Example #1
def search_web(keywords):
    print "\n\nKEYWORDS:"
    print keywords

    return_string = '{"final_results":['
    i = 0
    # bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    bing = getbingid()
    # Getting Search results for each keywords and this loop builds json object. structure final_results:[array whr each element is {keyword:value, search_res:[arr of search res]}]
    # obj = CT()
    for kw in keywords:
        #    category = obj.get_category(kw)
        category = "cat"
        res = bing.do_web_search(kw)
        dump_res = json.dumps(
            {"keyword": kw, "category": category, "search_res": res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"]}
        return_string += dump_res + ","
    return_string += '{"test":"dummy_res"}'  # Add dummy result for comma after last result
    return_string += "]}"

    # print return_string
    return return_string
Example #2
def search_web(keywords,prev_results,start,end):    
    doc_freq = keywords[start:end]
    print "\nkeywords:::"
    print doc_freq
    if start == 0 :
         return_string ='{"final_results":['
        return_string = prev_results 
    cate_obj = cate_mongo_specific1.categorization()
    #bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    bing = getbingid()
    print "\n\nKEYWORDS:"
    for l in doc_freq:
        film =" "
        books=" "
        people = " "
        location =" "

        str1 = ' '.join(l)
        print "keyword:" + str1

    	#category = cate_obj.get_category(str1) #get category of keyword
    	#print category
        #for n in l.neighbours:
        #    str1 = str1 + " " + n.word
        category = "cat"
        search_query = str1
	#search_query = str1
        #print "search_query::::::::" + str1

        #for neighbour in df.neighbours:
        #    print neighbour.word
        #    search_query = search_query + neighbour.word + " "

	if "film" in category:
		#if c is "film":
            print "\n\n in film:"
            film = cate_obj.search_film(search_query)
            print film
	elif "books" in category:
            books = cate_obj.search_books(search_query)
        elif "people" in category:
            people = cate_obj.search_people(search_query)
        elif "location" in category:
            location = cate_obj.search_location(search_query)
        res = bing.do_web_search(search_query)
        dump_res = json.dumps({"keyword":search_query,"category":category,"search_res":res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"],"film":film,"books":books,"people":people,"location":location}) 
        return_string += dump_res+","

    #return_string += "]}"

        #return_string +='{"test":"dummy_res"}' #Add dummy result for comma after last result
    #return_string += "]}"

    #print return_string
    return return_string     
Example #3
def search_web(keywords,prev_results,start,end,url):    
    doc_freq = keywords[start:end]
    print "\n next keywords:::"
    for i in doc_freq:
    	print i.keyword
    if start == 0 :
         return_string ='{"final_results":['
        return_string = prev_results 
    cate_obj = cate_mongo_specific1.categorization()
    #bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    bing = getbingid()
    print "\n\nMY KEYWORDS:"
    for l in doc_freq:
        film =" "
        books=" "
        people = " "
        location =" "

        #str1 = l.keyword
        str1 = ' '.join(l.keyword)
        print "keyword:" + str1
        keyword = str1

    	category = cate_obj.get_category(str1) #get category of keyword

    	#print category
        for n in l.neighbours:
            str1 = str1 + " " + n.word
        #category = "cat"
        search_query = str1
	#search_query = str1
        print "search_query::::::::" + str1
        #for neighbour in df.neighbours:
        #    print neighbour.word
        #    search_query = search_query + neighbour.word + " "

	if "film" in category:
		#if c is "film":
            print "\n\n in film:"
            film = cate_obj.search_film(search_query)
            print film
	elif "books" in category:
            books = cate_obj.search_books(search_query)
        elif "people" in category:
            people = cate_obj.search_people(search_query)
        elif "location" in category:
            location = cate_obj.search_location(search_query)
#        search_query = "sachin"
	print "do web search"
            res = bing.do_web_search(search_query)
            for i in res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"]: #Removing current URL
                if i["Url"]==url:
            dump_res = json.dumps({"keyword":keyword,"category":category,"search_res":res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"][0:5],"film":film,"books":books,"people":people,"location":location}) 
            return_string += dump_res+","
            print "web search done"
        except Exception:
            print "search not done"

