def load_masks(images): """ Return a list of boolean land masks. Images must all be from the same station. Arguments: images (iterable): Image objects """ # All images must be from the same station (for now) station = parse_image_path(images[0].path)['station'] pattern = re.compile(station + r'_[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{6}[^\/]*$') is_station = [ is not None for img in images[1:]] assert all(is_station) # Find all station svg with 'land' markup imgsz = images[0].cam.imgsz svg_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(CG_PATH, 'svg', station + '_*.svg')) markups = [glimpse.svg.parse_svg(path, imgsz=imgsz) for path in svg_paths] land_index = np.where(['land' in markup for markup in markups])[0] if len(land_index) == 0: raise ValueError('No land masks found for station') svg_paths = np.array(svg_paths)[land_index] land_markups = np.array(markups)[land_index] # Select svg files nearest to images, with preference within breaks svg_datetimes = paths_to_datetimes(svg_paths) svg_break_indices = np.array( [_station_break_index(path) for path in svg_paths]) img_datetimes = [img.datetime for img in images] distances = glimpse.helpers.pairwise_distance_datetimes( img_datetimes, svg_datetimes) nearest_index = [] for i, img in enumerate(images): break_index = _station_break_index(img.path) same_break = np.where(break_index == svg_break_indices)[0] if same_break.size > 0: i = same_break[np.argmin(distances[i][same_break])] else: raise ValueError('No mask found within motion breaks for image', i) i = np.argmin(distances[i]) nearest_index.append(i) nearest = np.unique(nearest_index) # Make masks and expand per image without copying masks = [None] * len(images) image_sizes = np.array([ for img in images]) sizes = np.unique(image_sizes, axis=0) for i in nearest: polygons = land_markups[i]['land'].values() is_nearest = nearest_index == i for size in sizes: scale = size / imgsz rpolygons = [polygon * scale for polygon in polygons] mask = glimpse.helpers.polygons_to_mask(rpolygons, size=size).astype(np.uint8) mask = sharedmem.copy(mask) for j in np.where(is_nearest & np.all(image_sizes == size, axis=1))[0]: masks[j] = mask return masks
def _station_break_index(path): """ Return index of image in motion break sequence. Arguments: path (str): Image path Returns: int: Either 0 (original viewdir) or i (viewdir of break i + 1) """ stations = Stations() ids = parse_image_path(path) station = stations[ids['station']] if 'breaks' not in station['properties']: return 0 breaks = station['properties']['breaks'] if not breaks: return 0 break_images = np.array([x['start'] for x in breaks]) idx = np.argsort(break_images) i = np.where(break_images[idx] <= ids['basename'])[0] if i.size > 0: return idx[i[-1]] + 1 else: return 0
def load_model(camera, svgs=None, keys=None, step=None, group_params=dict(), station_calib=False, camera_calib=False, fixed=None): # Gather motion control motion_images, motion_controls, motion_cam_params = cg.camera_motion_matches( camera, station_calib=station_calib, camera_calib=camera_calib) # Gather svg control svg_images, svg_controls, svg_cam_params = cg.camera_svg_controls( camera, keys=keys, svgs=svgs, correction=True, station_calib=station_calib, camera_calib=camera_calib, step=step) # Standardize image sizes imgszs = np.unique([ for img in (motion_images + svg_images)], axis=0) if len(imgszs) > 1: i_max = np.argmax(imgszs[:, 0]) print('Resizing images and controls to', imgszs[i_max]) for control in motion_controls + svg_controls: control.resize(size=imgszs[i_max], force=True) # Set new imgsz as original camera imgsz for img in motion_images + svg_images:[6:8] = imgszs[i_max] # Determine whether xyz can be optimized stations = [cg.parse_image_path(img.path)['station'] for img in svg_images] if fixed is None: if len(stations) > 0 and (np.array(stations) == stations[0]).all(): fixed = cg.Stations()[stations[0]]['properties']['fixed'] else: fixed = True station = None if fixed else stations[0] if station: group_params = glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts(group_params, dict(xyz=True)) model = glimpse.optimize.Cameras( cams=[ for img in motion_images + svg_images], controls=motion_controls + svg_controls, cam_params=motion_cam_params + svg_cam_params, group_params=group_params) return motion_images, svg_images, model, station
