Example #1
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        Create a new instance of the GmetricHandler class
        # Initialize Handler
        Handler.__init__(self, config)

        # Initialize Data
        self.socket = None

        # Initialize Options
        self.host = self.config['host']
        self.port = int(self.config['port'])
        self.protocol = self.config['protocol']
        if not self.protocol:
            self.protocol = 'udp'

        # Initialize
        self.gmetric = gmetric.Gmetric(self.host, self.port, self.protocol)
    def __init__(self, config=None):
        Create a new instance of the GmetricHandler class
        # Initialize Handler
        Handler.__init__(self, config)

        if gmetric is None:
            logging.error("Failed to load gmetric module")

        # Initialize Data
        self.socket = None

        # Initialize Options
        self.host = self.config['host']
        self.port = int(self.config['port'])
        self.protocol = self.config['protocol']
        if not self.protocol:
            self.protocol = 'udp'

        # Initialize
        self.gmetric = gmetric.Gmetric(self.host, self.port, self.protocol)
Example #3
    def flush(self):
        ts = int(time.time())
        stats = 0

        if self.transport == 'graphite':
            stat_string = ''
            g = gmetric.Gmetric(self.ganglia_host, self.ganglia_port,

        for k, v in self.counters.items():
            v = float(v)
            v = v if self.no_aggregate_counters else v / (self.flush_interval /

            if self.debug:
                print "Sending %s => count=%s" % (k, v)

            if self.transport == 'graphite':
                msg = '%s.%s %s %s\n' % (self.counters_prefix, k, v, ts)
                stat_string += msg
                # We put counters in _counters group. Underscore is to make sure counters show up
                # first in the GUI. Change below if you disagree
                g.send(k, v, "double", "count", "both", 60, self.dmax,
                       "_counters", self.ganglia_spoof_host)

            self.counters[k] = 0
            stats += 1

        for k, v in self.timers.items():
            if len(v) > 0:
                # Sort all the received values. We need it to extract percentiles
                count = len(v)
                min = v[0]
                max = v[-1]

                mean = min
                max_threshold = max

                if count > 1:
                    thresh_index = int((self.pct_threshold / 100.0) * count)
                    max_threshold = v[thresh_index - 1]
                    total = sum(v)
                    mean = total / count

                self.timers[k] = []

                if self.debug:
                    print "Sending %s ====> lower=%s, mean=%s, upper=%s, %dpct=%s, count=%s" % (
                        k, min, mean, max, self.pct_threshold, max_threshold,

                if self.transport == 'graphite':

                    stat_string += TIMER_MSG % {
                        'prefix': self.timers_prefix,
                        'key': k,
                        'mean': mean,
                        'max': max,
                        'min': min,
                        'count': count,
                        'max_threshold': max_threshold,
                        'pct_threshold': self.pct_threshold,
                        'ts': ts,

                    # What group should these metrics be in. For the time being we'll set it to the name of the key
                    group = k
                    g.send(k + "_lower", min, "double", "time", "both", 60,
                           self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)
                    g.send(k + "_mean", mean, "double", "time", "both", 60,
                           self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)
                    g.send(k + "_upper", max, "double", "time", "both", 60,
                           self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)
                    g.send(k + "_count", count, "double", "count", "both", 60,
                           self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)
                    g.send(k + "_" + str(self.pct_threshold) + "pct",
                           max_threshold, "double", "time", "both", 60,
                           self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)

                stats += 1

        if self.transport == 'graphite':

            stat_string += "statsd.numStats %s %d\n" % (stats, ts)
            graphite = socket()
            graphite.connect((self.graphite_host, self.graphite_port))


        if self.debug:
            print "\n================== Flush completed. Waiting until next flush. Sent out %d metrics =======" % (
Example #4
    def flush(self):
        ts = int(time.time())
        stats = 0

        if self.transport == 'graphite':
            stat_string = ''
        elif self.transport == 'ganglia':
            g = gmetric.Gmetric(self.ganglia_host, self.ganglia_port,

        for k, (v, t) in self.counters.items():
            if self.expire > 0 and t + self.expire < ts:
                if self.debug:
                    print("Expiring counter %s (age: %s)" % (k, ts - t))
                del (self.counters[k])
            v = float(v)
            v = v if self.no_aggregate_counters else v / (self.flush_interval /

            if self.debug:
                print("Sending %s => count=%s" % (k, v))

            if self.transport == 'graphite':
                msg = '%s.%s %s %s\n' % (self.counters_prefix, k, v, ts)
                stat_string += msg
            elif self.transport == 'ganglia':
                # We put counters in _counters group. Underscore is to make sure counters show up
                # first in the GUI. Change below if you disagree
                if len(k) >= self.ganglia_max_length:
                    log.debug("Ganglia metric too long. Ignoring: %s" % k)
                    g.send(k, v, "double", "count", "both", 60, self.dmax,
                           "_counters", self.ganglia_spoof_host)
            elif self.transport == 'ganglia-gmetric':
                self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k, v, "_counters", "count")

