Example #1
def shape_chi(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    ns, ds = [[], []], [[], []]

    for m in models:
        nT, dT = 0, 0
        nP, dP = 0, 0
        for m1, m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj, data = m1
            obj0, data0 = m2
            rs = [abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images]
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)
            w = (abs(obj.basis.ploc) >= obj.basis.top_level_cell_size *
                 0.9) * (abs(obj.basis.ploc) <=
                         (rmax + obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.5))

            t0, p0 = _shape(data0['kappa'][w], obj0.basis.ploc[w])
            t, p = _shape(data['kappa'][w], obj.basis.ploc[w])

            #dTheta = lambda t0,t1 = (t0-t1) if np.abs(t0-t1) < np.pi else 2*np.pi-(t0-t1)

            nT += (t - t0)**2
            nT = (t - t0)
            dT += t0**2

            nP += (p - p0)**2
            nP = (p - p0)
            dP += p0**2


    return dist_range(np.array(ns[0]), frac), dist_range(np.array(ns[1]), frac)
Example #2
def shape_chi(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    ns, ds = [[],[]], [[],[]]

    for m in models:
        nT,dT = 0,0
        nP,dP = 0,0
        for m1,m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj,data = m1
            obj0,data0 = m2
            rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images]
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)
            w = (abs(obj.basis.ploc) >= obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.9) * (abs(obj.basis.ploc) <= (rmax+ obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.5))

            t0,p0 = _shape(data0['kappa'][w], obj0.basis.ploc[w])
            t,p   = _shape(data['kappa'][w],  obj.basis.ploc[w])

            #dTheta = lambda t0,t1 = (t0-t1) if np.abs(t0-t1) < np.pi else 2*np.pi-(t0-t1)

            nT += (t-t0)**2
            nT = (t-t0)
            dT += t0**2

            nP += (p-p0)**2
            nP = (p-p0)
            dP += p0**2


    return dist_range(np.array(ns[0]), frac), dist_range(np.array(ns[1]), frac)
Example #3
def kappa_profile_chi2(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    ns, ds = [], []
    for m in models:
        n,d = 0,0
        for m1,m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj,data = m1
            obj0,data0 = m2
            rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images]
            #rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images if img.parity_name != 'max']
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)
            if 0:
                b = 0
                rmin = obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 1.6
                b = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmin))

            e = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmax))

            v0 = data0['kappa(R)'][b:e+1]
            v1 = data['kappa(R)'][b:e+1]
            n += np.sum((v1 - v0)**2)
            d += np.sum(v0**2)
            #d += len(v0) #np.sum(v0**2)

    nd = array(ns) / array(ds)
    return dist_range(nd, frac)
Example #4
def kappa_chi2(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    ns, ds = [], []
    for m in models:
        n,d = 0,0
        for m1,m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj,data = m1
            obj0,data0 = m2
            rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images if img.parity_name != 'max']
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)

            #w = (abs(obj.basis.rs) >= rmin) * (abs(obj.basis.rs) <= rmax)
            #w = abs(obj.basis.rs) <= rmax
            w = (abs(obj.basis.ploc) >= obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.9) * (abs(obj.basis.ploc) <= (rmax+ obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.5))

            #b = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmin))
            #e = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmax))
            #v0 = data0['kappa'][b:e+1]
            #v1 = data['kappa'][b:e+1]

            v0 = data0['kappa'][w]
            v1 = data['kappa'][w]
            n += np.sum((v1 - v0)**2)
            d += np.sum(v0**2)

        #n_max,d_max = np.amax([n,n_max]), np.amax([d,d_max])
        #n_min,d_min = np.amin([n,n_min]), np.amin([d,d_min])
    nd = array(ns) / array(ds)
    return dist_range(nd, frac)
Example #5
def kappa_profile_chi2(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    n_max, d_max = 0, 0
    n_min, d_min = np.inf, np.inf
    ns, ds = [], []
    for m in models:
        n, d = 0, 0
        for m1, m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj, data = m1
            obj0, data0 = m2
            rs = [abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images]
            #rs = [ abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images if img.parity_name != 'max']
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)
            if 0:
                b = 0
                rmin = obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 1.6
                b = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmin))

            e = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmax))

