def main(argv): assert len(argv) == 1, "No arguments expected" upfn = upstream cur = current_branch() if cur == 'HEAD': def _upfn(b): parent = upstream(b) if parent: return hash_one(parent) upfn = _upfn cur = hash_one(cur) downstreams = [b for b in branches() if upfn(b) == cur] if not downstreams: return "No downstream branches" elif len(downstreams) == 1: run('checkout', downstreams[0]) else: high = len(downstreams) - 1 print while True: print "Please select a downstream branch" for i, b in enumerate(downstreams): print " %d. %s" % (i, b) r = raw_input("Selection (0-%d)[0]: " % high).strip() or '0' if not r.isdigit() or (0 > int(r) > high): print "Invalid choice." else: run('checkout', downstreams[int(r)]) break
def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.iteritems(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches)
def main(args): current = current_branch() if current == 'HEAD': current = None old_name_help = 'The old branch to rename.' if current: old_name_help += ' (default %(default)r)' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('old_name', nargs=('?' if current else 1), help=old_name_help, default=current) parser.add_argument('new_name', help='The new branch name.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # when nargs=1, we get a list :( if isinstance(opts.old_name, list): opts.old_name = opts.old_name[0] try: run('branch', '-m', opts.old_name, opts.new_name) # update the downstreams for branch, merge in branch_config_map('merge').items(): if merge == 'refs/heads/' + opts.old_name: # Only care about local branches if branch_config(branch, 'remote') == '.': set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', 'refs/heads/' + opts.new_name) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args): default_args = git.config_list('depot-tools.upstream-diff.default-args') args = default_args + args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--wordwise', action='store_true', default=False, help=( 'Print a colorized wordwise diff ' 'instead of line-wise diff')) opts, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) cur = git.current_branch() if not cur or cur == 'HEAD': print 'fatal: Cannot perform git-upstream-diff while not on a branch' return 1 par = git.upstream(cur) if not par: print 'fatal: No upstream configured for branch \'%s\'' % cur return 1 cmd = [git.GIT_EXE, 'diff', '--patience', '-C', '-C'] if opts.wordwise: cmd += ['--word-diff=color', r'--word-diff-regex=(\w+|[^[:space:]])'] cmd += [git.get_or_create_merge_base(cur, par)] cmd += extra_args return subprocess2.check_call(cmd)
def main(args): current = current_branch() if current == 'HEAD': current = None old_name_help = 'The old branch to rename.' if current: old_name_help += ' (default %(default)r)' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('old_name', nargs=('?' if current else 1), help=old_name_help, default=current) parser.add_argument('new_name', help='The new branch name.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # when nargs=1, we get a list :( if isinstance(opts.old_name, list): opts.old_name = opts.old_name[0] try: run('branch', '-m', opts.old_name, opts.new_name) # update the downstreams for branch, merge in branch_config_map('merge').iteritems(): if merge == 'refs/heads/' + opts.old_name: # Only care about local branches if branch_config(branch, 'remote') == '.': set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', 'refs/heads/' + opts.new_name) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1
def main(argv): colorama.init() assert len(argv) == 1, "No arguments expected" branch_map = {} par_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for branch in branches(): par = upstream(branch) or NO_UPSTREAM branch_map[branch] = par par_map[par].append(branch) current = current_branch() hashes = hash_multi(current, *branch_map.keys()) current_hash = hashes[0] par_hashes = { k: hashes[i + 1] for i, k in enumerate(branch_map.iterkeys()) } par_hashes[NO_UPSTREAM] = 0 tag_set = tags() while par_map: for parent in par_map: if parent not in branch_map: if parent not in par_hashes: par_hashes[parent] = hash_one(parent) print_branch(current, current_hash, parent, par_hashes, par_map, branch_map, tag_set) break
def main(args): default_args = git.config_list('depot-tools.upstream-diff.default-args') args = default_args + args parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--wordwise', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Print a colorized wordwise diff ' 'instead of line-wise diff')) opts, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) cur = git.current_branch() if not cur or cur == 'HEAD': print 'fatal: Cannot perform git-upstream-diff while not on a branch' return 1 par = git.upstream(cur) if not par: print 'fatal: No upstream configured for branch \'%s\'' % cur return 1 cmd = [git.GIT_EXE, 'diff', '--patience', '-C', '-C'] if opts.wordwise: cmd += ['--word-diff=color', r'--word-diff-regex=(\w+|[^[:space:]])'] cmd += [git.get_or_create_merge_base(cur, par)] cmd += extra_args subprocess2.check_call(cmd)
def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.iteritems(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if parent and not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches)
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, description=__doc__, ) parser.add_argument('branch_name') g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('--upstream-current', '--upstream_current', action='store_true', help='set upstream branch to current branch.') g.add_argument('--upstream', metavar='REF', default=root(), help='upstream branch (or tag) to track.') g.add_argument('--inject-current', '--inject_current', action='store_true', help='new branch adopts current branch\'s upstream,' + ' and new branch becomes current branch\'s upstream.') g.add_argument('--lkgr', action='store_const', const='lkgr', dest='upstream', help='set basis ref for new branch to lkgr.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) try: if opts.inject_current: below = current_branch() if below is None: raise Exception('no current branch') above = upstream(below) if above is None: raise Exception('branch %s has no upstream' % (below)) run('checkout', '--track', above, '-b', opts.branch_name) run('branch', '--set-upstream-to', opts.branch_name, below) elif opts.upstream_current: run('checkout', '--track', '-b', opts.branch_name) else: if opts.upstream in tags(): # TODO(iannucci): ensure that basis_ref is an ancestor of HEAD? run('checkout', '--no-track', '-b', opts.branch_name, hash_one(opts.upstream)) set_config('branch.%s.remote' % opts.branch_name, '.') set_config('branch.%s.merge' % opts.branch_name, opts.upstream) else: # TODO(iannucci): Detect unclean workdir then stash+pop if we need to # teleport to a conflicting portion of history? run('checkout', '--track', opts.upstream, '-b', opts.branch_name) get_or_create_merge_base(opts.branch_name) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stdout.write(cpe.stdout) sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 sys.stderr.write('Switched to branch %s.\n' % opts.branch_name) return 0
