Example #1
    def update(self, dt=None):
        """Updating model for a certain time step interval (default: None).
        Checks whether model end time is already reached.
        Requires that model-specific time step is a whole number of update time step.
        Keyword Arguments:
            dt {int} -- update time step interval [s] at which information is exchanged between models (default: {None})
            ValueError -- Raised if model time step is not whole number of update interval
            Exception -- Raised if end time is already reached as no further update is possible

        # dt in seconds. if not given model timestep is used
        if self._t >= self._endTime:
            raise Exception("endTime already reached, model not updated")
        if (dt is not None) and (dt != self._dt.total_seconds()):
            _dt = timedelta(seconds=dt)
            if not glib.check_dts_divmod(_dt, self._dt):
                msg = "Invalid value for dt in comparison to model dt. Make sure a whole number of model timesteps ({}) fit in the given dt ({})"
                raise ValueError(msg.format(self._dt, _dt))
            self._t += _dt
            self._t += self._dt
        self.logger.info('updated model to datetime {}'.format(
            self._t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))
Example #2
    def _check_dt(self):
        """Checks whether the dt specified for a model is not a whole number of GLOFRIM dt.
        criterion is needed to ensure updates between models remain in phase
            AssertionError -- Raised if model dt is not a whole number of GLOFRIM dt

        for mod in self.bmimodels:
            dt_mod = self.bmimodels[mod].get_time_step()
            if not glib.check_dts_divmod(self._dt, dt_mod):
                msg = "Invalid value for dt in comparison to model dt. Make sure a whole number of model timesteps fit in the set GLOFRIM dt"
                raise AssertionError(msg)
Example #3
 def update(self, dt=None):
     # dt in seconds. if not given model timestep is used
     if self._t >= self._endTime:
         raise Exception("endTime already reached, model not updated")
     if (dt is not None) and (dt != self._dt.total_seconds()):
         _dt = timedelta(seconds=dt)
         if not glib.check_dts_divmod(_dt, self._dt):
             msg = "Invalid value for dt in comparison to model dt. Make sure a whole number of model timesteps ({}) fit in the given dt ({})"
             raise ValueError(msg.format(self._dt, _dt))
     self._t = self.get_current_time()
     self.logger.info('updated model to datetime {}'.format(
         self._t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))