Example #1
def test_invalid_delete_op_target():
    target = {'afunc': lambda x: 'hi %s' % x}
    spec = T['afunc'](x=1)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        delete(target, spec, None)
Example #2
def _resolve_optional(rules: Dict, conf: Dict) -> Dict:
    """Go through the rules and drop optional keys that are absent in conf"""
    all_nodes = _nodes(conf)  # this is some superset of valid keys
    for node in _optional_nodes(rules):
        if node not in all_nodes:
            # delete unused optional rules
            delete(rules, ".".join(map(str, node)))
    return rules
Example #3
def test_sequence_delete():
    target = {'alist': [0, 1, 2]}
    delete(target, 'alist.1')
    assert target['alist'] == [0, 2]

    with pytest.raises(PathDeleteError, match='could not delete') as exc_info:
        delete(target, 'alist.2')

    exc_repr = repr(exc_info.value)
    assert exc_repr.startswith('PathDeleteError(')
    assert exc_repr.endswith("'2')")
Example #4
    def unset(self, target):
        target = self._sanitize_target(target)

        glom.delete(self.config_data, target, ignore_missing=True)

        with open(self.config_path, "w") as f:
Example #5
    def reset(meta, spec=None) -> dict:
        Set metadata in a dataframe columns
        :param meta: Meta data to be modified
        :param spec: path to the key to be modified
        :param value: dict value
        :param missing:
        if spec is not None:
            data = copy.deepcopy(meta)
            delete(data, spec, ignore_missing=True)
            data = meta

        return data
Example #6
def test_delete():
    class Foo(object):
        def __init__(self, d=None):
            for k, v in d.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)

    assert glom({'a': 1}, Delete(T['a'])) == {}
    assert glom({'a': {'a': 1}}, Delete(T['a']['a'])) == {'a': {}}
    assert glom({'a': {'a': 1}}, Delete('a.a')) == {'a': {}}
    assert not hasattr(glom(Foo({'a': 1}), Delete(T.a)), 'a')
    assert glom({'a': 1}, Delete('a')) == {}
    assert not hasattr(glom(Foo({'a': 1}), Delete('a')), 'a')
    assert not hasattr(glom({'a': Foo({'a': 1})}, Delete('a.a'))['a'], 'a')

    def r():
        r = {}
        r['r'] = r
        return r

    assert glom(r(), Delete('r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r')) == {}
    assert glom(r(), Delete(T['r']['r']['r']['r'])) == {}
    assert glom(r(), Delete(Path('r', 'r', T['r']))) == {}
    assert delete(r(), Path('r', 'r', T['r'])) == {}
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='path argument must be'):
        Delete(1, 'a')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='path must have at least one element'):
        Delete(T, 1)

    assert repr(Delete(T.a)) == 'Delete(T.a)'
Example #7
def test_bad_delete_target():
    class BadTarget(object):
        def __delattr__(self, name):
            raise Exception("and you trusted me?")

    spec = Delete('a')
    ok_target = lambda: None
    ok_target.a = 1
    glom(ok_target, spec)
    assert not hasattr(ok_target, 'a')

    with pytest.raises(PathDeleteError, match='could not delete'):
        glom(BadTarget(), spec)

    with pytest.raises(PathDeleteError, match='could not delete'):
        delete({}, 'a')
Example #8
def test_delete():
    class Foo(object):
        def __init__(self, d=None):
            for k, v in d.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)

    assert glom({'a': 1}, Delete(T['a'])) == {}
    assert glom({'a': {'a': 1}}, Delete(T['a']['a'])) == {'a': {}}
    assert glom({'a': {'a': 1}}, Delete('a.a')) == {'a': {}}
    assert not hasattr(glom(Foo({'a': 1}), Delete(T.a)), 'a')
    assert glom({'a': 1}, Delete('a')) == {}
    assert not hasattr(glom(Foo({'a': 1}), Delete('a')), 'a')
    assert not hasattr(glom({'a': Foo({'a': 1})}, Delete('a.a'))['a'], 'a')

    def r():
        r = {}
        r['r'] = r
        return r

    assert glom(r(), Delete('r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r.r')) == {}
    assert glom(r(), Delete(T['r']['r']['r']['r'])) == {}
    assert glom(r(), Delete(Path('r', 'r', T['r']))) == {}
    assert delete(r(), Path('r', 'r', T['r'])) == {}
    with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='path argument must be'):
        Delete(1, 'a')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError,
                       match='path must have at least one element'):
        Delete(T, 1)

    assert repr(Delete(T.a)) == 'Delete(T.a)'

    # test delete from scope
    assert glom(1, (S(x=T), S['x'])) == 1
    with pytest.raises(PathAccessError):
        glom(1, (S(x=T), Delete(S['x']), S['x']))

    # test raising on missing parent
    with pytest.raises(PathAccessError):
        glom({}, Delete(T['a']['b']))

    # test raising on missing index
    with pytest.raises(PathDeleteError):
        glom([], Delete(T[0]))
    target = []
    assert glom(target, Delete(T[0], ignore_missing=True)) is target

    # test raising on missing attr
    with pytest.raises(PathDeleteError):
        glom(object(), Delete(T.does_not_exist))
    target = object()
    assert glom(target, Delete(T.does_not_exist,
                               ignore_missing=True)) is target
Example #9
 def delete_user_pref(self, k):
     new_data = glom.delete(self.data, k, ignore_missing=True)
     write_user_prefs(self.username, new_data)
Example #10
def test_delete_ignore_missing():
    assert delete({}, 'a', ignore_missing=True) == {}
    assert delete({}, 'a.b', ignore_missing=True) == {}