Example #1
class GitRepo():
    Extension of PyGithub with a couple of other helper methods.

    def __init__(self, repo_name, credentials=None):
        """Retrieves a Repository by its fully qualified name. If credentials are passed
        they will be used."""
        if not credentials:
            self._github = Github().get_repo(repo_name)
        elif credentials.token:
            self._github = Github(credentials.token).get_repo(repo_name)
            self._github = Github(credentials.username, credentials.password).get_repo(repo_name)

    def github(self):
        Direct access to the underlying PyGithub object.
        return self._github

    def get_file(self, filename):
        """Fetch and decode the file from the master branch.
        Note that GitHub's API only supports files up to 1MB in size."""
        return self._github.get_contents(filename).decoded_content.decode('utf-8')

    def modify_and_branch(self, base_branch, new_branch_name, commit_message, filename, file_content):
        """Create a new branch from base_branch, makes changes to a file, and
        commits it to the new branch."""

        base_sha = self._github.get_git_ref('heads/{}'.format(base_branch)).object.sha
        base_tree = self._github.get_git_tree(base_sha)
        element = InputGitTreeElement(filename, '100644', 'blob', file_content)
        tree = self._github.create_git_tree([element], base_tree)

        parent = self._github.get_git_commit(base_sha)
        commit = self._github.create_git_commit(commit_message, tree, [parent])

        self._github.create_git_ref('refs/heads/{}'.format(new_branch_name), commit.sha)
Example #2
def get_repo():
    repo = Github(token).get_repo(repository)
    refs = repo.get_git_ref(branch_name)
    return {"repo": repo, "refs": refs}