def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload): """"Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs. Args: description_file: File containing the description of uploaded CLs. comment_file: File containing the comment of uploaded CLs. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. Returns: 0 in case of success. 1 in case of error. """ description = AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription( ReadFile(description_file)) comment = ReadFile(comment_file) if comment_file else None try: EnsureInGitRepository() cl = changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream(), None) files = change.AffectedFiles() if not files: print 'Cannot split an empty CL.' return 1 author ='config', '').strip() or None refactor_branch = git.current_branch() assert refactor_branch, "Can't run from detached branch." refactor_branch_upstream = git.upstream(refactor_branch) assert refactor_branch_upstream, \ "Branch %s must have an upstream." % refactor_branch owners_database = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(), file, os.path) owners_database.load_data_needed_for([f.LocalPath() for f in files]) files_split_by_owners = GetFilesSplitByOwners(owners_database, files) print('Will split current branch (' + refactor_branch + ') in ' + str(len(files_split_by_owners)) + ' CLs.\n') for directory, files in files_split_by_owners.iteritems(): # Use '/' as a path separator in the branch name and the CL description # and comment. directory = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '/') # Upload the CL. UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, author, description, comment, owners_database, changelist, cmd_upload) # Go back to the original branch.'checkout', refactor_branch) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args): root_ref = root() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('new_parent', nargs='?', help='New parent branch (or tag) to reparent to.') g.add_argument('--root', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the configured root branch (%s).' % root_ref) g.add_argument('--lkgr', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the lkgr tag.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # TODO(iannucci): Allow specification of the branch-to-reparent branch = current_branch() if opts.root: new_parent = root_ref elif opts.lkgr: new_parent = 'lkgr' else: new_parent = opts.new_parent cur_parent = upstream(branch) if branch == 'HEAD' or not branch: parser.error('Must be on the branch you want to reparent') if new_parent == cur_parent: parser.error('Cannot reparent a branch to its existing parent') mbase = get_or_create_merge_base(branch, cur_parent) all_tags = tags() if cur_parent in all_tags: cur_parent += ' [tag]' try: run('show-ref', new_parent) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: print >> sys.stderr, 'fatal: invalid reference: %s' % new_parent return 1 if new_parent in all_tags: print("Reparenting %s to track %s [tag] (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) set_branch_config(branch, 'remote', '.') set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', new_parent) else: print("Reparenting %s to track %s (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) run('branch', '--set-upstream-to', new_parent, branch) manual_merge_base(branch, mbase, new_parent) # TODO(iannucci): ONLY rebase-update the branch which moved (and dependants) return git_rebase_update.main(['--no-fetch'])
def main(argv, outbuf): if '-h' in argv or '--help' in argv: _print_help(outbuf) return 0 map_extra = git_common.get_config_list('depot_tools.map_extra') cmd = [ git_common.GIT_EXE, 'log', git_common.root(), '--graph', '--branches', '--tags', '--color=always', '--date=short', '--pretty=format:%H%x00%D%x00%cd%x00%s' ] + map_extra + argv log_proc = subprocess2.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, shell=False) current = git_common.current_branch() all_tags = set(git_common.tags()) all_branches = set(git_common.branches()) if current in all_branches: all_branches.remove(current) merge_base_map = {} for branch in all_branches: merge_base = git_common.get_or_create_merge_base(branch) if merge_base: merge_base_map.setdefault(merge_base, set()).add(branch) for merge_base, branches in merge_base_map.items(): merge_base_map[merge_base] = ', '.join(branches) try: for line in log_proc.stdout: if b'\x00' not in line: outbuf.write(line) continue graph, commit, branch_list, commit_date, subject = _parse_log_line( line) if 'HEAD' in branch_list: graph = graph.replace('*', BLUE_BACK + '*') line = '{graph}{commit}\t{branches}{date} ~ {subject}'.format( graph=graph, commit=BRIGHT_RED + commit[:10] + RESET, branches=_color_branch_list(branch_list, all_branches, all_tags, current), date=YELLOW + commit_date + RESET, subject=subject) if commit in merge_base_map: line += ' <({})'.format(WHITE + merge_base_map[commit] + RESET) line += os.linesep outbuf.write(line.encode('utf-8', 'replace')) except (BrokenPipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass return 0
def main(args): root_ref = root() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('new_parent', nargs='?', help='New parent branch (or tag) to reparent to.') g.add_argument('--root', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the configured root branch (%s).' % root_ref) g.add_argument('--lkgr', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the lkgr tag.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # TODO(iannucci): Allow specification of the branch-to-reparent branch = current_branch() if opts.root: new_parent = root_ref elif opts.lkgr: new_parent = 'lkgr' else: if not opts.new_parent: parser.error('Must specify new parent somehow') new_parent = opts.new_parent cur_parent = upstream(branch) if branch == 'HEAD' or not branch: parser.error('Must be on the branch you want to reparent') if new_parent == cur_parent: parser.error('Cannot reparent a branch to its existing parent') mbase = get_or_create_merge_base(branch, cur_parent) all_tags = tags() if cur_parent in all_tags: cur_parent += ' [tag]' try: run('show-ref', new_parent) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: print >> sys.stderr, 'fatal: invalid reference: %s' % new_parent return 1 if new_parent in all_tags: print ("Reparenting %s to track %s [tag] (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) set_branch_config(branch, 'remote', '.') set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', new_parent) else: print ("Reparenting %s to track %s (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) run('branch', '--set-upstream-to', new_parent, branch) manual_merge_base(branch, mbase, new_parent) # TODO(iannucci): ONLY rebase-update the branch which moved (and dependants) return git_rebase_update.main(['--no-fetch'])
