def steps(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: step_clean(c, app) else: app.extend_queue(step_tasks(c))
def options(args): c = fetch_config(args) if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: option_clean(c) else: with BuildApp.context(c) as app: app.extend_queue(option_tasks(c))
def tables(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: table_clean(c, app) else: table_tasks(c, app)
def redirects(args): c = fetch_config(args) if args.dry_run is True: print(''.join(make_redirect(c))) else: with BuildApp.context(c) as app: redirect_tasks(c, app)
def primer(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: primer_clean(c, app) else: primer_migration_tasks(c, app)
def intersphinx(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: intersphinx_clean(c, app) else: intersphinx_tasks(c, app)
def images(args): c = fetch_config(args) app = BuildApp(c) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: if c.runstate.clean_generated is True: image_clean(c, app) else: image_tasks(c, app)
def source(args): conf = fetch_config(args) sconf = render_sconf(args.edition, 'html', args.language, conf) with BuildApp.context(conf) as app: with app.context(conf) as prep_app: source_tasks(conf, sconf, prep_app) build_content_generation_tasks(conf, app.add('app')) refresh_dependency_tasks(conf, app.add('app'))
def run_make_operations(targets, conf): """ :param list targets: A list of tuples in the form of ``(<action>, [option, option])`` that define build targets. :param Configuration conf: The top level configuration object. Parses the ``targets`` list and runs tasks defined, including all specified sphinx targets, all ``push`` deployment targets, and will create the ``env`` packages. Noteworthy behavior: - The order of options *except* for the action in the first option is not important. - If you run ``push`` target with the ``deploy`` option (i.e. ``push-deploy`` or ``push-<edition>-deploy``), ``giza`` will *not* run the ``publish`` Sphinx build. - This interface assumes that all deployment targets (defined in each project begin with ``push-`` or ``stage-``.) If you have a project with different deployment targets, you will need to call ``giza deploy`` directly. - The ``env`` cache targets take the same options as the Sphinx builders and package the environment for only those builders. If you specify ``env`` after a Sphinx target, ``giza`` will build the cache for only that package. """ sphinx_opts = { "worker": sphinx_publication, "languages": set(), "editions": set(), "builders": set() } push_opts = {"worker": deploy_tasks, "targets": set(), "type": None} packaging_opts = {} sphinx_builders = avalible_sphinx_builders() deploy_configs = dict_from_list('target', tasks = [] for action, options in targets: if action in sphinx_builders: tasks.append(sphinx_opts) add_sphinx_build_options(sphinx_opts, action, options, conf) elif action in ('stage', 'push'): tasks.append(push_opts) push_opts['type'] = action if 'deploy' not in options: sphinx_opts['builders'].add('publish') tasks.append(sphinx_opts) add_sphinx_build_options(sphinx_opts, action, options, conf) = False if action in deploy_configs: push_opts['targets'].add(action) for build_option in options: deploy_target_name = hyph_concat(action, build_option) if build_option in deploy_configs: push_opts['targets'].add(build_option) elif deploy_target_name in deploy_configs: push_opts['targets'].add(deploy_target_name) elif action.startswith('env'): if len(packaging_opts) > 0: packaging_opts = copy.copy(sphinx_opts) packaging_opts['worker'] = env_package_worker tasks.append(packaging_opts) add_sphinx_build_options(packaging_opts, False, options, conf) else: logger.error( 'target: {0} not defined in the make interface'.format(action)) with BuildApp.context(conf) as app: if sphinx_opts in tasks: conf.runstate.languages_to_build = list(sphinx_opts['languages']) conf.runstate.editions_to_build = list(sphinx_opts['editions']) conf.runstate.builder = list(sphinx_opts['builders']) if 'publish' in conf.runstate.builder: = False derive_command('sphinx', conf) sphinx_opts['worker'](conf, conf.runstate, app) if push_opts in tasks: if len(push_opts['targets']) == 0: for lang, edition in itertools.product( conf.runstate.languages_to_build, conf.runstate.editions_to_build): push_target_name = [push_opts['type']] for opt in (edition, lang): if opt is not None: push_target_name.append(opt) push_target_name = '-'.join(push_target_name) push_opts['targets'].add(push_target_name) conf.runstate.push_targets = list(push_opts['targets']) push_opts['worker'](conf, app) derive_command('deploy', conf) if packaging_opts in tasks: derive_command('env', conf) task = app.add('task') task.job = env_package_worker task.args = (conf.runstate, conf) = False task.dependency = False
def toc(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: for task in toc_tasks(c): app.add(task)
def robots(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: app.pool = 'serial' robots_txt_tasks(c, app)
def examples(args): c = fetch_config(args) with BuildApp.context(c) as app: app.extend_queue(example_tasks(c))