def _write(self):
    """Write the cached data back out.

    The multistore must be locked.
    raw_data = {'file_version': 1}
    raw_creds = []
    raw_data['data'] = raw_creds
    for (cred_key, cred) in self._data.items():
      raw_key = dict(cred_key)
      raw_cred = simplejson.loads(cred.to_json())
      raw_creds.append({'key': raw_key, 'credential': raw_cred})
def loads(s):
  obj = simplejson.loads(s)
  return _validate_clientsecrets(obj)
Example #3
def verify_signed_jwt_with_certs(jwt, certs, audience):
  """Verify a JWT against public certs.


    jwt: string, A JWT.
    certs: dict, Dictionary where values of public keys in PEM format.
    audience: string, The audience, 'aud', that this JWT should contain. If
      None then the JWT's 'aud' parameter is not verified.

    dict, The deserialized JSON payload in the JWT.

    AppIdentityError if any checks are failed.
  segments = jwt.split('.')

  if (len(segments) != 3):
    raise AppIdentityError(
      'Wrong number of segments in token: %s' % jwt)
  signed = '%s.%s' % (segments[0], segments[1])

  signature = _urlsafe_b64decode(segments[2])

  # Parse token.
  json_body = _urlsafe_b64decode(segments[1])
    parsed = simplejson.loads(json_body)
    raise AppIdentityError('Can\'t parse token: %s' % json_body)

  # Check signature.
  verified = False
  for (keyname, pem) in certs.items():
    verifier = Verifier.from_string(pem, True)
    if (verifier.verify(signed, signature)):
      verified = True
  if not verified:
    raise AppIdentityError('Invalid token signature: %s' % jwt)

  # Check creation timestamp.
  iat = parsed.get('iat')
  if iat is None:
    raise AppIdentityError('No iat field in token: %s' % json_body)
  earliest = iat - CLOCK_SKEW_SECS

  # Check expiration timestamp.
  now = long(time.time())
  exp = parsed.get('exp')
  if exp is None:
    raise AppIdentityError('No exp field in token: %s' % json_body)
  if exp >= now + MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS:
    raise AppIdentityError(
      'exp field too far in future: %s' % json_body)
  latest = exp + CLOCK_SKEW_SECS

  if now < earliest:
    raise AppIdentityError('Token used too early, %d < %d: %s' %
      (now, earliest, json_body))
  if now > latest:
    raise AppIdentityError('Token used too late, %d > %d: %s' %
      (now, latest, json_body))

  # Check audience.
  if audience is not None:
    aud = parsed.get('aud')
    if aud is None:
      raise AppIdentityError('No aud field in token: %s' % json_body)
    if aud != audience:
      raise AppIdentityError('Wrong recipient, %s != %s: %s' %
          (aud, audience, json_body))

  return parsed