def handle(self):
        # self.request is the TCP socket connected to the client
        # generate key
        global a

        command = read_message(self.request)
        if command == b"GENERATE_KEY":
            data4key = {
                'g': to_binary(G),
                'p': to_binary(P),
                'A': to_binary(powmod(G, a, P))
            send_message(self.request, pack_message(data4key))
            data4key = read_message(self.request)
            KEY = powmod(from_binary(unpack_message(data4key)), a, P)
            print("key created: ", KEY)
            KEY = to_binary(KEY)

            sess_key = to_binary(crypto.get_random_bytes(SESS_KEY_LENGTH))
            send_message(self.request, sess_key)

            data = unpack_message(read_message(self.request))
            account = db.auth(data[0], data[1], sess_key)
            send_message(self.request, pack_message(account))
            if account is not None:
                db.set_sesskey(account[1], binascii.b2a_hex(KEY).decode())

            a = crypto.gen_big_prime(KEY_LENGTH)
            print("<bin key>", KEY)
        elif command == b"COMMUNICATION":
            login = unpack_message(read_message(self.request))[0]
            KEY = db.get_sesskey(login)
            if KEY is None:
                print("No Sess Key")
            KEY = binascii.a2b_hex(KEY)
            print("<key from db>", KEY)
            rc4 =
            data = read_message(self.request)
            decrypted = rc4.decrypt(data)
            d = unpack_message(decrypted)

            if 'cmd' in d and 'args' in d:
                res = funcs[d['cmd']](*d['args'])
                data2recv = pack_message(res)
                encrypted_res = rc4.encrypt(data2recv)
                send_message(self.request, encrypted_res)
                data2recv = pack_message(b"null")
                encrypted_res = rc4.encrypt(data2recv)
                send_message(self.request, encrypted_res)
Example #2
 def generate_key(self, fd):
     self._send_message(fd, b"GENERATE_KEY")
     b = crypto.gen_big_prime(KEY_LENGTH)
     data4key = self._read_message(fd)
     data4key = unpack_message(data4key)
     g, p, A = from_binary(data4key['g']), from_binary(
         data4key['p']), from_binary(data4key['A'])
     B = powmod(g, b, p)
     self._send_message(fd, pack_message(to_binary(B)))
     KEY = powmod(A, b, p)
     KEY = to_binary(KEY)
     self.KEY = KEY
Example #3
def decode(a, b, c1, c2, pkey1, pkey2):
    m1 = pow(c1, a, pkey1.n)
    print(gmpy2.invert(c2, pkey1.n))
    m2 = pow(c2, b, pkey1.n)
    plain = m1 * m2 % pkey1.n
    mes = gmpy2.to_binary(plain)
Example #4
 def hash_flat2(h, obj):
     if isinstance(obj, collections.Iterable):
         for x in obj:
             hash_flat2(h, x)
         # end for
def decrypt_from_factors(c, e, p, q, N=0):
    if N == 0:
        N = p * q

    c = mpz(c)

    d = gmpy2.invert(e, (p - 1) * (q - 1))
    m = gmpy2.powmod(c, d, N)

    # check that it as correct
    c2 = gmpy2.powmod(m, e, N)
    if c2 != c:
        print "Decryption failed!"
        return None

    # Undo PKCS with separator 00 (not FF!)
    # Have to reverse string and slice off header applied by gmpy2
    m = gmpy2.to_binary(m)[:1:-1]
    if ord(m[0]) != 2:
        print "Invalid PKCS header found"
        return None
    start = m.find(chr(0))
    if start < 0:
        print "Could not find end of pad"
        return None

    return m[start:]
Example #6
def challenge4(RSAValues):
    RSA Decryption challenge. Use previously found values of q and p to decrypt a provided message

    print("> Challenge 4")
    e = gmpy2.mpz(65537)
    c = gmpy2.mpz(22096451867410381776306561134883418017410069787892831071731839143676135600120538004282329650473509424343946219751512256465839967942889460764542040581564748988013734864120452325229320176487916666402997509188729971690526083222067771600019329260870009579993724077458967773697817571267229951148662959627934791540)

