied.
            Alternatively the symbolic reference to be deleted"""
        full_ref_path = cls.to_full_path(path)
        abs_path = join(repo.git_dir, full_ref_path)
        if exists(abs_path):
            # check packed refs
            pack_file_path = cls._get_packed_refs_path(repo)
                reader = open(pack_file_path, 'rb')
            except (OSError, IOError):
                pass  # it didnt exist at all
                new_lines = list()
                made_change = False
                dropped_last_line = False
                for line in reader:
                    # keep line if it is a comment or if the ref to delete is not
                    # in the line
                    # If we deleted the last line and this one is a tag-reference object,
                    # we drop it as well
                    if ( line.startswith('#') or full_ref_path not in line ) and \
                            (not dropped_last_line or dropped_last_line and not line.startswith('^')):
                        dropped_last_line = False
                    # END skip comments and lines without our path

                    # drop this line
                    made_change = True
                    dropped_last_line = True
                # END for each line in packed refs

                # write the new lines
                if made_change:
                    # write-binary is required, otherwise windows will
                    # open the file in text mode and change LF to CRLF !
                    open(pack_file_path, 'wb').writelines(new_lines)
                # END write out file
            # END open exception handling
        # END handle deletion

        # delete the reflog
        reflog_path = RefLog.path(cls(repo, full_ref_path))
        if os.path.isfile(reflog_path):
Example #11
    def delete(cls, repo, path):
        """Delete the reference at the given path
		:param repo:
			Repository to delete the reference from
		:param path:
			Short or full path pointing to the reference, i.e. refs/myreference
			or just "myreference", hence 'refs/' is implied.
			Alternatively the symbolic reference to be deleted"""
        full_ref_path = cls.to_full_path(path)
        abs_path = join(repo.git_dir, full_ref_path)
        if exists(abs_path):
            # check packed refs
            pack_file_path = cls._get_packed_refs_path(repo)
                reader = open(pack_file_path, 'rb')
            except (OSError, IOError):
                pass  # it didnt exist at all
                new_lines = list()
                made_change = False
                dropped_last_line = False
                for line in reader:
                    # keep line if it is a comment or if the ref to delete is not
                    # in the line
                    # If we deleted the last line and this one is a tag-reference object,
                    # we drop it as well
                    if ( line.startswith('#') or full_ref_path not in line ) and \
                     ( not dropped_last_line or dropped_last_line and not line.startswith('^') ):
                        dropped_last_line = False
                    # END skip comments and lines without our path

                    # drop this line
                    made_change = True
                    dropped_last_line = True
                # END for each line in packed refs

                # write the new lines
                if made_change:
                    # write-binary is required, otherwise windows will
                    # open the file in text mode and change LF to CRLF !
                    open(pack_file_path, 'wb').writelines(new_lines)
                # END write out file
            # END open exception handling
        # END handle deletion

        # delete the reflog
        reflog_path = RefLog.path(cls(repo, full_ref_path))
        if os.path.isfile(reflog_path):
Example #12
    def rename(self, new_path, force=False):
        """Rename self to a new path
		:param new_path:
			Either a simple name or a full path, i.e. new_name or features/new_name.
			The prefix refs/ is implied for references and will be set as needed.
			In case this is a symbolic ref, there is no implied prefix
		:param force:
			If True, the rename will succeed even if a head with the target name
			already exists. It will be overwritten in that case
		:return: self
		:raise OSError: In case a file at path but a different contents already exists """
        new_path = self.to_full_path(new_path)
        if self.path == new_path:
            return self

        new_abs_path = join(self.repo.git_dir, new_path)
        cur_abs_path = join(self.repo.git_dir, self.path)
        if isfile(new_abs_path):
            if not force:
                # if they point to the same file, its not an error
                if open(new_abs_path, 'rb').read().strip() != open(
                        cur_abs_path, 'rb').read().strip():
                    raise OSError("File at path %r already exists" %
                # else: we could remove ourselves and use the otherone, but
                # but clarity we just continue as usual
            # END not force handling
        # END handle existing target file

        dname = dirname(new_abs_path)
        if not isdir(dname):
        # END create directory

        rename(cur_abs_path, new_abs_path)
        self.path = new_path

        return self
Example #13
    def _clone(cls, git, url, path, progress, **kwargs):
        # special handling for windows for path at which the clone should be
        # created.
        # tilde '~' will be expanded to the HOME no matter where the ~ occours. Hence
        # we at least give a proper error instead of letting git fail
        prev_cwd = None
        prev_path = None
        if os.name == 'nt':
            if '~' in path:
                raise OSError("Git cannot handle the ~ character in path %r correctly" % path)

