def sign(self, message):
     za = hashlib.sha256(b''.join(
         [self.entl,, int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.a, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.b, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.xg, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.yg, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(self.public.x, 32), int_to_bytes(self.public.y, 32)])).digest()
     za = sm3.sm3_hash(list(b''.join(
         [self.entl,, int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.a, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.b, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.xg, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.yg, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(self.public.x, 32), int_to_bytes(self.public.y, 32)])))
     za = int_to_bytes(int(za, 16), 32)
     m1 = b''.join([za, message])
     #e = bytes_to_int(hashlib.sha256(m1).digest())
     e = int(sm3.sm3_hash(list(m1)), 16)
     while True:
         #k = randint(1, ECCPoint.n - 1)
         k = 0x6CB28D99385C175C94F94E934817663FC176D925DD72B727260DBAAE1FB2F96F
         temp = self.g.multi(k)
         r = (e + temp.x) % ECCPoint.n
         if r == 0 or r + k == ECCPoint.n:
         s = (ECCPoint.reverse(1 + self.private, ECCPoint.n) * (k - r * self.private)) % ECCPoint.n
         if s != 0:
     return (int_to_bytes(r, 32), int_to_bytes(s, 32))
 def authenticate(self, message, signature):
     r = bytes_to_int(signature[0])
     s = bytes_to_int(signature[1])
     if r < 1 or r >= ECCPoint.n or s < 1 or s >= ECCPoint.n:
         print("Authentication failed.")
         return 0
     za = hashlib.sha256(b''.join(
         [self.entl,, int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.a, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.b, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.xg, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.yg, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(self.public.x, 32), int_to_bytes(self.public.y, 32)])).digest()
     za = sm3.sm3_hash(list(b''.join(
         [self.entl,, int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.a, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.b, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.xg, 32), int_to_bytes(ECCPoint.yg, 32), 
         int_to_bytes(self.public.x, 32), int_to_bytes(self.public.y, 32)])))
     za = int_to_bytes(int(za, 16), 32)
     m1 = b''.join([za, message])
     #e = bytes_to_int(hashlib.sha256(m1).digest())
     e = int(sm3.sm3_hash(list(m1)), 16)
     t = (r + s) % ECCPoint.n
     if t == 0:
         print("Authentication failed.")
         return 0
     temp = self.g.multi(s) + self.public.multi(t)
     R = (e + temp.x) % ECCPoint.n
     if R == r:
         #print("Authentication passed.")
         return 1
         #print("Authentication failed.")
         return 0
Example #3
def generate_session_key(idA, idB, Ra, Rb, D, x, master_public, entity, l):
    P1, P2, Ppub, g = master_public

    if entity == 'A':
        R = Rb
    elif entity == 'B':
        R = Ra
        raise Exception('Invalid entity')

    g1 = ate.pairing(R, D)
    g2 = g**x
    g3 = g1**x

    if (entity == 'B'):
        (g1, g2) = (g2, g1)

    uidA = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(idA))
    uidB = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(idB))

    kdf_input = uidA + uidB
    kdf_input += ec2sp(Ra) + ec2sp(Rb)
    kdf_input += fe2sp(g1) + fe2sp(g2) + fe2sp(g3)

    sk = sm3_kdf(kdf_input.encode('utf-8'), l)

    return sk
Example #4
def extension_attack():
    message = b"abcde"
    msg_add = b"qwert"

    message1 = extension_message(func.bytes_to_list(message))
    message_add = message1 + func.bytes_to_list(msg_add)
    hash_value1 = sm3.sm3_hash(message_add)
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(message))
    IV = []
    for i in range(0, 8):
        IV.append(int(y[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8], 16))
    message2 = extension_message(message_add)
    y2 = sm3.sm3_cf(IV, message2[64:128])
    hash_value2 = ""
    for i in y2:
        hash_value2 = '%s%08x' % (hash_value2, i)

    if hash_value1 == hash_value2:
        print("attack is ok!")
        print("hash_value is:", hash_value1)
Example #5
    def get_e(self, msg, pub, uid):
        entla = "0080"

