Example #1
def getGPG():
    global lunch_gpg
    if not lunch_gpg:
        from gnupg import GPG
        gbinary = getBinary("gpg", "bin")
        if not gbinary:
            raise Exception("GPG not found")
        ghome = os.path.join(get_settings().get_main_config_dir(),"gnupg")
        if not locale.getpreferredencoding():
            # Fix for GnuPG on Mac
            # TODO will this work on systems without English locale?
            os.putenv("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
        if not locale.getpreferredencoding():
            # Fix for GnuPG on Mac
            # TODO will this work on systems without English locale?
            os.putenv("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
            if getPlatform() == PLATFORM_WINDOWS:
                lunch_gpg = GPG("\""+gbinary+"\"",ghome)
                lunch_gpg = GPG(gbinary,ghome)
            if not lunch_gpg.encoding:
                lunch_gpg.encoding = 'utf-8'
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception("GPG not working: "+str(e))
Example #2
def get_gpg():
    gpg_kwargs = {
        'gnupghome': GNUPG_HOME,
        gpg_kwargs['gpgbinary'] = GNUPG_BINARY
    gpg = GPG(**gpg_kwargs)
    if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
        gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING
    return gpg
Example #3
def load(file):
    if file.name[len(file.name) - 4:] in ('.gpg', '.pgp'):
        gpg = GPG()
        gpg.encoding = 'utf-8'
        data = gpg.decrypt_file(file.name)
        data = file.read()

    return json.loads(data, 'utf-8')
Example #4
def get_gpg():
    gpg = GPG(gnupghome=GNUPG_HOME)
    if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
        gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING
    return gpg
Example #5
def send_mail(subject, body_text, addr_from, recipient_list,
              fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None,
              attachments=None, body_html=None, html_message=None,
              connection=None, headers=None):
    Sends a multipart email containing text and html versions which
    are encrypted for each recipient that has a valid gpg key

    # Make sure only one HTML option is specified
    if body_html is not None and html_message is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("You cannot specify body_html and html_message at "
                         "the same time. Please only use html_message.")

    # Push users to update their code
    if body_html is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        warn("Using body_html is deprecated; use the html_message argument "
             "instead. Please update your code.", DeprecationWarning)
        html_message = body_html

    # Allow for a single address to be passed in.
    if isinstance(recipient_list, six.string_types):
        recipient_list = [recipient_list]

    connection = connection or get_connection(
        username=auth_user, password=auth_password,

    # Obtain a list of the recipients that have gpg keys installed.
    key_addresses = {}
    if USE_GNUPG:
        from email_extras.models import Address
        key_addresses = dict(Address.objects.filter(address__in=recipient_list)
                                            .values_list('address', 'use_asc'))
        # Create the gpg object.
        if key_addresses:
            gpg = GPG(gnupghome=GNUPG_HOME)
            if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
                gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING

    # Check if recipient has a gpg key installed
    def has_pgp_key(addr):
        return addr in key_addresses

    # Encrypts body if recipient has a gpg key installed.
    def encrypt_if_key(body, addr_list):
        if has_pgp_key(addr_list[0]):
            encrypted = gpg.encrypt(body, addr_list[0],
            if encrypted == "" and body != "":  # encryption failed
                raise EncryptionFailedError("Encrypting mail to %s failed.",
            return smart_text(encrypted)
        return body

    # Load attachments and create name/data tuples.
    attachments_parts = []
    if attachments is not None:
        for attachment in attachments:
            # Attachments can be pairs of name/data, or filesystem paths.
            if not hasattr(attachment, "__iter__"):
                with open(attachment, "rb") as f:
                    attachments_parts.append((basename(attachment), f.read()))