            # Clear the counter once the data is sent
            del (self.counters[k])
            stats += 1

        for k, (v, t) in self.gauges.items():
            if self.expire > 0 and t + self.expire < ts:
                if self.debug:
                    print("Expiring gauge %s (age: %s)" % (k, ts - t))
                del (self.gauges[k])
            v = float(v)

            if self.debug:
                print("Sending %s => value=%s" % (k, v))

            if self.transport == 'graphite':
                # note: counters and gauges implicitly end up in the same namespace
                msg = '%s.%s %s %s\n' % (self.counters_prefix, k, v, ts)
                stat_string += msg
            elif self.transport == 'ganglia':
                if len(k) >= self.ganglia_max_length:
                    log.debug("Ganglia metric too long. Ignoring: %s" % k)
                    g.send(k, v, "double", "count", "both", 60, self.dmax,
                           "_gauges", self.ganglia_spoof_host)
            elif self.transport == 'ganglia-gmetric':
                self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k, v, "_gauges", "gauge")

            stats += 1

        for k, (v, t) in self.timers.items():
            if self.expire > 0 and t + self.expire < ts:
                if self.debug:
                    print("Expiring timer %s (age: %s)" % (k, ts - t))
                del (self.timers[k])
            if len(v) > 0:
                # Sort all the received values. We need it to extract percentiles
                count = len(v)
                min = v[0]
                max = v[-1]

                mean = min
                max_threshold = max

                if count > 1:
                    thresh_index = int((self.pct_threshold / 100.0) * count)
                    max_threshold = v[thresh_index - 1]
                    total = sum(v)
                    mean = total / count

                del (self.timers[k])

                if self.debug:
                    print("Sending %s ====> lower=%s, mean=%s, upper=%s, %dpct=%s, count=%s" \
                        % (k, min, mean, max, self.pct_threshold, max_threshold, count))

                if self.transport == 'graphite':

                    stat_string += TIMER_MSG % {
                        'prefix': self.timers_prefix,
                        'key': k,
                        'mean': mean,
                        'max': max,
                        'min': min,
                        'count': count,
                        'max_threshold': max_threshold,
                        'pct_threshold': self.pct_threshold,
                        'ts': ts,

                elif self.transport == 'ganglia':
                    # We are gonna convert all times into seconds, then let rrdtool add proper SI unit. This avoids things like
                    # 3521 k ms which is 3.521 seconds
                    # What group should these metrics be in. For the time being we'll set it to the name of the key
                    if len(k) >= self.ganglia_max_length:
                        log.debug("Ganglia metric too long. Ignoring: %s" % k)
                        group = k
                        g.send(k + "_min", min / 1000, "double", "seconds",
                               "both", 60, self.dmax, group,
                        g.send(k + "_mean", mean / 1000, "double", "seconds",
                               "both", 60, self.dmax, group,
                        g.send(k + "_max", max / 1000, "double", "seconds",
                               "both", 60, self.dmax, group,
                        g.send(k + "_count", count, "double", "count", "both",
                               60, self.dmax, group, self.ganglia_spoof_host)
                        g.send(k + "_" + str(self.pct_threshold) + "pct",
                               max_threshold / 1000, "double", "seconds",
                               "both", 60, self.dmax, group,
                elif self.transport == 'ganglia-gmetric':
                    # We are gonna convert all times into seconds, then let rrdtool add proper SI unit. This avoids things like
                    # 3521 k ms which is 3.521 seconds
                    group = k
                    self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k + "_mean",
                                                       mean / 1000, group,
                    self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k + "_min", min / 1000,
                                                       group, "seconds")
                    self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k + "_max", max / 1000,
                                                       group, "seconds")
                    self.send_to_ganglia_using_gmetric(k + "_count", count,
                                                       group, "count")
                        k + "_" + str(self.pct_threshold) + "pct",
                        max_threshold / 1000, group, "seconds")

                stats += 1

        if self.transport == 'graphite':

            stat_string += "statsd.numStats %s %d\n" % (stats, ts)

            # Prepend stats with Hosted Graphite API key if necessary
            if self.global_prefix:
                stat_string = '\n'.join([
                    '%s.%s' % (self.global_prefix, s)
                    for s in stat_string.split('\n')[:-1]

            graphite = socket.socket()
                graphite.connect((self.graphite_host, self.graphite_port))
                graphite.sendall(bytes(bytearray(stat_string, "utf-8")))
            except socket.error as e:
                log.error("Error communicating with Graphite: %s" % e)
                if self.debug:
                    print("Error communicating with Graphite: %s" % e)

        if self.debug:
            print("\n================== Flush completed. Waiting until next flush. Sent out %d metrics =======" \
                % (stats))
Example #5
 def start_flush(self):
     self.g = gmetric.Gmetric(self.host, self.port, self.protocol)