            # on windows, git will think paths like c: are relative and prepend the
            # current working dir ( before it fails ). We temporarily adjust the working
            # dir to make this actually work
            match = re.match("(\w:[/\\\])(.*)", path)
            if match:
                prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
                prev_path = path
                drive, rest_of_path = match.groups()
                path = rest_of_path
                kwargs['with_keep_cwd'] = True
            # END cwd preparation
        # END windows handling

            proc = git.clone(url, path, with_extended_output=True, as_process=True,
                             v=True, **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
            if progress is not None:
                digest_process_messages(proc.stderr, progress)
            # END digest progress messages
            if prev_cwd is not None:
                path = prev_path
            # END reset previous working dir
        # END bad windows handling

        # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual
        # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
        if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
            path = join(git._working_dir, path)

        # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes,
        # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
        # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
        # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be
        # sure
        repo = cls(os.path.abspath(path))
        if repo.remotes:
            repo.remotes[0].config_writer.set_value('url', repo.remotes[0].url.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\", "/"))
        # END handle remote repo
        return repo
Example #14
 def _clone(cls, git, url, path, progress, **kwargs):
     # special handling for windows for path at which the clone should be 
     # created.
     # tilde '~' will be expanded to the HOME no matter where the ~ occours. Hence
     # we at least give a proper error instead of letting git fail
     prev_cwd = None
     prev_path = None
     if os.name == 'nt':
         if '~' in path:
             raise OSError("Git cannot handle the ~ character in path %r correctly" % path)
         # on windows, git will think paths like c: are relative and prepend the 
         # current working dir ( before it fails ). We temporarily adjust the working 
         # dir to make this actually work
         match = re.match("(\w:[/\\\])(.*)", path)
         if match:
             prev_cwd = os.getcwd()
             prev_path = path
             drive, rest_of_path = match.groups()
             path = rest_of_path
             kwargs['with_keep_cwd'] = True
         # END cwd preparation 
     # END windows handling 
         proc = git.clone(url, path, with_extended_output=True, as_process=True, v=True, **add_progress(kwargs, git, progress))
         if progress is not None:
             digest_process_messages(proc.stderr, progress)
         #END digest progress messages
         if prev_cwd is not None:
             path = prev_path
         # END reset previous working dir
     # END bad windows handling
     # our git command could have a different working dir than our actual 
     # environment, hence we prepend its working dir if required
     if not os.path.isabs(path) and git.working_dir:
         path = join(git._working_dir, path)
     # adjust remotes - there may be operating systems which use backslashes, 
     # These might be given as initial paths, but when handling the config file
     # that contains the remote from which we were clones, git stops liking it
     # as it will escape the backslashes. Hence we undo the escaping just to be 
     # sure
     repo = cls(os.path.abspath(path))
     if repo.remotes:
         repo.remotes[0].config_writer.set_value('url', repo.remotes[0].url.replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\", "/"))
     # END handle remote repo
     return repo
Example #15
    def rename(self, new_path, force=False):
        """Rename self to a new path

        :param new_path:
            Either a simple name or a full path, i.e. new_name or features/new_name.
            The prefix refs/ is implied for references and will be set as needed.
            In case this is a symbolic ref, there is no implied prefix

        :param force:
            If True, the rename will succeed even if a head with the target name
            already exists. It will be overwritten in that case

        :return: self
        :raise OSError: In case a file at path but a different contents already exists """
        new_path = self.to_full_path(new_path)
        if self.path == new_path:
            return self

        new_abs_path = join(self.repo.git_dir, new_path)
        cur_abs_path = join(self.repo.git_dir, self.path)
        if isfile(new_abs_path):
            if not force:
                # if they point to the same file, its not an error
                if open(new_abs_path, 'rb').read().strip() != open(cur_abs_path, 'rb').read().strip():
                    raise OSError("File at path %r already exists" % new_abs_path)
                # else: we could remove ourselves and use the otherone, but
                # but clarity we just continue as usual
            # END not force handling
        # END handle existing target file

        dname = dirname(new_abs_path)
        if not isdir(dname):
        # END create directory

        rename(cur_abs_path, new_abs_path)
        self.path = new_path

        return self
Example #16
 def delete(cls, repo, *refs, **kwargs):
     """Delete the given remote references.
         kwargs are given for compatability with the base class method as we 
         should not narrow the signature."""
     repo.git.branch("-d", "-r", *refs)
     # the official deletion method will ignore remote symbolic refs - these
     # are generally ignored in the refs/ folder. We don't though
     # and delete remainders manually
     for ref in refs:
             os.remove(join(repo.git_dir, ref.path))
         except OSError:
Example #17
    def sanity_check_paths(self, repo_path, paths, path_type):
        Checks existence of a path in the given repo
        :param repo_path: Relative or absolute path to the top level of the repo
        :param paths: List of paths to test
        :param path_type: String to indicate what type of path was being tested in error messages
        :raises InputException if conditions are not met
        errors = []
        for path in paths:
            full_path = join(repo_path, path)