    # Send emails - encrypted emails needs to be sent individually, while
    # non-encrypted emails can be sent in one send. So the final list of
    # lists of addresses to send to looks like:
    # [[unencrypted1, unencrypted2, unencrypted3], [encrypted1], [encrypted2]]
    unencrypted = [addr for addr in recipient_list
                   if addr not in key_addresses]
    unencrypted = [unencrypted] if unencrypted else unencrypted
    encrypted = [[addr] for addr in key_addresses]
    for addr_list in unencrypted + encrypted:
        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,
                                     encrypt_if_key(body_text, addr_list),
                                     addr_from, addr_list,
                                     connection=connection, headers=headers)
        if html_message is not None:
            if has_pgp_key(addr_list[0]):
                mimetype = "application/gpg-encrypted"
                mimetype = "text/html"
            msg.attach_alternative(encrypt_if_key(html_message, addr_list),
        for parts in attachments_parts:
            name = parts[0]
            if key_addresses.get(addr_list[0]):
                name += ".asc"
            msg.attach(name, encrypt_if_key(parts[1], addr_list))
Example #6
    algo_run.append(trial.repeat(RUN_COUNT, 1))
# ********** ############################ **************************************
# ********** BEGIN 'PYTHON-GNUPG' LIBRARY **************************************
# ********** ############################ **************************************
    lib_run = ['python-gnupg']
    # Setupt the GPG object that will be used for all python-gnupg oprerations
    gpg = GPG(gnupghome='.python-gnupg')
    gpg.encoding = 'utf-8'
    # These commands needed to be run once to generate and save the key
    #input_data = gpg.gen_key_input(key_type="RSA", key_length=2**KEY_EXP)
    #gpg_key = gpg.gen_key(input_data)
    set_run = ['block']
    setup = """\
from __main__ import gpg, message, enctext
    # Create cipher, create cipher text for decryption, time operations, update
    # result with each new operation
    algo_run = ['3DES']
    enctext = gpg.encrypt(message, None, symmetric='3DES',
                          passphrase=PASSPHRASE, armor=False)
Example #7
def create_gpg(workdir):
    gpg = GPG(gnupghome=os.path.join(workdir, '.gnupg'))
    gpg.encoding = 'utf-8'
    return gpg
Example #8
def create_gpg_object(**gpg_options):
    gpg = gpg_options.pop('gpg', None)
    if not gpg:
        gpg = GPG(**gpg_options)
        gpg.encoding = 'utf-8'
    return gpg
Example #9
def send_mail(subject,
    Sends a multipart email containing text and html versions which
    are encrypted for each recipient that has a valid gpg key

    # Allow for a single address to be passed in.
    if isinstance(addr_to, six.string_types):
        addr_to = [addr_to]

    # Obtain a list of the recipients that have gpg keys installed.
    key_addresses = {}
    if USE_GNUPG:
        from email_extras.models import Address
        for address in Address.objects.filter(address__in=addr_to):
            key_addresses[address.address] = address.use_asc
        # Create the gpg object.
        if key_addresses:
            gpg = GPG(gnupghome=GNUPG_HOME)
            if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
                gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING

    # Encrypts body if recipient has a gpg key installed.
    def encrypt_if_key(body, addr_list):
        if addr_list[0] in key_addresses:
            encrypted = gpg.encrypt(body,
            return smart_text(encrypted)
        return body

    # Load attachments and create name/data tuples.
    attachments_parts = []
    if attachments is not None:
        for attachment in attachments:
            # Attachments can be pairs of name/data, or filesystem paths.
            if not hasattr(attachment, "__iter__"):
                with open(attachment, "rb") as f:
                    attachments_parts.append((basename(attachment), f.read()))

    # Send emails - encrypted emails needs to be sent individually, while
    # non-encrypted emails can be sent in one send. So the final list of
    # lists of addresses to send to looks like:
    # [[unencrypted1, unencrypted2, unencrypted3], [encrypted1], [encrypted2]]
    unencrypted = [addr for addr in addr_to if addr not in key_addresses]
    unencrypted = [unencrypted] if unencrypted else unencrypted
    encrypted = [[addr] for addr in key_addresses]
    for addr_list in unencrypted + encrypted:
        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,
                                     encrypt_if_key(body_text, addr_list),
        if body_html is not None:
            msg.attach_alternative(encrypt_if_key(body_html, addr_list),
        for parts in attachments_parts:
            name = parts[0]
            if key_addresses.get(addr_list[0]):
                name += ".asc"
            msg.attach(name, encrypt_if_key(parts[1], addr_list))
Example #10
def send_mail(subject, body_text, addr_from, recipient_list,
              fail_silently=False, auth_user=None, auth_password=None,
              attachments=None, body_html=None, html_message=None,
              connection=None, headers=None):
    Sends a multipart email containing text and html versions which
    are encrypted for each recipient that has a valid gpg key

    # Make sure only one HTML option is specified
    if body_html is not None and html_message is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ValueError("You cannot specify body_html and html_message at "
                         "the same time. Please only use html_message.")