            v0 = data0['kappa(R)'][b:e + 1]
            v1 = data['kappa(R)'][b:e + 1]
            n += np.sum((v1 - v0)**2)
            d += np.sum(v0**2)
            #d += len(v0) #np.sum(v0**2)

    nd = array(ns) / array(ds)
    return dist_range(nd, frac)
Example #6
def kappa_chi2(env, models, model0, frac='1sigma'):
    n_max, d_max = 0, 0
    n_min, d_min = np.inf, np.inf
    ns, ds = [], []
    for m in models:
        n, d = 0, 0
        for m1, m2 in izip(m['obj,data'], model0['obj,data']):
            obj, data = m1
            obj0, data0 = m2
            rs = [
                abs(img.pos) for src in obj.sources for img in src.images
                if img.parity_name != 'max'
            rmin, rmax = np.amin(rs), np.amax(rs)

            #w = (abs(obj.basis.rs) >= rmin) * (abs(obj.basis.rs) <= rmax)
            #w = abs(obj.basis.rs) <= rmax
            w = (abs(obj.basis.ploc) >= obj.basis.top_level_cell_size *
                 0.9) * (abs(obj.basis.ploc) <=
                         (rmax + obj.basis.top_level_cell_size * 0.5))

            #b = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmin))
            #e = np.argmin(abs(data['R'] - rmax))
            #v0 = data0['kappa'][b:e+1]
            #v1 = data['kappa'][b:e+1]

            v0 = data0['kappa'][w]
            v1 = data['kappa'][w]
            n += np.sum((v1 - v0)**2)
            d += np.sum(v0**2)

        #n_max,d_max = np.amax([n,n_max]), np.amax([d,d_max])
        #n_min,d_min = np.amin([n,n_min]), np.amin([d,d_min])
    nd = array(ns) / array(ds)
    return dist_range(nd, frac)
Example #7
def _data_error_plot(models, X,Y, **kwargs):
    with_legend = False
    use = [0,0,0]

    if isinstance(X, basestring): X = [X,None]
    if isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = [Y,None]

    x_prop, x_units = X
    y_prop, y_units = Y

    ret_list = []

    every           = kwargs.pop('every', 1)
    upto            = kwargs.pop('upto', len(models))
    mark_images     = kwargs.pop('mark_images', True)
    hilite_model    = kwargs.pop('hilite_model', None)
    hilite_color    = kwargs.pop('hilite_color', 'm')
    yscale          = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'log')
    xscale          = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear')
    xlabel          = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
    ylabel          = kwargs.pop('ylabel', None)
    sigma           = kwargs.pop('sigma', '1sigma')

    kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k')
    kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.')
    kwargs.setdefault('ls', '-')

    normal_kw   = {'zorder':0,    'drawstyle':'steps', 'alpha':1.0}
    hilite_kw   = {'zorder':1000, 'drawstyle':'steps', 'alpha':1.0, 'lw':4, 'ls':'--'}
    accepted_kw = {'zorder':500,  'drawstyle':'steps', 'alpha':0.5}

    normal = []
    hilite = []
    accepted = []
    #imgs = set()
    imgs = defaultdict(set)
    xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf

    objplot = defaultdict(dict)
    for mi in xrange(0,upto,every):
        m = models[mi]

        si = m.get('accepted', 2)
        #print si
        tag = ''
        if si==False: tag = 'rejected'
        if si==True: tag = 'accepted'

        for [obj, data] in m['obj,data']:

                xs = data[x_prop][x_units]
                ys = data[y_prop][y_units]

                xlabel = _axis_label(xs, x_units) if not xlabel else xlabel
                ylabel = _axis_label(ys, y_units) if not ylabel else ylabel

                objplot[obj].setdefault(tag, {'ys':[], 'xs':None})
                objplot[obj][tag]['xs'] = xs

                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:xs'%tag, xs)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymax'%tag, ys)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymin'%tag, ys)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ysum'%tag, np.zeros_like(ys))
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:count'%tag, 0)

                #objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag]  = np.amax((objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag], ys), axis=0)
                #objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag]  = np.amin((objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag], ys), axis=0)
                #objplot[obj]['%s:ysum'%tag] += ys
                #objplot[obj]['%s:count'%tag] += 1

                if mark_images:
                    for i,src in enumerate(obj.sources):
                        for img in src.images:
                            imgs[i].add(convert('arcsec to %s' % x_units, np.abs(img.pos), obj.dL, data['nu']))

            except KeyError as bad_key:
                Log( "Missing information for object %s with key %s. Skipping plot." % (obj.name,bad_key) )

            use[si] = 1

            s = _styles[si]

