def load_conf(self, section="cassandra"): """Load the Cassandra configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.port = self.config.get_value(section, 'port') self.keyspace = self.config.get_value(section, 'keyspace') except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No Cassandra configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the Cassandra configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug("Load Cassandra from the Glances configuration file") # Optionals keys try: self.protocol_version = self.config.get_value( section, 'protocol_version') except NoOptionError: pass try: self.replication_factor = self.config.get_value( section, 'replication_factor') except NoOptionError: pass try: self.table = self.config.get_value(section, 'table') except NoOptionError: self.table = return True
def init(self): """Init the connection to the ES server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None try: es = Elasticsearch(hosts=['{}:{}'.format(, self.port)]) except Exception as e: logger.critical( "Cannot connect to ElasticSearch server %s:%s (%s)" % (, self.port, e)) sys.exit(2) else:"Connected to the ElasticSearch server %s:%s" % (, self.port)) try: index_count = es.count(index=self.index)['count'] except Exception as e: # Index did not exist, it will be created at the first write # Create it... es.indices.create(self.index) else: "There is already %s entries in the ElasticSearch %s index" % (index_count, self.index)) return es
def load_conf(self, section="opentsdb"): """Load the OpenTSDB configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.port = self.config.get_value(section, 'port') except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No OpenTSDB configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the OpenTSDB configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug("Load OpenTSDB from the Glances configuration file") # Prefix is optional try: self.prefix = self.config.get_value(section, 'prefix') except NoOptionError: pass # Tags are optional, comma separated key:value pairs. try: self.tags = self.config.get_value(section, 'tags') except NoOptionError: pass return True
def init(self): """Init the connection to the Riemann server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None try: client = bernhard.Client(host=self.riemann_host, port=self.riemann_port) return client except Exception as e: logger.critical("Connection to Riemann failed : %s " % e) return None
def init(self): """Init the connection to the OpenTSDB server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None try: db = potsdb.Client(, port=int(self.port), check_host=True) except Exception as e: logger.critical("Cannot connect to OpenTSDB server %s:%s (%s)" % (, self.port, e)) sys.exit(2) return db
def __init__(self, config=None, args=None): # Init self.config = config self.args = args # Init windows positions self.term_w = 80 self.term_h = 24 # Space between stats self.space_between_column = 3 self.space_between_line = 2 # Init the curses screen self.screen = curses.initscr() if not self.screen: logger.critical("Cannot init the curses library.\n") sys.exit(1) # Load the 'outputs' section of the configuration file # - Init the theme (default is black) self.theme = {'name': 'black'} self.load_config(self.config) # Init cursor self._init_cursor() # Init the colors self._init_colors() # Init main window self.term_window = self.screen.subwin(0, 0) # Init refresh time self.__refresh_time = args.time # Init edit filter tag self.edit_filter = False # Init the process min/max reset self.args.reset_minmax_tag = False # Catch key pressed with non blocking mode self.no_flash_cursor() self.term_window.nodelay(1) self.pressedkey = -1 # History tag self._init_history()
def init(self): """Init the connection to the rabbitmq server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None try: parameters = pika.URLParameters('amqp://' + self.rabbitmq_user + ':' + self.rabbitmq_password + '@' + self.rabbitmq_host + ':' + self.rabbitmq_port + '/') connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) channel = return channel except Exception as e: logger.critical("Connection to rabbitMQ failed : %s " % e) return None
def load_conf(self, section="riemann"): """Load the Riemann configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: self.riemann_host = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.riemann_port = int(self.config.get_value(section, 'port')) except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No riemann configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the Riemann configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug("Load Riemann from the Glances configuration file") return True
def load_conf(self, section="rabbitmq"): """Load the rabbitmq configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: self.rabbitmq_host = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.rabbitmq_port = self.config.get_value(section, 'port') self.rabbitmq_user = self.config.get_value(section, 'user') self.rabbitmq_password = self.config.get_value(section, 'password') self.rabbitmq_queue = self.config.get_value(section, 'queue') except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No rabbitmq configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the RabbitM configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug("Load RabbitMQ from the Glances configuration file") return True