def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) if (self.verbosity >= 2): # Avoid heavy import unless necessary. from git_cl import get_cl_statuses, color_for_status, Changelist change_cls = [ Changelist(branchref='refs/heads/' + b) for b in self.__branches_info.keys() if b ] status_info = get_cl_statuses(change_cls, fine_grained=self.verbosity > 2, max_processes=self.maxjobs) # This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be # retrieved. for cl, status in status_info: self.__status_info[cl.GetBranch()] = (cl.GetIssueURL(), color_for_status(status), status) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.items(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if self.__check_cycle(branch): continue if not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches)
def find_return_branch(): """Finds the branch which we should return to after rebase-update completes. This value may persist across multiple invocations of rebase-update, if rebase-update runs into a conflict mid-way. """ return_branch = git.config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY) if not return_branch: return_branch = git.current_branch() if return_branch != 'HEAD': git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, return_branch) return return_branch
def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) if (self.verbosity >= 2): # Avoid heavy import unless necessary. from git_cl import get_cl_statuses, color_for_status, Changelist change_cls = [Changelist(branchref='refs/heads/'+b) for b in self.__branches_info.keys() if b] status_info = get_cl_statuses(change_cls, fine_grained=self.verbosity > 2, max_processes=self.maxjobs) # This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be # retrieved. for cl, status in status_info: self.__status_info[cl.GetBranch()] = (cl.GetIssueURL(), color_for_status(status), status) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.iteritems(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches)
def start(self): self.__branches_info = get_branches_info( include_tracking_status=self.verbosity >= 1) if (self.verbosity >= 2): # Avoid heavy import unless necessary. from git_cl import get_cl_statuses status_info = get_cl_statuses(self.__branches_info.keys(), fine_grained=self.verbosity > 2, max_processes=self.maxjobs) for _ in xrange(len(self.__branches_info)): # This is a blocking get which waits for the remote CL status to be # retrieved. (branch, url, color) = self.__status_info[branch] = (url, color) roots = set() # A map of parents to a list of their children. for branch, branch_info in self.__branches_info.iteritems(): if not branch_info: continue parent = branch_info.upstream if not self.__branches_info[parent]: branch_upstream = upstream(branch) # If git can't find the upstream, mark the upstream as gone. if branch_upstream: parent = branch_upstream else: self.__gone_branches.add(parent) # A parent that isn't in the branches info is a root. roots.add(parent) self.__parent_map[parent].append(branch) self.__current_branch = current_branch() self.__current_hash = hash_one('HEAD', short=True) self.__tag_set = tags() if roots: for root in sorted(roots): self.__append_branch(root) else: no_branches = OutputLine() no_branches.append('No User Branches') self.output.append(no_branches)
def main(args): default_args = git.get_config_list( 'depot-tools.upstream-diff.default-args') args = default_args + args current_branch = git.current_branch() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--wordwise', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Print a colorized wordwise diff ' 'instead of line-wise diff')) parser.add_argument('--branch', default=current_branch, help='Show changes from a different branch. Passing ' '"HEAD" is the same as omitting this option (it ' 'diffs against the current branch)') opts, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) if opts.branch == 'HEAD': opts.branch = current_branch if not opts.branch or opts.branch == 'HEAD': print('fatal: Cannot perform git-upstream-diff while not on a branch') return 1 par = git.upstream(opts.branch) if not par: print('fatal: No upstream configured for branch \'%s\'' % opts.branch) return 1 cmd = [ git.GIT_EXE, '-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--patience', '-C', '-C' ] if opts.wordwise: cmd += ['--word-diff=color', r'--word-diff-regex=(\w+|[^[:space:]])'] cmd += [git.get_or_create_merge_base(opts.branch, par)] # Only specify the end commit if it is not the current branch, this lets the # diff include uncommitted changes when diffing the current branch. if opts.branch != current_branch: cmd += [opts.branch] cmd += extra_args return subprocess2.check_call(cmd)
def find_return_branch_workdir(): """Finds the branch and working directory which we should return to after rebase-update completes. These values may persist across multiple invocations of rebase-update, if rebase-update runs into a conflict mid-way. """ return_branch = git.config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY) workdir = git.config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY) if not return_branch: workdir = os.getcwd() git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, workdir) return_branch = git.current_branch() if return_branch != 'HEAD': git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, return_branch) return return_branch, workdir
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--pick', help=('The number to pick if this command would ' 'prompt')) opts = parser.parse_args(args) upfn = upstream cur = current_branch() if cur == 'HEAD': def _upfn(b): parent = upstream(b) if parent: return hash_one(parent) upfn = _upfn cur = hash_one(cur) downstreams = [b for b in branches() if upfn(b) == cur] if not downstreams: return "No downstream branches" elif len(downstreams) == 1: run_stream('checkout', downstreams[0], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) else: high = len(downstreams) - 1 while True: print "Please select a downstream branch" for i, b in enumerate(downstreams): print " %d. %s" % (i, b) prompt = "Selection (0-%d)[0]: " % high r = opts.pick if r: print prompt + r else: r = raw_input(prompt).strip() or '0' if not r.isdigit() or (0 > int(r) > high): print "Invalid choice." else: run_stream('checkout', downstreams[int(r)], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) break