            #xmin, xmax = min(xmin, amin(data[X])), max(xmax, amax(data[X]))
            #ymin, ymax = min(ymin, amin(data[Y])), max(ymax, amax(data[Y]))

    for i,tag in enumerate(['rejected', 'accepted', '']):
        for k,v in objplot.iteritems():
            if tag not in v: break
            #if not v.has_key('%s:count'%tag): break

            avg, errp, errm = dist_range(v[tag]['ys'], sigma=sigma)
            errp = errp - avg
            errm = avg - errm
            #s = np.sort(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #avg = s[len(s)//2] if len(s)%2==1 else (s[len(s)//2] + s[len(s)//2+1])/2
            #print s
            #avg = np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #print avg
            #print np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=1)
            #errp = s[len(s) * .841] - avg
            #errm = avg - s[len(s) * .159]

            #errp = np.amax(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) - avg
            #errm = avg - np.amin(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #errp = errm = np.std(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0, dtype=np.float64)
            xs = v[tag]['xs']

#           print [x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']]
#           pl.hist([x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']])
#           break

            #avg = v['%s:ysum'%tag] / v['%s:count'%tag]
            #errp = v['%s:ymax'%tag]-avg
            #errm = avg-v['%s:ymin'%tag]
            #errm = errp = np.std(

            #print len(v['xs'])
            #print len(avg)
            #assert 0
            #print len(xs)
            #print len(avg)

            yerr = (errm,errp) if not np.all(errm == errp) else None
            if tag == 'rejected':
                pl.errorbar(xs, avg, yerr=yerr, c=_styles[0]['c'], zorder=_styles[0]['z'])
                pl.errorbar(xs, avg, yerr=yerr, **kwargs)

#   return


    si = style_iterator()
    for k,v in imgs.iteritems():
        lw,ls,c = si.next()
        for img_pos in v:
            pl.axvline(img_pos, c=c, ls=ls, lw=lw, zorder=-2, alpha=0.5)

#   if use[0] or use[1]:
#       lines  = [s['line']  for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u]
#       labels = [s['label'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u]
#       pl.legend(lines, labels)

    if use[0]:
        lines  = [ _styles[0]['line'] ]
        labels = [ _styles[0]['label'] ]
        pl.legend(lines, labels)

    if xlabel: pl.xlabel(xlabel)
    if ylabel: pl.ylabel(ylabel)
    pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01*(pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0]))
    #pl.ylim(0, ymax)

    return ret_list
Example #8
def _hist(env, data_key, **kwargs):

    models      = kwargs.pop('models', env.models)
    obj_index   = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0)
    key         = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted')
    label       = kwargs.pop('label', None)
    color       = kwargs.pop('color', None)
    xlabel      = kwargs.pop('xlabel', data_key)
    ylabel      = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'Count')
    sigma       = kwargs.pop('sigma', '1sigma')
    mark_sigma  = kwargs.pop('mark_sigma', True)

    # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property.
    l = [[], [], []]
    for m in models:
        obj, data = m['obj,data'][obj_index] # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same
        if data.has_key(data_key):
        #print 'nu', data['nu']

    #print amin(l[2]), amax(l[2])

    not_accepted, accepted, notag = l

    #print 'H0_plot',H0s

    for d,s in zip(l, _styles):
        kw = kwargs.copy()
        if d:
            kw.setdefault('bins', np.ptp(d)//1+1)
            kw.setdefault('histtype', 'step')
            #print len(d), d
            #pl.hist(d, bins=20, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'])
                    edgecolor=s['c'] if color is None else color, 
                    label=s['label'] if label is None else label, 

    if not_accepted or label:

    if mark_sigma:
        if accepted or notag:
            if accepted:
                h = np.array(accepted)
                h = np.array(notag)

            m,u,l = dist_range(h, sigma=sigma)

            pl.axvline(m, c='r', ls='-', zorder = 2)
            pl.axvline(u, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2)
            pl.axvline(l, c='g', ls='-', zorder = 2)