    # Push users to update their code
    if body_html is not None:  # pragma: no cover
        warn("Using body_html is deprecated; use the html_message argument "
             "instead. Please update your code.", DeprecationWarning)
        html_message = body_html

    # Allow for a single address to be passed in.
    if isinstance(recipient_list, six.string_types):
        recipient_list = [recipient_list]

    connection = connection or get_connection(
        username=auth_user, password=auth_password,

    # Obtain a list of the recipients that have gpg keys installed.
    key_addresses = {}
    if USE_GNUPG:
        from email_extras.models import Address
        key_addresses = dict(Address.objects.filter(address__in=recipient_list)
                                            .values_list('address', 'use_asc'))
        # Create the gpg object.
        if key_addresses:
            gpg = GPG(gnupghome=GNUPG_HOME)
            if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
                gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING

    # Check if recipient has a gpg key installed
    def has_pgp_key(addr):
        return addr in key_addresses

    # Encrypts body if recipient has a gpg key installed.
    def encrypt_if_key(body, addr_list):
        if has_pgp_key(addr_list[0]):
            encrypted = gpg.encrypt(body, addr_list[0],
            if encrypted == "" and body != "":  # encryption failed
                raise EncryptionFailedError("Encrypting mail to %s failed.",
            return smart_str(encrypted)
        return body

    # Load attachments and create name/data tuples.
    attachments_parts = []
    if attachments is not None:
        for attachment in attachments:
            # Attachments can be pairs of name/data, or filesystem paths.
            if not hasattr(attachment, "__iter__"):
                with open(attachment, "rb") as f:
                    attachments_parts.append((basename(attachment), f.read()))

    # Send emails - encrypted emails needs to be sent individually, while
    # non-encrypted emails can be sent in one send. So the final list of
    # lists of addresses to send to looks like:
    # [[unencrypted1, unencrypted2, unencrypted3], [encrypted1], [encrypted2]]
    unencrypted = [addr for addr in recipient_list
                   if addr not in key_addresses]
    unencrypted = [unencrypted] if unencrypted else unencrypted
    encrypted = [[addr] for addr in key_addresses]
    for addr_list in unencrypted + encrypted:
        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,
                                     encrypt_if_key(body_text, addr_list),
                                     addr_from, addr_list,
                                     connection=connection, headers=headers)
        if html_message is not None:
            if has_pgp_key(addr_list[0]):
                mimetype = "application/gpg-encrypted"
                mimetype = "text/html"
            msg.attach_alternative(encrypt_if_key(html_message, addr_list),
        for parts in attachments_parts:
            name = parts[0]
            if key_addresses.get(addr_list[0]):
                name += ".asc"
            msg.attach(name, encrypt_if_key(parts[1], addr_list))
Example #11
def send_mail(subject, body_text, addr_from, addr_to, fail_silently=False,
              attachments=None, body_html=None, connection=None,
    Sends a multipart email containing text and html versions which
    are encrypted for each recipient that has a valid gpg key

    # Allow for a single address to be passed in.
    if isinstance(addr_to, six.string_types):
        addr_to = [addr_to]

    # Obtain a list of the recipients that have gpg keys installed.
    key_addresses = {}
    if USE_GNUPG:
        from email_extras.models import Address
        for address in Address.objects.filter(address__in=addr_to):
            key_addresses[address.address] = address.use_asc
        # Create the gpg object.
        if key_addresses:
            gpg = GPG(gnupghome=GNUPG_HOME)
            if GNUPG_ENCODING is not None:
                gpg.encoding = GNUPG_ENCODING

    # Encrypts body if recipient has a gpg key installed.
    def encrypt_if_key(body, addr_list):
        if addr_list[0] in key_addresses:
            encrypted = gpg.encrypt(body, addr_list[0],
            return smart_text(encrypted)
        return body

    # Load attachments and create name/data tuples.
    attachments_parts = []
    if attachments is not None:
        for attachment in attachments:
            # Attachments can be pairs of name/data, or filesystem paths.
            if not hasattr(attachment, "__iter__"):
                with open(attachment, "rb") as f:
                    attachments_parts.append((basename(attachment), f.read()))

    # Send emails - encrypted emails needs to be sent individually, while
    # non-encrypted emails can be sent in one send. So the final list of
    # lists of addresses to send to looks like:
    # [[unencrypted1, unencrypted2, unencrypted3], [encrypted1], [encrypted2]]
    unencrypted = [addr for addr in addr_to if addr not in key_addresses]
    unencrypted = [unencrypted] if unencrypted else unencrypted
    encrypted = [[addr] for addr in key_addresses]
    for addr_list in unencrypted + encrypted:
        msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject,
                                     encrypt_if_key(body_text, addr_list),
                                     addr_from, addr_list,
                                     connection=connection, headers=headers)
        if body_html is not None:
            msg.attach_alternative(encrypt_if_key(body_html, addr_list),
        for parts in attachments_parts:
            name = parts[0]
            if key_addresses.get(addr_list[0]):
                name += ".asc"
            msg.attach(name, encrypt_if_key(parts[1], addr_list))