def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (1, 0, 0, alpha)), (1, (0.9, 0, 0, alpha))], xy1=[0.3, -0.3], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) for i in range(numBalls): if (t < duration / 2): newRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce(2 * t / duration) * radius newCircleRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce( 2 * t / duration) * circleRadius else: newRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce(1 - (t / duration)) * radius newCircleRadius = pytweening.easeInOutBounce( 1 - (t / duration)) * circleRadius angle = (2 * np.pi / numBalls) * i #center = (W/2) + gz.polar2cart(newCircleRadius, angle) center = (W / 2) + gz.polar2cart(circleRadius, angle) #ball =, fill=gradient).translate((x, y)) ball =, fill=gradient).translate(center) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def animation4(t): W = H = 480 WSQ = W/4 a = np.pi/8 points = [(0,0),(1,0),(1-np.cos(a)**2,np.sin(2*a)/2),(0,0)] surface = gz.Surface(W,H) for k, (c1,c2) in enumerate([[(.7,0.05,0.05),(1,0.5,0.5)], [(0.05,0.05,.7),(0.5,0.5,1)]]): grad = gz.ColorGradient("linear",xy1=(0,0), xy2 = (1,0), stops_colors= [(0,c1),(1,c2)]) r = min(np.pi/2,max(0,np.pi*(t-DURATION/3)/DURATION)) triangle = gz.polyline(points,xy=(-0.5,0.5), fill=grad, angle=r, stroke=(1,1,1), stroke_width=.02) square = gz.Group([triangle.rotate(i*np.pi/2) for i in range(4)]) squares = (gz.Group([square.translate((2*i+j+k,j)) for i in range(-3,4) for j in range(-3,4)]) .scale(WSQ) .translate((W/2-WSQ*t/DURATION,H/2))) squares.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W,H) for r,color, center in zip(radii, colors, centers): angle = 2*np.pi*(t/D*np.sign(color[0]-.5)+color[1]) xy = center+gz.polar2cart(W/5,angle) # center of the ball gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors = [(0,color),(1,color/10)], xy1=[0.3,-0.3], xy2=[0,0], xy3 = [0,1.4]) ball =, fill=gradient).scale(r).translate(xy) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_ball(t, alpha): gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (1, 0, 0, alpha)), (1, (0.1, 0, 0, alpha))], xy1=[0.3, -0.3], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) x = (-W / 3) + (5 * W / 3) * (t / D) y = ground - HJ * 4 * (x % DJ) * (DJ - (x % DJ)) / DJ**2 coef = (HJ - y) / HJ ball =, fill=gradient).scale(r).translate((x, y)) return ball
def make_shadow(t): x = (-W / 3) + (5 * W / 3) * (t / D) y = ground - HJ * 4 * (x % DJ) * (DJ - (x % DJ)) / DJ**2 coef = (HJ - y) / HJ shadow_gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (0, 0, 0, .2 - coef / 5)), (1, (0, 0, 0, 0))], xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) shadow = ( - coef / 4), fill=shadow_gradient).scale(r, r / 2).translate( (x, ground + r / 2))) return shadow
def animation2(t): W = H = 480 nballs=60 radii = np.random.randint(.1*W,.2*W, nballs) colors = np.random.rand(nballs,3) centers = np.random.randint(0,W, (nballs,2)) surface = gz.Surface(W,H) for r,color, center in zip(radii, colors, centers): angle = 2*np.pi*(t/DURATION*np.sign(color[0]-.5)+color[1]) xy = center+gz.polar2cart(W/5,angle) gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors = [(0,color),(1,color/10)], xy1=[0.3,-0.3], xy2=[0,0], xy3 = [0,1.4]) ball =, fill=gradient).scale(r).translate(xy) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): alpha = 0.8 surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (1, 0, 0, alpha)), (1, (0.1, 0, 0, alpha))], xy1=[0.3, -0.3], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) for i in range(numStars): star = stars[i] star.x += star.vecX star.y += star.vecY ball =, fill=gradient).translate( (star.x, star.y)) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) x = (-W / 3) + (5 * W / 3) * (t / D) y = ground - HJ * 4 * (x % DJ) * (DJ - (x % DJ)) / DJ**2 coef = (HJ - y) / HJ shadow_gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type="radial", stops_colors=[(0, (0, 0, 0, .2 - coef / 5)), (1, (0, 0, 0, 0))], xy1=[0, 0], xy2=[0, 0], xy3=[0, 1.4]) shadow = ( - coef / 4), fill=shadow_gradient).scale(r, r / 2).translate( (x, ground + r / 2))) shadow.draw(surface) ball =, fill=gradient).scale(r).translate((x, y)) ball.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage()
