Example #1
    def to_update_sql(self, mass_params=None, inherits=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Generates SQL for use with ``UPDATE {table_name} set ... where glycan_id = {id};``.

        Called by :meth:`update`

        inherits = dict(inherits or {})

        template = '''UPDATE {table_name} SET mass = {mass},
         structure = "{structure}" /*rest*/ WHERE glycan_id = {id};'''

        ext_names = list(inherits)
        ext_values = ["{}".format(v) for k, v in self._collect_ext_data().items()]
        ext_parts = ', '.join(["{} = {}".format(name, value) for name, value in zip(ext_names, ext_values)])
        if len(ext_parts) > 0:
            ext_parts = ", " + ext_parts

        template = template.replace("/*rest*/", ext_parts)
        values = {}
        values['id'] = self.id
        values['mass'] = self.mass(**(mass_params or {}))
        values['structure'] = pickle.dumps(self)
        values['table_name'] = self.__table_name

        yield template.format(**values)
Example #2
    def to_sql(self, id=None, mass_params=None, inherits=None):
        Translates the :class:`GlycanRecord` instance into SQL.

        id: int
            The primary key to use, overwriting :attr:`id` if present. Optional
        mass_params: tuple
            Parameters to pass to :meth:`.mass`. The output is stored
            in the SQL record as the `mass` value
        inherits: dict
            Mapping of inherited column_data properties to include in the record

            The SQL insert statement adding this record to the database
        inherits = dict(inherits or {})

        template = '''INSERT INTO {table_name} (glycan_id, mass, structure /*rest*/)
         VALUES ({id}, {mass}, "{structure}" /*values*/);'''
        ext_names = ', '.join(inherits)
        if len(ext_names) > 0:
            ext_names = ', ' + ext_names
        ext_values = ', '.join(["{}".format(v) for k, v in self._collect_ext_data().items()])
        if len(ext_values) > 0:
            ext_values = ', ' + ext_values
        if id is not None:
            self.id = id

        template = template.replace("/*rest*/", ext_names).replace("/*values*/", ext_values)
        values = {}
        values['id'] = self.id
        values['mass'] = self.mass(**(mass_params or {}))
        _bound_db = getattr(self, "_bound_db", None)
        self._bound_db = None
        values['structure'] = pickle.dumps(self)
        self._bound_db = _bound_db
        values['table_name'] = self.__table_name
        yield template.format(**values)
Example #3
    def set_metadata(self, key, value):
        """Set a key-value pair in the database's metadata table

        key : str
            Key naming value
        value : any
            Value to store in the metadata table
        self.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata (name, content) VALUES (?, ?);", (key, pickle.dumps(value)))