def split_table_by_col_distinct(db, tbl, col): """ Create a new table for each value in one column """ from import q_to_obj from import cols_type from import q_to_ntbl fields_types = cols_type(db, tbl) # Get unique values VALUES = q_to_obj(db, "SELECT {col} FROM {t} GROUP BY {col}".format(col=col, t=tbl), db_api='psql')[col].tolist() whr = '{}=\'{}\'' if fields_types[col] == str else '{}={}' for row in VALUES: q_to_ntbl(db, '{}_{}'.format(tbl, str(row[0])), "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}".format( tbl, whr.format(col, str(row[0]))), api='psql')
def select_using_excel_refs(db_name, excel_file, sheet_name, pgtable, ref_fields, tableInRef, tableOutRef=None): """ Split PGTABLE using references in excel table Create two tables: * One with similar rows - columns combination are in excel table; * One with rows not in excel table. TODO: Check if it's works. """ from import tbl_to_obj from import cols_type from import q_to_ntbl def to_and(row, cols, ctype): def get_equal(_type): return '{}=\'{}\'' if _type == str else '{}={}' row['AND_E'] = ' AND '.join( get_equal(ctype[col]).format(col, row[col]) for col in cols ) row['AND_E'] = '(' + row['AND_E'] + ')' return row # Get excel data table = tbl_to_obj(excel_file, sheet=sheet_name) # Get reference fields type TYPE_COLS = cols_type(db_name, pgtable) table = table.apply(lambda x: to_and(x, ref_fields, TYPE_COLS)) whr_equal = ' OR '.join(table['AND_E']) q_to_ntbl(db_name, tableInRef, "SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}".format( pgtable, whr_equal ), api='psql') if tableOutRef: COLS_RELATION = " AND ".join(["{ft}.{f} = {st}.{f}".format( ft=pgtable, f=col, st=tableInRef ) for col in TYPE_COLS]) q_to_ntbl(db_name, tableOutRef, ( "SELECT {ft}.* FROM {ft} LEFT JOIN {st} ON " "{rel} WHERE {st}.{c} IS NULL" ).format( ft=pgtable, st=tableInRef, rel=COLS_RELATION, c=TYPE_COLS.keys()[0] ), api='psql')
def split_table_entity_number(db, table, entity_field, entity_number): """ Split tables in several using as reference a number of entities per table If a table has 1 000 000 entities and the entity_number is 250 000, this method will create four tables, each one with 250 000 entities. 250 000 entities, not rows. Don't forget that the main table may have more than one reference to the same entity. """ from import q_to_obj from import cols_type from import q_to_ntbl # Select entities in table entities = q_to_obj(db, "SELECT {c} FROM {t} GROUP BY {c}".format( c=entity_field, t=table), db_api='psql') # Split entities into groups acoording entity_number entityGroup = [] lower = 0 high = entity_number while lower <= len(entities.index): if high > len(entities.index): high = len(entities.index) entityGroup.append(entities.iloc[lower:high]) lower += entity_number high += entity_number # For each dataframe, create a new table COLS_TYPE = cols_type(db, table) c = 0 for df in entityGroup: if COLS_TYPE[entity_field] != str: df[entity_field] = '{}='.format( entity_field) + df[entity_field].astype(str) else: df[entity_field] = '{}=\''.format( entity_field) + df[entity_field].astype(str) + '\'' whr = ' OR '.join(df[entity_field]) q_to_ntbl(db, '{}_{}'.format(table, str(c)), ("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}").format(table, whr), api='psql') c += 1
def txt_cols_to_col(db, inTable, columns, strSep, newCol, outTable=None): """ Several text columns to a single column """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import cols_type mergeCols = obj_to_lst(columns) tblCols = cols_type(db, inTable, sanitizeColName=None, pyType=False) for col in mergeCols: if tblCols[col] != 'text' and tblCols[col] != 'varchar': raise ValueError('{} should be of type text'.format(col)) coalesce = "" for i in range(len(mergeCols)): if not i: coalesce += "COALESCE({}, '')".format(mergeCols[i]) else: coalesce += " || '{}' || COALESCE({}, '')".format( strSep, mergeCols[i]) if outTable: # Write new table colsToSelect = [_c for _c in tblCols if _c not in mergeCols] if not colsToSelect: sel = coalesce + " AS {}".format(newCol) else: sel = "{}, {}".format(", ".join(colsToSelect), coalesce + " AS {}".format(newCol)) q_to_ntbl(db, outTable, "SELECT {} FROM {}".format(sel, inTable), api='psql') return outTable else: # Add column to inTable from import update_table add_field(db, inTable, {newCol: 'text'}) update_table(db, inTable, {newCol: coalesce}) return inTable
def trim_char_in_col(db, pgtable, cols, trim_str, outTable, onlyTrailing=None, onlyLeading=None): """ Python implementation of the TRIM PSQL Function The PostgreSQL trim function is used to remove spaces or set of characters from the leading or trailing or both side from a string. """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import cols_type cols = obj_to_lst(cols) colsTypes = cols_type(db, pgtable, sanitizeColName=None, pyType=False) for col in cols: if colsTypes[col] != 'text' and colsTypes[col] != 'varchar': raise ValueError('{} should be of type text'.format(col)) colsToSelect = [_c for _c in colsTypes if _c not in cols] tail_lead_str = "" if not onlyTrailing and not onlyLeading else \ "TRAILING " if onlyTrailing and not onlyLeading else \ "LEADING " if not onlyTrailing and onlyLeading else "" trimCols = [ "TRIM({tol}{char} FROM {c}) AS {c}".format(c=col, tol=tail_lead_str, char=trim_str) for col in cols ] if not colsToSelect: cols_to_select = "{}".format(", ".join(trimCols)) else: cols_to_select = "{}, {}".format(", ".join(colsToSelect), ", ".join(trimCols)) q_to_ntbl(db, outTable, "SELECT {} FROM {}".format(colsToSelect, pgtable), api='psql')