        if int(uid, 16) == 0:
            uid = default_ida
        a = self.ecc_table["a"]
        b = self.ecc_table["b"]
        gx = self.ecc_table["g"][:64]
        gy = self.ecc_table["g"][64:]
        xa = pub[:32]
        ya = pub[32:]
        za = sm3.sm3_hash(list(bytes.fromhex(entla + uid + a + b + gx + gy + xa + ya)))
        return sm3.sm3_hash(list(bytes.fromhex(za + msg)))
 def sm3_hash_func(self):
     if self.plaintext_hex.text().strip() == "":
         self.Qmsgbox_show("Error", "Plaintext is null")
     sm3_plaintext = bytes().fromhex(self.plaintext_hex.text().strip())
     self.result_textEdit.append("Msg Hex: " + sm3_plaintext.hex().upper())
     sm3_result = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(sm3_plaintext))
     self.result_textEdit.append("SM3 Hash Result: " + sm3_result.upper())
 def publickey_to_address(self, publickey):
     publickeybytes = func.bytes_to_list(bytes(decode_hex(publickey)))
     hashres = sm3.sm3_hash(
     )  # sm3_hash 对应sm3_implement.py里的sm3_hash,返回的是hex形态的结果
     hash_raw = decode_hex(hashres)  # 转为bytes
     addr_raw = hash_raw[-20:]  # 截取20个字节
     addr = to_checksum_address(addr_raw)  # 转为格式化的地址
     return addr
Example #8
def sm3_hash(*args):
    :param args: <bytes>字符串
    :return: <bytes>
    temp = ""
    for i in args:
        temp = temp + str(i)
    m = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(temp.encode())))
    return bytes(m.encode())
Example #9
def kem_decap(master_public, identity, D, C1, l):
    if ec.is_on_curve(C1, ec.b2) == False:
        return FAILURE

    t = ate.pairing(C1, D)

    uid = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(identity))
    kdf_input = ec2sp(C1) + fe2sp(t) + uid
    k = sm3_kdf(kdf_input.encode('utf-8'), l)

    return k
Example #10
def sign(master_public, Da, msg):
    g = master_public[3]

    rand_gen = SystemRandom()
    x = rand_gen.randrange(ec.curve_order)
    w = g**x

    msg_hash = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(msg))
    z = (msg_hash + fe2sp(w)).encode('utf-8')
    h = h2rf(2, z, ec.curve_order)
    l = (x - h) % ec.curve_order

    S = ec.multiply(Da, l)
    return (h, S)
Example #11
 def gen_signature(self, params=None):
         params (object) 请求参数
     buff = ""
     for k in sorted(params.keys()):
         buff += str(k) + str(params[k])
     buff += self.secret_key
     if "signatureMethod" in params.keys() and params["signatureMethod"] == "SM3":
         return sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(buff, encoding='utf8')))
         return hashlib.md5(buff.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
Example #12
def public_key_extract(scheme, master_public, identity):
    P1, P2, Ppub, g = master_public

    user_id = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(identity))
    h1 = h2rf(1, (user_id + '01').encode('utf-8'), ec.curve_order)

    if (scheme == 'sign'):
        Q = ec.multiply(P2, h1)
    elif (scheme == 'keyagreement') | (scheme == 'encrypt'):
        Q = ec.multiply(P1, h1)
        raise Exception('Invalid scheme')

    Q = ec.add(Q, Ppub)

    return Q
Example #13
def kem_encap(master_public, identity, l):
    P1, P2, Ppub, g = master_public

    Q = public_key_extract('encrypt', master_public, identity)

    rand_gen = SystemRandom()
    x = rand_gen.randrange(ec.curve_order)

    C1 = ec.multiply(Q, x)
    t = g**x

    uid = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(identity))
    kdf_input = ec2sp(C1) + fe2sp(t) + uid
    k = sm3_kdf(kdf_input.encode('utf-8'), l)

    return (k, C1)
Example #14
 def encrypt(self, data, pubkey):
     msg = data.hex()
     k = random_hex(self.para_len)
     C1 = self._kg(int(k, 16), self.ecc_table['g'])
     xy = self._kg(int(k, 16), pubkey)
     x2 = xy[0:self.para_len]
     y2 = xy[self.para_len:2 * self.para_len]
     ml = len(msg)
     t = sm3.sm3_kdf(xy.encode('utf8'), ml / 2)
     if int(t, 16) == 0:
         return None
         form = '%%0%dx' % ml
         C2 = form % (int(msg, 16) ^ int(t, 16))
         C3 = sm3.sm3_hash(
             [i for i in bytes.fromhex('%s%s%s' % (x2, msg, y2))])
         return bytes.fromhex('%s%s%s' % (C1, C3, C2))
Example #15
def kem_dem_enc(master_public, identity, message, v):
    hex_msg = str2hexbytes(message)
    mbytes = len(hex_msg)
    mbits = mbytes * 8

    k, C1 = kem_encap(master_public, identity, mbits + v)
    k = str2hexbytes(k)
    k1 = k[:mbytes]
    k2 = k[mbytes:]

