def markers_direction(): figure_layout = { 'width': '1600px', 'height': '1100px', 'border': '1px solid black', 'padding': '1px' } switzerland_ctr_coord = config['switzerland_ctr'] gmaps.configure(api_key=config['api_key']) fig = gmaps.figure(layout=figure_layout, center=switzerland_ctr_coord, zoom_level=9) winterthur_lat, winterthur_lon = map.city_lat_lon('Winterthur') zurich_lat, zurich_lon = map.city_lat_lon('Zurich') winterthur_point = map.city_point('Winterthur') zurich_point = map.city_point('Zurich') locations = [(winterthur_lat, winterthur_lon), (zurich_lat, zurich_lon)] fig = map.add_marker(fig, locations) fig = map.add_direction(fig, winterthur_point, zurich_point, mode='DRIVING')
def make_the_base_map(): # set constants main_path = 'data' global api_key api_key = open(main_path + '/', 'r') api_key ='api_key = ', '').replace('“','').replace('”','') gmaps.configure(api_key=api_key) # Your Google API key # get information df = pd.read_csv(main_path + '/nyc_blk_map_with_vals_for_front_end_FILTERED.csv') with open(main_path + '/BoroughBoundaries.geojson') as f: geometry = json.load(f) global nbhd_map nbhd_map = gpd.read_file(main_path + '/nyc_nbhd_map.shp') # Control the display global new_york_coordinates new_york_coordinates = (40.75, -73.9) heatmap_gradient = [ (250, 185, 123, 0), 'yellow', (249, 127, 77, 1), 'red', ] # define layers global geojson_layer global heatmap_layer geojson_layer = gmaps.geojson_layer(geometry, fill_color=(0,0,0,0), fill_opacity=1, stroke_weight=0.5) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(df[['latitude', 'longitude']], weights=df['magnitude'], max_intensity=10, point_radius=0.00075, opacity=1, gradient=heatmap_gradient, dissipating=False)
def plot_base_map(self, place='switzerland'): ''' Create base map of switzerland arguments: ---------- none return: ------- fig - gmaps figure ''' figure_layout = { 'width': '1600px', 'height': '1100px', 'border': '1px solid black', 'padding': '1px' } if place == 'switzerland': center_coords = self._config['switzerland_ctr'] else: center_coords = self._config['winterthur_ctr'] gmaps.configure(api_key=self._config['api_key']) fig = gmaps.figure(layout=figure_layout, center=center_coords, zoom_level=9) return fig
def get_lat_lng(apiKey, address): #2 farklı fonksiyon belirliyoruz. global output_address url = ( '{}&key={}'. format(address.replace(' ', '+'), apiKey) ) #Sonucu bir yere getirmek için json formatında bir url kullanıyoruz. try: response = requests.get( url ) #url deki değerleri en baştaki requests kütüphanesi sayesinde sorguluyoruz./#We query values in url with the requests library at the very beginning. resp_json_payload = response.json( ) #Hatırlarsanız URL miz json formatındaydı.önceki koddaki sorgudan çekdiğimiz değeri json olarak ayarlıyoruz. #If you remember, our URL was in json format. We set the value we got from the query in the previous code to json. output_address = resp_json_payload["results"][0]["formatted_address"] lat = resp_json_payload['results'][0]['geometry']['location'][ 'lat'] #Burda lokasyonumuzun geometrik değerlerini lat türünden alıyoruz. lng = resp_json_payload['results'][0]['geometry']['location'][ 'lng'] #Burda lokasyonumuzun geometrik değerlerini lng türünden alıyoruz. gmaps.configure(api_key=apiKey) location = (lat, lng ) #lat ve lng değerlerini lokasyon değerine aktarıyoruz. fig = gmaps.figure( center=location, zoom_level=15 ) #orta merkezi lokasyon olarak seçiyoruz ve yakınlaştırmayı 15 yapıyoruz ki daha dinamik olsun. except: #Bir hatamız olursa diye bir dönüt yazıyoruz. print('HATA: Lokasyon bulunamadı.'.format(address)) lat = 0 lng = 0 return lat, lng, output_address, fig