def replace_char_in_col(db, pgtable, cols, match_str, replace_str, outTable): """ Replace char in all columns in cols for the value of replace_str Python implementation of the REPLACE PSQL Function """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import cols_type cols = obj_to_lst(cols) colsTypes = cols_type(db, pgtable, sanitizeColName=None, pyType=False) for col in cols: if colsTypes[col] != 'text' and colsTypes[col] != 'varchar': raise ValueError('{} should be of type text'.format(col)) colsToSelect = [_c for _c in colsTypes if _c not in cols] colsReplace = [ "REPLACE({c}, '{char}', '{nchar}') AS {c}".format(c=col, char=match_str, nchar=replace_str) for col in cols ] if not colsToSelect: cols_to_select = "{}".format(", ".join(colsReplace)) else: cols_to_select = "{}, {}".format(", ".join(colsToSelect), ", ".join(colsReplace)) q_to_ntbl(db, outTable, "SELECT {cols} FROM {tbl}".format(cols=cols_to_select, tbl=pgtable), api='psql') return outTable
def ID_rows_with_temporal_proximity_by_entities(db, table, entity_field, day_field, hour_field, hour_decimal_field, time_tolerance, outXlsPath): """ Retrieve rows from one pgtable with some temporal proximity Table structure should be entity | day | hour | hour_decimal 0 | 2018-01-02 | 5 | 5,10 0 | 2018-01-03 | 4 | 4,15 0 | 2018-01-02 | 5 | 5,12 0 | 2018-01-02 | 5 | 5,8 1 | 2018-01-02 | 4 | 4,10 1 | 2018-01-02 | 5 | 5,12 1 | 2018-01-02 | 4 | 4,20 1 | 2018-01-02 | 4 | 4,12 1 | 2018-01-02 | 4 | 4,6 For a time_tolerance of 5 minutes, the output table will have the rows with a temporal difference inside/bellow that time tolerance entity_field could be more than one field This method only identifies if one entity, for one day, has rows very close of each others, in terms of time. Not a good strategy for large tables. For large tables, SQL based methods are needed """ from glass.pys import obj_to_lst from import q_to_obj from import cols_type from import obj_to_tbl entity_field = obj_to_lst(entity_field) COLS = entity_field + [day_field, hour_field] COLS_TYPE = cols_type(db, table) # TIME TOLERANCE IN HOURS TIME_TOLERANCE = time_tolerance / 60.0 def thereIsRowsSameTimeInt(row): whr = [] for c in COLS: if COLS_TYPE[c] == str: whr.append("{}='{}'".format(c, row[c])) else: whr.append("{}={}".format(c, row[c])) hourRows = q_to_obj(db, "SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE {}".format( hour_decimal_field, table, " AND ".join(whr)), db_api='psql')[hour_decimal_field].tolist() for i in range(len(hourRows)): for e in range(i + 1, len(hourRows)): dif = abs(hourRows[i][0] - hourRows[e][0]) if dif < TIME_TOLERANCE: break if dif < TIME_TOLERANCE: break if dif < TIME_TOLERANCE: row['time_difference'] = 1 else: row['time_difference'] = 0 return row # Count entity occourrences for one day and hour countsByEntityTime = q_to_obj( db, ("SELECT {scols}, conta FROM " "(SELECT {scols}, COUNT({ent}) AS conta FROM {tbl} " "GROUP BY {scols}) AS foo WHERE conta > 1").format( scols=', '.join(COLS), ent=entity_field[0], tbl=table), db_api='psql') # For each row in the last count, When count is > 1 # Check time difference between rows for one day and hour countsByEntityTime = countsByEntityTime.apply( lambda x: thereIsRowsSameTimeInt(x), axis=1) obj_to_tbl(countsByEntityTime, outXlsPath) return outXlsPath
def run_query_for_values_in_col(db, query, table_interest_col, interest_col, outworkspace): """ Execute a query for each value in one column In each iteration, the values may participate in the query. Export the several tables to excel Example: ID_PERCURSO | PARAGEM | DIA | GEOM 0 | 255 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx 0 | 255 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx 0 | 254 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx 0 | 254 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx 0 | 255 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx 0 | 255 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx 0 | 254 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx 0 | 254 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx For a query as: SELECT ID_PERCURSO, PARAGEM, GEOM, DIA, COUNT(PARAGEM) AS conta FROM table WHERE DIA={} GROUP BY PARAGEM, GEOM, DIA; This method will generate two tables: First table: ID_PERCURSO | PARAGEM | DIA | GEOM | conta 0 | 255 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx | 2 0 | 254 |'2018-01-01 | xxxx | 2 Second table: ID_PERCURSO | PARAGEM | DIA | GEOM | conta 0 | 255 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx | 2 0 | 254 |'2018-01-02 | xxxx | 2 {} will be replaced for every value in the interest_column that will be iterated one by one """ import os from import q_to_obj from import cols_type from import obj_to_tbl fields_types = cols_type(db, table_interest_col) # Get unique values VALUES = q_to_obj(db, "SELECT {col} FROM {t} GROUP BY {col}".format( col=interest_col, t=table_interest_col), db_api='psql')[interest_col].tolist() # Aplly query for every value in VALUES # Write data in excel for value in VALUES: data = q_to_obj(db, query.format( str(value[0]) if fields_types[interest_col] != str else \ "'{}'".format(str(value[0])) ), db_api='psql') obj_to_tbl( data, os.path.join( outworkspace, '{}_{}.xlsx'.format(table_interest_col, str(value[0]))))