            Log( '%s: %f %f %f' % (data_key, m, u, l) )
            Log( '%s: %f +/- %f %f' % (data_key, m, (u-m), (m-l)) )
            Log( "%s: No H0 values accepted" % data_key )

    #pl.axvline(72, c='k', ls=':', zorder = 2)


    pl.xlim(xmax=pl.xlim()[1] + 0.01*(pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0]))
    pl.ylim(ymax=pl.ylim()[1] + 0.01*(pl.ylim()[1] - pl.ylim()[0]))
Example #9
def _data_error_plot(models, X, Y, **kwargs):
    with_legend = False
    use = [0, 0, 0]

    if isinstance(X, basestring): X = [X, None]
    if isinstance(Y, basestring): Y = [Y, None]

    x_prop, x_units = X
    y_prop, y_units = Y

    ret_list = []

    every = kwargs.pop('every', 1)
    upto = kwargs.pop('upto', len(models))
    mark_images = kwargs.pop('mark_images', True)
    hilite_model = kwargs.pop('hilite_model', None)
    hilite_color = kwargs.pop('hilite_color', 'm')
    yscale = kwargs.pop('yscale', 'log')
    xscale = kwargs.pop('xscale', 'linear')
    xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', None)
    ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', None)
    sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', '1sigma')

    kwargs.setdefault('color', 'k')
    kwargs.setdefault('marker', '.')
    kwargs.setdefault('ls', '-')

    normal_kw = {'zorder': 0, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 1.0}
    hilite_kw = {
        'zorder': 1000,
        'drawstyle': 'steps',
        'alpha': 1.0,
        'lw': 4,
        'ls': '--'
    accepted_kw = {'zorder': 500, 'drawstyle': 'steps', 'alpha': 0.5}

    normal = []
    hilite = []
    accepted = []
    #imgs = set()
    imgs = defaultdict(set)
    xmin, xmax = np.inf, -np.inf
    ymin, ymax = np.inf, -np.inf

    objplot = defaultdict(dict)
    for mi in xrange(0, upto, every):
        m = models[mi]

        si = m.get('accepted', 2)
        #print si
        tag = ''
        if si == False: tag = 'rejected'
        if si == True: tag = 'accepted'

        for [obj, data] in m['obj,data']:

                xs = data[x_prop][x_units]
                ys = data[y_prop][y_units]

                xlabel = _axis_label(xs, x_units) if not xlabel else xlabel
                ylabel = _axis_label(ys, y_units) if not ylabel else ylabel

                objplot[obj].setdefault(tag, {'ys': [], 'xs': None})
                objplot[obj][tag]['xs'] = xs

                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:xs'%tag, xs)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymax'%tag, ys)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ymin'%tag, ys)
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:ysum'%tag, np.zeros_like(ys))
                #objplot[obj].setdefault('%s:count'%tag, 0)

                #objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag]  = np.amax((objplot[obj]['%s:ymax'%tag], ys), axis=0)
                #objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag]  = np.amin((objplot[obj]['%s:ymin'%tag], ys), axis=0)
                #objplot[obj]['%s:ysum'%tag] += ys
                #objplot[obj]['%s:count'%tag] += 1

                if mark_images:
                    for i, src in enumerate(obj.sources):
                        for img in src.images:
                                convert('arcsec to %s' % x_units,
                                        np.abs(img.pos), obj.dL, data['nu']))

            except KeyError as bad_key:
                Log("Missing information for object %s with key %s. Skipping plot."
                    % (obj.name, bad_key))

            use[si] = 1

            s = _styles[si]

            #xmin, xmax = min(xmin, amin(data[X])), max(xmax, amax(data[X]))
            #ymin, ymax = min(ymin, amin(data[Y])), max(ymax, amax(data[Y]))

    for i, tag in enumerate(['rejected', 'accepted', '']):
        for k, v in objplot.iteritems():
            if tag not in v: break
            #if not v.has_key('%s:count'%tag): break

            avg, errp, errm = dist_range(v[tag]['ys'], sigma=sigma)
            errp = errp - avg
            errm = avg - errm
            #s = np.sort(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #avg = s[len(s)//2] if len(s)%2==1 else (s[len(s)//2] + s[len(s)//2+1])/2
            #print s
            #avg = np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #print avg
            #print np.median(v[tag]['ys'], axis=1)
            #errp = s[len(s) * .841] - avg
            #errm = avg - s[len(s) * .159]

