Example #1
 def checkVisibility(self):
     if self.srclinked and self.sinklinked:
         self.props.line_dash = goocanvas.LineDash([])
         self.props.line_dash = goocanvas.LineDash([3.0, 3.0])
     return False
def _get_dash(branch):
	dash = None
	if branch=="future":
		dash = goocanvas.LineDash([2.0,2.0])
	elif branch=="experimental":
		dash = goocanvas.LineDash([2.0,5.0])
	elif branch=="lts":
		dash = goocanvas.LineDash([10.0,2.0])
	elif branch=="past":
		dash = goocanvas.LineDash([10.0,10.0])
	return dash
 def __init__(self, parent_canvas_item, sta, dev):
     """! Initialize function.
     @param self The object pointer.
     @param parent_canvas_item: parent canvas
     @param sta The STA node
     @param dev The dev
     self.node1 = sta
     self.dev = dev
     self.node2 = None  # ap
     self.canvas_item = goocanvas.Group(parent=parent_canvas_item)
     self.invisible_line = goocanvas.Polyline(
     self.visible_line = goocanvas.Polyline(parent=self.canvas_item,
                                                [2.0, 2.0]))
     self.invisible_line.props.pointer_events = (
         | goocanvas.EVENTS_FILL_MASK
         | goocanvas.EVENTS_PAINTED_MASK)
     self.canvas_item.set_data("pyviz-object", self)
Example #4
    def tux_move(self):

        # The sea area is defined in the global self.sea_area
        step_x = (self.sea_area[2] - self.sea_area[0]) / 20 * 2
        step_y = (self.sea_area[3] - self.sea_area[1]) / 10

        # Original boat position
        bx = self.right_boat.x
        by = self.right_boat.y
        ba = 0
        one_path = []

        # X loop
        while (bx <= self.sea_area[2] and bx >= self.sea_area[0]):
            score = 10000
            # By default, go straight
            coord = (bx, by, ba, int(step_x))

            # angle loop
            for boat_angle in [-45, 0, 45]:
                a_pi = boat_angle * math.pi / 180
                # Find the point from current boat position with angle a and distance step_x
                x = bx + math.cos(a_pi) * step_x
                y = by + math.sin(a_pi) * step_x

                # Manage the wrapping
                line_style = goocanvas.LineDash([1.0])
                if (y < self.sea_area[1]):
                    y = self.sea_area[3] - (self.sea_area[1] - y)
                    line_style = goocanvas.LineDash([5.0, 1.0, 5.0])
                elif (y > self.sea_area[3]):
                    y = self.sea_area[1] + (y - self.sea_area[3])
                    line_style = goocanvas.LineDash([5.0, 1.0, 5.0])

                # Find shortest path to previous calculated point
                condition = self.get_absolute_weather_condition(x, y)
                wind = self.get_wind_score(boat_angle, condition)
                if (wind < score):
                    score = wind
                    coord = (x, y, boat_angle, step_x, line_style
                             )  # x y angle distance line_style

            # ----------
                               points=goocanvas.Points([(bx, by),
                                                        (coord[0], coord[1])]),
            bx = coord[0]
            by = coord[1]
            ba = coord[2]

        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # Translate the previous calculation in a string for Tux program
        # --------------------------------------------------------------

        ba = 0  # Boat angle
        cumulative_distance = 0
        tux_move = ""
        for c in one_path:
            #print "X,Y,A,D=" + str(c)
            x = c[0]
            y = c[1]
            a = c[2]  # angle
            d = c[3]  # distance

            if (ba - a < 0):
                if (cumulative_distance):
                    tux_move += _("forward") + " " + str(
                        cumulative_distance) + "\n"
                    cumulative_distance = 0
                tux_move += _("right") + " " + str(abs(int(ba - a))) + "\n"
                ba += abs(int(ba - a))
            elif (ba - a > 0):
                if (cumulative_distance):
                    tux_move += _("forward") + " " + str(
                        cumulative_distance) + "\n"
                    cumulative_distance = 0
                tux_move += _("left") + " " + str(abs(int(ba - a))) + "\n"
                ba -= abs(int(ba - a))

            cumulative_distance += int(d / self.sea_ratio)

