Example #1
 def test_repr(self):
     v = Dictionary()
     assert repr(v) == "<Dictionary({})>"
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     assert repr(v).startswith("<Dictionary({")
     for item in ["'a': 1", "2: 'foo'", "0.5: <Vector2(x=0.0, y=0.0)>"]:
         assert item in repr(v)
Example #2
 def test_equal(self):
     arr = Dictionary()
     other = Dictionary()
     for key, value in [("a", 1), ("b", "foo"), ("c", Node()), ("d", Vector2())]:
         other[key] = arr[key] = value
     assert arr == other
     bad = Dictionary({"a": 1})
     assert not arr == bad  # Force use of __eq__
 def test_equal(self):
     arr = Dictionary()
     other = Dictionary()
     for key, value in [('a', 1), ('b', 'foo'), ('c', Node()),
                        ('d', Vector2())]:
         other[key] = arr[key] = value
     assert arr == other
     bad = Dictionary({'a': 1})
     assert not arr == bad  # Force use of __eq__
Example #4
def pybind_profiling_get_accumulated_data(handle, info, info_max):
    info = Dictionary.build_from_gdobj(info, steal=True)
    # Sort function to make sure we can display the most consuming ones
    sorted_and_limited = sorted(profiler.per_meth_profiling.items(),
                                key=lambda x: -x[1].self_time)[:info_max]
    for signature, profile in sorted_and_limited:
        info[signature] = Dictionary(call_count=profile.call_count,
                                     total_time=int(profile.total_time * 1e6),
                                     self_time=int(profile.self_time * 1e6))
    return len(sorted_and_limited)
Example #5
 def test_getitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     assert v["a"] == 1
     assert v[0.5] == Vector2()
     # Missing items are stored as None
     assert v["dummy"] is None
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #6
 def _build_signal_info(signal):
     methinfo = Dictionary()
     methinfo["name"] = signal.name
     # Dummy data, only name is important here
     methinfo["args"] = Array()
     methinfo["default_args"] = Array()
     methinfo["return"] = None
     methinfo["flags"] = lib.METHOD_FLAG_FROM_SCRIPT
     return methinfo
 def test_getitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({'a': 1, 2: 'foo', 0.5: Vector2()})
     assert v['a'] == 1
     assert v[0.5] == Vector2()
     # Missing items are stored as None
     assert v['dummy'] is None
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #8
    def _ready(self):
		Called every time the node is added to the scene.
		Initialization here.
        self.response = Array()
        self.response2 = Dictionary()
        print("Python3-Godot Loaded")
Example #9
 def _build_property_info(prop):
     propinfo = Dictionary()
     propinfo["name"] = prop.name
     propinfo["type"] = py_to_gd_type(prop.type)
     propinfo["hint"] = prop.hint
     propinfo["hint_string"] = prop.hint_string
     propinfo["usage"] = prop.usage
     propinfo["default_value"] = prop.default
     propinfo["rset_mode"] = prop.rpc
     return propinfo
 def _build_property_info(prop):
     propinfo = Dictionary()
     propinfo['name'] = prop.name
     propinfo['type'] = py_to_gd_type(prop.type)
     propinfo['hint'] = prop.hint
     propinfo['hint_string'] = prop.hint_string
     propinfo['usage'] = prop.usage
     propinfo['default_value'] = prop.default
     propinfo['rset_mode'] = prop.rpc
     return propinfo
Example #11
 def test_delitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     del v["a"]
     assert len(v) == 2
     del v[0.5]
     assert len(v) == 1
     v[2] == "foo"
     # Missing items can be deleted without error
     del v["missing"]
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         del v[object()]
Example #12
 def test_delitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({'a': 1, 2: 'foo', 0.5: Vector2()})
     del v['a']
     assert len(v) == 2
     del v[0.5]
     assert len(v) == 1
     v[2] == 'foo'
     # Missing items can be deleted without error
     del v['missing']
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         del v[object()]
Example #13
 def _build_method_info(meth, methname):
     spec = inspect.getfullargspec(meth)
     methinfo = Dictionary()
     methinfo["name"] = methname
     # TODO: Handle classmethod/staticmethod
     methinfo["args"] = Array(spec.args)
     methinfo["default_args"] = Array()  # TODO
     # TODO: use annotation to determine return type ?
     methinfo["return"] = None
     methinfo["flags"] = lib.METHOD_FLAG_FROM_SCRIPT
     methinfo["rpc_mode"] = getattr(meth, "__rpc",
     return methinfo
Example #14
 def test_setitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({'a': 1, 2: 'foo', 0.5: Vector2()})
     v[0] = 'bar'
     assert len(v) == 4
     assert v[0] == 'bar'
     v['a'] = 4
     assert len(v) == 4
     assert v['a'] == 4
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         v[object()] = 4
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         v[4] = object()
Example #15
 def test_setitem(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     v[0] = "bar"
     assert len(v) == 4
     assert v[0] == "bar"
     v["a"] = 4
     assert len(v) == 4
     assert v["a"] == 4
     # Cannot store non Godot types
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         v[object()] = 4
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         v[4] = object()
Example #16
 def test_iter(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     items = ["a", 2, 0.5]
     items_from_v = [x for x in v]
     assert set(items_from_v) == set(items)
Example #17
 def test_items(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
     items = v.items()
     assert set(items) == set([("a", 1), (2, "foo")])
Example #18
 def test_instantiate_from_copy(self, arg):
     arr = Dictionary(arg)
     if hasattr(arg, "_gd_ptr"):
         assert arr._gd_ptr != arg._gd_ptr
Example #19
 def test_len(self):
     v = Dictionary()
     assert len(v) == 0
     v["foo"] = "bar"
     assert len(v) == 1
Example #20
class TestDictionary:
    def test_base(self):
        v = Dictionary()
        assert type(v) == Dictionary