def PlotMap(): # Fucntion to create basemap global count global community gmaps.configure('AIzaSyBwEyjaABv6E1VJK3P_GKmMrvCIs8QEBJI') # ============================================================================= # m = Basemap(projection='mill',llcrnrlon=min(count['lon']),llcrnrlat=min(count['lat']),urcrnrlat=max(count['lat']),urcrnrlon=max(count['lon'])) # m.drawstates() # m.drawcoastlines() # m.drawcounties() # ============================================================================= #Plotting the data # ============================================================================= # lon=np.array(count['lon']) # lat=np.array(count['lat']) # data=np.array(count['english']) # x,y = m(lon,lat) # m.scatter(x,y,data) # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # data = [(float(count.iloc[i]['lat']), float(count.iloc[i]['lon'])) for i in range(len(count))] # print(data) # gmaps.heatmap(data) # ============================================================================= locations = count[['lat', 'lon']] weight = count['english'] fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations, weights=weight)) embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[fig]) return fig
def get(self, request, format=None): """Get route for Dirtiness map.""" gmaps.configure(api_key=os.environ.get('MAPS_API')) locations = [] for each in Dirtiness.objects.all(): temp = [] if each.latitude and each.longitude: temp.append(each.latitude) temp.append(each.longitude) locations.append(temp) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations) heatmap_layer.gradient = [(0, 0, 0, 0.7), (255, 178, 102, 0.4), (102, 51, 0, 0.8)] fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[fig]) export = open('export.html').read() return Response(export)
def get(self, request, format=None): """Get route for entertainment map.""" gmaps.configure(api_key=os.environ.get('MAPS_API')) locations = [] for each in Entertainment.objects.all(): temp = [] p = re.compile('[()°,]') # I know this is bad regex split_location = p.sub('', str(each.location)).split() try: if split_location[0] != 'None' or split_location[1] != 'None': temp.append(float(split_location[0])) temp.append(float(split_location[1])) locations.append(temp) except IndexError: pass heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations) heatmap_layer.gradient = [(0, 0, 0, 0.7), (255, 178, 102, 0.4), (255, 128, 0, 0.8)] fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[fig]) export = open('export.html').read() return Response(export)
def googleMaps(dataset): ownAPIKey= 'go_get_it_from_google_maps_api' gmaps.configure(api_key=ownAPIKey) # create the info box template info_box_template = """ <dl> <dt>Name</dt><dd>{name}</dd> <dt>ID</dt><dd>{id}</dd> <dt>Score</dt><dd>{score}</dd> <dt>Location</dt><dd>{location}</dd> <dt>Availability (%)</dt><dd>{available}</dd> <dt>URL</dt><dd>{listing_url}</dd> </dl> """ dataset.drop(columns=['description'], inplace=True) # drop description as it is too long gmap_dict= dataset.to_dict('records') # convert each row into a dictionary of the list gmap_locations =dataset['location'].to_list() # to show the markers on the map gmap_info = [info_box_template.format(**id) for id in gmap_dict] #map the gmap_dict with the info box template marker_layer = gmaps.marker_layer(gmap_locations, info_box_content=gmap_info) # create the markers to be shown on google map fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(marker_layer) # combine with the current map embed_minimal_html('map.html', views=[fig])
def get(self, request, format=None): """Get route for crime map.""" gmaps.configure(api_key=os.environ.get('MAPS_API')) locations = [] for each in Crimes.objects.all(): temp = [] temp.append(each.latitude) temp.append(each.longitude) locations.append(temp) try: heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations) except TraitError: heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer( [[47.465568160532435, -122.50131030799446]]) heatmap_layer.gradient = [(0, 0, 0, 0.7), (255, 105, 180, 0.4), (255, 0, 0, 0.8)] fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[fig]) export = open('export.html').read() return Response(export)
def show_google_map(paths, API_key, region): lines = [] for f in pbar()(paths.fragments): flines = [] for l in f: line_coords = np.r_[list(l.coords.xy)].T for i in range(len(line_coords) - 1): flines.append( gmaps.Line(start=tuple(line_coords[i][::-1]), end=tuple(line_coords[i + 1][::-1]))) lines.append(flines) lines = flatten(lines) print "found", len(lines), "line segments" markers = [] for o, f in pbar()(zip(flatten(paths.resampled_orientations), flatten(paths.resampled_fragments))): coords = np.r_[list(f.xy)].T markers.append([ gmaps.Marker((coords[i][1], coords[i][0]), info_box_content=str(o[i])) for i in range(len(coords)) ]) markers = flatten(markers) print "found", len(markers), "sampling locations" gmaps.configure(api_key=API_key) gmap_b = gmaps.Polygon([(i[1], i[0]) for i in region]) fig = gmaps.figure(center=tuple(region.mean(axis=0)[::-1]), zoom_level=16) fig.add_layer(gmaps.drawing_layer(features=[gmap_b] + lines + markers)) return fig
