Example #1
 def assign_spectrum(self, nvalue, mvalue):
     """ change oms spectrum to mark spectrum assigned
     # print("assign_spectrum")
     # print(f'n , m :{n},{m}')
     if (nvalue is None or mvalue is None or isinstance(nvalue, float)
             or isinstance(mvalue, float) or mvalue == 0):
         msg = f'could not assign None values'
         raise SpectrumError(msg)
     startn, stopn = mvalue_to_slots(nvalue, mvalue)
     # print(f'startn stop n {startn} , {stopn}')
     # assumes that guardbands are sufficient to ensure that assigning a center channel
     # at fmin or fmax is OK is startn > self.spectrum_bitmap.n_min
     if (nvalue <= self.spectrum_bitmap.freq_index_max
             and nvalue >= self.spectrum_bitmap.freq_index_min
             and stopn <= self.spectrum_bitmap.n_max
             and startn > self.spectrum_bitmap.n_min):
         # verification that both length are identical
                                     spectrum_bitmap.geti(stopn) +
                                     1] = [0] * (stopn - startn + 1)
         return True
         msg = f'Could not assign n {nvalue}, m {mvalue} values:' +\
               f' one or several slots are not available'
         return False
Example #2
 def __init__(self, frequency: array, baud_rate: array, slot_width: array,
              signal: array, nli: array, ase: array, roll_off: array,
              chromatic_dispersion: array, pmd: array):
     indices = argsort(frequency)
     self._frequency = frequency[indices]
     self._df = outer(ones(frequency.shape), frequency) - outer(
         frequency, ones(frequency.shape))
     self._number_of_channels = len(self._frequency)
     self._channel_number = [*range(1, self._number_of_channels + 1)]
     self._slot_width = slot_width[indices]
     self._baud_rate = baud_rate[indices]
     overlap = self._frequency[:
                               -1] + self._slot_width[:-1] / 2 > self._frequency[
                                   1:] - self._slot_width[1:] / 2
     if any(overlap):
         overlap = [
             for pair in zip(overlap * self._channel_number[:-1], overlap *
                             self._channel_number[1:]) if pair != (0, 0)
         raise SpectrumError(
             f'Spectrum required slot widths larger than the frequency spectral distances '
             f'between channels: {overlap}.')
     exceed = self._baud_rate > self._slot_width
     if any(exceed):
         raise SpectrumError(
             f'Spectrum baud rate, including the roll off, larger than the slot width for channels: '
             f'{[ch for ch in exceed * self._channel_number if ch]}.')
     self._signal = signal[indices]
     self._nli = nli[indices]
     self._ase = ase[indices]
     self._roll_off = roll_off[indices]
     self._chromatic_dispersion = chromatic_dispersion[indices]
     self._pmd = pmd[indices]
     pref = lin2db(mean(signal) * 1e3)
     self._pref = Pref(pref, pref, lin2db(self._number_of_channels))
Example #3
 def __add__(self, other: SpectralInformation):
         return SpectralInformation(
             frequency=append(self.frequency, other.frequency),
             slot_width=append(self.slot_width, other.slot_width),
             signal=append(self.signal, other.signal),
             nli=append(self.nli, other.nli),
             ase=append(self.ase, other.ase),
             baud_rate=append(self.baud_rate, other.baud_rate),
             roll_off=append(self.roll_off, other.roll_off),
             pmd=append(self.pmd, other.pmd))
     except SpectrumError:
         raise SpectrumError(
             'Spectra cannot be summed: channels overlapping.')
Example #4
 def __init__(self, f_min, f_max, grid, guardband=0.15e12, bitmap=None):
     # n is the min index including guardband. Guardband is require to be sure
     # that a channel can be assigned  with center frequency fmin (means that its
     # slot occupation goes below freq_index_min
     n_min = frequency_to_n(f_min - guardband, grid)
     n_max = frequency_to_n(f_max + guardband, grid) - 1
     self.n_min = n_min
     self.n_max = n_max
     self.freq_index_min = frequency_to_n(f_min)
     self.freq_index_max = frequency_to_n(f_max)
     self.freq_index = list(range(n_min, n_max + 1))
     if bitmap is None:
         self.bitmap = [1] * (n_max - n_min + 1)
     elif len(bitmap) == len(self.freq_index):
         self.bitmap = bitmap
         raise SpectrumError(f'bitmap is not consistant with f_min{f_min} - n: {n_min} and f_max{f_max}- n :{n_max}')
Example #5
 def assign_spectrum(self, nvalue, mvalue):
     """ change oms spectrum to mark spectrum assigned
     if not isinstance(nvalue, int):
         raise SpectrumError(f'N must be a signed integer, got {nvalue}')
     if not isinstance(mvalue, int):
         raise SpectrumError(f'M must be an integer, got {mvalue}')
     if mvalue <= 0:
         raise SpectrumError(f'M must be positive, got {mvalue}')
     if nvalue > self.spectrum_bitmap.freq_index_max:
         raise SpectrumError(f'N {nvalue} over the upper spectrum boundary')
     if nvalue < self.spectrum_bitmap.freq_index_min:
         raise SpectrumError(f'N {nvalue} below the lower spectrum boundary')
     startn, stopn = mvalue_to_slots(nvalue, mvalue)
     if stopn > self.spectrum_bitmap.n_max:
         raise SpectrumError(f'N {nvalue}, M {mvalue} over the N spectrum bitmap bounds')
     if startn <= self.spectrum_bitmap.n_min:
         raise SpectrumError(f'N {nvalue}, M {mvalue} below the N spectrum bitmap bounds')
     self.spectrum_bitmap.bitmap[self.spectrum_bitmap.geti(startn):self.spectrum_bitmap.geti(stopn) + 1] = [0] * (stopn - startn + 1)
Example #6
def create_arbitrary_spectral_information(
        frequency: Union[ndarray, Iterable, int, float],
        signal: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable],
        baud_rate: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable],
        slot_width: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable] = None,
        roll_off: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable] = 0.,
        chromatic_dispersion: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable] = 0.,
        pmd: Union[int, float, ndarray, Iterable] = 0.):
    """This is just a wrapper around the SpectralInformation.__init__() that simplifies the creation of
    a non-uniform spectral information with NLI and ASE powers set to zero."""
    frequency = asarray(frequency)
    number_of_channels = frequency.size
        signal = full(number_of_channels, signal)
        baud_rate = full(number_of_channels, baud_rate)
        roll_off = full(number_of_channels, roll_off)
        slot_width = full(number_of_channels, slot_width) if slot_width is not None else \
            ceil((1 + roll_off) * baud_rate / DEFAULT_SLOT_WIDTH_STEP) * DEFAULT_SLOT_WIDTH_STEP
        chromatic_dispersion = full(number_of_channels, chromatic_dispersion)
        pmd = full(number_of_channels, pmd)
        nli = zeros(number_of_channels)
        ase = zeros(number_of_channels)
        return SpectralInformation(frequency=frequency,
    except ValueError as e:
        if 'could not broadcast' in str(e):
            raise SpectrumError('Dimension mismatch in input fields.')