        reason="Godot Dictionary equal does lame comparison by pointer so far..."
    def test_equal(self):
        arr = Dictionary()
        other = Dictionary()
        for key, value in [("a", 1), ("b", "foo"), ("c", Node()),
                           ("d", Vector2())]:
            other[key] = arr[key] = value
        assert arr == other
        bad = Dictionary({"a": 1})
        assert not arr == bad  # Force use of __eq__

        [None, 0, "foo",
         Node(), {
             "a": 1
         }, Dictionary({"b": 2})])
    def test_bad_equal(self, arg):
        arr = Dictionary({"a": 1})
        assert arr != arg

    def test_repr(self):
        v = Dictionary()
        assert repr(v) == "<Dictionary({})>"
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        assert repr(v).startswith("<Dictionary({")
        for item in ["'a': 1", "2: 'foo'", "0.5: <Vector2(x=0.0, y=0.0)>"]:
            assert item in repr(v)

            42, "dummy",
            Vector2(), [object()], {
                object(): 1
            }, {
                1: object()
    def test_bad_instantiate(self, arg):
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):

                "a": 1,
                2: "foo",
                0.5: Vector2()
                "a": 1,
                2: "foo",
                0.5: Vector2()
    def test_instantiate_from_copy(self, arg):
        arr = Dictionary(arg)
        if hasattr(arg, "_gd_ptr"):
            assert arr._gd_ptr != arg._gd_ptr

    def test_len(self):
        v = Dictionary()
        assert len(v) == 0
        v["foo"] = "bar"
        assert len(v) == 1

    def test_getitem(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        assert v["a"] == 1
        assert v[0.5] == Vector2()
        # Missing items are stored as None
        assert v["dummy"] is None
        # Cannot store non Godot types
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):

    def test_setitem(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        v[0] = "bar"
        assert len(v) == 4
        assert v[0] == "bar"
        v["a"] = 4
        assert len(v) == 4
        assert v["a"] == 4
        # Cannot store non Godot types
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            v[object()] = 4
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            v[4] = object()

    def test_delitem(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        del v["a"]
        assert len(v) == 2
        del v[0.5]
        assert len(v) == 1
        v[2] == "foo"
        # Missing items can be deleted without error
        del v["missing"]
        # Cannot store non Godot types
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            del v[object()]

    def test_update(self):
        v = Dictionary({'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3})
        v.update({'a': 'one', 'd': 'four'})
        v.update(Dictionary({'b': 'two', 'e': 'five'}))
        assert set(v.keys()) == {'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'}
        assert set(v.values()) == {'one', 'two', 3, 'four', 'five'}

    def test_contains(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        assert "a" in v
        assert "dummy" not in v

    def test_iter(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        items = ["a", 2, 0.5]
        items_from_v = [x for x in v]
        assert set(items_from_v) == set(items)

    def test_keys(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
        keys = v.keys()
        assert set(keys) == set(["a", 2, 0.5])

    def test_values(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
        values = v.values()
        assert set(values) == set([1, "foo"])

    def test_items(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
        items = v.items()
        assert set(items) == set([("a", 1), (2, "foo")])

    def test_empty_and_clear(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
        assert not v.empty()
        assert len(v) == 0
        assert v.empty()

    def test_in(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
        assert "a" in v
        assert "dummy" not in v

    def test_hash(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})

    def test_has_all(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", None: None})
        elems = Array(["a", None])
        assert v.has_all(elems)
        bad_elems = Array(["a", 42])
        assert not v.has_all(bad_elems)

    def test_to_json(self):
        v = Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": "foo"})
        jsoned = v.to_json()
        v2 = json.loads(jsoned)
        assert v2 == {"a": 1, "b": "foo"}
        assert json
Example #21
 def test_base(self):
     v = Dictionary()
     assert type(v) == Dictionary
Example #22
 def test_keys(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", 0.5: Vector2()})
     keys = v.keys()
     assert set(keys) == set(["a", 2, 0.5])
Example #23
 def test_bad_instantiate(self, arg):
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Example #24
 def test_to_json(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, "b": "foo"})
     jsoned = v.to_json()
     v2 = json.loads(jsoned)
     assert v2 == {"a": 1, "b": "foo"}
     assert json
Example #25
 def test_bad_equal(self, arg):
     arr = Dictionary({"a": 1})
     assert arr != arg
Example #26
 def test_has_all(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo", None: None})
     elems = Array(["a", None])
     assert v.has_all(elems)
     bad_elems = Array(["a", 42])
     assert not v.has_all(bad_elems)
Example #27
 def test_hash(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
Example #28
 def test_in(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
     assert "a" in v
     assert "dummy" not in v
Example #29
 def test_empty_and_clear(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
     assert not v.empty()
     assert len(v) == 0
     assert v.empty()
Example #30
 def test_values(self):
     v = Dictionary({"a": 1, 2: "foo"})
     values = v.values()
     assert set(values) == set([1, "foo"])