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0], epilog=' '.join(__doc__.strip().splitlines()[1:])) g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument( 'merge_base', nargs='?', help='The new hash to use as the merge base for the current branch') g.add_argument('--delete', '-d', action='store_true', help='Remove the set mark.') opts = parser.parse_args(argv) cur = current_branch() if opts.delete: try: remove_merge_base(cur) except CalledProcessError: print "No merge base currently exists for %s." % cur return 0 if opts.merge_base: try: opts.merge_base = hash_one(opts.merge_base) except CalledProcessError: print >> sys.stderr, ('fatal: could not resolve %s as a commit' % (opts.merge_base)) return 1 manual_merge_base(cur, opts.merge_base, upstream(cur)) ret = 0 actual = get_or_create_merge_base(cur) if opts.merge_base and opts.merge_base != actual: ret = 1 print "Invalid merge_base %s" % opts.merge_base print "merge_base(%s): %s" % (cur, actual) return ret
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0], epilog=' '.join(__doc__.strip().splitlines()[1:])) g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument( 'merge_base', nargs='?', help='The new hash to use as the merge base for the current branch' ) g.add_argument('--delete', '-d', action='store_true', help='Remove the set mark.') opts = parser.parse_args(argv) cur = current_branch() if opts.delete: try: remove_merge_base(cur) except CalledProcessError: print "No merge base currently exists for %s." % cur return 0 if opts.merge_base: try: opts.merge_base = hash_one(opts.merge_base) except CalledProcessError: print >> sys.stderr, ( 'fatal: could not resolve %s as a commit' % (opts.merge_base) ) return 1 manual_merge_base(cur, opts.merge_base) ret = 0 actual = get_or_create_merge_base(cur) if opts.merge_base and opts.merge_base != actual: ret = 1 print "Invalid merge_base %s" % opts.merge_base print "merge_base(%s): %s" % (cur, actual) return ret
def main(args): default_args = git.get_config_list('depot-tools.upstream-diff.default-args') args = default_args + args current_branch = git.current_branch() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--wordwise', action='store_true', default=False, help=( 'Print a colorized wordwise diff ' 'instead of line-wise diff')) parser.add_argument('--branch', default=current_branch, help='Show changes from a different branch. Passing ' '"HEAD" is the same as omitting this option (it ' 'diffs against the current branch)') opts, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args(args) if opts.branch == 'HEAD': opts.branch = current_branch if not opts.branch or opts.branch == 'HEAD': print 'fatal: Cannot perform git-upstream-diff while not on a branch' return 1 par = git.upstream(opts.branch) if not par: print 'fatal: No upstream configured for branch \'%s\'' % opts.branch return 1 cmd = [git.GIT_EXE, '-c', 'core.quotePath=false', 'diff', '--patience', '-C', '-C'] if opts.wordwise: cmd += ['--word-diff=color', r'--word-diff-regex=(\w+|[^[:space:]])'] cmd += [git.get_or_create_merge_base(opts.branch, par)] # Only specify the end commit if it is not the current branch, this lets the # diff include uncommitted changes when diffing the current branch. if opts.branch != current_branch: cmd += [opts.branch] cmd += extra_args return subprocess2.check_call(cmd)
def main(args): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--pick', help=( 'The number to pick if this command would ' 'prompt')) opts = parser.parse_args(args) upfn = upstream cur = current_branch() if cur == 'HEAD': def _upfn(b): parent = upstream(b) if parent: return hash_one(parent) upfn = _upfn cur = hash_one(cur) downstreams = [b for b in branches() if upfn(b) == cur] if not downstreams: print "No downstream branches" return 1 elif len(downstreams) == 1: run('checkout', downstreams[0], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) else: high = len(downstreams) - 1 while True: print "Please select a downstream branch" for i, b in enumerate(downstreams): print " %d. %s" % (i, b) prompt = "Selection (0-%d)[0]: " % high r = opts.pick if r: print prompt + r else: r = raw_input(prompt).strip() or '0' if not r.isdigit() or (0 > int(r) > high): print "Invalid choice." else: run('checkout', downstreams[int(r)], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) break return 0
def main(argv): # No command line flags. Just use the parser to prevent people from trying # to pass flags that don't do anything, and to provide 'usage'. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Automatically set up git-svn for a repo mirrored from svn.') parser.parse_args(argv) upstreams = [] # Always configure the upstream trunk. upstreams.append(root()) # Optionally configure whatever upstream branch might be currently checked # out. This is needed for work on svn-based branches, otherwise git-svn gets # very confused and tries to relate branch commits back to trunk, making a big # mess of the codereview patches, and generating all kinds of spurious errors # about the repo being in some sort of bad state. curr_upstream = get_upstream(current_branch()) # There will be no upstream if the checkout is in detached HEAD. if curr_upstream: upstreams.append(curr_upstream) for upstream in upstreams: config_svn(upstream) return 0
def main(argv): # No command line flags. Just use the parser to prevent people from trying # to pass flags that don't do anything, and to provide 'usage'. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Automatically set up git-svn for a repo mirrored from svn.' ) parser.parse_args(argv) upstreams = [] # Always configure the upstream trunk. upstreams.append(root()) # Optionally configure whatever upstream branch might be currently checked # out. This is needed for work on svn-based branches, otherwise git-svn gets # very confused and tries to relate branch commits back to trunk, making a big # mess of the codereview patches, and generating all kinds of spurious errors # about the repo being in some sort of bad state. curr_upstream = get_upstream(current_branch()) # There will be no upstream if the checkout is in detached HEAD. if curr_upstream: upstreams.append(curr_upstream) for upstream in upstreams: config_svn(upstream) return 0