        # Final move, add an ofset because we loose space in abs()
        tux_move += _("forward") + " " + str(cumulative_distance + 2) + "\n"

def create_events_area (canvas, area_num, pointer_events, label):
    row = area_num / 3
    col = area_num % 3
    x = col * 200
    y = row * 150
    root = canvas.get_root_item ()

    dash = goocanvas.LineDash ([2.0, 5.0, 5.0])

    ''' Create invisible item. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 45,
                           y = y + 35,
                           width = 30,
                           height = 30,
                           fill_color = "red",
                           visibility = goocanvas.ITEM_INVISIBLE,
                           line_width = 5.0,
                           pointer_events = pointer_events)
    view_id = "%s invisible" % label
    rect.set_data ("id", view_id)
    setup_item_signals (rect)

    ''' Display a thin rect around it to indicate it is there. '''

    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 42.5, 
                           y = y + 32.5,
                           width =  36,
                           height = 36,
                           line_dash = dash,
                           line_width = 1.0,
                           stroke_color = "gray")

    ''' Create unpainted item. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 85,
                           y = y + 35,
                           width = 30,
                           height = 30,
                           line_width = 5.0,
                           pointer_events = pointer_events)
    view_id = "%s unpainted" % label
    rect.set_data ("id", view_id)
    setup_item_signals (rect)

    ''' Display a thin rect around it to indicate it is there. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 82.5,
                           y = y + 32.5,
                           width = 36,
                           height = 36,
                           line_dash = dash,
                           line_width = 1.0,
                           stroke_color = "gray")

    ''' Create stroked item. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 125,
                           y = y + 35,
                           width = 30,
                           height = 30,
                           line_width = 5.0,
                           pointer_events = pointer_events)
    view_id = "%s stroked" % label
    rect.set_data ("id", view_id)
    setup_item_signals (rect)

    ''' Create filled item. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 60,
                           y = y + 75,
                           width = 30,
                           height = 30,
                           fill_color = "red",
                           line_width = 5.0,
                           pointer_events = pointer_events)
    view_id = "%s filled" % label
    rect.set_data ("id", view_id)
    setup_item_signals (rect)

    ''' Create stroked & filled item. '''
    rect = goocanvas.Rect (parent = root,
                           x = x + 100,
                           y = y + 75,
                           width = 30,
                           height = 30,
                           fill_color = "red",
                           line_width = 5.0,
                           pointer_events = pointer_events)
    view_id = "%s stroked & filled" % label
    rect.set_data ("id", view_id)
    setup_item_signals (rect)

    goocanvas.Text (parent = root,
                    text = label,
                    x = x + 100,
                    y = y + 130,
                    width = -1,
                    anchor = gtk.ANCHOR_CENTER,
                    font = "Sans 12",
                    fill_color = "blue")

    now = datetime.now()
    crawl_start = datetime(2008, 10, 17)
    pre_crawl_start = datetime(2008, 10, 16)
    d6m = timedelta(weeks=26)
    d1y = timedelta(weeks=54)

    for key, distro in distros:
        branch = distro.branch
        dash = None
        if branch == "future":
            dash = goocanvas.LineDash([2.0, 2.0])
        elif branch == "experimental":
            dash = goocanvas.LineDash([2.0, 5.0])
        elif branch == "lts":
            dash = goocanvas.LineDash([10.0, 2.0])
        elif branch == "past":
            dash = goocanvas.LineDash([10.0, 10.0])

        if not COUNT:
            notes = []
            if NOTES:
                notes = distro.notes
            graph.add(key, distro.timeline[pre_crawl_start:now], notes,
                      distro.color, dash)
        elif BINARY:
            graph.add(key, distro.bin_obs_timeline[pre_crawl_start:now], [],
Example #7
        "font": "Sans 8",
        "text": "A Pad",
        "width": 40,
        "height": 15,

link_arrow = (goocanvas.Polyline, {
    "stroke_color": "red",
    "end_arrow": "true",
}, {})

link_tool = (goocanvas.Polyline, {
    "stroke_color": "red",
    "line_dash": goocanvas.LineDash([1.5, 1.5])
}, {})

selection_box = (goocanvas.Rect, {
    "stroke_color_rgba": 0x33CCFF66,
    "fill_color_rgba": 0x33CCFF66,
}, {})

target = [('GST_ELEMENT_NAME', 0, 0)]

## App-Specific Functions

class LinkError(Exception):