Example #1
def compute_gps_satellite_position_from_ephemeris(eph, t, mu=3.986005e14, Omega_e_dot=7.2921151467e-5, compute_velocity=False, rollover=0):
    """Computes and returns the GPS satellite ECEF positions given ephemeris
    parameters and a set of times.
    eph - the ephemeris set (an ordered tuple containing ephemeris information)
        `eph` should contain: e, t_oa, i_0, Omega_dot, sqrt_a, Omega_week, omega, M_0, A_f0, A_f1, week  TODODODO
    t - the desired times for which to compute satellite locations
    optional parameters:
    mu - Earth gravitational constant (m^3/s^2)
    Omega_dot - WGS Earth rotation rate (rad/s)
    compute_velocity - flag indicating whether or not to compute satellite velocity as well (default False)
    e, t_oe, i_0, Omega_dot, a, Omega_week, omega, M_0, week, delta_n, i_dot, c_us, c_rs, c_is, c_uc, c_rc, c_ic = eph
    delta_t = t - gpsseconds(week, t_oe, rollover)
    n_0 = sqrt(mu / a**3)
    n = n_0 + delta_n  # corrected mean motion
    M = M_0 + n * delta_t  # mean anomaly
    E = 0.  # eccentric anomaly
    err = 1.
    tol = 1e-8
    while err > tol:  # iteratively solve for eccentric anomaly
        _temp = M + e * sin(E)
        err = npmax(fabs(_temp - E))
        E = _temp
    nu = arctan2(sqrt(1. - e**2) * sin(E), cos(E) - e)  # true anomaly
    E = arccos((e + cos(nu)) / (1. + e * cos(nu)))  # eccentric anomaly
    Phi = nu + omega  # argument of latitude
    delta_u = c_us * sin(2 * Phi) + c_uc * cos(2 * Phi)  # secord-order harmonic perturbation corrections
    delta_r = c_rs * sin(2 * Phi) + c_rc * cos(2 * Phi)
    delta_i = c_is * sin(2 * Phi) + c_ic * cos(2 * Phi)
    u = Phi + delta_u  # argument of latitude (corrected)
    r = a * (1. - e * cos(E)) + delta_r  # orbital radius (corrected)
    i = i_0 + delta_i + i_dot * delta_t  # inclination (corrected)
    Omega = Omega_week + (Omega_dot - Omega_e_dot) * delta_t - Omega_e_dot * t_oe  # longitude of ascensing node (corrected)
    x_orb, y_orb = r * cos(u), r * sin(u)  # compute x,y in orbital plane
    x_ecef = x_orb * cos(Omega) - y_orb * sin(Omega) * cos(i)  # transform from orbital system to ECEF system
    y_ecef = x_orb * sin(Omega) + y_orb * cos(Omega) * cos(i)
    z_ecef = y_orb * sin(i) * ones(asarray(Omega).size)
    if compute_velocity:  # compute x,y velocity in orbital plane
        v_x_orb = n * a * sin(E) / (1. - e * cos(E))
        v_y_orb = -n * a * sqrt(1. - e**2) * cos(E) / (1. - e * cos(E))
        v_x_ecef = v_x_orb * cos(Omega) - v_y_orb * sin(Omega) * cos(i)  # transform from orbital system to ECEF system
        v_y_ecef = v_x_orb * sin(Omega) + v_y_orb * cos(Omega) * cos(i)
        v_z_ecef = v_y_orb * sin(i) * ones(asarray(Omega).size)
        return asarray([[x_ecef, y_ecef, z_ecef], [v_x_ecef, v_y_ecef, v_z_ecef]])
        return asarray([x_ecef, y_ecef, z_ecef])
Example #2
def compute_gps_satellite_position_from_yuma(alm, t, mu = 3.986005e14, Omega_e_dot = 7.2921151467e-5, compute_velocity=False, rollover=0):
    """Computes and returns the GPS satellite ECEF positions given a Yuma
    almanac and a set of times (seconds into GPS week).
    alm - the Yuma almanac (an ordered tuple containing Yuma almanac information)
        The Yuma almanac should contain: health, e, t_oa, i_0, Omega_dot, sqrt_a, Omega_week, omega, M_0, A_f0, A_f1, week
    t - the desired times for which to compute satellite locations
    optional parameters:
    mu - Earth gravitational constant (m^3/s^2)
    Omega_dot - WGS Earth rotation rate (rad/s)
    compute_velocity - flag indicating whether or not to compute satellite velocity as well (default False)
    health, e, t_oa, i_0, Omega_dot, sqrt_a, Omega_week, omega, M_0, A_f0, A_f1, week = alm
    a = sqrt_a**2.
    delta_t = t - gpsseconds(week, t_oa, rollover)
    n_0 = sqrt(mu / a**3)
    n = n_0  # mean motion
    M = M_0 + n * delta_t  # mean anomaly
    E = 0.  # eccentric anomaly
    err = 1.