    # Runs challenge 1 again to obtain the values
    p, q, N = RSAValues

    Nphi = gmpy2.mpz((p - 1)*(q - 1))

    # Private key generation
    d = gmpy2.invert(e, Nphi)

    m = gmpy2.powmod(c, d, N)
    m = gmpy2.to_binary(m)[::-1]
    # PKCS1
    printing = False
    for byte in m:

        # Split character used here is \x00
        if byte == 0: printing = True
        if printing: print(chr(byte), end='') 

Example #7
def generate_p_q(L, N):
    g = N  # g >= 160
    n = (L - 1) // g  #n es igual cociente entre 1023/160 = 6
    b = (L - 1) % g  #b es igual al residuo entre 1023/160 = 63
    while True:
        # generate q
        while True:
            s = xmpz(
                randrange(1, 2**(g))
            )  #randrange es una funcion que brinda un numero aleatorio entre 1 y 2^160
            a = sha1(to_binary(s)).hexdigest(
            )  #se convierte s a binario y se le saca el hash en hexadecimal
            zz = xmpz(
                (s + 1) % (2**g)
            )  #se ubica un numero + 1 a s y se confirma que este en el cuerpo de 2^160
            z = sha1(to_binary(zz)).hexdigest(
            )  #se convierte zz a binario y se le sacah el hash en hexadecimal
            U = int(a, 16) ^ int(
                z, 16
            )  #se covierte los hashes a enteros en base 16 y se realiza una operacion XOR
            mask = 2**(
                N - 1
            ) + 1  #se genera una mascara que sea un bit menos a 2^160 osea (2^159) + 1
            q = U | mask  #se realiza una operacion OR entre U y la mascara
            if is_prime(q, 20):  #se verifica si q es primo de 20
        # generate p
        i = 0  # counter
        j = 2  # offset
        while i < 4096:
            V = []
            for k in range(n + 1):
                arg = xmpz((s + j + k) % (2**g))
                zzv = sha1(to_binary(arg)).hexdigest()
                V.append(int(zzv, 16))
            W = 0
            for qq in range(0, n):
                W += V[qq] * 2**(160 * qq)
            W += (V[n] % 2**b) * 2**(160 * n)
            X = W + 2**(L - 1)
            c = X % (2 * q)
            p = X - c + 1  # p = X - (c - 1)
            if p >= 2**(L - 1):
                if is_prime(p, 10):
                    return p, q
            i += 1
            j += n + 1
Example #8
    def gmpy_serialize(obj: GmpyTypes, **_kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
        Function for serializing gmpy objects

        :param obj: gmpy object to serialize
        :param \**_kwargs: optional extra keyword arguments
        :return: serialized object
        return gmpy2.to_binary(obj)
Example #9
    def to_bytes(self, byteorder="big"):