            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                errors.append("{} path {} does not exist!".format(path_type, full_path))
Example #18
    def sanity_check_paths(self, repo_path, paths, path_type):
        Checks existence of a path in the given repo
        :param repo_path: Relative or absolute path to the top level of the repo
        :param paths: List of paths to test
        :param path_type: String to indicate what type of path was being tested in error messages
        :raises InputException if conditions are not met
        errors = []
        for path in paths:
            full_path = join(repo_path, path)

            if not os.path.exists(full_path):
                errors.append("{} path {} does not exist!".format(path_type, full_path))
Example #19
 def _path_at_level(self, level ):
     # we do not support an absolute path of the gitconfig on windows , 
     # use the global config instead
     if sys.platform == "win32" and level == "system":
         level = "global"
     #END handle windows
     if level == "system":
         return "/etc/%s" % self.system_config_file_name
     elif level == "global":
         return normpath(expanduser("~/.%s" % self.system_config_file_name))
     elif level == "repository":
         return join(self.git_dir, self.repo_config_file_name)
     #END handle level
     raise ValueError("Invalid configuration level: %r" % level)
Example #20
    def _path_at_level(self, level):
        # we do not support an absolute path of the gitconfig on windows ,
        # use the global config instead
        if sys.platform == "win32" and level == "system":
            level = "global"
        # END handle windows

        if level == "system":
            return "/etc/%s" % self.system_config_file_name
        elif level == "global":
            return normpath(expanduser("~/.%s" % self.system_config_file_name))
        elif level == "repository":
            return join(self.git_dir, self.repo_config_file_name)
        # END handle level

        raise ValueError("Invalid configuration level: %r" % level)
Example #21
    def _initialize(self, path):
        epath = abspath(expandvars(expanduser(path or os.getcwd())))

        if not exists(epath):
            raise NoSuchPathError(epath)
        #END check file

        self._working_tree_dir = None
        self._git_path = None
        curpath = epath

        # walk up the path to find the .git dir
        while curpath:
            if is_git_dir(curpath):
                self._git_path = curpath
                self._working_tree_dir = os.path.dirname(curpath)
            gitpath = join(curpath, self.repo_dir)
            if is_git_dir(gitpath):
                self._git_path = gitpath
                self._working_tree_dir = curpath
            curpath, dummy = os.path.split(curpath)
            if not dummy:
        # END while curpath

        if self._git_path is None:
            raise InvalidGitRepositoryError(epath)
        # END path not found

        self._bare = self._working_tree_dir is None
        if hasattr(self, 'config_reader'):
                self._bare = self.config_reader("repository").getboolean(
                    'core', 'bare')
            except Exception:
                # lets not assume the option exists, although it should
            #END handle exception
        #END check bare flag
        self._working_tree_dir = self._bare and None or self._working_tree_dir
Example #22
    def _initialize(self, path):
        epath = abspath(expandvars(expanduser(path or os.getcwd())))

        if not exists(epath):
            raise NoSuchPathError(epath)
        #END check file 

        self._working_tree_dir = None
        self._git_path = None
        curpath = epath
        # walk up the path to find the .git dir
        while curpath:
            if is_git_dir(curpath):
                self._git_path = curpath
                self._working_tree_dir = os.path.dirname(curpath)
            gitpath = join(curpath, self.repo_dir)
            if is_git_dir(gitpath):
                self._git_path = gitpath
                self._working_tree_dir = curpath
            curpath, dummy = os.path.split(curpath)
            if not dummy:
        # END while curpath
        if self._git_path is None:
            raise InvalidGitRepositoryError(epath)
        # END path not found

        self._bare = self._working_tree_dir is None
        if hasattr(self, 'config_reader'):
                self._bare = self.config_reader("repository").getboolean('core','bare') 
            except Exception:
                # lets not assume the option exists, although it should
            #END handle exception
        #END check bare flag
        self._working_tree_dir = self._bare and None or self._working_tree_dir
Example #23
    def _create(cls, repo, path, resolve, reference, force, logmsg=None):
        """internal method used to create a new symbolic reference.
		If resolve is False, the reference will be taken as is, creating 
		a proper symbolic reference. Otherwise it will be resolved to the 
		corresponding object and a detached symbolic reference will be created
        full_ref_path = cls.to_full_path(path)
        abs_ref_path = join(repo.git_dir, full_ref_path)