def __init__(self, api_key, df, categories:list, max_intensity:int=800, point_radius:int=5): """ Jupyter widget for exploring KFC and Starbucks outlets Using checkboxes, the user chooses whether to include Starbucks, KFC outlets, both or neither. """ gmaps.configure(api_key=api_key) if type(categories) == str: categories = [categories] self.max_intensity = max_intensity self.point_radius = point_radius self._df = df self._categories = categories self._catoptions = {cat: list(set(self._df.loc[:, cat])) for cat in categories} self._checkboxes = None self._mislider = None self._prslider = None self.heatmap = None title_widget = widgets.HTML( '<h3>Explore GPX and TCX data</h3>' ) boxes = self._render_controls() map_figure = self._render_map() self._container = widgets.VBox( [title_widget, *boxes, map_figure])
def app_1(): lat = request.form['latitude'] long = request.form['longitude'] userPos = [float(lat), float(long)] import gmaps import pandas as pd from IPython.display import IFrame import numpy as np from scipy import spatial import gmplot import certifi import ssl import geopy.geocoders from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim c = crash[['lat', 'long']] c = np.array(c) coord = '{0},{1}'.format(userPos[0], userPos[1]) ctx = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where()) geopy.geocoders.options.default_ssl_context = ctx geolocator = Nominatim(scheme='http') location = geolocator.reverse(coord) print(userPos, location) kdtree = spatial.KDTree(c) n = kdtree.query_ball_point(userPos, 0.1) from sklearn.cluster import KMeans import gmplot from IPython.display import IFrame from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim geolocator = Nominatim() K = 10 location = [] kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=K, random_state=0).fit(c[n]) cluster = kmeans.cluster_centers_ for i in range(K): coord = '{0},{1}'.format(cluster[i][0], cluster[i][1]) loc = geolocator.reverse(coord) print(loc, coord) location.append(loc) gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(userPos[0], userPos[1], 13) gmap.apikey = "AIzaSyDaomlNTiEXSBRpeDZWw4qS2zbZSWsMnEA" gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDaomlNTiEXSBRpeDZWw4qS2zbZSWsMnEA") gmap.scatter(cluster[:, 0], cluster[:, 1], 'red', size=150, marker=False) gmap.draw('map3.html') return send_file("map3.html")
def myfunpro(po): #argument:dataframe(df) lat_list = list(po["latitude"]) long_list = list(po["longitude"]) gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDmXhcX8z4d4GxPxIiklwNvtqxcjZoWsWU") fig = gmaps.figure() var1 = json.dumps( [{'lat': country, 'lng': wins} for country, wins in zip(lat_list, long_list)] ) return var1
def create_map(pairs, key): new_york_coordinates = (40.75, -74.00) gmaps.configure(api_key=key) fig = gmaps.figure(center=new_york_coordinates, zoom_level=11) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(pairs) heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 1 heatmap_layer.point_radius = 15 fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) return fig
def get_traffic_html(): gmaps.configure(api_key=config.google_config['API_key']) # Map centered on London fig = gmaps.figure(center=(51.5, -0.2), zoom_level=11) # fig.add_layer(gmaps.bicycling_layer()) fig.add_layer(gmaps.traffic_layer()) print(help(fig)) # embed_minimal_html('export.html', views=[fig]) return None
def maps_view(request, pk): device_data = Data.objects.get(pk=pk) latfloat = float(device_data.latitude) longfloat = float(device_data.longitude) gmaps.configure(api_key='AIzaSyAH6Tx3JJQvAkt4Tbw3tBWiSO8bLFrN41w') new_york_coordinates = (latfloat, longfloat) gmaps.figure(center=new_york_coordinates, zoom_level=12) return render(request, 'mapsview.html')