def get_nearest_terminus(t): """ Return the terminus nearest a datetime. """ types = ('aerometric', 'arcticdem', 'ifsar', 'tandem', 'landsat-8', 'landsat-7', 'terrasar') termini = [ f for f in Termini() if len(f['properties']['date']) == 10 and f['properties']['type'] in types ] termini.sort(key=lambda x: (x['properties']['date'], types.index(x['properties']['type']))) datetimes = [ datetime.datetime.strptime(f['properties']['date'] + '22', '%Y-%m-%d%H') for f in termini ] dt = np.abs(np.array(datetimes) - t) i = np.where(np.min(dt) == dt)[0][0] return termini[i]['geometry']['coordinates']
#============================================== DATA_DIR = "/home/dunbar/Research/helheim/data/observations" DEM_DIR = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'dem') MAX_DEPTH = 30e3 # ---- Prepare Observers ---- observerpath = ['stardot1','stardot2'] observers = [] for observer in observerpath: path = join(DATA_DIR,observer) campaths = glob.glob(join(path,"*.JSON")) images = [glimpse.Image(path=campath.replace(".JSON",".jpg"),cam=campath) for campath in campaths] images.sort(key= lambda img: img.datetime) datetimes = np.array([img.datetime for img in images]) for n, delta in enumerate(np.diff(datetimes)): if delta <= datetime.timedelta(seconds=0): secs = datetime.timedelta(seconds= n%5 + 1) images[n+1].datetime = images[n+1].datetime + secs diffs = np.array([dt.total_seconds() for dt in np.diff(np.array([img.datetime for img in images]))]) negate = diffs[diffs <= 1].astype( [images.pop(_) for _ in negate] images = images[:int(len(images)/2)] print("Image set {} \n".format(len(images))) obs = glimpse.Observer(list(np.array(images)),cache=False) observers.append(obs) #------------------------- uv = observer[1].images[0].cam.project(( 7361411.0,533528.0,180)) observer[1].images[0].cam.plot()
# NOTE: Determine sigma programmatically? observer = glimpse.Observer(images, cache=True, correction=True, sigma=0.3) observers.append(observer) # ---- Load track points ---- t = min([observer.datetimes[0] for observer in observers]) datestr = t.strftime('%Y%m%d') basename = str(i_obs) # ids, xy, observer_mask, vrthz, vrthz_sigma, flotation params = glimpse.helpers.read_pickle( os.path.join(points_path, basename + '.pkl')) # ---- Load DEM ---- # dem, dem_sigma dem, dem_sigma = dem_interpolant(t, return_sigma=True) # Crop DEM (for lower memory use) box = (glimpse.helpers.bounding_box(params['xy']) + np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1]) * dem_padding) dem.crop(xlim=box[0::2], ylim=box[1::2]) dem_sigma.crop(xlim=box[0::2], ylim=box[1::2]) dem.crop_to_data() dem_sigma.crop_to_data() # ---- Compute motion models ---- cylindrical = 'vrthz' in params # motion_models time_unit = datetime.timedelta(days=1) m = len(params['xy']) if cylindrical: vrthz_sigmas = [compute_vrthz_sigma( params['vrthz_sigma'][i], params['flotation'][i]) for i in range(m)] arthz_sigmas = [compute_arthz_sigma( vrthz_sigmas[i], params['flotation'][i]) for i in range(m)] motion_models = [glimpse.tracker.CylindricalMotionModel(
sequences = cg.Sequences() station_ranges = dict() station_iranges = dict() station_images = dict() station_datetimes = dict() for station in stations: print(station) services = sequences[sequences.station == station].service.values images = cg.load_images( station=station, services=services, snap=snap, service_exif=True, anchors=False, viewdir=True, viewdir_as_anchor=True, file_errors=False) images = [img for img in images if img.anchor] images.sort(key=lambda x: x.datetime) datetimes = np.array([img.datetime for img in images]) # Endpoints iranges = np.atleast_2d((0, len(images))) # Changes in image size width = [[0] for img in images] cuts = [i + 1 for i in np.nonzero(np.diff(width))[0]] iranges = glimpse.helpers.cut_ranges(iranges, cuts) # Camera changes # HACK: Use k1 as a proxy k = [[0] for img in images] cuts = [i + 1 for i in np.nonzero(np.diff(k))[0]] iranges = glimpse.helpers.cut_ranges(iranges, cuts) # Gaps in coverage dt = np.diff(datetimes) cuts = [i + 1 for i in np.nonzero(dt > max_gap)[0]] iranges = glimpse.helpers.cut_ranges(iranges, cuts)
