def get_size(self, location, context=None): """ Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file, and returns the size :param location `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :retval int: size of image file in bytes """ ami_id = location.get_store_uri().split('/')[2] ec2_resource = self._get_ec2_resource() image = ec2_resource.Image(ami_id) size = 0 try: image.load() # no size info for instance-store volumes, so return 0 in that case if image.root_device_type == 'ebs': for bdm in image.block_device_mappings: if 'Ebs' in bdm and 'VolumeSize' in bdm['Ebs']: LOG.debug('ebs info: %s', bdm['Ebs']) size += bdm['Ebs']['VolumeSize'] # convert size in gb to bytes size *= 1073741824 except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as ce: if ce.response['Error']['Code'] == 'InvalidAMIID.NotFound': raise exceptions.ImageDataNotFound() else: raise exceptions.GlanceStoreException( ce.response['Error']['Code']) return size
def delete(self, location, context=None): """Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file to delete :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :raises NotFound if image does not exist """"Delete image %s" % location.get_store_uri())
def delete(self, location, context=None): """Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file to delete :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :raises NotFound if image does not exist """ # This method works for Azure public images as we just need to delete # entry from glance catalog. # For Private images we will need extra handling here."Delete image %s" % location.get_store_uri())
def delete(self, location, context=None): """Takes a `glance_store.location.Location` object that indicates where to find the image file to delete :param location: `glance_store.location.Location` object, supplied from glance_store.location.get_location_from_uri() :raises NotFound if image does not exist """ ami_id = location.get_store_uri().split('/')[2] aws_client = self._get_ec2_client() aws_imgs = aws_client.describe_images(Owners=['self'])['Images'] for img in aws_imgs: if ami_id == img.get('ImageId'): LOG.warn('**** ID of ami being deleted: {}'.format(ami_id)) aws_client.deregister_image(ImageId=ami_id)