        print(format(self.fpo, "A"))
        ctx = * 8)
        b = gmpy2.to_binary(self.fpo)
        return b
Example #10
def set_rand_seed(numList):
    h =
    for x in numList:
    # not thread-safe!
    # Not using Crypto.random because:
    #   1. Need to set seed;
    #   2. It's predictable anyway...
Example #11
def four():
	ct = mpz('22096451867410381776306561134883418017410069787892831071731839143676135600120538004282329650473509424343946219751512256465839967942889460764542040581564748988013734864120452325229320176487916666402997509188729971690526083222067771600019329260870009579993724077458967773697817571267229951148662959627934791540')
	p,q,N = one()	
	p = sub(p,mpz('1'))
	q = sub(q,mpz('1'))
	e = mpz('65537')
	fi = mul(p,q)
	d = invert(e,fi)	
	pkcs = to_binary(powmod(ct,d,N))
	#Big-endian representation
	print "4. " + pkcs[::-1].encode('hex').split('00')[-1].decode('hex')
Example #12
def four():
    ct = mpz(
    p, q, N = one()
    p = sub(p, mpz('1'))
    q = sub(q, mpz('1'))
    e = mpz('65537')
    fi = mul(p, q)
    d = invert(e, fi)
    pkcs = to_binary(powmod(ct, d, N))
    #Big-endian representation
    print "4. " + pkcs[::-1].encode('hex').split('00')[-1].decode('hex')
Example #13
def generate_p_q(L, N):
    g = N  # g >= 160
    n = (L - 1) // g
    b = (L - 1) % g
    while True:
        # generate q
        while True:
            s = xmpz(randrange(1, 2**(g)))
            a = sha1(to_binary(s)).hexdigest()
            zz = xmpz((s + 1) % (2**g))
            z = sha1(to_binary(zz)).hexdigest()
            U = int(a, 16) ^ int(z, 16)
            mask = 2**(N - 1) + 1
            q = U | mask
            if is_prime(q, 20):
        # generate p
        i = 0  # counter
        j = 2  # offset
        while i < 4096:
            V = []
            for k in range(n + 1):
                arg = xmpz((s + j + k) % (2**g))
                zzv = sha1(to_binary(arg)).hexdigest()
                V.append(int(zzv, 16))
            W = 0
            for qq in range(0, n):
                W += V[qq] * 2**(160 * qq)
            W += (V[n] % 2**b) * 2**(160 * n)
            X = W + 2**(L - 1)
            c = X % (2 * q)
            p = X - c + 1  # p = X - (c - 1)
            if p >= 2**(L - 1):
                if is_prime(p, 10):
                    return p, q
            i += 1
            j += n + 1
Example #14
 def generate_p_q(self,L,N):   #生成一个素数因子
     while True:
         while True:
             s=xmpz(randrange(1,2**(g)))       #生成一个大素数g
             z = sha1(to_binary(zz)).hexdigest()       #hash值为160bit,通过生成随机字符串将 | 链接起来新城新的字符串来实现p和q的生成
             U = int(a, 16) ^ int(z, 16)
             mask = 2 ** (N - 1) + 1
             q = U | mask
             if is_prime(q, 20):   #is_prime用来判断是否为素数因子
         # generate p         #生成p
         i = 0  # counter
         j = 2  # offset
         while i < 4096:
             V = []
             for k in range(n + 1):
                 arg = xmpz((s + j + k) % (2 ** g))
                 zzv = sha1(to_binary(arg)).hexdigest()
                 V.append(int(zzv, 16))
             W = 0
             for qq in range(0, n):
                 W += V[qq] * 2 ** (160 * qq)
             W += (V[n] % 2 ** b) * 2 ** (160 * n)
             X = W + 2 ** (L - 1)
             c = X % (2 * q)
             p = X - c + 1          # p = X - (c - 1)
             if p >= 2 ** (L - 1):
                 if is_prime(p, 10):
                     return p, q         #生成一个素数p:2^L-1<p<2^L,L为64的倍数   选取p-1的一个素数因子q,2^159<q<2^160
             i += 1
             j += n + 1
def xgcd(a, b):
    """return (g, x, y) such that a*x + b*y = g = gcd(a, b)"""
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = 0, 1, 1, 0
    while a != 0:
        q, b, a = b // a, a, b % a
        y0, y1 = y1, y0 - q * y1
        x0, x1 = x1, x0 - q * x1

    return b, x0, y0

c = gmpy2.mpz(int(open(sys.argv[1]).readline().strip(), 16))

pk = open(sys.argv[2])
n = gmpy2.mpz(int(pk.readline().strip()[2:], 16))
e = gmpy2.mpz(int(pk.readline().strip()[2:], 16))

p, q = fermat_factorise(n)
phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
gcd, d, b = xgcd(e, phi)
plaintext = gmpy2.powmod(c, gmpy2.mpz(d), n)
bin = bytearray(gmpy2.to_binary(plaintext))

print('p = {}\n\nq = {}\n'.format(p, q))
print('d = {}\n'.format(d))

print('Plaintext (little endian): {}'.format(bin))
print('Plaintext    (big endian): {}'.format(bin))
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Import libraries
from gmpy2 import mpz, invert, powmod, to_binary
from pwn import log

# Import handcrafted modules
from utl_converters import Converter

# Define used constants, where P and Q are obtained with
N = mpz(
E = mpz(3)
C = mpz(
P = mpz(238324208831434331628131715304428889871)
Q = mpz(296805874594538235115008173244022912163)

