def _getAuthorCategory(self, author): """ :param author: author Since ISBNdb does not provide author info """ category_set = [] from goodReadsApiParser import goodReadsApiParser as gr import itertools gr_instance = gr(self.GrKey) author_id = str(gr_instance.getAuthorId(author)) #get the gr id xml = gr_instance.connectToGoodreads(""+author_id+".xml")#paginate the author's books #get the isbn of the first book returnedl ex, for the shining it's 0450040186 tree = ET.fromstring(xml) categories = [category for category in tree.getiterator("isbn")] isbns= [i.text for i in categories] #return a list of isbns for i in isbns[:5]: for returned_genre in self._getTitleCategory(isbn = i): category_set.append(returned_genre.title()) continue #don't break on a returned value of None #category_set = set(category_set) return category_set
def getISBN(self,title): """ :param: book title Given a book title, call the Goodreads parser and get the ISBN of the top-ranked result. Goodreads will tolerate keyword searches for titles. """ from goodReadsApiParser import goodReadsApiParser as gr gr_instance = gr(self.GrKey) return str(gr_instance.getISBN(title))
def getBookAuthor(self, title): """ :param title: title Given a book title, returns the author of that book using the getAuthor() method of """ from goodReadsApiParser import goodReadsApiParser as gr gr_instance = gr(self.GrKey) return str(gr_instance.getAuthor(title))