def create_new_branch(branch_name, upstream_current=False, upstream=None, inject_current=False): upstream = upstream or git_common.root() try: if inject_current: below = git_common.current_branch() if below is None: raise Exception('no current branch') above = git_common.upstream(below) if above is None: raise Exception('branch %s has no upstream' % (below))'checkout', '--track', above, '-b', branch_name)'branch', '--set-upstream-to', branch_name, below) elif upstream_current:'checkout', '--track', '-b', branch_name) else: if upstream in git_common.tags(): # TODO(iannucci): ensure that basis_ref is an ancestor of HEAD?'checkout', '--no-track', '-b', branch_name, git_common.hash_one(upstream)) git_common.set_config('branch.%s.remote' % branch_name, '.') git_common.set_config('branch.%s.merge' % branch_name, upstream) else: # TODO(iannucci): Detect unclean workdir then stash+pop if we need to # teleport to a conflicting portion of history?'checkout', '--track', upstream, '-b', branch_name) git_common.get_or_create_merge_base(branch_name) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stdout.write(cpe.stdout.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr.decode('utf-8', 'replace')) return 1 sys.stderr.write('Switched to branch %s.\n' % branch_name) return 0
def main(argv): colorama.init() assert len(argv) == 1, "No arguments expected" branch_map = {} par_map = collections.defaultdict(list) for branch in branches(): par = upstream(branch) or NO_UPSTREAM branch_map[branch] = par par_map[par].append(branch) current = current_branch() hashes = hash_multi(current, *branch_map.keys()) current_hash = hashes[0] par_hashes = {k: hashes[i+1] for i, k in enumerate(branch_map.iterkeys())} par_hashes[NO_UPSTREAM] = 0 tag_set = tags() while par_map: for parent in par_map: if parent not in branch_map: if parent not in par_hashes: par_hashes[parent] = hash_one(parent) print_branch(current, current_hash, parent, par_hashes, par_map, branch_map, tag_set) break
def main(argv): if '-h' in argv: print_help() return 0 map_extra = get_config_list('depot_tools.map_extra') fmt = '%C(red bold)%h%x09%Creset%C(green)%d%Creset %C(yellow)%cd%Creset ~ %s' log_proc = subprocess2.Popen([ GIT_EXE, 'log', '--graph', '--branches', '--tags', root(), '--color=always', '--date=short', ('--pretty=format:' + fmt) ] + map_extra + argv, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, shell=False) current = current_branch() all_branches = set(branches()) merge_base_map = {b: get_or_create_merge_base(b) for b in all_branches} merge_base_map = {b: v for b, v in merge_base_map.items() if v} if current in all_branches: all_branches.remove(current) all_tags = set(tags()) try: for line in log_proc.stdout.xreadlines(): if merge_base_map: commit = line[line.find(BRIGHT_RED) + len(BRIGHT_RED):line.find('\t')] base_for_branches = set() for branch, sha in merge_base_map.items(): if sha.startswith(commit): base_for_branches.add(branch) if base_for_branches: newline = '\r\n' if line.endswith('\r\n') else '\n' line = line.rstrip(newline) line += ''.join( (BRIGHT, WHITE, ' <(%s)' % (', '.join(base_for_branches)), RESET, newline)) for b in base_for_branches: del merge_base_map[b] start = line.find(GREEN + ' (') end = line.find(')', start) if start != -1 and end != -1: start += len(GREEN) + 2 branch_list = line[start:end].split(', ') branches_str = '' if branch_list: colored_branches = [] head_marker = '' for b in branch_list: if b == "HEAD": head_marker = BLUEBAK + BRIGHT + '*' continue if b == current: colored_branches.append(CYAN + BRIGHT + b + RESET) current = None elif b in all_branches: colored_branches.append(GREEN + BRIGHT + b + RESET) all_branches.remove(b) elif b in all_tags: colored_branches.append(MAGENTA + BRIGHT + b + RESET) elif b.startswith('tag: '): colored_branches.append(MAGENTA + BRIGHT + b[5:] + RESET) else: colored_branches.append(RED + b) branches_str = '(%s) ' % ( (GREEN + ", ").join(colored_branches) + GREEN) line = "%s%s%s" % (line[:start - 1], branches_str, line[end + 5:]) if head_marker: line = line.replace('*', head_marker, 1) sys.stdout.write(line) except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass finally: sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout.close() return 0
def main(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', action='store_true', help='Keep processing past failed rebases.') parser.add_argument('--no_fetch', '--no-fetch', '-n', action='store_true', help='Skip fetching remotes.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) if opts.verbose: # pragma: no cover logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # TODO(iannucci): snapshot all branches somehow, so we can implement # `git rebase-update --undo`. # * Perhaps just copy packed-refs + refs/ + logs/ to the side? # * commit them to a secret ref? # * Then we could view a summary of each run as a # `diff --stat` on that secret ref. if git.in_rebase(): # TODO(iannucci): Be able to resume rebase with flags like --continue, # etc. print ( 'Rebase in progress. Please complete the rebase before running ' '`git rebase-update`.' ) return 1 return_branch, return_workdir = find_return_branch_workdir() os.chdir('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')) if git.current_branch() == 'HEAD': if'status', '--porcelain'): print 'Cannot rebase-update with detached head + uncommitted changes.' return 1 else: git.freeze() # just in case there are any local changes. skipped, branch_tree = git.get_branch_tree() for branch in skipped: print 'Skipping %s: No upstream specified' % branch if not opts.no_fetch: fetch_remotes(branch_tree) merge_base = {} for branch, parent in branch_tree.iteritems(): merge_base[branch] = git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch, parent) logging.debug('branch_tree: %s' % pformat(branch_tree)) logging.debug('merge_base: %s' % pformat(merge_base)) retcode = 0 unrebased_branches = [] # Rebase each branch starting with the root-most branches and working # towards the leaves. for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree): if git.is_dormant(branch): print 'Skipping dormant branch', branch else: ret = rebase_branch(branch, parent, merge_base[branch]) if not ret: retcode = 1 if opts.keep_going: print '--keep-going set, continuing with next branch.' unrebased_branches.append(branch) if git.in_rebase(): git.run_with_retcode('rebase', '--abort') if git.in_rebase(): # pragma: no cover print 'Failed to abort rebase. Something is really wrong.' break else: break if unrebased_branches: print print 'The following branches could not be cleanly rebased:' for branch in unrebased_branches: print ' %s' % branch if not retcode: remove_empty_branches(branch_tree) # return_branch may not be there any more. if return_branch in git.branches():'checkout', return_branch) git.thaw() else: root_branch = git.root() if return_branch != 'HEAD': print ( "%r was merged with its parent, checking out %r instead." % (return_branch, root_branch) )'checkout', root_branch) if return_workdir: os.chdir(return_workdir) git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, '') git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, '') return retcode
def UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, description, comment, reviewers, changelist, cmd_upload, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, repository_root): """Uploads a CL with all changes to |files| in |refactor_branch|. Args: refactor_branch: Name of the branch that contains the changes to upload. refactor_branch_upstream: Name of the upstream of |refactor_branch|. directory: Path to the directory that contains the OWNERS file for which to upload a CL. files: List of AffectedFile instances to include in the uploaded CL. description: Description of the uploaded CL. comment: Comment to post on the uploaded CL. reviewers: A set of reviewers for the CL. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run. enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit. """ # Create a branch. if not CreateBranchForDirectory(refactor_branch, directory, refactor_branch_upstream): print('Skipping ' + directory + ' for which a branch already exists.') return # Checkout all changes to files in |files|. deleted_files = [] modified_files = [] for action, f in files: abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(repository_root, f)) if action == 'D': deleted_files.append(abspath) else: modified_files.append(abspath) if deleted_files:*['rm'] + deleted_files) if modified_files:*['checkout', refactor_branch, '--'] + modified_files) # Commit changes. The temporary file is created with delete=False so that it # can be deleted manually after git has read it rather than automatically # when it is closed. with gclient_utils.temporary_file() as tmp_file: gclient_utils.FileWrite( tmp_file, FormatDescriptionOrComment(description, directory))'commit', '-F', tmp_file) # Upload a CL. upload_args = ['-f'] if reviewers: upload_args.extend(['-r', ','.join(reviewers)]) if cq_dry_run: upload_args.append('--cq-dry-run') if not comment: upload_args.append('--send-mail') if enable_auto_submit: upload_args.append('--enable-auto-submit') print('Uploading CL for ' + directory + '...') ret = cmd_upload(upload_args) if ret != 0: print('Uploading failed for ' + directory + '.') print('Note: git cl split has built-in resume capabilities.') print('Delete ' + git.current_branch() + ' then run git cl split again to resume uploading.') if comment: changelist().AddComment(FormatDescriptionOrComment(comment, directory), publish=True)
def main(argv): if '-h' in argv: print_help() return 0 map_extra = get_config_list('depot_tools.map_extra') fmt = '%C(red bold)%h%x09%Creset%C(green)%d%Creset %C(yellow)%cd%Creset ~ %s' log_proc = subprocess2.Popen( [GIT_EXE, 'log', '--graph', '--branches', '--tags', root(), '--color=always', '--date=short', ('--pretty=format:' + fmt) ] + map_extra + argv, stdout=subprocess2.PIPE, shell=False) current = current_branch() all_branches = set(branches()) merge_base_map = {b: get_or_create_merge_base(b) for b in all_branches} merge_base_map = {b: v for b, v in merge_base_map.iteritems() if v} if current in all_branches: all_branches.remove(current) all_tags = set(tags()) try: for line in log_proc.stdout.xreadlines(): if merge_base_map: commit = line[line.find(BRIGHT_RED)+len(BRIGHT_RED):line.find('\t')] base_for_branches = set() for branch, sha in merge_base_map.iteritems(): if sha.startswith(commit): base_for_branches.add(branch) if base_for_branches: newline = '\r\n' if line.endswith('\r\n') else '\n' line = line.rstrip(newline) line += ''.join( (BRIGHT, WHITE, ' <(%s)' % (', '.join(base_for_branches)), RESET, newline)) for b in base_for_branches: del merge_base_map[b] start = line.find(GREEN+' (') end = line.find(')', start) if start != -1 and end != -1: start += len(GREEN) + 2 branch_list = line[start:end].split(', ') branches_str = '' if branch_list: colored_branches = [] head_marker = '' for b in branch_list: if b == "HEAD": head_marker = BLUEBAK+BRIGHT+'*' continue if b == current: colored_branches.append(CYAN+BRIGHT+b+RESET) current = None elif b in all_branches: colored_branches.append(GREEN+BRIGHT+b+RESET) all_branches.remove(b) elif b in all_tags: colored_branches.append(MAGENTA+BRIGHT+b+RESET) elif b.startswith('tag: '): colored_branches.append(MAGENTA+BRIGHT+b[5:]+RESET) else: colored_branches.append(RED+b) branches_str = '(%s) ' % ((GREEN+", ").join(colored_branches)+GREEN) line = "%s%s%s" % (line[:start-1], branches_str, line[end+5:]) if head_marker: line = line.replace('*', head_marker, 1) sys.stdout.write(line) except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt): pass finally: sys.stderr.close() sys.stdout.close() return 0
def __init__(self, files, local_root, author, reviewers, fopen, os_path, email_postfix='', disable_color=False, override_files=None, ignore_author=False): self.email_postfix = email_postfix if == 'nt' or disable_color: self.COLOR_LINK = '' self.COLOR_BOLD = '' self.COLOR_GREY = '' self.COLOR_RESET = '' self.os_path = os_path = author filtered_files = files reviewers = list(reviewers) if author and not ignore_author: reviewers.append(author) # Eliminate files that existing reviewers can review. self.client = owners_client.DepotToolsClient( root=local_root, branch=git_common.current_branch(), fopen=fopen, os_path=os_path) approval_status = self.client.GetFilesApprovalStatus( filtered_files, reviewers, []) filtered_files = [ f for f in filtered_files if approval_status[f] != owners_client.OwnersClient.APPROVED ] # If some files are eliminated. if len(filtered_files) != len(files): files = filtered_files self.files_to_owners = self.client.BatchListOwners(files) self.owners_to_files = {} self._map_owners_to_files() self.original_files_to_owners = copy.deepcopy(self.files_to_owners) # This is the queue that will be shown in the interactive questions. # It is initially sorted by the score in descending order. In the # interactive questions a user can choose to "defer" its decision, then the # owner will be put to the end of the queue and shown later. self.owners_queue = [] self.unreviewed_files = set() self.reviewed_by = {} self.selected_owners = set() self.deselected_owners = set() self.reset()