""" import numpy as np import gizeh as gz import moviepy.editor as mpy W, H = 200, 75 D = 3 r = 10 DJ, HJ = 50, 35 ground = 0.75 * H outputdir = "./output/" gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type = "radial", stops_colors = [(0, (1, 0, 0)), (1, (0.1, 0, 0))], xy1 = [0.3, -0.3], xy2 = [0, 0], xy3 = [0, 1.4]) def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color = (1, 1, 1)) x = (-W / 3) + (5 * W / 3) * (t / D) y = ground - HJ * 4 * (x % DJ) * (DJ - (x % DJ)) / DJ ** 2 coef = (HJ - y) / HJ shadow_gradient = gz.ColorGradient(type = "radial", stops_colors = [(0, (0, 0, 0, 0.2 - coef / 5)), (1, (0, 0, 0, 0))], xy1 = [0, 0], xy2 = [0, 0], xy3 = [0, 1.4]) shadow = = (1 - coef / 4),
surface = gz.Surface(L, L, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) # DRAW THE TEXT txt = gz.text("Gizeh", fontfamily="Dancing Script", fontsize=120, fill=(0, 0, 0), xy=(L / 2, L / 9)) txt.draw(surface) # MAKE THE FIRST TRIANGLE gradient = gz.ColorGradient('radial', [(0, (.3, .2, .8)), (1, (.4, .6, .8))], xy1=(0, 0), xy2=(0, r / 3), xy3=(0, r)) triangle = gz.regular_polygon(r, n=3, fill=gradient, stroke=(0, 0, 0), stroke_width=3, xy=(r, 0)) # BUILD THE FRACTAL RECURSIVELY fractal = gz.Group([triangle.rotate(a) for a in angles]) for i in range(6): fractal = gz.Group([ fractal.scale(.5).rotate(-np.pi).translate(
def _update_voronoi_lines(self, baseframe): """ update the current "alive" voronoi lines and their transparency and draw them to the input frame :param baseframe: frame on which the voronoi lines will be drawn """ # def apply_alternating_color(color, t, opts): # color = np.array(color) # y = opts['offset'] + opts['ampl'] * (1 + math.sin(opts['freq'] * t)) / 2 # color = y * color # if opts['clip']: # color = np.clip(color, 0, 1) # return tuple(color) # go through all the current sets of voronoi lines, construct the a-b-lines for the input frame, # set the color and draw the lines tmp_vor_lines = [] for lines, lines_alpha, lines_alpha_decay in self.vor_lines: for a, b in lines: # restrict end points to current frame size a, b = restrict_line(a, b, baseframe.shape[1] - 1, baseframe.shape[0] - 1) a, b = map(np.array, (a, b)) a[np.isnan(a)] = baseframe.shape[1] - 1 b[np.isnan(b)] = baseframe.shape[0] - 1 ax, ay = map(int, map(round, a)) bx, by = map(int, map(round, b)) a = (ax, ay) b = (bx, by) # get the color setting color = self.cur_scene['voronoi'].get('color', None) # alternating_color_opts = self.cur_scene['voronoi'].get('alternating_color', None) if color: # add current alpha value for solid color # if alternating_color_opts: # color = apply_alternating_color(color, self.clip_t, alternating_color_opts) stroke = color + (lines_alpha, ) else: # make a color gradient between the pixels at the respective end points of the line pix_a = tuple(baseframe[ay, ax, :] / 255) pix_b = tuple(baseframe[by, bx, :] / 255) # if alternating_color_opts: # pix_a = apply_alternating_color(pix_a, self.clip_t, alternating_color_opts) # pix_b = apply_alternating_color(pix_b, self.clip_t, alternating_color_opts) # else: # pix_a = tuple(pix_a) # pix_b = tuple(pix_b) pix_a = pix_a + (lines_alpha, ) pix_b = pix_b + (lines_alpha, ) stroke = gz.ColorGradient('linear', ((0, pix_a), (1, pix_b)), a, b) # draw the lines draw_lines(self.ctx, [(a, b)], stroke, stroke_width=STROKE_WIDTH) # decrease line transparency lines_alpha -= lines_alpha_decay # only retain lines that are visible (i.e. transparency above 0) if lines_alpha > 0: tmp_vor_lines.append((lines, lines_alpha, lines_alpha_decay)) # retain lines for next frame self.vor_lines = tmp_vor_lines
import numpy as np import gizeh as gz import moviepy.editor as mpy W, H = 300, 75 D = 2 # duration in seconds r = 22 # size of the letters / pentagons gradient = gz.ColorGradient("linear", ((0, (0, .5, 1)), (1, (0, 1, 1))), xy1=(0, -r), xy2=(0, r)) polygon = gz.regular_polygon(r, 5, stroke_width=3, fill=gradient) def make_frame(t): surface = gz.Surface(W, H, bg_color=(1, 1, 1)) for i, letter in enumerate("GIZEH"): angle = max(0, min(1, 2 * t / D - 1.0 * i / 5)) * 2 * np.pi txt = gz.text(letter, "Amiri", 3 * r / 2, fontweight='bold') group = (gz.Group([polygon, txt]).rotate(angle).translate( (W * (i + 1) / 6, H / 2))) group.draw(surface) return surface.get_npimage() clip = mpy.VideoClip(make_frame, duration=D) clip.write_gif("gifs/example6.gif", fps=20, opt="OptimizePlus")