Example #1
    def show(self, window, window_scale):

        # Get blit pos and scale
        current_pos = self.get_pos()

        if current_pos:
            pos = list(current_pos)
            pos[0] *= window_scale
            pos[1] *= window_scale

            # Scale image to fit the correct amount of space
            img = transform.scale(self.image, (int(window_scale),) * 2)
            old_rect = img.get_rect()

            # Add the rotation
            next_dist = self.dist + 0.7
            next_pos = self.get_pos(dist = next_dist)

            angle = gfunc.get_rot(next_pos, current_pos) - 90
            img = transform.rotate(img, angle)

            # Add the sway
            rot = math.sin(self.dist * 4) * 5 # Sin because the curve resembles the wanted swaying motion
            img = transform.rotate(img, rot)

            rect = img.get_rect()
            change = (rect.width - old_rect.width) / 2, (rect.height - old_rect.height) / 2

            pos[0] -= change[0]
            pos[1] -= change[1]

            # Show
            window.blit(img, pos)
    def aim(self, enemies):
        if len(enemies) > 0:

            # Aim at first
            enemy = enemies[0]
            pos = enemy.get_pos()

            if pos:

                pos[0] += 0.5
                pos[1] += 0.5

                this_pos = list(self.pos)
                this_pos[0] += 0.5
                this_pos[1] += 0.5

                self.rot = gfunc.get_rot(pos, this_pos)
                self.aiming = pos
        self.aiming = False
 def get_angle(self):
     p1 = self.pos
     p2 = self.pos[0] + self.slope[0], self.pos[1] + self.slope[1]
     return gfunc.get_rot(p1, p2)