def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run, cq_dry_run): """"Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs. Args: description_file: File containing the description of uploaded CLs. comment_file: File containing the comment of uploaded CLs. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. dry_run: Whether this is a dry run (no branches or CLs created). cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run. Returns: 0 in case of success. 1 in case of error. """ description = AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription(ReadFile(description_file)) comment = ReadFile(comment_file) if comment_file else None try: EnsureInGitRepository() cl = changelist() change = cl.GetChange(cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream(), None) files = change.AffectedFiles() if not files: print 'Cannot split an empty CL.' return 1 author ='config', '').strip() or None refactor_branch = git.current_branch() assert refactor_branch, "Can't run from detached branch." refactor_branch_upstream = git.upstream(refactor_branch) assert refactor_branch_upstream, \ "Branch %s must have an upstream." % refactor_branch owners_database = owners.Database(change.RepositoryRoot(), file, os.path) owners_database.load_data_needed_for([f.LocalPath() for f in files]) files_split_by_owners = GetFilesSplitByOwners(owners_database, files) num_cls = len(files_split_by_owners) print('Will split current branch (' + refactor_branch + ') into ' + str(num_cls) + ' CLs.\n') if cq_dry_run and num_cls > CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT: print ( 'This will generate "%r" CLs. This many CLs can potentially generate' ' too much load on the build infrastructure. Please email' ' [email protected] to ensure that this won\'t break anything.' ' The infra team reserves the right to cancel your jobs if they are' ' overloading the CQ.') % num_cls answer = raw_input('Proceed? (y/n):') if answer.lower() != 'y': return 0 for cl_index, (directory, files) in \ enumerate(files_split_by_owners.iteritems(), 1): # Use '/' as a path separator in the branch name and the CL description # and comment. directory = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '/') file_paths = [f.LocalPath() for f in files] reviewers = owners_database.reviewers_for(file_paths, author) if dry_run: PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directory, file_paths, description, reviewers) else: UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, description, comment, reviewers, changelist, cmd_upload, cq_dry_run) # Go back to the original branch.'checkout', refactor_branch) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', action='store_true', help='Keep processing past failed rebases.') parser.add_argument('--no_fetch', '--no-fetch', '-n', action='store_true', help='Skip fetching remotes.') parser.add_argument( '--current', action='store_true', help='Only rebase the current branch.') parser.add_argument('branches', nargs='*', help='Branches to be rebased. All branches are assumed ' 'if none specified.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) if opts.verbose: # pragma: no cover logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # TODO(iannucci): snapshot all branches somehow, so we can implement # `git rebase-update --undo`. # * Perhaps just copy packed-refs + refs/ + logs/ to the side? # * commit them to a secret ref? # * Then we could view a summary of each run as a # `diff --stat` on that secret ref. if git.in_rebase(): # TODO(iannucci): Be able to resume rebase with flags like --continue, # etc. print('Rebase in progress. Please complete the rebase before running ' '`git rebase-update`.') return 1 return_branch, return_workdir = find_return_branch_workdir() os.chdir('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')) if git.current_branch() == 'HEAD': if'status', '--porcelain'): print('Cannot rebase-update with detached head + uncommitted changes.') return 1 else: git.freeze() # just in case there are any local changes. branches_to_rebase = set(opts.branches) if opts.current: branches_to_rebase.add(git.current_branch()) skipped, branch_tree = git.get_branch_tree() if branches_to_rebase: skipped = set(skipped).intersection(branches_to_rebase) for branch in skipped: print('Skipping %s: No upstream specified' % branch) if not opts.no_fetch: fetch_remotes(branch_tree) merge_base = {} for branch, parent in branch_tree.items(): merge_base[branch] = git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch, parent) logging.debug('branch_tree: %s' % pformat(branch_tree)) logging.debug('merge_base: %s' % pformat(merge_base)) retcode = 0 unrebased_branches = [] # Rebase each branch starting with the root-most branches and working # towards the leaves. for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree): # Only rebase specified branches, unless none specified. if branches_to_rebase and branch not in branches_to_rebase: continue if git.is_dormant(branch): print('Skipping dormant branch', branch) else: ret = rebase_branch(branch, parent, merge_base[branch]) if not ret: retcode = 1 if opts.keep_going: print('--keep-going set, continuing with next branch.') unrebased_branches.append(branch) if git.in_rebase(): git.run_with_retcode('rebase', '--abort') if git.in_rebase(): # pragma: no cover print('Failed to abort rebase. Something is really wrong.') break else: break if unrebased_branches: print() print('The following branches could not be cleanly rebased:') for branch in unrebased_branches: print(' %s' % branch) if not retcode: remove_empty_branches(branch_tree) # return_branch may not be there any more. if return_branch in git.branches():'checkout', return_branch) git.thaw() else: root_branch = git.root() if return_branch != 'HEAD': print("%s was merged with its parent, checking out %s instead." % (git.unicode_repr(return_branch), git.unicode_repr(root_branch)))'checkout', root_branch) # return_workdir may also not be there any more. if return_workdir: try: os.chdir(return_workdir) except OSError as e: print( "Unable to return to original workdir %r: %s" % (return_workdir, e)) git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, '') git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, '') return retcode