    tol = 1e-8
    while err > tol:  # iteratively solve for eccentric anomaly
        _temp = M + e * sin(E)
        err = npmax(fabs(_temp - E))
        E = _temp
    nu = arctan2(sqrt(1. - e**2) * sin(E), cos(E) - e)  # true anomaly
    E = arccos((e + cos(nu)) / (1. + e * cos(nu)))  # eccentric anomaly
    Phi = nu + omega  # argument of latitude
    u = Phi  # argument of latitude
    r = a * (1. - e * cos(E))  # orbital radius
    i = i_0  # inclination
    Omega = Omega_week + (Omega_dot - Omega_e_dot) * delta_t - Omega_e_dot * t_oa  # longitude of ascensing node (corrected)
    x_orb, y_orb = r * cos(u), r * sin(u)  # compute x,y in orbital plane
    x_ecef = x_orb * cos(Omega) - y_orb * sin(Omega) * cos(i)  # transform from orbital system to ECEF system
    y_ecef = x_orb * sin(Omega) + y_orb * cos(Omega) * cos(i)
    z_ecef = y_orb * sin(i) * ones(asarray(Omega).size)
    if compute_velocity:  # compute x,y velocity in orbital plane
        v_x_orb = n * a * sin(E) / (1. - e * cos(E))
        v_y_orb = -n * a * sqrt(1. - e**2) * cos(E) / (1. - e * cos(E))
        v_x_ecef = v_x_orb * cos(Omega) - v_y_orb * sin(Omega) * cos(i)  # transform from orbital system to ECEF system
        v_y_ecef = v_x_orb * sin(Omega) + v_y_orb * cos(Omega) * cos(i)
        v_z_ecef = v_y_orb * sin(i) * ones(asarray(Omega).size)
        return asarray([[x_ecef, y_ecef, z_ecef], [v_x_ecef, v_y_ecef, v_z_ecef]])
        return asarray([x_ecef, y_ecef, z_ecef])
Example #3
def compute_gps_orbital_parameters_from_ephemeris(eph, t, mu=3.986005e14, Omega_e_dot=7.2921151467e-5, rollover=0):
    """Computes and returns the following orbital parameters that define GPS satellite position/velocity:
    argument of latitude
    orbital radius
    orbital inclination
    longitude of ascensing node
    corrected mean motion
    eccentric anomaly
    eph - the ephemeris set (an ordered tuple containing ephemeris information)
        `eph` should contain: e, t_oa, i_0, Omega_dot, sqrt_a, Omega_week, omega, M_0, A_f0, A_f1, week  TODODODO
    t - the desired times for which to compute satellite locations
    optional parameters:
    mu - Earth gravitational constant (m^3/s^2)
    Omega_dot - WGS Earth rotation rate (rad/s)
    rollover - rollover to include when computing GPS time from week number (default 0)
    e, t_oe, i_0, a, omega_dot, omega_0, omega, M_0, week, delta_n, i_dot, c_us, c_rs, c_is, c_uc, c_rc, c_ic = \
            eph.e, eph.t_oe, eph.i_0, eph.a, eph.omega_dot, eph.omega_0, eph.omega, eph.m_0, eph.week, eph.delta_n, eph.i_dot, \
            eph.c_us, eph.c_rs, eph.c_is, eph.c_uc, eph.c_rc, eph.c_ic
    delta_t = t - gpsseconds(week, t_oe, rollover)
    n_0 = sqrt(mu / a**3)
    n = n_0 + delta_n  # corrected mean motion
    M = M_0 + n * delta_t  # mean anomaly
    E = 0.  # eccentric anomaly
    err = 1.
    tol = 1e-8
    while err > tol:  # iteratively solve for eccentric anomaly
        _temp = M + e * sin(E)
        err = npmax(fabs(_temp - E))
        E = _temp
    nu = arctan2(sqrt(1. - e**2) * sin(E), cos(E) - e)  # true anomaly
    E = arccos((e + cos(nu)) / (1. + e * cos(nu)))  # eccentric anomaly
    Phi = nu + omega  # argument of latitude
    delta_u = c_us * sin(2 * Phi) + c_uc * cos(2 * Phi)  # secord-order harmonic perturbation corrections
    delta_r = c_rs * sin(2 * Phi) + c_rc * cos(2 * Phi)
    delta_i = c_is * sin(2 * Phi) + c_ic * cos(2 * Phi)
    u = Phi + delta_u  # argument of latitude (corrected)
    r = a * (1. - e * cos(E)) + delta_r  # orbital radius (corrected)
    i = i_0 + delta_i + i_dot * delta_t  # inclination (corrected)
    Omega = omega_0 + (omega_dot - Omega_e_dot) * delta_t - Omega_e_dot * t_oe  # longitude of ascensing node (corrected)
    return u, r, i, Omega, n, E
Example #4
def read_novatel_ascii(_file, svids=range(1, 33)):
    Reads gps log data from file at filepath. File should be NovAtel ASCII
    formatted text file. Returns namedtuple structs containing all file data.
