Example #1
    def initialize(self):
        """Use this function to setup your bot before the game starts."""
        self.verbose = True    # display the command descriptions next to the bot labels
        self.goalPlanner = GoalPlanner(self.game)
        self.planPlanner = PlanPlanner(self.game)

        #Dictionnaire liant un bot a son plan
        self.botsPlan = {}

        #Cherche les bonnes cases pour camper
        self.hidingLocations = []

        self.blackboard = Blackboard(self.hidingLocations, self.level, self)
        self.blackboard.numberOfDefender = math.floor(len(self.game.bots)/2 * 0.4)

        #Le jeu commence deja avec des events (le 2 c'est les flag qui spawn)
        self.lastEventCount = len(self.game.bots) + 2
Example #2
class ReploidCommander(Commander):
    Rename and modify this class to create your own commander and add mycmd.Placeholder
    to the execution command you use to run the competition.
    def initialize(self):
        """Use this function to setup your bot before the game starts."""
        self.verbose = True    # display the command descriptions next to the bot labels
        self.goalPlanner = GoalPlanner(self.game)
        self.planPlanner = PlanPlanner(self.game)

        #Dictionnaire liant un bot a son plan
        self.botsPlan = {}

        #Cherche les bonnes cases pour camper
        self.hidingLocations = []

        self.blackboard = Blackboard(self.hidingLocations, self.level, self)
        self.blackboard.numberOfDefender = math.floor(len(self.game.bots)/2 * 0.4)

        #Le jeu commence deja avec des events (le 2 c'est les flag qui spawn)
        self.lastEventCount = len(self.game.bots) + 2
    def findHidingSpot(self):
        """Methode permettant de trouver les cachettes afin de pouvoir camper """
        x = 0
        # Pour toutes les cases, on regarde s'il y a deux bloques adjacents
        for column in self.level.blockHeights:
            # Doit reinitialiser le y a chaque nouvelle ligne
            for blockHeight in column:
                # On s'assure que la case courante n'est pas bloquer
                if blockHeight == 0:
                    # Variable contenant le nombre de mur pour une case donnee
                    numberOfAdjacentWall = 0
                    # On verifie si on est a coter d'un mur (extremiter de la map)
                    if x-1 < 0:
                        numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                    if x+1 > self.level.width:
                        numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                    if y-1 < 0:
                        numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                    if y+1 > self.level.height:
                        numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                    # On verifie si on est a coter d'un bloque
                    if x-1>0 and x+1< self.level.width and y-1>0 and y+1< self.level.height:
                        if self.level.blockHeights[x][y-1] > 1:
                            numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                            #self.log.info(str(self.level.blockHeights[x][y-1])+" " + str(x) + " " + str(y) + "north")
                        if self.level.blockHeights[x+1][y] > 1:
                            numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                            #self.log.info(str(self.level.blockHeights[x+1][y])+" " + str(x) + " " + str(y)+ "east")

                        if self.level.blockHeights[x][y+1] > 1:
                            numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                            #self.log.info(str(self.level.blockHeights[x][y+1])+" " + str(x) + " " + str(y)+ "south")

                        if self.level.blockHeights[x-1][y] > 1:
                            numberOfAdjacentWall +=1
                            #self.log.info(str(self.level.blockHeights[x-1][y])+" " + str(x) + " " + str(y)+ "West")
                    # On considere que c'est une bonne cachette s'il y a au moins deux murs
                    if numberOfAdjacentWall > 1:
                        square = HidingSquare(Vector2(x,y))
                # On veut la position de la prochaine case en x
                y += 1

            # On veut la prochaine ligne

    def tick(self):
        """Override this function for your own bots.  Here you can access all the information in self.game,
        which includes game information, and self.level which includes information about the level."""

        # Regarde s'il y a eu un fait marquant
        hasToUpdate = False
        if len(self.game.match.combatEvents) > self.lastEventCount:
            lastEvent = self.game.match.combatEvents[-1]
            if lastEvent.subject == self.game.team.flag or lastEvent.subject == self.game.enemyTeam.flag:
                print 'evenement marquant'
                hasToUpdate = True

            self.lastEventCount = len(self.game.match.combatEvents)

        for bot in self.game.team.members:
            # Plan a executer
            plan = ""

            # Regarde si le bot est disponible
            isAvailable = bot.health > 0 and bot.state == bot.STATE_IDLE
            # Clear les variables si le bot est mort
            if bot.state == bot.STATE_DEAD:
                if self.blackboard.botsAssignGoal[bot.name] == 'ProtectFlag':
                    self.blackboard.actualDefender -= 1
                    print str(self.blackboard.actualDefender)

                # clear blackboard
                self.blackboard.botsAssignGoal[bot.name] = "Unknown"

            elif isAvailable or hasToUpdate:
                # S'il y a eu un evenement marquant alors le bot doit updater son but meme s'il est occuper
                # Bot n'a pas de plan
                if (not self.botsPlan.__contains__(bot)) or (not self.botsPlan[bot].isPlanValid()) or hasToUpdate:

                    if self.blackboard.botsAssignGoal.__contains__(bot.name) and self.blackboard.botsAssignGoal[bot.name] == 'ProtectFlag' and hasToUpdate:
                        self.blackboard.actualDefender -= 1
                        print str(self.blackboard.actualDefender)

                    # Choix d'un but
                    goal = self.goalPlanner.findMostRevelantGoal(bot, self.blackboard)
                    self.blackboard.botsAssignGoal[bot.name] = goal.goalString

                    if goal.goalString == 'ProtectFlag':
                        self.blackboard.actualDefender += 1
                        print str(self.blackboard.actualDefender)

                    # Choix du plan
                    plan = self.planPlanner.choosePlan(bot, self.blackboard)
                    self.botsPlan[bot] = plan
                    # Le plan est de continuer la sequence d'action
                    plan = self.botsPlan[bot]

                # On execute l'action
                action = plan.executePlan()
                action.params['description'] = plan.assignGoal
                self.issue(action.command, bot, action.target, **action.params);

    def shutdown(self):
        """Use this function to teardown your bot after the game is over, or perform an
        analysis of the data accumulated during the game."""