def SplitCl(description_file, comment_file, changelist, cmd_upload, dry_run, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, repository_root): """"Splits a branch into smaller branches and uploads CLs. Args: description_file: File containing the description of uploaded CLs. comment_file: File containing the comment of uploaded CLs. changelist: The Changelist class. cmd_upload: The function associated with the git cl upload command. dry_run: Whether this is a dry run (no branches or CLs created). cq_dry_run: If CL uploads should also do a cq dry run. enable_auto_submit: If CL uploads should also enable auto submit. Returns: 0 in case of success. 1 in case of error. """ description = AddUploadedByGitClSplitToDescription( ReadFile(description_file)) comment = ReadFile(comment_file) if comment_file else None try: EnsureInGitRepository() cl = changelist() upstream = cl.GetCommonAncestorWithUpstream() files = [ (action.strip(), f) for action, f in scm.GIT.CaptureStatus(repository_root, upstream) ] if not files: print('Cannot split an empty CL.') return 1 author ='config', '').strip() or None refactor_branch = git.current_branch() assert refactor_branch, "Can't run from detached branch." refactor_branch_upstream = git.upstream(refactor_branch) assert refactor_branch_upstream, \ "Branch %s must have an upstream." % refactor_branch owners_database = owners.Database(repository_root, open, os.path) owners_database.load_data_needed_for([f for _, f in files]) files_split_by_owners = GetFilesSplitByOwners(owners_database, files) num_cls = len(files_split_by_owners) print('Will split current branch (' + refactor_branch + ') into ' + str(num_cls) + ' CLs.\n') if cq_dry_run and num_cls > CL_SPLIT_FORCE_LIMIT: print( 'This will generate "%r" CLs. This many CLs can potentially generate' ' too much load on the build infrastructure. Please email' ' [email protected] to ensure that this won\'t break anything.' ' The infra team reserves the right to cancel your jobs if they are' ' overloading the CQ.' % num_cls) answer = raw_input('Proceed? (y/n):') if answer.lower() != 'y': return 0 for cl_index, (directory, files) in \ enumerate(files_split_by_owners.items(), 1): # Use '/' as a path separator in the branch name and the CL description # and comment. directory = directory.replace(os.path.sep, '/') file_paths = [f for _, f in files] reviewers = owners_database.reviewers_for(file_paths, author) if dry_run: PrintClInfo(cl_index, num_cls, directory, file_paths, description, reviewers) else: UploadCl(refactor_branch, refactor_branch_upstream, directory, files, description, comment, reviewers, changelist, cmd_upload, cq_dry_run, enable_auto_submit, repository_root) # Go back to the original branch.'checkout', refactor_branch) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as cpe: sys.stderr.write(cpe.stderr) return 1 return 0
def main(args): root_ref = root() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() g = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() g.add_argument('new_parent', nargs='?', help='New parent branch (or tag) to reparent to.') g.add_argument('--root', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the configured root branch (%s).' % root_ref) g.add_argument('--lkgr', action='store_true', help='Reparent to the lkgr tag.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) # TODO(iannucci): Allow specification of the branch-to-reparent branch = current_branch() if opts.root: new_parent = root_ref elif opts.lkgr: new_parent = 'lkgr' else: if not opts.new_parent: parser.error('Must specify new parent somehow') new_parent = opts.new_parent cur_parent = upstream(branch) if branch == 'HEAD' or not branch: parser.error('Must be on the branch you want to reparent') if new_parent == cur_parent: parser.error('Cannot reparent a branch to its existing parent') if not cur_parent: msg = ( "Unable to determine %s@{upstream}.\n\nThis can happen if you didn't use " "`git new-branch` to create the branch and haven't used " "`git branch --set-upstream-to` to assign it one.\n\nPlease assign an " "upstream branch and then run this command again." ) print(msg % branch, file=sys.stderr) return 1 mbase = get_or_create_merge_base(branch, cur_parent) all_tags = tags() if cur_parent in all_tags: cur_parent += ' [tag]' try: run('show-ref', new_parent) except subprocess2.CalledProcessError: print('fatal: invalid reference: %s' % new_parent, file=sys.stderr) return 1 if new_parent in all_tags: print("Reparenting %s to track %s [tag] (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) set_branch_config(branch, 'remote', '.') set_branch_config(branch, 'merge', new_parent) else: print("Reparenting %s to track %s (was %s)" % (branch, new_parent, cur_parent)) run('branch', '--set-upstream-to', new_parent, branch) manual_merge_base(branch, mbase, new_parent) # ONLY rebase-update the branch which moved (and dependants) _, branch_tree = get_branch_tree() branches = [branch] for branch, parent in topo_iter(branch_tree): if parent in branches: branches.append(branch) return git_rebase_update.main(['--no-fetch'] + branches)
def main(args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--no_fetch', '--no-fetch', '-n', action='store_true', help='Skip fetching remotes.') opts = parser.parse_args(args) if opts.verbose: # pragma: no cover logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # TODO(iannucci): snapshot all branches somehow, so we can implement # `git rebase-update --undo`. # * Perhaps just copy packed-refs + refs/ + logs/ to the side? # * commit them to a secret ref? # * Then we could view a summary of each run as a # `diff --stat` on that secret ref. if git.in_rebase(): # TODO(iannucci): Be able to resume rebase with flags like --continue, # etc. print( 'Rebase in progress. Please complete the rebase before running ' '`git rebase-update`.') return 1 return_branch, return_workdir = find_return_branch_workdir() os.chdir('rev-parse', '--show-toplevel')) if git.current_branch() == 'HEAD': if'status', '--porcelain'): print 'Cannot rebase-update with detached head + uncommitted changes.' return 1 else: git.freeze() # just in case there are any local changes. skipped, branch_tree = git.get_branch_tree() for branch in skipped: print 'Skipping %s: No upstream specified' % branch if not opts.no_fetch: fetch_remotes(branch_tree) merge_base = {} for branch, parent in branch_tree.iteritems(): merge_base[branch] = git.get_or_create_merge_base(branch, parent) logging.debug('branch_tree: %s' % pformat(branch_tree)) logging.debug('merge_base: %s' % pformat(merge_base)) retcode = 0 # Rebase each branch starting with the root-most branches and working # towards the leaves. for branch, parent in git.topo_iter(branch_tree): if git.is_dormant(branch): print 'Skipping dormant branch', branch else: ret = rebase_branch(branch, parent, merge_base[branch]) if not ret: retcode = 1 break if not retcode: remove_empty_branches(branch_tree) # return_branch may not be there any more. if return_branch in git.branches():'checkout', return_branch) git.thaw() else: root_branch = git.root() if return_branch != 'HEAD': print( "%r was merged with its parent, checking out %r instead." % (return_branch, root_branch))'checkout', root_branch) if return_workdir: os.chdir(return_workdir) git.set_config(STARTING_BRANCH_KEY, '') git.set_config(STARTING_WORKDIR_KEY, '') return retcode