    C2 = []
    for i in range(mbytes):
        C2.append(hex_msg[i] ^ k1[i])

    hash_input = C2 + k2
    C3 = sm3_hash(hash_input)[:int(v / 8)]

    return (C1, C2, C3)
Example #16
def private_key_extract(scheme, master_public, master_secret, identity):
    P1 = master_public[0]
    P2 = master_public[1]

    user_id = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(identity))
    m = h2rf(1, (user_id + '01').encode('utf-8'), ec.curve_order)
    m = master_secret + m
    if (m % ec.curve_order) == 0:
        return FAILURE
    m = master_secret * fq.prime_field_inv(m, ec.curve_order)

    if (scheme == 'sign'):
        Da = ec.multiply(P1, m)
    elif (scheme == 'keyagreement') | (scheme == 'encrypt'):
        Da = ec.multiply(P2, m)
        raise Exception('Invalid scheme')

    return Da
Example #17
 def decrypt(self, data, privKey):
     data = data.hex()
     len_2 = 2 * self.para_len
     len_3 = len_2 + 64
     C1 = data[0:len_2]
     C3 = data[len_2:len_3]
     C2 = data[len_3:]
     xy = self._kg(privKey, C1)
     x2 = xy[0:self.para_len]
     y2 = xy[self.para_len:len_2]
     cl = len(C2)
     t = sm3.sm3_kdf(xy.encode('utf8'), cl / 2)
     if int(t, 16) == 0:
         return None
         form = '%%0%dx' % cl
         M = form % (int(C2, 16) ^ int(t, 16))
         u = sm3.sm3_hash(
             [i for i in bytes.fromhex('%s%s%s' % (x2, M, y2))])
         return bytes.fromhex(M)
 def save_to_file(self, filename, password=None):
     content = {}
     key = self.keypair.private_key
     content["address"] = self.keypair.address
     content["encrypt"] = False
     if password is not None:
         crypt_sm4 = CryptSM4()
         password = self.pwd_ljust(password)
         crypt_sm4.set_key(bytes(password, "utf-8"), SM4_ENCRYPT)
         encrypt_value = crypt_sm4.crypt_cbc(
             self.cbc_iv, bytes(self.keypair.private_key, "utf-8"))
         key = str(base64.b64encode(encrypt_value), "utf-8")
         content["encrypt"] = True
     content["private_key"] = key
     content["type"] = "gm"
     # set mac of the password
     passwdBytes = bytes(password, "utf-8")
     content["mac"] = sm3.sm3_hash(passwdBytes)
     with open(filename, "w") as dump_f:
         json.dump(content, dump_f, indent=4)
    def load_from_file(self, filename, password=None):
        if password is None:
        with open(filename, "r") as dump_f:
            content = json.load(dump_f)

        if content["type"] != "gm":
        # get and compare mac
        expected_mac = content["mac"]
        password = self.pwd_ljust(password)
        passwdBytes = bytes(password, "utf-8")
        mac = sm3.sm3_hash(passwdBytes)
        if not hmac.compare_digest(mac, expected_mac):
            raise ValueError("MAC mismatch")
        key = content["private_key"]
        crypt_sm4 = CryptSM4()
        crypt_sm4.set_key(bytes(password, "utf-8"), SM4_DECRYPT)
        key = base64.b64decode(bytes(key, "utf-8"))
        key = str(crypt_sm4.crypt_cbc(self.cbc_iv, key), "utf-8")
Example #20
def verify(master_public, identity, msg, signature):
    (h, S) = signature

    if (h < 0) | (h >= ec.curve_order):
        return FAILURE
    if ec.is_on_curve(S, ec.b2) == False:
        return FAILURE

    Q = public_key_extract('sign', master_public, identity)

    g = master_public[3]
    u = ate.pairing(S, Q)
    t = g**h
    wprime = u * t

    msg_hash = sm3_hash(str2hexbytes(msg))
    z = (msg_hash + fe2sp(wprime)).encode('utf-8')
    h2 = h2rf(2, z, ec.curve_order)

    if h != h2:
        return FAILURE
    return SUCCESS
Example #21
def kem_dem_dec(master_public, identity, D, ct, v):
    C1, C2, C3 = ct

    mbytes = len(C2)
    l = mbytes * 8 + v
    k = kem_decap(master_public, identity, D, C1, l)

    k = str2hexbytes(k)
    k1 = k[:mbytes]
    k2 = k[mbytes:]

    hash_input = C2 + k2
    C3prime = sm3_hash(hash_input)[:int(v / 8)]

    if C3 != C3prime:
        return FAILURE

    pt = []
    for i in range(mbytes):
        pt.append(chr(C2[i] ^ k1[i]))

    message = ''.join(pt)

    return message
Example #22
from gmssl import sm3, func

x = input('input value to hash_sm3: ')
x_b = bytes(x, encoding='utf-8')
if __name__ == '__main__':
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(x_b))
Example #23
    for s in string:
    return li