def init(self): """Init the connection to the InfluxDB server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None # Cluster try: cluster = Cluster([], port=int(self.port), protocol_version=int(self.protocol_version)) session = cluster.connect() except Exception as e: logger.critical( "Cannot connect to Cassandra cluster '%s:%s' (%s)" % (, self.port, e)) sys.exit(2) # Keyspace try: session.set_keyspace(self.keyspace) except InvalidRequest as e:"Create keyspace {} on the Cassandra cluster".format( self.keyspace)) c = "CREATE KEYSPACE %s WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': '%s' }" % ( self.keyspace, self.replication_factor) session.execute(c) session.set_keyspace(self.keyspace) "Stats will be exported to Cassandra cluster {0} ({1}) in keyspace {2}" .format(cluster.metadata.cluster_name, cluster.metadata.all_hosts(), self.keyspace)) # Table try: session.execute( "CREATE TABLE %s (plugin text, time timeuuid, stat map<text,float>, PRIMARY KEY (plugin, time)) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (time DESC)" % self.table) except: logger.debug("Cassandra table %s already exist" % self.table) return cluster, session
def load_conf(self, section="elasticsearch"): """Load the ES configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.port = self.config.get_value(section, 'port') self.index = self.config.get_value(section, 'index') except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No ElasticSearch configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the ElasticSearch configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug( "Load ElasticSearch from the Glances configuration file") return True
def load_conf(self, section="statsd"): """Load the Statsd configuration in the Glances configuration file.""" if self.config is None: return False try: = self.config.get_value(section, 'host') self.port = self.config.get_value(section, 'port') except NoSectionError: logger.critical("No Statsd configuration found") return False except NoOptionError as e: logger.critical("Error in the Statsd configuration (%s)" % e) return False else: logger.debug("Load Statsd from the Glances configuration file") # Prefix is optional try: self.prefix = self.config.get_value(section, 'prefix') except NoOptionError: pass return True
def init(self): """Init the connection to the InfluxDB server.""" if not self.export_enable: return None try: db = InfluxDBClient(, port=self.port, username=self.user, password=self.password, database=self.db) get_all_db = [i['name'] for i in db.get_list_database()] self.version = INFLUXDB_09PLUS except InfluxDBClientError: #"Trying fallback to InfluxDB v0.8") db = InfluxDBClient08(, port=self.port, username=self.user, password=self.password, database=self.db) get_all_db = [i['name'] for i in db.get_list_database()] self.version = INFLUXDB_08 except InfluxDBClientError08 as e: logger.critical("Cannot connect to InfluxDB database '%s' (%s)" % (self.db, e)) sys.exit(2) if self.db in get_all_db:"Stats will be exported to InfluxDB server: {}".format( db._baseurl)) else: logger.critical( "InfluxDB database '%s' did not exist. Please create it" % self.db) sys.exit(2) return db
def __init__(self, config=None, args=None): """Init the CSV export IF.""" super(Export, self).__init__(config=config, args=args) # CSV file name self.csv_filename = args.export_csv # Set the CSV output file try: if PY3: self.csv_file = open(self.csv_filename, 'w', newline='') else: self.csv_file = open(self.csv_filename, 'wb') self.writer = csv.writer(self.csv_file) except IOError as e: logger.critical("Cannot create the CSV file: {}".format(e)) sys.exit(2)"Stats exported to CSV file: {}".format(self.csv_filename)) self.export_enable = True self.first_line = True
def parse_args(self): """Parse command line arguments.""" args = self.init_args().parse_args() # Load the configuration file, if it exists self.config = Config(args.conf_file) # Debug mode if args.debug: from logging import DEBUG logger.setLevel(DEBUG) # By default help is hidden args.help_tag = False # Display Rx and Tx, not the sum for the network args.network_sum = False args.network_cumul = False # Manage full quicklook option if args.full_quicklook:"Disable QuickLook menu") args.disable_quicklook = False args.disable_cpu = True args.disable_mem = True args.disable_swap = True args.disable_load = False # Manage disable_top option if args.disable_top:"Disable top menu") args.disable_quicklook = True args.disable_cpu = True args.disable_mem = True args.disable_swap = True args.disable_load = True # Control parameter and exit if it is not OK self.args = args # Check graph output path if args.export_graph and args.path_graph is not None: if not os.access(args.path_graph, os.W_OK): logger.critical( "Graphs output path {0} do not exist or is not writable". format(args.path_graph)) sys.exit(2) logger.debug("Graphs output path is set to {0}".format( args.path_graph)) # For export graph, history is mandatory if args.export_graph and args.disable_history: logger.critical("Can not export graph if history is disabled") sys.exit(2) # Disable HDDTemp if sensors are disabled if args.disable_sensors: args.disable_hddtemp = True logger.debug("Sensors and HDDTemp are disabled") return args
import re import sys from gl.compat import u from gl.logger import logger from gl.logs import glances_logs from gl.processes import gl_processes from gl.timer import Timer # Import curses lib for "normal" operating system and consolelog for Windows try: import curses import curses.panel from curses.textpad import Textbox except ImportError: logger.critical( "Curses module not found. Glances cannot start in standalone mode.") sys.exit(1) class Screen(object): """This class manages the curses display (and key pressed).""" def __init__(self, config=None, args=None): # Init self.config = config self.args = args # Init windows positions self.term_w = 80 self.term_h = 24 # Space between stats