I = clahe.apply(I.astype(np.uint8)) I_ori = clahe.apply(glimpse.helpers.rgb_to_gray( # Write synthetic image I[I == 127] = 126 I[nanI] = 127 img.write(basename + '-synth.JPG', I, quality=95) # Write synthetic camera path=basename + '-synth.json', attributes=('xyz', 'viewdir', 'fmm', 'cmm', 'k', 'p', 'sensorsz'), flat_arrays=True, indent=4) # Write copy of original image img.write(basename + '.JPG', I_ori, quality=95) # Write svg svg_path = basename + '.svg' if not os.path.isfile(svg_path): size = svg_size = size * 0.25 synth_size = np.array(I.shape[0:2][::-1]) xml = glimpse.svg._svg( glimpse.svg._image(size=size, scale=svg_size / size, path=image + '.JPG'), glimpse.svg._image(size=synth_size, scale=svg_size / synth_size, path=image + '-synth.JPG'), id='svg', size=svg_size ) glimpse.svg._write_svg(xml, path=svg_path, pretty_print=True) # Write depth map img.write(basename + '-depth.tif', depth) img.write(basename + '-depth_stderr.tif', depth_sigma) print(timeit.default_timer() - start)
img.anchor = False # Load matches for tile read_matches(matcher, imgs=indices[starts[tile]:ends[tile]]) # Remove images with too few matches # NOTE: Repeat until no additional images are below threshold imgs = [None] while len(imgs): n = matcher.matches_per_image() imgs = np.where(n < MIN_MATCHES)[0] matcher.drop_images(imgs) # Check for breaks in remaining matches breaks = matcher.match_breaks() if len(breaks): raise ValueError('Match breaks at:', breaks) # Check for an anchor image is_anchor = np.array([img.anchor for img in matcher.images]) anchors = np.where(is_anchor)[0] if not len(anchors): raise ValueError('No anchor image present') # Free up memory and convert matches to XY matcher.filter_matches(clear_weights=True) matcher.convert_matches(glimpse.optimize.RotationMatchesXY, clear_uvs=True) # Orient cameras cams = [ for img in matcher.images] controls = tuple( cam_params = [ dict() if img.anchor else dict(viewdir=True) for img in matcher.images ] model = glimpse.optimize.Cameras(cams, controls, cam_params=cam_params)
# ---- Build DEM template ---- json = glimpse.helpers.read_json('observers.json', object_pairs_hook=collections.OrderedDict) stations = set([station for x in json for station in x]) station_xy = np.vstack([f['geometry']['coordinates'][:, 0:2] for station, f in cg.Stations().items() if station in stations]) box = glimpse.helpers.bounding_box(cg.Glacier()) XY = glimpse.helpers.box_to_grid(box, step=(grid_size, grid_size), snap=(0, 0), mode='grid') xy = glimpse.helpers.grid_to_points(XY) distances = glimpse.helpers.pairwise_distance(xy, station_xy, metric='euclidean') selected = distances.min(axis=1) < max_distance box = glimpse.helpers.bounding_box(xy[selected]) + 0.5 * np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1]) * grid_size shape = np.diff([box[1::2], box[0::2]], axis=1) / grid_size dem_template = glimpse.Raster(np.ones(shape.astype(int).ravel(), dtype=bool), x=box[0::2], y=box[1::2][::-1]) dem_points = glimpse.helpers.grid_to_points((dem_template.X, dem_template.Y)) # ---- Select DEMs ---- dem_sigmas = { 'aerometric': 1.5, 'ifsar': 1.5 + 0.5, # additional time uncertainty 'arcticdem': 3, 'tandem': 3 # after bulk corrections } dem_keys = [ ('20040618', 'aerometric'),
y = + '_vy.tif', xlim=template.xlim, ylim=template.ylim, nan=nan) # NOTE: Avoiding faster grid sampling because of NaN vx0.append( x.sample(points, order=1, bounds_error=False).reshape(template.shape)) vy0.append( y.sample(points, order=1, bounds_error=False).reshape(template.shape)) datestr = re.findall(r'^([0-9]{8})', key[0])[0] t0.append(datetime.datetime.strptime(datestr, '%Y%m%d')) # Remove unread keys for i in dropped: velocity_keys.pop(i) # Stack results datetimes = np.array(t0) vx = np.dstack(vx0) vy = np.dstack(vy0) # ---- Filter Landsat velocities ---- lmask = np.array([key[1] == 'landsat' for key in velocity_keys]) lvx = vx[..., lmask].copy() lvy = vy[..., lmask].copy() # Normalize vx, vy to the unit circle theta = np.arctan2(lvy, lvx) theta[theta < 0] += 2 * np.pi uy = np.sin(theta) ux = np.cos(theta) # Compute moving-window median orientations mask = ~np.isnan(ux)