    #print return_string
 #   import pdb;pdb.set_trace();    
    return return_string     
Example #4
def search_web(keywords, prev_results, start, end, url):

    doc_freq = keywords[start:end]

    print "\n next keywords:::"
    for i in doc_freq:
        print i.keyword

    if start == 0:
        return_string = '{"final_results":['
        return_string = prev_results

    i = 0
    cate_obj = cate_mongo_specific1.categorization()
    #bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    bing = getbingid()
    print "\n\nMY KEYWORDS:"
    for l in doc_freq:

        film = " "
        books = " "
        people = " "
        location = " "

        #str1 = l.keyword
        str1 = ' '.join(l.keyword)
        print "keyword:" + str1
        keyword = str1

        category = cate_obj.get_category(str1)  #get category of keyword

        #print category

        for n in l.neighbours:
            str1 = str1 + " " + n.word
        #category = "cat"
        search_query = str1
        #search_query = str1
        print "search_query::::::::" + str1

        #for neighbour in df.neighbours:
        #    print neighbour.word
        #    search_query = search_query + neighbour.word + " "

        if "film" in category:

            #if c is "film":
            print "\n\n in film:"
            film = cate_obj.search_film(search_query)
            print film
        elif "books" in category:
            books = cate_obj.search_books(search_query)
        elif "people" in category:
            people = cate_obj.search_people(search_query)
        elif "location" in category:
            location = cate_obj.search_location(search_query)


#        search_query = "sachin"
        print "do web search"

            res = bing.do_web_search(search_query)
            for i in res["SearchResponse"]["Web"][
                    "Results"]:  #Removing current URL
                if i["Url"] == url:

            dump_res = json.dumps({
            return_string += dump_res + ","
            print "web search done"
        except Exception:
            print "search not done"

    #print return_string
#   import pdb;pdb.set_trace();
    return return_string
def search_web(doc_freq):    
    txt= '{"result":'
    #txt += json.dumps(doc_freq)
    txt += "}"
    print "\n\n\n"
    print txt
    return_string ='{"final_results":['
    cate_obj = cate_mongo_specific1.categorization()
    #bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    bing = getbingid()
    print "\n\nKEYWORDS:"
    film =" "
    books=" "
    people = " "
    location =" "
    for l in doc_freq:
        str1 = ' '.join(l.keyword)
        print "keyword:" + str1

    	category = cate_obj.get_category(str1) #get category of keyword
    	print category
        for n in l.neighbours:
            str1 = str1 + " " + n.word
	search_query = str1
        print "search_query::::::::" + str1

        #for neighbour in df.neighbours:
        #    print neighbour.word
        #    search_query = search_query + neighbour.word + " "

	if "film" in category:
		#if c is "film":
            print "\n\n in film:"
            film = cate_obj.search_film(search_query)
            print film
	if "books" in category:
            books = cate_obj.search_books(search_query)
        if "people" in category:
            people = cate_obj.search_people(search_query)
        if "location" in category:
            location = cate_obj.search_location(search_query)
       # else:
        #    film ="empty"
        res = bing.do_web_search(search_query)
        dump_res = json.dumps({"keyword":search_query,"category":category,"search_res":res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"],"film":film,"books":books,"people":people,"location":location}) 
        return_string += dump_res + ","
    return_string +='{"test":"dummy_res"}' #Add dummy result for comma after last result
    return_string += "]}"

    #return_string ='{"final_results":['
    #bing = bingapi.Bing(app_ID)
    #bing = getbingid()
    #Getting Search results for each keywords and this loop builds json object. structure final_results:[array whr each element is {keyword:value, search_res:[arr of search res]}]
   # obj = CT()
  #  for kw in keywords:
    #    category = obj.get_category(kw)
 #       search_query = ' '.join(kw.neighbours)
#	category= "cat"
      #  res = bing.do_web_search(search_query)
     #   dump_res = json.dumps({"keyword":kw,"category":category,"search_res":res["SearchResponse"]["Web"]["Results"]}) 
    #    return_string += dump_res + ","
   # return_string +='{"test":"dummy_res"}' #Add dummy result for comma after last result
   # return_string += "]}"

    print return_string
    return return_string