def app_6(): geolocator = Nominatim() gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(42.3301, -71.0589, 12.9) gmap.scatter(crash['lat'], crash['long'], '#ff0000', size=10, marker=False) gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDaomlNTiEXSBRpeDZWw4qS2zbZSWsMnEA") gmap.apikey = "AIzaSyDaomlNTiEXSBRpeDZWw4qS2zbZSWsMnEA" gmap.heatmap(crash['lat'], crash['long']) gmap.draw('map.html') IFrame('map.html', width=800, height=600) return send_file("map.html")
def myfun1(po): #argument:dataframe(df) lat_list = list(po["latitude"]) long_list = list(po["longitude"]) gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDmXhcX8z4d4GxPxIiklwNvtqxcjZoWsWU") fig = gmaps.figure() var1 = json.dumps( [{'lat': country, 'lng': wins} for country, wins in zip(lat_list, long_list)] ) markers = gmaps.marker_layer(list(zip(lat_list, long_list))) fig.add_layer(markers) data1 = embed_snippet(views=[fig]) return data1,var1
def plot_price_heatmap(df): APIKEY = os.getenv('GMAPAPIKEY') gmaps.configure(api_key=APIKEY) fig = gmaps.figure() df['location'] = df.apply(lambda x: (x['latitude'], x['longitude']), axis=1) locations = df['location'] weights = df['price'].values #locations = (df['latitude'], df['longitude']) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations, weights=weights) heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 2000 heatmap_layer.point_radius = 30 fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) fig.savefig('../visualizations/price_heatmap.png')
def __init__(self, show=False): """Initiator. :arg show: (bool) show or not the images """ self.key = settings.google_key = show self.size = "600x300" self.zoom = "16" self.roadmap = "roadmap" self.base_url = "" self.url = "{base_url}center={lat}+{lng}&zoom={zoom}&size={size}&maptype={roadmap}&key={key}" gmaps.configure(api_key=self.key)
def fun(request): gmaps.configure(api_key = 'AIzaSyBcT_KzlYcyYf-171L7pR6ngBgZHYq24C4') dataset = gmaps.datasets.load_dataset_as_df('earthquakes') dataset.head() location = dataset[['latitude','longitude']] weight = dataset['magnitude'] fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(gmaps.heatmap_layer(location,weights = weight)) fig = gmaps.figure(map_type='ROADMAP') # 'ROADMAP', 'HYBRID', 'TERRAIN', 'SATELLITE' return render(request,'index.html',{'fig':fig})
def map_tweets(tweets, keyword): coords = [] for tweet in tweets: if keyword is in tweet["text"]: coords.append(tweet["geo"]) return coords coords = map_tweets(tweets, "weed") gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyADv13vyns8lTpdjwoxMwYL3Q0k2Eqoyno") locations = coord fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations)) fig
def heatmap(api, csv_file, product_list): """Creates a heatmap with prices data from one petrol product """ gmaps.configure(api_key=api) df = pd.read_csv('bonarea_gasolineras_prices.csv') normalized_price = (df[product_list] - df[product_list].min()) / ( df[product_list].max() - df[product_list].min()) spain_coordinates = (41.8, -0.041509) fig = gmaps.figure(center=spain_coordinates, zoom_level=7) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(df[['latitude', 'longitude']], weights=normalized_price, max_intensity=0, point_radius=20.0) fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) return fig
def find_path(start, end, method = 'BICYCLING'): "Method could be 'DRIVING','WALKING','BICYCLING','TRANSIT'" my_key = api_key gmaps.configure(api_key=my_key) start = str(start) end = str(end) start_location = get_location(start) end_location = get_location(end) fig = gmaps.figure() path = gmaps.directions_layer(start_location, end_location, travel_mode= method)#we can add waypoints and travel_mode fig.add_layer(path) return fig
def gmaps_plot(df_results, color_array): # Read api_key from txt file with open('gmaps_apikey.txt', 'a') as f: api_key = f.readline() gmaps.configure(api_key=api_key) #Set up your map fig = gmaps.figure() colors = list(df_results['color'].values) locations = list(zip(df_results['INTPTLAT'], df_results['INTPTLONG'])) symbols = gmaps.symbol_layer(locations, fill_color=colors, stroke_color=colors, scale=2) fig.add_layer(symbols)
def generate_heatmap(flair_list): comments_coords_list = [] mapping_dict = load_instituation_coords() for institution in flair_list: if mapping_dict.get(institution): comments_coords_list.append(mapping_dict[institution]) gmaps.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY) m = gmaps.Map() heatmap_layer = gmaps.Heatmap(data=comments_coords_list) heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 80 heatmap_layer.point_radius = 40 m.add_layer(heatmap_layer) return m
