def test_add_bad_listener(self):
        a1 = Antenna()

        def callback():

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            a1.add_listener("something", callback)
    def test_add_listener(self):
        a1 = Antenna()
        test_key = "test_1"

        def callback(one):
            print("test 1 complete")

        a1.add_listener(test_key, callback)
        self.assertTrue(callback in a1.listeners[test_key])
    def test_dispatch(self):
        a1 = Antenna()
        check_obj = {"checked": False}
        test_key = "test_2"

        def callback(one):
            check_obj["checked"] = True

        a1.add_listener(test_key, callback)
        a1.dispatch_message(test_key, None)

    def test_remove_listener(self):
        a1 = Antenna()

        def callback(one):

        key = "test_7"

        a1.add_listener(key, callback)
        self.assertEqual(a1.listeners[key][0], callback)

        a1.remove_listener(key, callback)
        # should delete the whole list object
        self.assertTrue(key not in a1.listeners.keys())
    def test_execute_object_check(self):
        a1 = Antenna()
        key = "test_6"
        check_obj = "random_text"
        info = {"some": "thing"}

        def callback(info_obj):
            nonlocal check_obj
            check_obj = info_obj

        a1.add_listener(key, callback)
        a1.dispatch_message(key, info)

        self.assertEqual(check_obj, info)
 def test_dispatch_non_existing(self):
     a1 = Antenna()
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
         a1.dispatch_message("not_a_valid_key", fail_when_empty=True)