def load_images(station, services, use_exif=False, service_exif=False, anchors=False, viewdir=True, viewdir_as_anchor=False, file_errors=True, **kwargs): """ Return list of calibrated Image objects. Any available station, camera, image, and viewdir calibrations are loaded and images with image calibrations are marked as anchors. Arguments: station (str): Station identifier services (iterable): Service identifiers use_exif (bool): Whether to parse image datetimes from EXIF (slower) rather than parsed from paths (faster) service_exif (bool): Whether to extract EXIF from first image (faster) or all images (slower) in service. If `True`, `Image.datetime` is parsed from path. Always `False` if `use_exif=True`. anchors (bool): Whether to include anchor images even if filtered out by `kwargs['snap']` **kwargs: Arguments to `glimpse.helpers.select_datetimes()` """ if use_exif: service_exif = False # Sort services in time if isinstance(services, str): services = services, services = np.sort(services) # Parse datetimes of all candidate images paths_service = [ glob.glob( os.path.join(IMAGE_PATH, station, station + '_' + service, '*.JPG')) for service in services ] paths = np.hstack(paths_service) basenames = [glimpse.helpers.strip_path(path) for path in paths] if use_exif: exifs = [glimpse.Exif(path) for path in paths] datetimes = np.array([exif.datetime for exif in exifs]) else: datetimes = paths_to_datetimes(basenames) # Select images based on datetimes indices = glimpse.helpers.select_datetimes(datetimes, **kwargs) if anchors: # Add anchors # HACK: Ignore any <image>-<suffix>.json files anchor_paths = glob.glob( os.path.join(CG_PATH, 'images', station + '_*[0-9].json')) anchor_basenames = [ glimpse.helpers.strip_path(path) for path in anchor_paths ] if 'start' in kwargs or 'end' in kwargs: # Filter by start, end anchor_datetimes = np.asarray(paths_to_datetimes(anchor_basenames)) inrange = glimpse.helpers.select_datetimes( anchor_datetimes, **glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts(kwargs, dict(snap=None))) anchor_basenames = np.asarray(anchor_basenames)[inrange] anchor_indices = np.where(np.isin(basenames, anchor_basenames))[0] indices = np.unique(np.hstack((indices, anchor_indices))) service_breaks = np.hstack((0, np.cumsum([len(x) for x in paths_service]))) station_calibration = load_calibrations(station_estimate=station, station=station, merge=True, file_errors=False) images = [] for i, service in enumerate(services): index = indices[(indices >= service_breaks[i]) & (indices < service_breaks[i + 1])] if not index.size: continue service_calibration = glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts( station_calibration, load_calibrations(path=paths[index[0]], camera=True, merge=True, file_errors=file_errors)) if service_exif: exif = glimpse.Exif(paths[index[0]]) for j in index: basename = basenames[j] calibrations = load_calibrations( image=basename, viewdir=basename if viewdir else False, station_estimate=station, merge=False, file_errors=False) if calibrations['image']: calibration = glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts( service_calibration, calibrations['image']) anchor = True else: calibration = glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts( service_calibration, dict(viewdir=calibrations['station_estimate']['viewdir'])) anchor = False if viewdir and calibrations['viewdir']: calibration = glimpse.helpers.merge_dicts( calibration, calibrations['viewdir']) if viewdir_as_anchor: anchor = True if use_exif: exif = exifs[j] elif not service_exif: exif = None if KEYPOINT_PATH: keypoint_path = os.path.join(KEYPOINT_PATH, basename + '.pkl') else: keypoint_path = None image = glimpse.Image(path=paths[j], cam=calibration, anchor=anchor, exif=exif, datetime=None if use_exif else datetimes[j], keypoints_path=keypoint_path) images.append(image) return images