Example #1
    def customer_context(self, project):
        profile_is_complete = False

        if project is not None:
            intake_complete = ProjectIntakeFormIsCompleteBunch(project=project)
            profile_is_complete = intake_complete.is_valid()

        return {
            'profile_is_complete': profile_is_complete,
Example #2
    def __init__(self, is_new, project, **kwargs):
        self.is_new = is_new
        self.project = project
        self.project_data = ProjectIntakeFormIsCompleteBunch(project=self.project)

        self.checklist = self.project.checklist()

        self.todos_by_cat, self.todos = self.get_todos()

        self.todos = self.append_todo_obj(self.todos)

        self.categories = self.get_categories()

        self.kwargs = kwargs
Example #3
class ProjectCheckListService(UserFeedbackRequestMixin, ToDoItemsFromYamlMixin,
    Provide a set of checklist items that are
    generated from the project transaction types
    is_new = None
    project = None
    checklist = []
    todos = []
    todos_by_cat = {}
    categories = []

    def __init__(self, is_new, project, **kwargs):
        self.is_new = is_new
        self.project = project
        self.project_data = ProjectIntakeFormIsCompleteBunch(project=self.project)

        self.checklist = self.project.checklist()

        self.todos_by_cat, self.todos = self.get_todos()

        self.todos = self.append_todo_obj(self.todos)

        self.categories = self.get_categories()

        self.kwargs = kwargs

    def get_todos(self):
        wrapper to determine should we get yml todos
        or db todos
        if self.is_new:
            # if its a new project then create the todo items from the yml
            # templates
            return self.get_yml_todos()
            # check for existing todos
            return self.get_db_todos()

    def item_slug(self, item, **kwargs):
        """ the slug has to be consistent for each item, even when pulled from yaml file
        thus we cant use uuid here as it is generated unique every time; where as this is
        based on a uniqe combo of the item details"""
        name = self.project_data.slug(item_name=item.name)

        if len(kwargs.keys()) > 0:
            name = '{name}{extra}'.format(name=name, extra='-'.join([unicode(i) for i in kwargs.values()]))

        return shortuuid.uuid(name=name)

    def templatize(self, context, value):
        t = template.Template(value)
        return t.render(context)

    def item_context(self, item, **kwargs):
        c = template.Context(kwargs)

        # ensure we have a name and description
        item.name = item.name if hasattr(item, 'name') else None
        item.description = item.description if hasattr(item, 'description') else None

        # render the template with variables from the context
        if item.name is not None:
            item.name = unicode(self.templatize(context=c, value=item.name))

        if item.description is not None:
            item.description = unicode(self.templatize(context=c, value=item.description))

        return item

    def parse_checklist(self, current_length, checklist, **kwargs):
        for i, item in enumerate(checklist):
            # indicate attachment status
                item.num_attachments = len(item.attachment)
                item.has_attachment = item.num_attachments > 0
            except AttributeError:
                item.num_attachments = 0
                item.has_attachment = False
                item.attachment = []

            item.project = self.project
            item.slug = self.item_slug(item=item, i=i)
            item.description = item.description if hasattr(item, 'description') else None

            item.status = TODO_STATUS.new
            item.display_status = TODO_STATUS.get_desc_by_value(item.status)
            item.sort_position = current_length + i
            item.sort_position_by_cat = i
            item.item_hash_num = self.item_hash_num(item) # ties in with model.item_hash_num()
            # updated with various kwargs passed in

    def item_hash_num(self, item):
        return '{primary}.{secondary}'.format(primary=int(item.get('sort_position', 0)), secondary=int(item.get('sort_position_by_cat', 0)))

    def navigation_items_object(self, slug):
        Flatten the items by category and then get prev and next based on sorted cat
        temp_todo_list = []
        navigation_items = Bunch(prev=None, current=None, next=None)

        for cat, items in self.todos_by_cat.iteritems():
            if items:
                for i in items:

        for c, item in enumerate(temp_todo_list):

                previous = temp_todo_list[c-1]
            except IndexError:
                previous = None

                next = temp_todo_list[c+1]
            except IndexError:
                next = None

            if str(item.slug) == str(slug):
                navigation_items.prev = previous
                navigation_items.current = item
                navigation_items.next = next
                # exit the forloop

        return navigation_items

    def process(self):
        logger.info('Process Project Checklist')