# Decrypt ciphertext
phi = mpz((P - 1) * (Q - 1))
d = invert(E, phi)
m = powmod(C, d, N)

# Print decrypted message
log.success("The decrypted message is: {}".format(
Example #17
def q_to_bytes(e: ElementModQ) -> bytes:
    Returns a byte sequence from the element.
    return to_binary(e.elem)
Example #18
def base_n_decode(bytes_in, base):
    bytes_out = to_binary(mpz(bytes_in, base=base))[:1:-1]
    return bytes_out
Example #19
# Q3
N3 = mpz(
A3 = isqrt(6 * N3)
for i in range(1, 2**10):
    Ap = A3 + i
    x = isqrt(Ap * Ap - 6 * N3)
    p = (A3 - x) // 3
    q = (A3 + x) // 2
    check = p * q == N3
    if check:
        print("smaller: ", p)

# Q4
ciphertext = mpz(

phiN = (p1 - 1) * (q1 - 1)
sk = invert(65537, phiN)
if sk == 0:
    raise Exception("Invalid")

plain = powmod(ciphertext, sk, N1)
plain_bytes = to_binary(plain)
plain_bytes = bytes([x for x in reversed(plain_bytes)])
print("plaintext: ", plain_bytes)
Example #20
p, q = q3_factorization
e = mpz('65537')
fi = gmpy2.mul(p - 1, q - 1)

# Tìm (g,d,t) thỏa mãn e*d=1 (mod fi), hay g=e*d+fi* t (Trong đó g=1)

# In[13]:

g, d, t = gmpy2.gcdext(e, fi)
print(g, d, sep='\n')

# RSA Decryption sử dụng d tìm được ở trên

# In[14]:

plain = gmpy2.powmod(cipher, d, n1)
#2 bytes đầu chứa thông tin của mpz object, lọai bỏ
plain_hex = bytearray(gmpy2.to_binary(plain)[2:])

# Sửa lại thứ tự các bytes
# ### Kết quả:

# In[15]:


# **Kết quả là:**
# *"Factoring lets us break RSA."*
Example #21
File: Project: bbyk/cwo
p = A - Xr[0]
q = A + Xr[0]
assert gmpy2.mul(p, q) == N

ct = mpz(
e = mpz(65537)
fN = N - p - q + 1
d = gmpy2.invert(e, fN)
assert gmpy2.powmod(gmpy2.mul(e, d), 2, fN) == 1

ptm = gmpy2.powmod(ct, d, N)
assert gmpy2.powmod(ptm, e, N) == ct
bts = gmpy2.to_binary(ptm)
bts = bytes(reversed(bts))
encode = codecs.encode(bts, "hex_codec").decode("ascii")

N = mpz(

SN = gmpy2.isqrt(N)
i = mpz(0)
while True:
    i += 1
    A = SN + i
    if gmpy2.mul(A, A) < N:
bob_public_exponent = bob_public_key.e
bob_modulus = bob_public_key.n

# Log RSA parameters"Alice public key has public exponent {} and modulus {}".format(
    alice_public_exponent, alice_modulus))"Bob public key has public exponent {} and modulus {}".format(
    bob_public_exponent, bob_modulus))

# Get K1 and K2 in multi-precision form
res_k1 = iroot(mpz(Converter.bytes_to_int(c1)), alice_public_exponent)
res_k2 = iroot(mpz(Converter.bytes_to_int(c2)), bob_public_exponent)
if (res_k1[1] and res_k2[1]):

    # Convert results to bytes
    k1 = Converter.swap_endianness(to_binary(res_k1[0]))[:-2]
    k2 = Converter.swap_endianness(to_binary(res_k2[0]))[:-2]

    # Log
    log.success("Finded K1, with effective length of {} bits, is {}".format(
        bit_length(res_k1[0]), Converter.bytes_to_hex(k1)))
    log.success("Finded k2, with effective length of {} bits, is: {}".format(
        bit_length(res_k2[0]), Converter.bytes_to_hex(k2)))


    # Force exitW
    log.failure("Failed to obtain K1 and K2")

# Compute key used in AES