    `obs, eph, bestpos`
    message_sizes = count_novatel_ascii_logs(_file)
    POS_SIZE = message_sizes['BESTPOSA']
    EPH_SIZE = message_sizes['GPSEPHEMA']
    RNG_SIZE = message_sizes['RANGEA']
    NUM_FIELDS = 10

    obs = {}
    for svid in svids:
        obs[svid] = Observation()
        obs[svid].time = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l1 = ChannelObservation()
        obs[svid].l2 = ChannelObservation()
        obs[svid].l1.adr = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l1.dopp= zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l1.psr = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l1.cnr = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l2.adr = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l2.dopp= zeros((RNG_SIZE,))
        obs[svid].l2.psr = zeros((RNG_SIZE,))


    eph = {}
    for svid in svids:
        eph[svid] = Ephemeris()

    bestpos = BestPos()
    bestpos.time = zeros((POS_SIZE,))
    bestpos.geo = zeros((POS_SIZE, 3))

    pos_ind = 0
    rng_ind = 0
    with open(_file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip().split(';')
            header, data = line[0].split(','), line[1].split('*')  # crc after *
            data, crc = data[0].split(','), data[1]
            week_no, seconds = int(header[5]), float(header[6])
            gpstime = gpsseconds(week_no, seconds)  # no rollover for NovAtel
            if header[0] == '#BESTPOSA':
                bestpos.time[pos_ind] = gpstime
                bestpos.geo[pos_ind, :] = [float(data[2]), float(data[3]), float(data[4])]
                pos_ind += 1
            elif header[0] == '#GPSEPHEMA':
                prn             = uint32( data[0])  # Satellite PRN
                eph[prn].prn    = prn
                eph[prn].tow    = float64(data[1])  # time of week
                eph[prn].health = uint32( data[2])  # satellite health
                eph[prn].iode1  = uint32( data[3])  # issue of ephemeris data
                eph[prn].iode2  = uint32( data[4])  # issue of ephemeris data 2
                eph[prn].week   = uint32( data[5])  # GPS week number
                eph[prn].zweek  = uint32( data[6])  # GPS zweek number
                eph[prn].t_oe   = float64(data[7])  # time of applicability for ephemeris (s)
                eph[prn].a      = float64(data[8])  # semi-major axis (m)
                eph[prn].delta_n = float64(data[9]) # mean-motion diff (rad/s)
                eph[prn].m_0    = float64(data[10]) # mean anomoly of ref time (rad)
                eph[prn].e      = float64(data[11]) # eccentricity
                eph[prn].omega  = float64(data[12]) # argument of perigee
                eph[prn].c_uc   = float64(data[13]) # argument of latitude (amplitude of cosine, radians)
                eph[prn].c_us   = float64(data[14]) # argument of latitude (amplitude of sine, radians)
                eph[prn].c_rc   = float64(data[15]) # orbit radius (amplitude of cosine, meters)
                eph[prn].c_rs   = float64(data[16]) # orbit radius (amplitude of sine, meters)
                eph[prn].c_ic   = float64(data[17]) # inclination (amplitude of cosine, meters)
                eph[prn].c_is   = float64(data[18]) # inclination (amplitude of sine, meters)
                eph[prn].i_0    = float64(data[19]) # inclination angle at reference time, (rad)
                eph[prn].i_dot  = float64(data[20]) # rate of inclination angle, (rad/s)
                eph[prn].omega_0 = float64(data[21]) # right ascension at week (rad)
                eph[prn].omega_dot  = float64(data[22]) # rate of right ascension, (rad/s)
                eph[prn].iodc   = uint32( data[23]) # issue of data clock
                eph[prn].t_oc   = float64(data[24]) # SV clock correction term, seconds
                eph[prn].t_gd   = float64(data[25]) # estimated group delay difference, seconds
                eph[prn].a0     = float64(data[26]) # clock aging parameter, seconds (s)
                eph[prn].a1     = float64(data[27]) # clock aging parameter, (s/s)
                eph[prn].a2     = float64(data[28]) # clock aging parameter, (s/s/s)
                eph[prn].n      = float64(data[30]) # corrected mean motion, (rad/s)
            elif header[0] == '#RANGEA':
                num_records = int(data[0])
                data = data[1:]
                for i in range(0, num_records * NUM_FIELDS, NUM_FIELDS):
                    # check channel tracking status (NovAtel Manuel p 237)
                    prn = int(data[i])
                    obs[prn].time[rng_ind] = gpstime
                    tracking_status = int(data[i + 9], 16)
                    if not tracking_status & (0x1 << 21):  # L1
                        obs[prn].l1.psr[rng_ind] = float(data[i + 2])
                        obs[prn].l1.adr[rng_ind] = float(data[i + 4])
                        obs[prn].l1.dopp[rng_ind]= float(data[i + 6])
                        obs[prn].l1.cnr[rng_ind] = float(data[i + 7])
                    else:  # L2
                        obs[prn].l2.psr[rng_ind] = float(data[i + 2])
                        obs[prn].l2.dopp[rng_ind]= float(data[i + 6])
                        obs[prn].l2.adr[rng_ind] = float(data[i + 4])
                rng_ind += 1
    return obs, eph, bestpos