Example #1
def _parse_params_values(parent_tag, units_dict, child_tag, expression=None):
    # Tag of type Parameters can exist atmost once
    params_dict = {}
    if parent_tag.find('Parameters') is None:
        return params_dict
    for param in parent_tag.find('Parameters').getiterator('Parameter'):
        if param.attrib['name'] not in units_dict:
            raise ForceFieldParseError(
                'Parameters {} with Unknown units found'.format(
        param_name = param.attrib['name']
        param_unit = units_dict[param_name]
        param_value = u.unyt_quantity(float(param.attrib['value']), param_unit)
        params_dict[param_name] = param_value
    param_ref_dict = units_dict
    if child_tag == 'DihedralType':
        if not expression:
            raise ForceFieldError(
                'Cannot consolidate parameters without an expression')
        _consolidate_params(params_dict, expression)
        param_ref_dict = _consolidate_params(units_dict,

    for param in param_ref_dict:
        if param not in params_dict:
            raise ForceFieldParseError(
                'Parameter {} is in units but cannot be found in parameters list'
    return params_dict
Example #2
def _parse_params_values(parent_tag, units_dict, child_tag, expression=None):
    """Return the values of the parameters."""
    # Tag of type Parameters can exist atmost once
    params_dict = {}
    if parent_tag.find("Parameters") is None:
        return params_dict
    for param in parent_tag.find("Parameters").getiterator("Parameter"):
        if param.attrib["name"] not in units_dict:
            raise ForceFieldParseError(
                "Parameters {} with Unknown units found".format(
        param_name = param.attrib["name"]
        param_unit = units_dict[param_name]
        param_value = u.unyt_quantity(float(param.attrib["value"]), param_unit)
        params_dict[param_name] = param_value
    param_ref_dict = units_dict
    if child_tag == "DihedralType":
        if not expression:
            raise ForceFieldError(
                "Cannot consolidate parameters without an expression")
        _consolidate_params(params_dict, expression)
        param_ref_dict = _consolidate_params(units_dict,

    for param in param_ref_dict:
        if param not in params_dict:
            raise ForceFieldParseError(
                "Parameter {} is in units but cannot be found in parameters list"
    return params_dict
Example #3
def _check_valid_atomtype_names(tag, ref_dict):
    at1 = tag.attrib.get('type1', None)
    at2 = tag.attrib.get('type2', None)
    at3 = tag.attrib.get('type3', None)
    at4 = tag.attrib.get('type4', None)

    member_types = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, [at1, at2, at3, at4]))
    member_types = ['*' if mem_type == '' else mem_type for mem_type in member_types]
    for member in member_types:
        if member == '*':
        if member not in ref_dict:
            raise ForceFieldParseError('AtomTypes {} not present in AtomTypes reference in the xml'.format(member))
    return member_types
Example #4
def _check_atomtype_existence(tag, ref_dict):
    at1 = tag.attrib.get('type1', tag.attrib.get('class1', None))
    at2 = tag.attrib.get('type2', tag.attrib.get('class2', None))
    at3 = tag.attrib.get('type3', tag.attrib.get('class3', None))
    at4 = tag.attrib.get('type4', tag.attrib.get('class4', None))

    atom_classes_set = set(value.atomclass for value in ref_dict.values()
                           if value)

    member_types = list(filter(lambda x: x is not None, [at1, at2, at3, at4]))
    member_types = [
        '*' if mem_type == '' else mem_type for mem_type in member_types
    for member in member_types:
        if member == '*':
        if member not in ref_dict and member not in atom_classes_set:
            raise ForceFieldParseError(
                'AtomType/AtomClass {} not present in AtomTypes reference in the xml'
    return member_types