def get_data_points_figure(data): gmaps.configure(api_key=get_api_key()) figure_layout = {'height': '500px', 'margin': '0 auto 0 auto'} fig = gmaps.figure(map_type="ROADMAP", zoom_level=2, center=(30, 31), layout=figure_layout) heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(data) heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 100 heatmap_layer.point_radius = 1 heatmap_layer.dissipating = False # ToDo: consider using gmaps.symbol_layer with small markers fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) return fig
def Proxy(login, passw, API_KEY, zoom, scale, coor): login = config.login passw = config.passw API_KEY = config.API_KEY http = "http://" + login + ":" + passw + "@proxy.dst.local:8080" https = "https://" + login + ":" + passw + "@proxy.dst.local:8080" proxies = {"http": http, "https": https} gmaps.configure(api_key=API_KEY) url = "" + coor + "&zoom=" + str( zoom) + "&size=640x640&maptype=satellite&scale=" + str( scale) + "&key=" + API_KEY return proxies, url
def initiate_gmaps(key_path): """Performs authentication for using the Google Maps API. Parameters ---------- key_path : string String containing the absolute path to the api key. """ try: with open(key_path) as f: api_key = f.readline() f.close() gmaps.configure(api_key=api_key) print("Successfully authenticated the API key.") except: print("Failed to authenticate the API key.")
def get_gmap_figure(LAT, LON, filename = 'apikey.txt'): # Reference: # read google maps API with open(filename) as f: my_api_key = f.readline() f.close # get the base map gmaps.configure(api_key=my_api_key) # Fill in with your API key # zoom the map around the center center_of_all_sensors = (np.mean(LAT),np.mean(LON)) # set the figure properties figure_layout = { 'width': '600px', 'height': '600px', 'border': '1px solid black', 'padding': '1px', 'margin': '0 auto 0 auto' } # plot the base map fobj = gmaps.figure(center=center_of_all_sensors, layout=figure_layout, zoom_level=13, map_type='TERRAIN') # Note: #'ROADMAP' is the default Google Maps style, #'SATELLITE' is a simple satellite view, #'HYBRID' is a satellite view with common features, such as roads and cities, overlaid, #'TERRAIN' is a map that emphasizes terrain features. # add point locations on top of the base map locations = list(zip(LAT,LON)) # provide the latitudes and longitudes sensor_location_layer = gmaps.symbol_layer(locations, fill_color='red', stroke_color='red', scale=2) fobj.add_layer(sensor_location_layer) leuven_city_center_layer = gmaps.marker_layer(list(zip([50.879800], [4.700500]))) fobj.add_layer(leuven_city_center_layer) return fobj
import gmaps import gmaps.datasets gmaps.configure(api_key="AI...") # Your Google API key locations = gmaps.datasets.load_dataset("taxi_rides") fig = gmaps.figure() # locations could be an array, a dataframe or just a Python iterable fig.add_layer(gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations)) fig
from sklearn.ensemble import IsolationForest clf = IsolationForest(max_samples=100, random_state=rng) y = clf.predict(df) print y # ### Location based prices ### # House prices don't only depend on the size of the house or amount of rooms, but are also really dependant on the location of said house. To get an idea how the position might impact my data I analyse the relationship between location and price in my dataset. # In[ ]: import gmaps gmaps.configure(api_key="AIzaSyDPWAl8lcrK9q-tOkrl64sGkxDnbWz47Ko") locations = df[["lat", "long"]] prices = df["price"] heatmap_layer = gmaps.heatmap_layer(locations, weights=prices) heatmap_layer.max_intensity = 7200000 heatmap_layer.point_radius = 4 fig = gmaps.figure() fig.add_layer(heatmap_layer) fig # This graph shows that there seems to be a real relationship between location and price. Especially in the center of Seattle the prices are much higher. There is also the town of Snoqualmie which is known for having a lot of highly educated inhabitants. That circumstance leads to the people of Snoqualmie having a substantially higher household income than the average. #