        # figure out target data
        target = reference
        if resolve:
            # could just use the resolve method, but it could be expensive
            # so we handle most common cases ourselves
            if isinstance(reference, cls.ObjectCls):
                target = reference.hexsha
            elif isinstance(reference, SymbolicReference):
                target = reference.object.hexsha
                target = repo.resolve_object(str(reference))
            #END handle resoltion
        #END need resolution

        if not force and isfile(abs_ref_path):
            target_data = str(target)
            if isinstance(target, SymbolicReference):
                target_data = target.path
            if not resolve:
                target_data = "ref: " + target_data
            existing_data = open(abs_ref_path, 'rb').read().strip()
            if existing_data != target_data:
                raise OSError(
                    "Reference at %r does already exist, pointing to %r, requested was %r"
                    % (full_ref_path, existing_data, target_data))
        # END no force handling

        ref = cls(repo, full_ref_path)
        ref.set_reference(target, logmsg)
        return ref
Example #24
    def _create(cls, repo, path, resolve, reference, force, logmsg=None):
        """internal method used to create a new symbolic reference.
        If resolve is False, the reference will be taken as is, creating 
        a proper symbolic reference. Otherwise it will be resolved to the 
        corresponding object and a detached symbolic reference will be created
        full_ref_path = cls.to_full_path(path)
        abs_ref_path = join(repo.git_dir, full_ref_path)

        # figure out target data
        target = reference
        if resolve:
            # could just use the resolve method, but it could be expensive
            # so we handle most common cases ourselves
            if isinstance(reference, cls.ObjectCls):
                target = reference.hexsha
            elif isinstance(reference, SymbolicReference):
                target = reference.object.hexsha
                target = repo.resolve_object(str(reference))
            # END handle resoltion
        # END need resolution

        if not force and isfile(abs_ref_path):
            target_data = str(target)
            if isinstance(target, SymbolicReference):
                target_data = target.path
            if not resolve:
                target_data = "ref: " + target_data
            existing_data = open(abs_ref_path, 'rb').read().strip()
            if existing_data != target_data:
                raise OSError("Reference at %r does already exist, pointing to %r, requested was %r" %
                              (full_ref_path, existing_data, target_data))
        # END no force handling

        ref = cls(repo, full_ref_path)
        ref.set_reference(target, logmsg)
        return ref
Example #25
 def objects_dir(self):
     return join(self.git_dir, self.objs_dir)
Example #26
 def db_path(self, rela_path=None):
     if not rela_path:
         return self._root_path
     return join(self._root_path, rela_path)
Example #27
 def _get_daemon_export(self):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
     return os.path.exists(filename)
Example #28
 def objects_dir(self):
     return join(self.git_dir, self.objs_dir)
Example #29
 def _get_packed_refs_path(cls, repo):
     return join(repo.git_dir, 'packed-refs')
Example #30
 def _set_description(self, descr):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
     file(filename, 'w').write(descr + '\n')
Example #31
 def _get_description(self):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
     return file(filename).read().rstrip()
Example #32
 def object_path(self, hexsha):
     :return: path at which the object with the given hexsha would be stored, 
         relative to the database root"""
     return join(hexsha[:2], hexsha[2:])
Example #33
 def object_path(self, hexsha):
     :return: path at which the object with the given hexsha would be stored, 
         relative to the database root"""
     return join(hexsha[:2], hexsha[2:])
Example #34
 def db_path(self, rela_path=None):
     if not rela_path:
         return self._root_path
     return join(self._root_path, rela_path)
Example #35
 def _set_description(self, descr):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
     file(filename, 'w').write(descr+'\n')
Example #36
 def _get_daemon_export(self):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, self.DAEMON_EXPORT_FILE)
     return os.path.exists(filename)
Example #37
 def _get_packed_refs_path(cls, repo):
     return join(repo.git_dir, 'packed-refs')
Example #38
 def _get_description(self):
     filename = join(self.git_dir, 'description')
     return file(filename).read().rstrip()