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # strA='test'
    # strSecond = 'atta'

    strA = input('please input string to sm3:'
                 )  #输入secret的值,后面计算中secret当做未知,仅知道其长度和hash值
    strSecond = input('please input second part message:')  #输入第二轮计算的字符串

    length = len(strA)  #计算secret的长度
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(strToASCII(strA))  #计算secret的hash值用于修改二轮IV,存在y中
    # print(y)

    liStr = []
    liNum = []
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y) + 1):
        if (count % 8 == 0 and count != 0):
            liStr.append('0x' + y[i - 8:i])
        count = count + 1
    for x in liStr:
        liNum.append(int(x, 16))
    # print(count)
    # print(liStr)
    # print(liNum)
Example #24
    # print(new_iv)
    return new_iv

secret = 'sspku'  #len(secret) = 5
message = 'hello,world'

IV = create_hash(secret, message)

append = 'attack'
print("secret: " + secret)
print("Input message: " + message + "\nInput append message: " + append)
padding = getpadding(len(secret), message)
print("padding: " + str(padding))
new_iv = get_new_iv(IV)
print("NEW_IV = sm3(sercret + massage) = " + str(IV))
fake_data = func.bytes_to_list(bytes(
    "beida", encoding='utf-8'))  # 已知secret长度为五位,这里随便用五位字符填充即可
fake_data.extend(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(append, encoding='utf-8')))
new_data = func.bytes_to_list(bytes(secret, encoding='utf-8'))
new_data.extend(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(append, encoding='utf-8')))

# print("input data", fake_data)
print("sm3_hash(secret + message + padding + append) = " +
print("my_hash(message + padding + append) = " +
      str(create_mysm3hash(fake_data, new_iv)))
check_hash(sm3.sm3_hash(new_data), create_mysm3hash(fake_data, new_iv))
Example #25
from gmssl import sm3, func

if __name__ == '__main__':
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(b"abc"))
Example #26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from gmssl import sm3, func

if __name__ == '__main__':
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(func.str_to_list("abc"))
Example #27
    bit_length = len1 * 8
    bit_length_str = [bit_length % 0x100]
    for i in range(7):
        bit_length = int(bit_length / 0x100)
        bit_length_str.append(bit_length % 0x100)
    for i in range(8):
        msg.append(bit_length_str[7 - i])
    return msg

secret = '1901210741'
secret_len = len(secret)
msg = input('Enter you message:')
old_hash = sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(secret + msg.__str__(),encoding='utf-8')))
print('hash of \''+msg+'\' : '+old_hash)

#message want to add
append_m = 'Length extension attack'
new_msg_i = my_padding(func.bytes_to_list(bytes(secret + msg.__str__(),encoding='utf-8'))) \
          + func.bytes_to_list(bytes(append_m,encoding='utf-8'))

new_hash = sm3.sm3_hash(list(new_msg_i))
print('Create a deceptive message.(\'A*\'+msg+padding+m\')')
print('Appended message is : ' + str(func.list_to_bytes(new_msg_i)))

print('We guess its hash is : '+sm3_Len_Extension_Attack(msg,secret_len,old_hash,append_m))
print('And factually its hash is : '+new_hash)
if new_hash == sm3_Len_Extension_Attack(msg,secret_len,old_hash,append_m):
Example #28
    for s in string:
    return li

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # hash('test')==f2c01fe71e407f888399b0373c86576807dd07341d35f16194b58b07ee510a58
    # strA='88888888'
    # strSecond='12341234'

    strA = input('please input string to sm3:'
                 )  # 输入secret的值,后面计算中secret当做未知,仅知道其长度和hash值
    strSecond = input('please input second part message:')  # 输入第二轮计算的字符串

    length = len(strA)  # 计算secret长度
    y = sm3.sm3_hash(str_to_ASCII(strA))  # 计算secret的hash值用于修改第二轮IV,存于y中

    # 对hash(secret)进行分组,用于求二轮的IV,分组存在liNum中
    liStr = []
    liNum = []
    count = 0
    for i in range(0, len(y) + 1):
        if count % 8 == 0 and count != 0:
            liStr.append('0x' + y[i - 8:i])
        count = count + 1
    for x in liStr:
        liNum.append(int(x, 16))

    strARandom = 'a' * length  # 填充第一轮中的secret部分,长度相等即可
    strPadding = '\x80' + '\x00' * (56 - length - 1)  # 填充第一轮剩余部分
    strLength = '\x00' * 6  # 第一轮数据长度前半部分
Example #29
def hash_(m: bytes) -> bytes:
    return sm3.sm3_hash(func.bytes_to_list(m))
Example #30
def create_hash(secret, message):
    return sm3.sm3_hash(
        func.bytes_to_list(bytes(secret + message, encoding='utf-8')))