Example #1
    def initialize(self, num_new_particles, spill, data_arrays, substance):
        Update values of 'rise_vel' and 'droplet_diameter' data arrays for
        new particles. First create a droplet_size array sampled from specified
        distribution, then use the cython wrapped (C++) function to set the
        'rise_vel' based on droplet size and properties like LE_density,
        water density and water_viscosity:
        drop_size = np.zeros((num_new_particles, ), dtype=np.float64)
        le_density = np.zeros((num_new_particles, ), dtype=np.float64)


        data_arrays['droplet_diameter'][-num_new_particles:] = drop_size

        # Don't require a water object
        # water_temp = spill.water.get('temperature')
        # le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp(water_temp)

        if spill.water is not None:
            water_temp = spill.water.get('temperature')
            le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp(water_temp)
            le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp()

        # now update rise_vel with droplet size - dummy for now
                                le_density, drop_size,
                                self.water_viscosity, self.water_density)
Example #2
    def initialize(self, num_new_particles, spill, data_arrays, substance):
        Update values of 'rise_vel' and 'droplet_diameter' data arrays for
        new particles. First create a droplet_size array sampled from specified
        distribution, then use the cython wrapped (C++) function to set the
        'rise_vel' based on droplet size and properties like LE_density,
        water density and water_viscosity:
        drop_size = np.zeros((num_new_particles, ), dtype=np.float64)
        le_density = np.zeros((num_new_particles, ), dtype=np.float64)


        data_arrays['droplet_diameter'][-num_new_particles:] = drop_size

        # Don't require a water object
        # water_temp = spill.water.get('temperature')
        # le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp(water_temp)

        if spill.water is not None:
            water_temp = spill.water.get('temperature')
            le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp(water_temp)
            le_density[:] = substance.density_at_temp()

        # now update rise_vel with droplet size - dummy for now
            data_arrays['rise_vel'][-num_new_particles:], le_density,
            drop_size, self.water_viscosity, self.water_density)
Example #3
    def set_newparticle_values(self, num_new_particles, current_time,
                               time_step, data_arrays):
        SpillContainer will release elements and initialize all data_arrays
        to default initial value. The SpillContainer gets passed as input and
        the data_arrays for 'position' get initialized correctly by the release
        object: self.release.set_newparticle_positions()

        If a Spill Amount is given, the Spill object also sets the 'mass' data
        array; else 'mass' array remains '0'

        :param int num_new_particles: number of new particles that were added.
            Always greater than 0
        :param current_time: current time
        :type current_time: datetime.datetime
        :param time_step: the time step, sometimes used to decide how many
            should get released.
        :type time_step: integer seconds
        :param data_arrays: dict of data_arrays provided by the SpillContainer.
            Look for 'positions' array in the dict and update positions for
            latest num_new_particles that are released
        :type data_arrays: dict containing numpy arrays for values

        Also, the set_newparticle_values() method for all element_type gets
        called so each element_type sets the values for its own data correctly
        mass_fluxes = [tam_drop.mass_flux for tam_drop in self.droplets]
        delta_masses, proportions, total_mass = self._get_mass_distribution(mass_fluxes, time_step)

        # set up LE distribution, the number of particles in each 'release point'
        LE_distribution = [int(num_new_particles * p) for p in proportions]
        diff = num_new_particles - sum(LE_distribution)
        for i in range(0, diff):
            LE_distribution[i % len(LE_distribution)] += 1

        # compute release point location for each droplet
        positions = [self.start_position + FlatEarthProjection.meters_to_lonlat(d.position, self.start_position) for d in self.droplets]
        for p in positions:
            p[0][2] -= self.start_position[2]

        # for each release location, set the position and mass of the elements released at that location
        total_rel = 0
        for mass_dist, n_LEs, pos, droplet in zip(delta_masses, LE_distribution, positions, self.droplets):
            start_idx = -num_new_particles + total_rel
            if start_idx == 0:
            end_idx = start_idx + n_LEs
            if end_idx == 0:
                end_idx = None
#             print '{0} to {1}'.format(start_idx, end_idx)
            if start_idx == end_idx:

            data_arrays['positions'][start_idx:end_idx] = pos
            data_arrays['mass'][start_idx:end_idx] = mass_dist / n_LEs
            data_arrays['init_mass'][start_idx:end_idx] = mass_dist / n_LEs
            data_arrays['density'][start_idx:end_idx] = droplet.density
            data_arrays['droplet_diameter'][start_idx:end_idx] = np.random.normal(droplet.radius * 2, droplet.radius * 0.15, (n_LEs))
            v = data_arrays['rise_vel'][start_idx:end_idx]
                                         0.0000013, 1020)
            data_arrays['rise_vel'][start_idx:end_idx] = v
            total_rel += n_LEs

        self.num_released += num_new_particles
        self.amount_released += total_mass