            #errp = np.amax(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0) - avg
            #errm = avg - np.amin(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0)
            #errp = errm = np.std(v[tag]['ys'], axis=0, dtype=np.float64)
            xs = v[tag]['xs']

            #           print [x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']]
            #           pl.hist([x[1] for x in v[tag]['ys']])
            #           break

            #avg = v['%s:ysum'%tag] / v['%s:count'%tag]
            #errp = v['%s:ymax'%tag]-avg
            #errm = avg-v['%s:ymin'%tag]
            #errm = errp = np.std(

            #print len(v['xs'])
            #print len(avg)
            #assert 0
            #print len(xs)
            #print len(avg)

            ret_list.append([xs, avg, errm, errp])
            yerr = (errm, errp) if not np.all(errm == errp) else None
            if tag == 'rejected':
                pl.errorbar(xs, avg, yerr=yerr, **kwargs)

#   return


    si = style_iterator()
    for k, v in imgs.iteritems():
        lw, ls, c = si.next()
        for img_pos in v:
            pl.axvline(img_pos, c=c, ls=ls, lw=lw, zorder=-2, alpha=0.5)

#   if use[0] or use[1]:
#       lines  = [s['line']  for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u]
#       labels = [s['label'] for s,u in zip(_styles, use) if u]
#       pl.legend(lines, labels)

    if use[0]:
        lines = [_styles[0]['line']]
        labels = [_styles[0]['label']]
        pl.legend(lines, labels)

    if xlabel: pl.xlabel(xlabel)
    if ylabel: pl.ylabel(ylabel)
    pl.xlim(xmin=pl.xlim()[0] - 0.01 * (pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0]))
    #pl.ylim(0, ymax)

    return ret_list
Example #10
def _hist(env, data_key, **kwargs):

    models = kwargs.pop('models', env.models)
    obj_index = kwargs.pop('obj_index', 0)
    key = kwargs.pop('key', 'accepted')
    label = kwargs.pop('label', None)
    color = kwargs.pop('color', None)
    xlabel = kwargs.pop('xlabel', data_key)
    ylabel = kwargs.pop('ylabel', r'Count')
    sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', '1sigma')
    mark_sigma = kwargs.pop('mark_sigma', True)

    # select a list to append to based on the 'accepted' property.
    l = [[], [], []]
    for m in models:
        obj, data = m['obj,data'][
            obj_index]  # For H0 we only have to look at one model because the others are the same
        if data.has_key(data_key):
            l[m.get(key, 2)].append(data[data_key])
        #print 'nu', data['nu']

    #print amin(l[2]), amax(l[2])

    not_accepted, accepted, notag = l

    #print 'H0_plot',H0s

    for d, s in zip(l, _styles):
        kw = kwargs.copy()
        if d:
            #print len(d), d, np.ptp(d), np.sqrt(len(d))
            kw.setdefault('bins', int(np.ptp(d) // 1) + 1)
            kw.setdefault('histtype', 'step')
            #print len(d), d
            #pl.hist(d, bins=20, histtype='step', edgecolor=s['c'], zorder=s['z'], label=s['label'])
                    edgecolor=s['c'] if color is None else color,
                    label=s['label'] if label is None else label,

    if not_accepted or label:

    if mark_sigma:
        if accepted or notag:
            if accepted:
                h = np.array(accepted)
                h = np.array(notag)

            m, u, l = dist_range(h, sigma=sigma)

            pl.axvline(m, c='r', ls='-', zorder=2)
            pl.axvline(u, c='g', ls='-', zorder=2)
            pl.axvline(l, c='g', ls='-', zorder=2)

            Log('%s: %f %f %f' % (data_key, m, u, l))
            Log('%s: %f +/- %f %f' % (data_key, m, (u - m), (m - l)))
            Log("%s: No H0 values accepted" % data_key)

    #pl.axvline(72, c='k', ls=':', zorder = 2)


    pl.xlim(xmax=pl.xlim()[1] + 0.01 * (pl.xlim()[1] - pl.xlim()[0]))
    pl.ylim(ymax=pl.ylim()[1] + 0.01 * (pl.ylim()[1] - pl.ylim()[0]))